
255 Reviews
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On the Buses (1971)
on the buses - movies
3 April 2024
Apr 24

I am not so much reviewing just the first On the Buses movie but really all 3 combined, as they are all at the same level for me and that is equal to the series.

Doesnt matter if you have or havent watched the series, these have to be taken independently to make sense anyway.

The series ran from 1969 to 1974 and the films were made 1971, 1972 and 1973, but in the films Arthur and Olive have a baby not see in the series plus in the series Arthur and Olive split up so you have to treat the films separately from the series.

I have watched the films a few times and i do enjoy them, but having just watched them again just after watching the series, i did notice quite a few ideas and scenes basically appeared in both a film and the series.

By the way, in one of the films, the first one i think, Pat Coombes had a sizeable role as a bus driver, and of course she was reused in a different role as Blakeys sister in the offshoot series they made after on the buses, called Dont drink the water.


7.5 out of 10.
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Don't Drink the Water (1974–1975)
dont drink the water - series
3 April 2024
Apr 24

I must confess i had never even heard of this series let alone ever seen it, and judged on the lack of IMDB scores and reviews, not many others have seen it either.

I just went through all the On the buses episodes for the first time, which led me to this series which is an offshoot, as its about Blakey and his sister and life after On the buses.

Personally i found Blakey very likeable in On the Buses but the problem is here he is retired so no longer an inspector and truthfully this could of been anybody in this series, it wouldnt of mattered.

Its Ok but not great, not surprised there were only 13 episodes, incidentally the first series covered just 1 week of their time in Spain.

Worth watching but thats about it..

6.5 out of 10.
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On the Buses (1969–1973)
on the buses - series
3 April 2024
Apr 24

I have just gone through every episode of On the buses for the first time, i had already seen the movies several times and maybe watched the odd episode before, but basically i had never seen the series before.

I enjoyed them more than i thought i would, some were black and white and some in colour.

For me the best characters were actually Arthur and Oliver rather than the other main characters and it was a shame that we lost the Arthur character in series 7.

I think they missed a trick not doing a spin off with Arthur and Olive which would of been a George and Mildred type thing, as they actually did do a spin off with Blakey called Dont drink the water, which although ok was below the standard of On the buses.

Overall i liked this series so i will give it a...

7.5 out of 10.
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trygon factor
24 March 2024
March 2024

Only just got to see this for the first time, so i assume its a hard title to get hold of and presuambly doesnt appear on tv very often, if at all.

I like to see all the British stuff of this period featuring some of those well known actors such as Robert Morley, James Robertson Justice and Allan Cuthbertson.

I didnt know this was a Krimi actually, but that probably is why i liked it so much and i am a huge giallo fan.

I was expecting more of a typical British comedy, it maybe had a couple of light hearted moments but was a crime thriller.

Well i really enjoyed it and will watch again at some point, its not a typical film for the likes of some of the British actors in it but it is a good one none the less.

7.5 pairs of black gloves out of 10.
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Robin's Nest (1977–1981)
Ribins Nest..complete series
3 December 2023
Dec 202

Just stumbled across every episode of Robins Nest" being on ITVX and given that i hadnt seen them since when then were first on tv 40-45 years ago, it was a chance to catch up. This is a offshoot of Man about the House, as was George and MIldred for that matter.

I have quite recently re-watched the full series of both Man about the house and George and Mildred, so glad to have the opportunity to catch up on this.

It is of course of its time and was not bad, most of the comedy comes from David Kellys character, so it would of struggled without him.

I found it grew on me as i watched a few episodes. There were some things i didnt like though , there were 4 different titles sequences which were all bad as was the theme music. I also found it odd at the start of series 2 that the kitchen sink had moved, by itself apparently. Also there were 2 episodes involving Inspector Burke from the Police, but in the 2nd episode it was as though they had forgotten his name as Inspector Burke kept calling another policeman by the surname Burke. Also it turns out that by the end of series 4 that is supposed to only be 1 year gone since the start of episode 1 series 1.

Like i said of its time, but decent so 7 chef hats out of 10.
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Psych: The Polarizing Express (2010)
Season 5, Episode 14
least fav ep of PSych for me
16 November 2023
Nov 2023

I have recently gone through every episode of Psych again, and i am a fan, i think there are very few disappointing episodes, although the series started to get a bit weeker over the last couple of series.

