
11 Reviews
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pass the Big Kahuna Burger and the $5 Shake, I'm Ready to Watch "Pulp Fiction"
23 August 2022
I am going to open this review by stating that I understand there is no reason for me to even bring my thoughts to life, there are A LOT of reviews on this movie. I know my opinion means nothing, but nothing is what I have to do right now. So, here is one man's meaningless, and overlong option on a movie that is almost 30 years old. Hope you like it.

When I first experienced this movie it was April of 2022, I was 16 (almost 17) and I viewed it on an app called: "Zaviramon", I do NOT recommend this sorta sketchy, terrible app. I could barley enjoy the movie and had originally placed my IMDB score at an 8. I did not hate the movie but could not possibly see what was considered so great about it. Also, every five minutes I had to close the app and restart it to continue the movie, so that probably didn't help. But all in all, it was a movie and I found it alright. I didn't really care about the characters or the story I just watched it to watch it and that was it. My opinion quickly changed upon my next viewing.

I am at a Target store, newly 17, when I see "Pulp Fiction" in the $5 movie area, I pick it up. Maybe I will give it another viewing. Maybe it was the conditions under how I watched that was the reason for me being underwhelmed. For a few weeks all the movie did was sit on my shelf and look pretty, until one day in June. My younger brother was away, so I popped it into the X-box, and gave it a try. Man, was that movie good. It was such an Ultra-cool treat of a film. I couldn't stop enjoying myself. Every performance was perfect (yes, even Quentin's) the writing is so crisp, and funny, and exciting. Tarintino's direction is top shelf. Sure, I had noticed these thing on my first watch but not to the level of my second. I quickly changed my IMDB score to a 9 (sorry still did not strike me as perfect). Then I made the decision to view it again.

This was another day where my brother was of adventuring on his own. I watched it and loved it. See this movie!
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Haven't Seen Yet But...
7 April 2022
The trailer for this movie made me rethink my life decisions COMPLETELY. I mean, looks ABSOLUTELY Terrible. The animation was crap and the voice acting too. I remember watching the trailer with a straight face and a straight face ONLY. After months of therapy and many nights up shaking in fear, I have finally come to copes with my past. And now, here I am, ready, to spin my tale of woe.

I remember the day as if it was yesterday, it was the day after Christmas in the year of 2019. I drove alone up to a theater near my house. I did not have my license, but I don't think that matters. As I was driving I came to a stop sign so, I do as everyone does, and I sped write through the sign without even slowing down. That is when the cop who was sitting at the intersection came OUT of NOWHERE and pulled me over. This is when I started to panic. The movie I was trying to get to was "Spies in Disguise" and I REALLY wanted to see it. Actually, I NEEDED to see it! I decide to keep my cool and I pull over.

The cop walks up to my vehicle and asks me what I was doing. I told him I was off to see a movie. That is when he goes BERSERK. He screams that I MUST turn around. I inquire why, and that is when he starts speaking in tongues. All I hear are the words "Addams" and "Family". The cop runs off and drives away, leaving me very confused. I decide that I should continue my journey none the less.

Once reaching the theater, I purchase a ticket for the movie I need to see and I take my seat. The trailers begin to play. At first there is a "Sing 2" teaser, this is when I start to sweat. Then there is a "Scoob", I feel a single tear fall from my eye. The last trailer to play is "The Addams Family". It begins and I suddenly hear screaming, I turn to see that the man next to me has blood coming from his eyes. I should have ran, but I continue to watch. That is when I black out. Suddenly, my clothes are missing and I am running. All my hair is missing and I have a large gash on my head. Someone finds me and puts me into therapy where I try to explain what happened. At first no one listens, but eventually, they are all ears.

All, in all, This movie is HOT GARBAGE that should have never been made. The creation of this haunts me to this day.
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Ha! hA! HA!
10 February 2022
Funny movie, very funny movie. I tend to compare this type of comedy in the same likes as "The Naked Gun" and "Airplane!". Being completely honest, I think "Airplane!" is superior to this film and find that this movie is a tad overrated. I mean, what about "Life of Brian"? Why does it seem that this piece of cinema tends to overshadow such films? It is a good movie though with a mixture of brainless and honestly smart comedy. That is all I have to say about this movie. Have a good day.
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Rick and Morty: Rickdependence Spray (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
It is what it is (In this case a twenty minute sex joke)
7 February 2022
Being bored in school I decided to take a look on my favorite website while listing to my favorite album (Weezer's "Pinkerton") and look at what the lowest rated episode of my favorite animated Sci-fi series is. Upon finding out that it was a chapter of the story I myself had watched recently I decided that what everyone must want is to hear yet another persons unoriginal opinion.

