
40 Reviews
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Zombie (1979)
Jaws Meets Resident Evil
8 June 2023
This movie was Badass!! The zombies looked incredible in this film. I haven't watched enough zombie films to compare this one to others, but from what I know the practical effects and make up done on the zombies is damn near the best out there. The whole film has a bright but dark feel throughout. It's daylight the whole time but it feels more like Night of the Living Dead, but more Brutal and more Makeup. I enjoyed this movie for the most part, I enjoyed the pace and the characters were fine , and the story was solid. Nothing to complain about, it feels the video game "Dead Island" Great Film and Great Gore! Check it Out Forsure!
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Very Effective Stuff
3 June 2023
Mark Romanek being the director of NIN closer and seeing the behind the scenes on what this guys artistic vision is like I was impressed. And when I heard he did this film with Robin Williams and saw the plot synopsis I was in baby. I watched this by myself and that's the best way to go about this movie in my opinion and it struct a cord for me. I felt for Robbin character and being that he committed suiside over depression it makes me pay attention to him beyond that role. He's a great actor and for him to be in this script he nailed it. I never seen him play an obsessed character like this (besides Mrs. Doutfire) but this one is serious and hits you in the heart. This movie just feels Real and that's the best way I can describe it. Check it out but just be by yourself so u can soak it can without distractions.
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A Good Continuation
3 June 2023
I'm a big fan of the first Strangers, I always thought that was a the scariest home invasion film out there, and didn't think it needed a sequel, I was afraid they'd ruin it in some way, but after checking this Strangers 2 out multiple time, I might enjoy this one more. I appreciated the approach they took with this one. It's fast paced and most slasheristic. They told their story with the first movie, so now they got that out of they way it gives room for a fast paced balls out movie and that's what they did here. We get a good back & fourh between the killers and the family they go after and the ending was my favorite actually. There were times where it felt they took ideas from other horror movies but it's okay cuz it fit and kept the movie going. I never thought I'd say this but I want a Strangers 3 Now Damnit!
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Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002 Video)
Detective Pinhead
3 June 2023
Hellraisers are known for their unique style in horror, but this was when the style really started to change. If you didn't throw on the movie u wouldn't think this is a Hellraiser film at all by the feel. For the most part as a stand alone story it can be a solid movie but when it's mixed with the pinhead hell element it doesn't fit and makes the movie feel more dramatic if anything. Hellraiser films should be all or nothing, not pinhead popping up every couple minutes just to call it "Hellraiser". They did the formulas just right the first three movies but got crazy from there on out. There's still some cool stuff in this movie but nothing crazy on pinheads part, if your looking for pinhead the most check out Hellraiser 3 , but beyond 1-3 I enjoyed this one the most.
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Fun Westerns
3 June 2023
I grew up on this movie so it holds some nostalgia for me but as a movie it's just 90 minutes of fun for me. I'm a big horror fan so I don't watch too many comedies but this one is written just fine for me. Cube and Hogan play real good together and being Cuba doesn't speak in this film, they made it work with him having the right body language and giving more lines to Hogan to work with. Hogan plays an outlaw that wants to be known for being the biggest robber out there. Most characters are great and got something to offer in the film. It's a simple film done well, with a smooth pace that's chill for most audiences. Give this movie a GO.
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Appreciated the Change of Setting
1 June 2023
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Hellraiser 3 is still a good movie on its own to check ou, it's not the best follow up to part 2, but there's some interesting stuff going on in the movie. From what I remember we didn't get much of the Pinhead himself in the first two films, this films main focus is all about the pinhead and does some crazy slasher killings. The soul statue was really interesting and was a really cool effect to see. Pinhead tears up a club and destroys a whole block along with his cenobites. The other cenobites are really cool looking, there's one that has a cigarette in her throat, the other has a camcorder on half of his head, and we get a cool cd player cenobite. Overall the movie has much to offer and was more of a satisfying picture than a great story.. Chrck out this film and you're gonna trip out!!