This episode is a Christmas episode and its basically a version of Scrooge, although there is still a case going on as well.

The whole thing just came across as pointless to me, and making an episode for the sake of it. Apparently Corbin Bernsens character would of become a total slob if Shawn had not come back to Santa Barbara.

The case part of the episode was also very weak, so if i have to pick my least favourite episde then this is it.

5 out 10.
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Psych: 100 Clues (2013)
Season 7, Episode 5
psych.. the clue episode
16 November 2023
Nov 23

So this episode seems to be a love or hate episode, and thats because it completely based on the 1985 movie "Clue".

The simple fact is if you have never seen that movie, you will probably think this is rubbish and it will leave you wondering what is going on, why is it such a crazy episode.

Clue happens to be one of my favourite films and is Murder by Death, which is also referenced in this episode.

Yes its a totally silly episode played 100 percent for laughs but it was there 100th episode and they just appear to go for it. I have just watched it again on a box set and it was an extended version with extra endings much like the Clue film.

Definitely one of the best 5 episodes for me

8.5 out of 10.
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I know vs Scream
16 November 2023
Nov 2023

I have recently watched this Spanish slasher film called Killer Book Club, and the verdict is, i liked it. I assume it was dubbed but it sounded okay.

Yes it clearly borrows very heavily from both "I know what you did last summer" and "Scream", but as i am very keen on both of those film series, it makes it a definite watch for me.

I liked the killers costume and there were some very good thrilling scenes, particularly the scene in the modern looking building that looked like a giant greenhouse or something.

So if you enjoy your slashers, its worth checking out, its decent.

7 out of 10.
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Fear Street trilogy
16 November 2023
Nov 2023

I have recently just watched the Fear Street trilogy, which i had never heard of but apparently are based on some famous books.

On Netflix this film was described as It Follows vs Scream, both films i like so well worth me checking out.

The first film is set in 1994 and its a decent slasher film, i quite liked it.

The second film was set in 1978, and it was ok but not as good, as the biggest problem for me was we had completely new characters and actors than we had in the first film.

The third film is set in 1666, this didnt work at all for me, i eventually started to fast forward until it reached the half way point when it switched back to 1994 to complete what was started in the first film.

The first film works as a stand alone film, you dont need to watch the sequels, the ending it has is fine.

1994 - 7.5 out of 10 1978 - 5.5 out of 10 1666 - 5.5 out of 10 as the 2nd half was good.
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Monk (2002–2009)
very good series
2 November 2023
November 2023

Monk is a very enjoyable mystery comedy series, often compared to "Psych" which has the same blend of mystery and comedy.

Psych is on par with Monk, but eventually they both reached a point where enough is enough.

Although very few episodes of Monk disappointed, little inconsistancies started to creep in, when you have a character like Monk who cannot help the way he acts, he wouldnt suddenly completely go against his character, off the top of my head, i am mainly thinking of one of the later episodes where he takes in a dog. No way he is a total cleanliness freak who could not put up with a pet at all, just no way.

Still it is a very good series, 8.5 out of 10.
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Psych (2006–2014)
very good series
2 November 2023
Nov 2023

Psych has plenty of reviews already, but its very good so its worth reviewing anyway. It often gets compared to "Monk" as they were around at similar times and both had that exact same blend of humour and mystery.

Its no surpirse that i also rate "Monk" equally, i find them both excellent on the whole with some real stand out episodes and not too many that disappoint.

They both tend to stay away from too much drama, which is a good thing also.

Another thing they have in common is they both started to run out of steam eventually, they cant go on forever. Psych brings in a new character played by Kurt Fuller in not sure which series, 5 or 6 i think, and he added yet more comedy, but in truth that was probably where it started to lose its way for me.

Still an excellent series overall, 8.5 out of 10.
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Psych: American Duos (2007)
Season 2, Episode 1
Easily of the top episodes of Psych
2 November 2023
Nov 2023

On the whole I really Psych as a series, and this episode which is the first of episode 2 is definitely in the top 5 episodes for me.

Its all about Tim Curry, who plays a sort of evil version of Simon Cowell, on a Britains got talent type show.

It is one of the funniest episodes for sure, the comedy also comes strong from Gina Gershons character.

If you watch it more than once you will probably start to disect it too much and realise how convenient it is that they come across a certain important character, without that chance meeting surely they could never of solved the case.

