
31 Reviews
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Hook (1991)
Love it !
10 April 2009
Love the cast first of all. From Maggie Smith a goddess in my eyes to Dustin Hoffman and Robin William to a strange inclusion of Phil Collins. They all fit in well together so well. A magical story of Hook which take me into a wonderful fantasy land of what kids should dream about. This superb production should not be pulled down, for it is essentially a children's film but I love it. My kids thinks I am a big kid but I don't care. Julia Roberts as Tinks id Fab ! I am not the biggest fan of Robin Williams but I do like his portrayal of Peter Pan.

A magical movie for the entire family.

Granny included !!
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Me Too! (2006– )
Good for my one year old.
10 April 2009
I only picked up this program in Australia and missed it in the UK. The budget must have been 100 pounds. The actors must have been doing it for experience for free. And the repeat scenes and stories must have taken the writer an afternoon to write the whole series. Having give the negatives my one year old watches it and stays attracted to the screen. Maybe he is thinking I have seen this before many times in the same show. Or there is something going for it. It is a kids show after all. It harmless covering a few nationalities so it is very politically correct. Well. It does no harm and I am a big fan of that. I am not to sure about Nanny Murray being in her 20's and her opening line. "come away in" is a bit of a contradiction in terms. Kids would not pick up on that I suppose.
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A List Actors D list Performance
9 April 2009
I had to turn this movie off. I could not stand it. I could not believe me eyes and ears. Being a fan of Both Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor I was shocked to see the amateur acting with the film being clipped together. The high point which made me turn the movie off was the awful accents of Colin and Ewan. I don't understand why they could not cast someone with a natural London accent rather than these two. London is awash with excellent actors who could have made this movie so more bearable to watch. I realize the bankable attraction of Colin and Ewan. It was because of these two I hired this movie. I alway feel ripped off when I see a movie because of the actors and the movie turns out to be rubbish.
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Snatch (2000)
The Best
8 April 2009
I love Snatch ! I like Lock Stock but not wow. I wow Snatch. It is the best and I have watched it time and time again. The cast is great. Brad Pitt scrubbing in from Hollywood with an majority British cast. Mike Reid is fab. His character suits him as if it was written for him. I like Turkish and Tommy. The bond between the two is strong and jumps through the screen. I don't want to yap on about this movie too much. I just love it. You may not. Just watch it and watch it again. Guy Richie has excelled to my highest standard. Movies are a very personal and this is my personal best. I like the music tracks. Even Vinnie Jones who is not the best at stringing words together plays a good role as Bullet tooth Tony.
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Graphic reality
8 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Eastern Promise is a graphic reality of the underworld of the East operating in the West. This movie offers some gruesome acts of violence which is performed with the minimum respect for human life. This is a portrayal which you can really imagine being totally real. The storyline of the Russian mafia and the tattoos that the gangsters get when they are in prison. They tell a story of their life. When they kill. How many prisons they have been guest of, and when they get their promotion in the mafia ranks, is a great part of the story.

A 14 year old girl wants a better life and career, moves to London with all the promises of a new life. A new life is what she gets. Raped and injected with heroin and then death. Is a brutally true rendition of what is happening in 2009.

Let hope the world is changing for the better and not always like the story of Eastern promise.

Good movie. Graphic violent scenes. Could disturb some viewers.

I liked this movie and the cast.
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The Limey (1999)
Terence Stamp is great.
8 April 2009
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The Limey is not the best movie to be made but is a good movie. Terence Stamp plays such a cool character. He plays is role with such conviction. I would of like to see him with a better support in The Limey. The plot was quite good but a little predictable and far fetched in places. One the whole The Limey is a good around movie. Not too much visible violence. Not too much bad language and no sex, which is very unusual for this genre of film.

Because of the soft content of a gangster movie and the fact they pulled it off I give it an 7.

I like that story of a Londoner who had just finished his time in jail to revenge the killer of his daughter. The trail of the killer leads him to the movie world of LA.

