
6 Reviews
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Camille (I) (2008)
so weird
27 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really strange. I still don't really know if i'm impressed with it or not. Certainly Sienna Miller and James Franco did a wonderful job, they're both superb and likable actors, and they had good chemistry together. They really carry the film for me, otherwise I probably would have turned it off.

However the concept was pretty, well... to sum it up "WTF?".

The concept of Camille being 'undead' is just so strange. Why? Someone else said it was 'Pavlovian'. I don't really get that, but then again I didn't particular understand the movie. Was it Pavlovian because she still /thought/ she was alive and therefore she was? And she's so in love with Silas too that she held on? It's pretty odd. There was no real explanation, it was kind of just like 'we're going to throw that key event part in there and roll along with the story now'. So is she a zombie, is she a ghost? The last 15 minutes in particular are ludicrous.

However it's definitely an intriguing film, and reasonably enjoyable to watch, if you can manage not to let all the silliness and strangeness distract you. I think the overall result would have been hugely improved by a lot more work on the script - there just wasn't enough framework in place to carry off the storyline with any finesse or credibility.
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Pushing Daisies (2007–2009)
It's sure to make you smile...
9 September 2008
I love this show.

It may not be as edgy or have the same dark humour (despite the death themes) as Bryan Fuller's other work (such as the great and prematurely cancelled "Wonderfalls"), but it's quirky, colourful and sweet.

The casting, I have to say was wonderfully done. Ned (Lee Pace) and Chuck (Anna Friel) are endearing as the smitten couple who can never touch, whilst Olive (Kristin Chenoweth) and Emerson (Chi McBride) are also interesting, fleshed-out characters who very much add to the show. The dialogue is well-written, and the banter and interplay between the four is convincingly natural.

I'm not certain why some other reviewers have been so critical. Claims that the concept is unoriginal are somewhat disingenuous - it bears only a superficial resemblance to one of Fuller's other shows, "Dead Like Me". Personally, my only gripe is with the British-accented narration, it's a little contrived given that it's an American show.

Finally, I notice many have commented on the show's "cutesy-ness" and snobbishly dismissed it on the false principal that only darkness has depth. I personally think they're taking themselves, and the show, too seriously. Pushing Daisies has been deliberately made in a tongue-in-cheek, fairytale-esquire style, which should be obvious, it comes across in set design/colour scheme, costumes, the narration, writing, and even the character's names (Olive Snook, Emerson Cod... more fanciful than realistic ;) ).

Enjoy it for what it is, light-hearted, heart-warming fun that's very well made :).
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f*****g terrible
5 September 2008
I really like Margaret Cho, I think she's awesome.

But this whole movie was in total contrast to the intelligence, wit and actual humour which make her standup so great.

It was boring, unoriginal and totally stereotyped. I'm not from America, so I don't know, but are there really *that many* racist/homophobes? That would be that horrible outright? It just seemed contrived. In my experience people tend to be racist/homophobic behind your back, not right to your face.

And I normally like Bruce Daniels, but why is his voice so high? I think it's as another member said, to make him sound gayer *rolls eyes*.

Overall: Bad script, bad directing, pretty bad acting.

I don't know what Alan Cummings was doing in this movie, he is far more talented than the material allows for.
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For a girl who isn't into chick flicks...
6 July 2008
After somewhat reluctantly agreeing to watch this movie on a girls-night-in, I was pleasantly surprised.

This film is intelligent and well written, though perhaps a little long. It contains elements of drama, comedy and tragedy, and shows the journey of recovery of a grieving woman after her husband, the man she had envisioned growing old with, dies too young and too early.

If you like chick flicks, you'll love this, if you don't, you'll probably still like it anyway.

It looks gorgeous, the actors are all charming and perfectly cast - Hillary Swank is great and Gerard Butler is both gorgeous and lovable. You never think "Get over it Hillary" because you see enough of the two as a couple to see just why she misses him so much. The film has a good balance and you will laugh as much as you will cry, it's not too sappy or silly which seems a rarity in the rom-com (although I would call this film rom-drama-com) genre these days.
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Reality Bites (1994)
what was this film aiming for?
13 April 2007
I rate my movies by how much i feel they are worth watching. Thus "totally" equals a score of 10 and "don't bothers" like this one end up with 5 or below.

The back cover of Reality Bites presents it as a commentary on life for 20-somethings in the 90s - with a love story to boot. It begins that way... but lapses soon enough into what is merely a clichéd love triangle tale between Winona Ryder's documentary-maker-wannabe Lelaina, Ethan Hawke's darkly handsome moody-muso-slacker Troy and Ben Stiller's likable yuppie Michael who, whilst adoring, "will never really get her". No props for guessing who she picks. The sad thing is that the deluded Lelaina ain't that deep, and it's her that isn't deserving of Michael.

Overall you can tell the film is trying to say something, but what? I didn't enjoy watching it enough to bother chasing for meanings that mostly had to rely on the audience's imagination to be formed. Whatever the message was supposed to be is strangled by the sloppy script and dislikeable characters (can you say pretentious and whiny? The only character we're actually able to relate to, who doesn't seem to think the world revolves around him, is Michael - the yuppie! So what if he's a suit, he's the only one who isn't an a**hole).

While Reality Bites manages to be reasonably entertaining throughout, it will leave you ultimately unsatisfied and more than likely bothered - it doesn't really explore or say anything favourable about those Gen-X-ers and the love triangle thing has been done a thousand times before, and better.
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Silent Hill (2006)
Overall disappointing
4 March 2007
Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood, or maybe you need to have played the game to enjoy this film, but I found it a huge letdown. It has so many promising elements to it, but the sense of anticipation built up in the viewer only lead to disappointment in my case.

Silent Hill manages to carry an incredibly creepy and disturbing tone throughout, with good acting and amazing visual effects, but it just drags on and on for so long... only to reach a totally ambiguous ending, which left me feeling completely frustrated that I'd wasted hours watching a depressing story, which petered out to nowhere.

I also had problems with the storyline, which whilst keeping in mind it was a fantasy movie, at times pushed the limits. Many of Radha Mitchell's actions seemed totally illogical. As well, the opening scenes of the film are weak in that they don't establish enough of an interest or care for the characters to sustain the viewers throughout.
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