At first, lets all be honest, "Rick and Morty" might have some really good episodes and dramatic moments but in the end it is a rather immature show with the same sense of humor as a twelve year old (Trust me, I know). This show is no "Breaking Bad", "Invincible" or "Star Trek" (Yes I indeed am a "Trekie", deal with it). I feel that sometimes this show is thought to be much better than it really is. If you were to look one would see that this "masterpiece" of a show is currently number 14 on IMDB's list of "250 Best TV Shows". But, honestly, The comedy is not "brilliant" nor are the characters. But I am rambling a little, basically I am trying to say that, I like the show, but understand this episode does not make jokes much more low-brow than most other episodes.

But really this episode is quite gross and even at that it is unfunny and not overtly creative. But then again it is what it is. I dont feel that the writers are talking down to the audience I feel the audience is talking up to the show. But hey, That might just be me.

All in all, Episode is fine.
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Brava, BRAVA!
18 October 2021
Wow, this movie must just be too smart for everyone else in the world. It is absolutely GENIUS and, quite honestly, brings a tear to my eye to watch pure perfection.

The chipmunks voices are not annoying and the story is wonderful and not predictable at all. Everyone else in the world is an idiot and this movie is one of the best I have ever seen.

John Cena gives a STANDOUT performance, it's almost like you can't see him and, sadly I think some people forget that he's there. This movie is also HILARIOUS I couldn't stop laughing! That's honestly the only negative thing I can say about it!

All in all this movie deserved to win every single Oscar too bad it didn't Also John Cusack is a great actor, he's not in the movie I just wanted to state my opinion one of my favorite actors.
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Crazy Heart (2009)
Great Performances Mediocre Movie
13 October 2021
I think I know what you might be thinking; "You say it's mediocre but still gave it an eight??". I know it seems weird but the great performances by Maggie Gyllenhall, Collin Farrell and, especially, Jeff Bridges make this movie better than it ever should have been.

The story about an aging country star is boring and has been done before but the music is wonderful and the characters inhabiting this story feel like real people. Or at least they seem more real than Iron Man or James Bond. You can connect to these people but the story, or really lack there of really kept me from enjoying this movie to the fullest potential.

So what do I mean when I say that there is barely any plot to this movie. Well, this is not a very plot driven movie, and that is okay, instead the events that happen happen because of what the characters do, or don't do. And I am all for that type of storytelling. I just felt that it was not done well here. A good example of this type of storytelling would be "Inside Llwyn David" which if you haven't seen, I HIGHLY Recommend. That is a great movie. It's written and directed by the Coen Brothers and stars Star Wars start Oscar Isaac.

Also I felt that the relationship between Jeff Bridges character and Collin Farrell's character was not explored as well as it could have been. And when Bad Blake (Bridges) hits rock bottom I didn't really feel that he hit rock bottom. I wish the movie really explored him hitting rock bottom and becoming a terrible alcoholic but it never really did that. The movie never really seemed to be truly emotional and I wish Bridges was given more to work with here.

All in all this movie is fine. But a bland story and boring direction fails to really capture the greatness of the performances of the lead actors. Jeff Bridges deserved his Oscar.

Also John Cusack is great. He's not in the movie but I thought I could just share my opinion on one of my favorite actors.
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21 May 2021
I enjoy annoying my friends by shouting "Stella!" at them in my perfect Brando expression. That's of course not the only reason I like this movie. It has great writing, great direction and perfect performances by everyone. Highly recommended.
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20 May 2021
I just LOVE this movie! It is fast, fun, and fabulous! For those who don't know it is about two musicians (one saxophone, one bow fiddle) who witness Spats Columbo, a mob leader, kill another mob. The musicians, Joe and Jerry have to hide in an all female band under the alias Josephine and Daphne. From here on the movie glows from good to great.

This movie is greatly acted, directed and just great! It is so amazing! I love all of it! It might seem that I am overreacting but I am not.

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I Know This Is an Unpopular Opinion but...
20 May 2021
I just don't find this movie very funny. I chuckled at a handful of lines and scenes. But overall I just did not like it very much. Peter Sellers and the rest of the cast were great but overall the movie is not.

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Ghostbusters (1984)
"Somebody blows their nose and you want to keep it?"
8 May 2021
"Ghostbusters" is one of my personal favorite. It is insanely funny and quotable. The cast are some of the best comedy actors doing some of their best performances. Of course the stand out is Bill Murray with his greatly deadpan performance. Delivering such lines like "He slimed me!" And "Cats and dogs..." with perfect deadpan perfection. All in all greatest comedy of the 80s(yeah I said it!).
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Almost perfect
8 May 2021
This movie really is great! It is very gripping. Going into it I thought that I may be slow and boring but was pulled in immediately. The cast is great from all perspectives. And the work behind the camera is just as good! All in all 9.2.
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