The end of this movie where Stamp intends to track and kill her killer. When he actually gets the opportunity to put him to his end. He take a humber decision.
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Solstice (II) (2008)
I agree with the majority.
6 April 2009
Watching Solstice is a bit like platting fog ! yes there is a storyline and maybe the writers are aiming at a student/ teen cult market, but I don't think this film quite hits it. It is like an old 70's / 80's movie. I don't think solstice will be cult or stand the test of time. I was not a big fan of Blair Witch but I could see the appeal and would give that a good rating. If they thought they would capture the same audience they may. Only once I think. Not being the first to slate this movie I feel confident that my opinion is valid. Solstice is weak. You really have to draw your imagination into wanting to be on the edge of your seat with this one. The actors are all good its just the poor movie.
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Fab classical Shakespeare
5 April 2009
I am bias as I am Shakespeares biggest fan and not a big critic on the various performances because I find every adaptation I see I enjoy because of the variety. Which I think Shakespeare himself would also enjoy the wide different attempts at his works. Who knows what is the correct way to performance these classics. I enjoyed seeing Alan Rickman in hid first TV role. I love the Geilgud voice and his presence. If you are a true Shakespeare fan leave your eyes open and your opinions wide as I truly believe the great man himself would do exactly that 400 years on.

I like all the BBC Shakespeare collection.

Well done the Beeb !
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I'm Not There (2007)
Complicated and not what was expected
4 April 2009
I found this movie very complicated and confusing. I did not like it. I like Dylan music and was expecting something totally different. The A list cast with Cate Blanchard playing Dylan I thought wow this is going to be a really top movie. I struggled to keep it on for its entire run. I found my mind flicking from wondering what was going on to something I had to do next week at work because it was just not keeping me their. Maybe my long ago uneducated brain was not ready for this but I have read the Cantubury Tales by Chauncer and understood them easier. I know the sixties were for many people a blur of different coloured pills and mind bending drugs. I probably need to get on that wave length and I would give this movie a higher score.
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Layer Cake (2004)
One of my favorite movies
3 April 2009
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I love this movie. I have watched it half a dozen times plus. I love the story the cast the settings and Sienna Miller. I read the book a loved the book which has a different twist but equally as good. The whole story is entertaining. Daniel Craig play a cool drug dealer( if there is such a thing ) Sienna Miller is so sexy. I even the role played by Dexter Flecher as blagger. Jamie Foreman as the pain in backside wannabe. This was J J Connelly's first attempt a writing and what a first result. Congratulation J J you have a loyal fan who cant wait for the next one. The moral of the story is that Drugs are not the business to be in. You lost your life. Your Liberty. Your Girlfriend. and in certain instances your head !
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3 April 2009
Great movie with a very moving undertone which can be read about the war in Iraq. The vast difference in the reviews shows how people have viewed this movie so differently. I found it powerful with a strong point storyline that shows what war can do to soldiers. The actors cast suited every role. Tommy Lee Jones has such intense facial expressions that in some scenes words are not needed. He is truly a great actor. Charlize Theron plays her beauty down playing a cop who turns out to have a caring side. And plays it well. Susan Sarandon as always shines. I think this is the smallest role I have seen her in but small role big presence.

Good movie, well worth the 8 in my opinion.
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Bad ! That all I can say.
3 April 2009
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This is a star studded cast movie. Friends had said what a funny movie and I had to watch it. Without swearing I can describe the movie with polite language. It was absolute rubbish. I am being very kind by giving it a 2 score. Ben Stiller makes me laugh just by looking at him. In this movie I wanted to throw something at the screen. It was bad ! Robert Downey Jnr again I am a fan but this. I don't know to say. I like silly humour like Aeroplane and police academy and I thought stiller would of pulled of a similar credit to these old time funnies. I read some of the positive feedback and I think these people must is on a completely different wave length but god made us all different for a reason.
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Knowing (2009)
Good Movie, new ending needed ( Spoiler )
3 April 2009
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This is a good movie. Action packed with some amazing effects. The plane clash scene is fabulous in a macabre sort of way. The movie kept me entertained through the majority of the film until the final fifteen minutes. I was glad to see the end of the annoying daughter of the spooky kid who wrote the predictions 50 years earlier. The movie was going well for me until she flipped and drove off with the two kids. Then the aliens arrive to steal the car and kidnap the kids. Then Nic Cage tracks the the stolen car and find the kids and then let the aliens just take his son in their giant space ship ( Really ). After a 30 second of a sort of emotional goodbye. Nic Cage lets is son go while he and the rest of the world disintegrates. The effects are wow. The story is good apart from the aliens. Well worth a watch.
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RocknRolla (2008)
Bad Bad and Worse than that !
31 March 2009
I cant believe this movie. I am writing this review as Iam watching this very un gripping movie. If I did not know better I would not say this is a Guy Richie movie but a student rip off of a Richie style movie. I was really looking forward to this film being released and I am so disappointed that it makes me cringe. I love Lock Stock, Snatch and Layer Cake and put them all in my all time favorites which makes the disappointment doubled. You have to see it to make your own opinion and reading the mixed views on this site makes me question my judgment so I will force myself to watch it again on the chance I will change my initial interpreting of it.
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First Blood (1982)
Great old timer
28 March 2009
Its been an old time movie week on Foxtel. Just re watched First blood. I was glued this time I think more than when I watched it 25 years ago. Stalone is amazing in the fact he is peak physical condition acting a role that really suits him. Easy watching for me - My wife hated it on release and still does so there is no more a truer saying in that " We are not all the same " especially when it come to our different tastes.