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Phantasm (1979)
9 May 2023
It took me a couple watches to actually appreciate this movie but after this watch, it's definitely gonna be one I'll buy and keep coming back to. The score is haunting like cemetery music and the Tall Man is badass. It's a personal love we all got for the Tall Man that he's scary and menacing in a certain manner unlike other horror villains. He doesn't have a mask or costume, he's just an tall old dude that moves trippy and has these extra strength. Dudes capable of lifting heavy ass caskets like nothing, also the silver ball that drills into the forehead and squirts blood out it's creative as helll. Both brothers are effective and do great in this movie also, probably my favorite part in the movie was their bond going to catch the Tall Man.
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Good but doesn't feel like "EVIL DEAD"
26 April 2023
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This is a pretty decent film on its own. I love how a mom turns evil and flips on her kids where her own children are afraid of her, that was done properly. The mom deadite is honestly scary looking, but her one liners feel thrown in for nostalgia sake instead of it fitting the right line. There were multiple points in this movie where they were saying classic evil dead lines but fell flat . Like "Come get some" and "Dead by Dawn" it was not as effective. Plus they didn't dwell on the blood in gore like they should have. The cheese grinder scene should of been more detailed and longer it cut away too damn fast. The kids aren't that entertaining or memorable so there's a lot in this movie where I felt it wasn't as powerful or memorable as the Remake. The story line and setting was different and my favorite part was the elevator scene forsure!! I still think the remake is the most disturbing film out of all but this is still an enjoyable Evil Dead Film.
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The Lost Boys (1987)
Great ideas but basic execution
10 April 2023
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I gotta say I enjoyed this film in some ways. I wanted to really like it cuz the ideas they had going were great. I'm the beginning we get introduced to the bad guys which are the Vampires on bikes who get the chicks and everyone wants to be like, we get to see their evil hang out party spot but it loses focus on that after. There were soo many characters so there were so many scenes going back and fourth , when it should of focused on Michael turning into one of the Vampires to defeat each and every one of them . But instead it had the vampire helpers and the Sam defeat most of them and Sam was annoying me throughout the movie anyway. It could of been a better Love/Vampire/Comedy story with more great kills and a more 1 vs 1 ending where 2 bad ass vampires go at it, again just a poor execution but has Good things going for it.
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Recycled/Not necessary
5 April 2023
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The original Town that dreaded sundown was great, I didn't have any problems with the film. After watching this one, it makes the orginal look like Godfather compared to this. I'm all for having a modern version of the story or just making a different representation of the movie, sometimes they turn out great, like the hitcher and what not. This movie has a sloppy representation of the phantom killer. It made him feel like a typical slasher when In the original 1970 version he had his own style and was aggressive and silent with his movements. In this remake the phantom talks and curses at his victims and it just doesn't come across right. The kills are rushed, not as memorable, and all the characters aren't interesting.. the movies not terrible just not what I wanted from it so there's potential for a fan base . Just consider the original 70s version instead. Great Film.
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Psycho (1960)
Classic Black & White
5 April 2023
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This movie has a greater story than some may expect. It's a great deal of paranoia the first half and then turns into a nice slow burning dramatic horror. It's your classic traditional horror. This film also fits really good for black & white it maintains a certain feel that with color wouldn't be as grim. Norman is your stand out character, he does a tremendous job playing a psycho better than the rest of the Psycho prequels, by playing a calm and collective hotel mamas boy and then tuning into this psychotic killer in the same minute. I do prefer the story and kills to Psycho 2 but this one still works, it's about tension and perfect story telling. Will forever remain a classic!!
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Predator (1987)
Pure Muscle
1 April 2023
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This movie makes you want to go to the gym and pump some iron. Definitely one of Arnold's best action movies and possibly the best monster/action movie ever made. Such a one of a kind film that can't be remade to this value again. Starts off feeling like a body builder army movie but quickly veers off to an invisible killing machine vs GI Joe dudes. All the characters are great with their own personalities and skills , and they all get killed in unique ways to show the predator's capabilities. The predators bear film also, best representation of predator being in the hot jungle, it didn't feel as right having him in the city in Part 2. Buy some Pizza , Call the boys and have a blast to this classic.