Ecxellent episode 9 out of 10.
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A chinese ghost story meets Conan the Barbarian!
27 October 2023
Oct 2023

Ghost of the Fox on imdb, or Way of Fox if you are looking to buy it on dvd, as it only seems to be available on a 2 films on 1 dvd, with a ninja film.

I really like this film starring Sibelle Hu, its my sort.

Anyway it is very clearly the same story as "A chinese ghost story" although it doesnt have any deliberate humour which can be found in the "A chinese ghost story films" particularly the sequels.

What is does have is several scenes blatantly lifted from Arnold Schwarzeneggers version of Conan the Barbarian, so it seems a really odd mix but it works.

My score is 8 snake arrows out of 10.
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Early Richard Ng comedy
27 October 2023
Oct 2021

So here we have megarare early comedy starring Richard Ng and Woo Fung, called "The Yellow Panther".

The title is clearly a play on "The Pink Panther" starring Peter Sellers.

Richard Ng plays a bumbling detective but nowhere near as funny as i would of liked it to be, and not as good as his other early comedies such as "Winner takes all", "itchy Fingers" or "Superfool".

Its likeable enough but just not particularly funny, still if you can find it and you like Richard Ng then check it out by all means.

Not much else to say really, i may watch it again sometime.

I will give it a probably generous 7 out of 10.
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Arnold (1973)
Humorous whodunnit with ghoulish goings on!
5 September 2023
Sep 2023

Finally just got to see this film, as far as i know its never appeared on tv in the Uk in my lifetime, and not sure about VHS or DVD, but for some reason i have never had an opportunity to see this before.

I would always try to see films of this nature with several very well known actors of the period, Roddy McDowall, Elsa Lanchester, Stella Stevens, Victor Buono, John McGiver and Bernard Fox.

What a real gem, the current IMDb score of 5.5 does not do it justice.

Its a blak comedy i suppose, one of the other reviewers used the expression ghoulish fun, i think that sums it up best.

Its sort of a cross between the Vincent Price films he did based on the Edgar Allan Poe films and the 60s version of The Old Dark House.

Humorous whodunnit with ghoulish goings on.

Well i enjoyed it and will be watching it again.

8 ghouls and goblins out of 10.
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Charlie's Angels: Let Our Angel Live (1981)
Season 5, Episode 16
the 110th and last episode of the 1970s series
18 June 2023
June 2023

Having just gone through every episode of Charlies Angels, i have reviewed the series has a whole and jsut 2 or 3 of the individual episodes, good or bad.

This one is a stinker so i am reviewing it. Several reviews already for this one and i think everyone is agreed it was a poor way to end it all.

Its basically like the end of series 3, another flashback episode reusing footage from previous episodes to fill in some time.

Its not as bad as the other episode which was basically a full flashback episode but its still bad enough.

What a shame. I felt that the arrival of Tanya Roberts for series 5 had lifted the series back up after series 4 was below par. I also think the 3 angels in series 5 made for the strongest combination.

On the whole the series rated a 7 out of 10 but this episode only a 3.
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Charlie's Angels: Marathon Angels (1979)
Season 3, Episode 19
personally i like this episode
11 June 2023
June 2023

So having watched all the episodes again, i was shocked to find this particular episode is the 2nd lowest rated out of the 110 on imdb.

There is definitely 2 lots of opinions about this one, either you are in my camp and find it a light entertaining and fun episode, or you the find running scenes tedious and boring and pointless i guess.

Personally i find this is one of the most fun and entertaining episodes which does have a serious side to it involving kidnapping.

Yes there is a lot of running but thats what the episode is about and they do play the same piece of music everytime we see running.

8 angels out of 10.
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Charlie's Angels: Angels Remembered (1979)
Season 3, Episode 22
the only real stinker out of 110 episodes
11 June 2023
June 2023

So having just gone through all 110 episodes again for the first time in many years, i decided to do a review of the series, but i also feel i have to review this particular episode.

Its no surprise this is the lowest rated episode on IMDB out of all 110 episodes and that is because it simply is the worst episode.

So why is it the worst episode well because it basically incorporates about 2 minutes of new footage, then the rest is just flashbacks to stuff from previous episodes...yawn.

So where i gave the series as a whole a rating of 7, this episode is a stinker and therefore gets a 2.