I like this movie - Give it a go again or if you have not seen it, its dated but OK to watch, its not a waste of time. Not a fan of the rest of the Rambo's though.

It was good to see a very young David Caruso. He has definitely has come on with age.
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Air America (1990)
No Brainer !
27 March 2009
Air America is an easy, fun, not hard to watch movie. I have seen it many times and find it an easy no brain. I can watch the movie and do other stuff at the same time and still catch the jokes and the plot. I like Robert Downey Jnr always and this movie is no exception. He gels really well with Mel Gibson. I am an actor and I would have loved to be cast in this movie. Love the scene where Robert Downey Jnr is asleep, hammered from the previous nights session on the booze when Mel Gibson flying his helicopter hooks him up while still asleep on garden furniture. Fab scene !

Give it a go. It now an old movie but a good one that seemed to have slipped through so many peoples viewing when it was released.

Great music !! I am a big fan of old soul and motown and this movie has some fab tunes.

What this movie on a crappy Wednesday night when there is nothing else on and not much to do and you will have a fun time.
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Becoming a classic
27 March 2009
Watching this movie 16 years after its release. It a movie I have watched over the years many times. Usually when there is nothing else on TV. I look at it flicking through the channels and think " not again, why don't they put something new on ?" But tonight I watched it again and really enjoyed the film. The actors all seam like old friends and the roles they play work great. The plot and the suspense still works for me. The movie is becoming a real classic in my book. There are a few movies from that period that are really standing the test of time, and Basic instinct is one of them. I have not put any spoilers in this old timer just in case you have not seen this movie. Get it from the weekly section. Very cheap good classic entertainment. So much better than some of the new Tosh !
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Strong Passionate film
25 March 2009
This film was portrayed in a very strong and parsonage way. The cast played daunting characters with tremendous effort. This movie is chilling in the fact that it is still on the mind of many people. I only rated it a 6 as I thought maybe more could have been put across about how these two absolute animals lived their horrific murderous life's. There may have been some restraints on what could be told.

I lived local as a child to these areas and today the mention of Brady and Hindley runs chills through peoples bones.

Great film - Great Cast

A must on the TO WATCH list !
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Stuart Little (1999)
For every big kid and little ones too
25 March 2009
I have watch this movie for the third time. This last time with my 21 month old son. I am not sure who enjoyed it the most. Stuart Little is what I class as a Saturday afternoon movie. Its great easy going fun. I love the story. I love the voices and the human characters. I didn't realize it was Michael J Fox until I looked at IDMB. He plays a great little mouse. I have to give this movie top marks because it is a good all rounder for all ages to a really nice sense of fun. I wonder who the writers were writing for adults or kids because there is 40 years difference between me and my father and 40 years between me and my son and we all loved this movie. How many movies can span the many generations and equally please them all ?

Stuart Little made a big impact on my family.
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Absolute British Film at its best
24 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
What a striking film. Realistic with every sentiment being portrayed by this fabulous cast. Personally I can watch this type film again and again. Not the brutality of capital punishment but " to the bone " British drama that no other film industry country can touch. A chilling round of applause goes to Timothy Spall. What a versatile actor from ultimate comedy to this role as Albert Pierrepoint. The intense portrayal of Pierrepoints wife played by Juliet Stevenson was played so classically. There was a great moment in this film when Pierrepiont hanged his friend "Tish" played by Eddie marsan. The strong powerful bond between these to guys came bouncing through the screen. I really enjoyed this film and I only discovered it by chance in the weekly section of the video library. I love British Drama.
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Nick of Time (1995)
Well ! Some weak bits some good bits overall average film
23 March 2009
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Great cast with a bit of a far fetched quite annoying storyline. The beginning was very weak, picking some random person at an airport to kill the governor. If you can get past the fact that the governors husband and his team of security are so well organized to arrange the whole assassination and leave main key principle in the equation (the hit-man ) to a complete stranger who they know nothing about.