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Evil Dead II (1987)
1 April 2023
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This is one of the best sequels to be made right next to Psycho 2. It's a good combination of Evil Dead 1 and Looney Tunes. Director Sam Raimi manages to make a bloody ass film filled with body parts and laughs left and right. What I like best about this one is the humor forsure. It's twice as fast as the original Evil Dead and Ash a stronger character in this. Ash goes to the cabin with his Girlfriend and she possessed by the deadites and Ash is stuck there dealing with the Evils that lurk in the darkness. Ash can't be outside unless the Evil (that we don't see) we come get him. It gets him once but the sunlight comes and saves him before it completely changes him but other than that he's screwed and just left with his broomstick and chainsaw to cut up body parts.
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Jaws (1975)
Believe the Hype
31 March 2023
Jaws is known to be one of the biggest horror movies ever made, especially the biggest "PG" horror movie. What makes Jaws an awesome film is the fun it gives the audience. It's film that makes u want to watch with friends, family, and a bucket of popcorn of the projector in 4K. We don't get much shark movies but this is by far the best and probably will remain there forever. It's been over 50 years since Jaws came out and nothing close has come close to this. Universal Studios used to have this on the tour where u can see the setup of the film and have shark come up above water and almost bite your neck off which was awesome. Sharks are brutal and what better to make a movie about a killer shark. That's genius!!
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Very Raw & Grungy
31 March 2023
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This movie did a great job keeping the realism. It doesn't feel like a professional expensive film it's made to look like a cheap snuff film and it works perfect for the subject matter. Henry is a killer who eventually falls for a girl and wants to better himself and not be soo violent. Otis on the other hand who they spent time in prison with together, remains violent and is still killing folks. Henry is falling for Otis sister but Otis isn't too happy with that. This shows u that there can be people that are violent that can still have good intentions and there are people that are sick all around and violent. We think Henry is the serial throughout and is gonna be the "Bad Guy" of this story but turns out to be the hero and it threw me for a loop. Henry's a bad guy that wants to be good, he doesn't want to be messed with and have people mess with his girl and I like that. We need people like Henry to get rid of people like Otis. Keep in mind Henry still kills in this movie but he's a serial killer that is becoming fixed, not your typical serial killer.
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John Wicks getting better & better
31 March 2023
First I gotta say this is the best of the franchise forsure. Definitely the best action movie I've ever seen. Filled with the most violence fit into one movie ( and not because it's 3 hours) it fits soo many creative/unique violence that feels like a video game than a movie in the best way. I had a great time watching John Wick 1,2 and 3 but 4 was the funnest of all and probably my favorite movie theater experience. Seeing Wick kill on the big screen with big sound is what makes the experience a lot better. The movie also is filled with beautiful shots and locations all throughout. Awesome color schemes, beautiful castles, everywhere they're at just looks badass. We get more of a Kung Fu side to this thanks to Donnie Yen, which kicks ass in this he's just as great as John Wick in this. We get a couple more villains in this that all want to take John Wick out soo that gives us Triple the violence. The movies 3 hours but it goes by because of all the intensity throughout. Go out and Enjoy this Trust me !!
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Cobra (1986)
Solid Flick
3 March 2023
Straight forward action flick. Fun throughout. Stallone is great throughout he has great charisma and character as a cop. The bad guy in this movie though is pretty bad ass. What I like about this movie tho is the bad guy felt like a slasher killer like Michael Myers or something. They make him scary and give him a big ass knife with all kinds of needles on it making it look unique. The movie is pretty simple but executed well. It's not a typical bad guy vs cop there's some interesting choices in here that I appreciate. I don't watch a lot of Stallone films but in the one I can see why it's popular. He does great and it makes me want to check out his previous work. Solid Flick !!
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Christine (1983)
Love, so dangerous yet so beautiful
3 March 2023
Christine, where to begin on this beauty. I've watched this movie like 3 times in one week and can still keep it going. What makes me enjoy this film even more is by me noticing Carpenters work throughout the film. This film has great camera work along with great musical choices. The fact Christine communicates through classic music is just awesome and the score by Carpenter is haunting as well. This is a great high school bully revenge / Love story done at its best. This film can satisfy all movie lovers and even the car lovers out there. U can watch with the family , friends, or even by yourself. Just be sure to put on your seatbelts and enjoy the ride !
