
4 Reviews
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7 April 2009
What an awesome movie. Bruce Campbell is truly the greatest 'B' movie star of all time. Great story, Guan-di looked awesome, the characters were funny and the movie had me laughing all the way through it as well as the making of special. The Cavealien clip at the beginning was truly brilliantly done as was the whole idea of him driving a Yugo and living in a tiny trailer in the middle of nowhere. I'm glad to see someone who's not afraid to make fun of themselves, especially the way Bruce does in this movie. This just shows you that you don't need 200 million dollars to make an entertaining movie. Bruce made this movie for just 1.5 million dollars and this was better than a lot of movies that i have seen in recent years that have had budgets of 100 million plus. I look forward to seeing more movies from Bruce and I also look forward to seeing him in Evil Dead 4, if he is indeed going to be in it. I don't see how you could make a new one without Bruce Campbell in it. It would be a travesty of the highest degree. Long live Bruce Campbell!!!! P.S.- Bruce Campbell rules!!!! Brad Pitt and Russell Crowe suck in comparison.
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One of the best shows of the 90's...
5 April 2009
What a great show. I grew up watching shows like this. Shows that are campy, fun and meant to just be entertaining. Kevin Sorbo is a perfect choice for Hercules and Michael Hurst does a great job as Hercules little but tough friend. And there are plenty of babes in the episodes that kept me watching all those years and still keep me watching. It's sad that shows like this (Brisco County Jr. and Jack of all Trades)don't seem to have enough of a following. I hear that they are making a new Hercules movie and I know that Kevin Sorbo might be too old for the role but I hope he gets a part to play in the movie. Again what a great show and I enjoy watching it now as much as ever.
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The Dark Blight...
5 March 2009
This is the future of Cinema. A lot of over the top special effects, lots of violence with a mediocre story at best. A world where special effects and action have now taken precedence over story. I do not know how people can see movies like this one now a days and think they are exceptional. The first of Bale's portrayal of Batman, I thought, was very good. Of course their was some violence and some special effects, but it had a very good story and good character development. This second in the Batman series was nothing but a lot of ridiculous special effects, ridiculous occurrences and a lousy story, full of plot holes, with hardly any real dialog and character development. I could not believe how many times everyone, including Batman, seems to let the joker get away and nobody seems to take him as any sort of a threat. He just keeps getting away over and over again and Batman never thinks to put him into submission when he catches him. Also the thought that Joker could all of a sudden be a criminal mastermind and setup some of the most unbelievable moments in the movie was absurd. I'd also like to know how in the world Commissioner Gordon knew that he would be able to jump in front of Harvey Dent, save his life and have the foresight to fake his death after the fact to get to the Joker. RIDICULOUS!!!!! Another stupid scene was with the 3 ships that were each given a detonator that would blow up the other ship and save themselves. I think everyone with any common sense would just chunk it over the side and assume that someone on the other boats would have the intelligence to do the same. Another thing I found to be far fetched was the whole using of the cell phones as sonar devices. That was so far fetched it insulted my intelligence, as many moments in this movie did. Also the ending stunk. Why in the world would Batman take the blame for Harvey's death when he and Gordon could just say that some of the Jokers men killed him which would have solved the issue. Such a pathetic ending to a lousy movie. I only wish that Hollywood would focus on making good action movies with a 80 percent focus on story instead of a 90 percent focus on special effects that they seem to be shooting for nowadays. You might be able to win over the mind of a teenager who grew up in our video game obsessed society but you won't win over someone like myself who grew up watching classic movies like Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Back to the Future, etc. that didn't rely on special effects to win the audience over but relied on great stories that really drew you into the movie and made you care about the characters and what happens to them. Sorry to say, I didn't care a lick about any of the characters in the Dark Knight or what happened to them.
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American Idol (2002– )
Most pointless show ever made...
25 February 2009
I can't believe that people willfully watch this show. It's such a waste of time watching people embarrass themselves on national television. Shows like this one are the reason why America is full of morons and the reason why the Chinese and Japanese are going to own this country in the coming decades. The only reason shows like this are even on t.v. is the fact that corporate television executives are so greedy that instead of making t.v. shows that at the very least give a wholesome message or bring awareness to the public about a certain issues they look for any way to squeeze every penny they can and stick it in their own pockets instead of spending it on something worthwhile or educational. Don't watch shows like this. Read a book instead. Spend time with your kids. Get an education. Do something worthwhile with your life.
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