2 angels out of 10.
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Charlie's Angels (1976–1981)
The original series...
11 June 2023
June 2023

So i am reviewing the original Charlies Angels series which ran for 5 seasons back in the late seventies. I have gone through them all 2 or 3 times now, having just watched them all on blu ray recently.

I used to watch them growing up as i about 10 years old when they originally ran.

I think they hold up pretty well, the mysterious Charlie who we and the Angels never ever see, always added a humorous and mysterious element.

There were plenty of famous faces to be seen throughout the episodes and some of those turned up multiple times playing different characters.

I still prefer these to any of the remakes and movies there have been since.

So all in all not bad.

7 angels out of 10.
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Spirit Vs Zombi 1988
14 December 2022
Dec 22

Spirit VS Zombi appears to be a really rare film, no reviews for this so far.

Its a bit of a mixed bag this, i always go for these Mr Vampire type, but this is not the best example.

Its got a modern day setting which is a negative to start with, and lacks any real humour which is also a shame,

The Zombie and his son somehow find themselves in a modern day setting and get split up, and we get their adventures as they hope to get reunited.

Will they make it back together and get back to their time???

I like the vampire elements but the rest is a bit of chore at times.

By the way, where was the spirit???

I am going to be slightly generous here and go 7 out of 10.
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wow great stuff!!
14 December 2022
Dec 22

Wow i just got round to seeing this for the first time (the fairy the ghost and Ah Chun) and it was great, i loved it.

It always amazes me when i find an old kung fu film from this period that turns out to be this good, but i do try to choose those kung fu movies that look like they will have some comedy and ghosty elements, and this ticks all the boxes.

In fact the horror bits are done very well as too is the comedy and of course the kung fu.

Fung Hark On is the most familiar face to kung fu film watchers but he is not the lead (rarely is).

Really enjoyable and i plan to watch again very soon.

At least 8 out of 10.
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no ratings
14 December 2022
Dec 22

Five of the Super Riders, fun is the best way to describe this one, i had to watch it in very poor quality with subtitles i could barely read, in fact i gave up trying to read the subs half way through.

I though it was Japanese but IMDB states Taiwanese.

Its basically about superhero motorbike riders dressed like bugs (yes bugs!) who do kung fu and fight talking sea monsters and some giant Satan, all in a days work i guess.

Unsurprisingly this has no reviews and no ratings whatsoever,.

Suitable for those who like some mindless kung fu fun from the 1970s.

I will give this one 7 out of 10, for the fun of it.
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Sexy Cat (1973)
Sexy Cat..Spanish giallo
10 December 2022
Dec 22

Sexy Cat is a Spanish Giallo/slasher that somehow went under the giallo radar for me until now. I suppose the title just didnt sound like a giallo, but it is.

It is quite a fun film with the villain of the piece dressing up as a comic book sexy cat character with steel claws and all.

I certainly had no clue whodunnit, the only thing i didnt like really was the lead actor, who was a total unknown to me, and he didnt really have anything going for him to be a likeable hero, still the ladies appeared to like him.

So dont be fooled by the misleading title it is a worthy giallo/slasher.

7.5 cat claws out of 10.
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Ninja - Final Duel
10 December 2022
Dec 22

Alexander Lo Rei stars in this fun fun fun Ninja film. It starts out with some Ninja training going on for 10 minutes or so, and this is worth the price of admission alone, some great fun scenes with great disguises, Ninjas walking up trees and giant inflatable spiders.

You also get Shaolin monks thrown in as well as 2 American wannabe monks and a couple of Japanese fighters that want to help the Shaolin Temple against the Ninjas.

It is a reel hoot, but it is a little let down by being a bit disjointed, characters just seems to disappear or appear in the next scene in a completely different scenerio to where they were before.

Ninja fun 8 out of 10.
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Lovejoy (1986–1994)
9/10 Mr just Lovejoy
10 December 2022
Dec 22

So here we have the TV series Lovejoy from the 1980s and 1990s, starring Ian McShane.

Great series, which i am currently going through again, now i have the boxset. It still holds up really well. All the episodes are likeable, i cant think of one that i didnt like. They all have a lighthearted approach and most feature elements of mystery or intrigue.

Ian McShane was a perfect choice, difficult to imagine it with anyone else in the role, and Dudley Sutton also stands out in the role of Tinker.

Also of note was many well known actors popping up in episodes, including Donald Pleasence.


9 out of 10.
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