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The Super (1991)
Old Skool Comedy
3 March 2023
I don't care what people say this movie is freaking great. I grew up watching this soo it holds some big nostalgia for me, but watching this movie as an adult I have more laughs than before. As a kid I didn't understand most humor but this movie can make anyone laugh. Pesci is funny as hell, the soundtrack is dope, and the characters all good too. Simple story but big laughs I'm tellin ya. If a movie like this were to come out today it probably won't be taken serious and probably not as funny, it's the classicness that makes it funny. This is one of those movies that puts u a in good mood everytime, so thanks Pesci.
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Inferno (1980)
Beautiful Looking Film
3 March 2023
This film looks incredible from start to finish literally. U get the great looking colors that Argento does best, along with interesting kills and kind of interesting characters. The film doesn't do anything crazy like his other work but it still packs a punch. It's definitely one of those films u throw on at night and even if your not paying attention your screen will look beautiful at all times so for that I give it major credit. The characters are simple as is the premise of the movie but I feel like it's okay because the picture is the best part so it's more of an art piece than a major story.
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The Faculty (1998)
90 minutes of Pure Fun
3 March 2023
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This movie is insane! It's not strictly horror it's horror/Sci Fi/ Comedy with a great cast and good acting throughout. All the characters are strong with their own personalities and they all fit together well. The teachers begin to all get infected and become aliens and try taking over the school. Josh Hartnett is the school drug dealer and his drug is the only thing that can kill these aliens. The concept is great and is executed even better. This is a love or hate film your either gonna enjoy it for what it is or take it as a joke and not go along with what the movies telling you. Give it a watch it's a dope movie forsure.
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No Carpenter feel at all
6 November 2022
I haven't see all of John Carpenter's films but I can Forsure say I'm a big fan. Dude makes great soundtracks and can make a killer flick from top to bottom with the best special effects included. I'm used to his major works like Halloween, The Thing , Big Trouble in Little China, Vampires, and even Ghost of Mars. Those movies all great in all factors, but In The Mouth Of Madness is pretty terrible. The movie feels all over the place with not making sense , the characters aren't charismatic at all and it didn't live up to the hype I was expecting at all. This movie is no where as good as Ghost of mars or his other classics. I'm still a big carpenter fan but just not of this film.
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The Wolfman (2010)
Classic Wolfman
27 October 2022
This movie did a good job bringing back the classic Wolfman feel like the original one. They also added a lot of gore which I appreciate and the dark picture it kinda like The Crow has. Everytime the Wolfman popped up he was tearing people apart .He was big and looked really good I liked how we was black instead of brown , it's a gothic feel so they made Wolfman look Gothic which is badass. They made it different then the original and made it their own story with different touches that worked out. The movie has a slow pace that works great In these Wolfman movies . In the original he was more man like but in this one he's a Wolf Beast.
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The Wolf Man (1941)
Best Universal Monster
21 October 2022
Wolfmans always been my favorite universal. The movies not the best out of the bunch but the character is by far. It's something about wolfman that I genuinely love and feel for . I love Lon Chaney who plays him and we got the invisible man in here as well so that's a dope bonus. Wolfman deserves more credit than he's given. I first known about wolfman when I went to universal studios as a kid and saw posters of wolf man and see how dope he was and became a fan since. The black & white scary forest atmosphere is just great and when he attacks people is even better. The remake is good as well but the classic is probably the best. If u haven't checked out The Wolf Man do so and also check out the Invisible Man, U won't be disappointed.
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Dracula (1931)
Very first and Best VAMP
19 October 2022
We all know about Vampires and there aren't that much Vampire characters we know of. First thing that comes to mind when we hear vampire or see the teeth is "DRACULA" he's a legend . This was the first time I watched the movie and I gotta say I expected a little more. The movie was just too slow for me and the character of Dracula was too quiet and didn't really do much whenever he was on screen. He has an odd, weird, creepy vibe about him throughout the film, but other than that nothing really crazy. I love the character of Dracula but he's all the bottom when it comes to Universal Monster Movies. I enjoyed "The Wolfman" and "The Invisible Man" the most out of these universal movies. Still worth checking out Forsure to see the story of Dracula but definitely not first place compared to the other monsters.
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