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Star Trek Phase II (2004–2023)
Not bad on a budget
11 January 2007
It took me about 10 minutes to get past not having Shatner and gang in their roles, then I really started to enjoy myself. The snub to NBC gave me a chuckle right off. The objections I've read seem to fall into 1. It's not the original cast. Well it couldn't be now could it? These are characters. For instance how many James Bonds' have their been? Also, I feel its totally unfair to call it a 'rip off' since one of their conditions is to not make a profit. If it would make it easier for you, consider this a parallel universe. 2. The effects are cheap. What they have done is to re-create the essence of TOS by duplicating the plywood sets of the original but replacing models (expensive and time consuming) with CGI (which was adopted by TNG and the successive shows) where feasible. I'm impressed and appreciative that these young people have taken the bull by the horns so to speak and basically said "If they won't make it, we will!" Shades of The little red hen there. Congrats on the effort gang.
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Now and Again (1999–2000)
7 years later and I'm still frustrated
22 December 2006
Network suits! Why can't we get rid of these people. Along the same line as those wise souls that said "Oh, and Mr. Rodenberry, get rid of the guy with the ears." This show wasn't just science fiction. It was an view of love existing past death. Along the line of "Damn Yankees", it poses the question, if you got everything you wanted, would you give up everything you loved? OK Wiseman is a middle aged insurance exec. Passed over for a promotion, he gets soused and is accidentally/ on purpose? knocked into the path of a subway. Recovering consciousness, he is offered a proposition: he is legally dead, but his brain was able to be recovered intact. Now would he like to be allowed to die for good, or participate in a secret government program to inhabit an artificially created body of the perfect soldier?

I would still like to see a movie to wrap up the story like Firefly/Serenity, but that would require someone with vision, sadly lacking in Hollywood.
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Still my all time favorite
20 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Any time I get a couple hours, I pull out the now well worn videotape and enjoy myself. God I am so glad that a DVD is now available. Anyway I wanted to comment on the idea that Tideman/Owens CAUSED the event. I saw a couple references to additional information in the book form, but as for the movie what I got was not that Tideman/Owens CAUSED the event but rather that once the chain of events was initiated he was obligated to made sure that Laskey got on the ship at exactly the right time. (" Our departure was delayed two days at the request of your mysterious Mr. Tideman.") See where I'm going with this? We don't know if we're seeing the first incident, the second, or the hundredth. Once it started it must occur as before. In order for the events to unfold correctly (from Tidemans viewpoint) he must delay the ship or (speculating now)the ship would go back to December 4th 1941, they would miss the rondeview with the survivors of Sen. Chapman's yacht, and he would miss meeting Miss Scott. If they left later, then the attack force would have reached Pearl Harbor in time and messed up history. Meting Laural would certainly be motivation in itself, cuz Kate Ross was still a doll at the time of the movies' production. Sorry if this has been discussed before, I did look.
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