Look past these points and sit back a watch then you can get through the movie and arrive at the end and think " that's not so bad " But on reflection it was. Clips with a shoe shine man with one false leg getting totally involved to help out and eventually getting shot, fortunately in his bad leg, which he then whacks one of the bad guys and knock her out with the false leg which she had just shot off. ( please !)

Again this is my opinion. I read other reviews that people love this movie. Well ! we are not all the same.
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Wanted (2008)
Top Easy Watching Action Movie
22 March 2009
This is a very easy to watch action packed movie. It delved into your imagination and as long as you are not expecting a true to life action drama you should love it. I am not normally struck on the matrix style movies but I really liked this film. The story is not be taken too seriously, just go with the flow of the film and watch the stunts and special effects. Putting Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman in the movie had to be a good move with the box office bucks. But the ace card for this movie in my opinion is James McAvoy who plays the geeky guy who turns into a top assassin. At first I did not recognize James McAvoy from his previous roles like " The last King of Scotland " and ' Wimbledon ". When I did realize it was the same actor I understood what a fab actor he truly is. He portrays his character with absolute ease. His transition in his role from the start of the movie to his ending character is class. James I am a true fan !! The movie is a good watch if you are into this type of movie.
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Disappointed Bond Fan
21 March 2009
I waited till the dust settled before watching this Bond. I thought I would wait an savour the new gadgets and action packed adventures of James and his team. This was the most dull bond I have ever seen. I have watched it once and will give it another go to see it I missed the glitz of the usual Bond franchise. Daniel Craig is a great Bond and actor. The rest of the cast was well put together. What was missing was the fantasy of Bond. Growing up with watches that propel ropes across roofs. Cars with bombs which drive across lakes, and the most coolest boats on earth at him disposal. The bond hand none of it. I have watched the old Bond movies dozens of times and will continue watching them not getting the slightest bit bored. I got incredibly bored. I hate to say that because I am the biggest fan. I hope the next one take the lessons of this Bond and listen to the die hard bond fan.
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Raw. Dynamic, Good British Film Making
20 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I rated this film a 6 due to the fact I only seen it ten years after its release. I had read the reviews and expected a lot more than the film delivered. If I had not read the glowing reviews I would have probably would have rated it higher. The raw story of a reformed former debt collector (Billy Connolly) and obsessive police officer(Ken Stott)who wants to give the now successful former villain a hard time. He pushes the boundaries of the law and events happen due to his obsession. Then you get the villain worshiping teenager who idolizes the former gangster(Connolly). He wants to prove himself and make a name for himself. As you may expect the end to the wannabe gangster is inevitable. There is some good hardcore violence scenes in this movie which could have been worked more. Connolly and Stott play two excellent roles and the casting is well suited for the characters.

This movie is without a doubt worth a watch if you like the Lock Stock violent type of movie.

It is a raw film but for me I would of liked to see more of the rawness come through.

Give it a go. Especially now it is in the weekly section of the Video store.
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Unusual - Worth Watching
23 November 2008
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Daniel Day-Lewis plays an early prospector named Daniel Plainview based in American at the turn of the 20th century. Along with a friend they mine with there bare hands and basic tools. Luck strikes and oil is struck, but before the success can be celebrated his friend dies leaving a baby boy for Daniel to take care of. Raising the boy as his own, Daniel prospers.To keep going forward more land and oil is needed so Daniel along with his son go on the hunt for more land when Daniel is approached by a farm owners son.And for a cash donation to him he let Daniel know about a oil rich farm owned by is father. Daniel and is son visit the farm pretending to be camping and hunting.Daniel makes friends with the farmer and buys the land at a low price.But only agrees to pay and does not actually pay anything. Mining starts and as exploration is taking place an accident happens and his son is involved in the blast and his deafened. Daniel is mad and annoyed at first about the accident. Its not long before the boy becomes in the way so Daniel arranges for his son to be sent to a school away from him. The years pass and success continues but Daniels state of mind goes a little crazy. The son appears as a young adult talking to his father in his study. Daniel by this stage is very unstable mentally and verbally blast his son and tells him he is not his real father and throws his son out.

In the same study, the son of the first farm which Daniel said he would buy, and never paid for, turns up. He needs money especially the $5000 which Daniel agreed he would pay his father for the farm. Daniel crazed clubs the son of the farmer to death.

Daniel losses the plot !

Money and greed needs to be handled carefully.
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