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16 February 2009
Once Mind of Mencia was released, I had lost all hope that Comedy Central would release a good sketch show again. Important Things with Demetri Martin has not only proved me wrong, it might be my favorite to ever be shown on the network. Yes, it really is that good.

Demetri Martin is a fantastic host and is hilarious as always. The sketches are well thought out and portrayed. It's unlike anything else I've seen on Comedy Central and I really hope it lasts. But if Mind of Mencia can last as long as it has, I fear for the intelligence of American viewers. Let's just hope that Important Things remains on the air for a long, long time.
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Could Have Been Worse(but not much)
13 February 2009
I haven't written a review in quite some time but I wanted to share my disdain for this film and maybe warn some of you not to waste your money on it. It's a pretty and polished version of the original films but what it's lacking is any real tension and a good storyline. I'm sure that if you're a silly little teenager that liked the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, you'll love this movie, but there are those of us that ask for more than what this movie can give.

Not for one second does this film make us care about its characters or its outcome. The casting obviously didn't require for anyone to be able to act, it just made sure that they would take off their clothes. There is no story, there is only slaughter. Also, forget about atmosphere or any sense of discomfort, you won't find it here. Marcus Nispel's Friday the 13th is a less scary version of The OC.

Stay far away. The great thing about the original films was their low budget flare. This is worse and it had a Hollywood sized budget. That should tell you what you need to know.
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Joy Ride (2001)
Not Bad but Borrows too much from Superior Films
19 October 2008
I actually enjoyed a lot about this film but it really was not too original. It borrows heavily from 1971's Duel not only with a similar storyline but also with almost identical cinematography at times. And ultimately, Duel is a far better film which makes this movie a tad pointless but it is still a fun time.

Steve Zahn is always hilarious, Paul Walker always sucks. There's no exception here. The story, as I said is pretty unoriginal but I suppose they got it to work decently. There are some okay suspense scenes but nothing that isn't typical. Overall, we've seen this before.

Give this movie a chance but turn off your brain. It'll be much more enjoyable if you don't think about it.
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Monster House (2006)
Perfect for Halloween Time
15 October 2008
I am a big fan of horror movies and Halloween movies in general. I also really love Halloween movies that I can view with my whole family. This movie falls into that category. Usually, "family" films are pretty cheesy and just poorly written. This one isn't. It's actually a very clever little film that could sit next to Disney's Sleepy Hollow, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and James and the Giant Peach.

The animation looks great and sets a good feel for the film in general. There are some really good "scary" moments as well. I really loved the story and thought it was one of the most well thought stories I've seen in a "kids movie."

This movie is great for this time of the year. Be sure to see it soon because Halloween will be over before you know it!
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Just Better than Average
13 October 2008
This movie was fun and entertaining but I think people are getting a little ahead of themselves in some of these reviews. It's not the greatest modern horror film or even the greatest horror film of the year. It's just mindless fun. Try not to take it as anything more than that and you should like it.

The acting is pretty bad but we can't really expect much, I suppose. However, Robert Englund was pretty good. The story is an interesting idea but I think it takes too long to get going, about a full hour and then we're left with about 15 minutes of actual action. Normally I like slow moving films but not when I'm promised a "fun" movie.
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Average Teen Horror Fare
13 October 2008
I really loved the first film of the Final Destination series. The second one was good but didn't compare, but I think the third is the worst. Let's face it people, every single one of these films has the exact same story. The only difference is the initial accident and the deaths. There's only so much you can do.

The acting is pretty bad but what you'd expect from any teen horror film. Former Disney Channel star, Ryan Merriman, proves that he really has no depth as an actor. As I said, the story is nothing new whatsoever. I almost can't believe that they're making a fourth film. However, if the Saw series is still selling tickets, there's no reason that this shouldn't.

See it or don't see it, it will make no difference. That's my two cents!
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The Shining (1980)
A Rare Occurrence: Better than the Book
12 October 2008
Stephen King did not like this adaptation of his book because it strayed from the original story so much, but I think that's what made this movie as amazing as it is. Don't get me wrong, I loved the book, but I honestly think that Stanley Kubrick came up with a better story that is much more atmospheric and terrifying.

The ever brilliant Jack Nicholson continues to amaze in this film and is truly horrifying as Jack Torrence. The rest of the cast is great but there are some iffy moments from Shelly Duvall. The story is great and Stanley Kubrick's direction is unbelievable. I wish he hadn't died.

If you call yourself a horror fan and you haven't seen this movie, then you're not a horror fan. It's as simple as that. Stop sitting around and see it!
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Hilarious and Perfect for All Ages
12 October 2008
My family and I used to watch this movie all the time while I was growing up so I may be a little biased here. Even so, I think it's one of the best comedies ever and I quote the lines very often. It really is great to revisit this film and remember when I was a little kid sitting on the couch watching it with my family. I was able to revisit it this weekend.

I really feel that all of the characters are very well thought out, essential parts of any band and very well portrayed by all of the actors. Tom Everett Scott, Liv Tyler, Steve Zahn and Ethan Embry are all great. The story itself is the best part of this film and really says a lot about being in a band. "Ain't no way to keep a band together, bands come and go. You gotta keep on playin', no matter with who."

This movie is great. I recommend it for the whole family and definitely if you are or have been in a band. You'll love it!
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Nothing That Hasn't Been Done Before
10 October 2008
The Apatow group has come out with another comedy. While there were entertaining jokes throughout, I felt that this was nothing new. Just another romantic comedy about finding "the one." But there is one difference with this film... Male nudity, great, like anyone needs that. It's not funny it's just vile. I must admit that I am a little shocked at the high rating of this movie. Maybe people will enjoy anything that the Apatow group comes out with.

The acting wasn't bad but I felt that some of the characters were a bit annoying and unnecessary. The story was typical, very typical for these kinds of films. As I said, there were definitely a good amount of funny moments but not enough, I believe, to save it from mediocrity.

See this film or don't see it. I really don't think it'll make much difference either way. Just my thought.
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Saw (2004)
The Best Modern Horror Film
6 October 2008
Let me start off by saying that I am NOT a Saw franchise fan boy. I absolutely despise every single sequel to this film that the studios have somehow managed to churn out. This film is different from all of it's sequels. It is a well thought out, and extremely well written film with a lot going for it. I love this film and I revisit it every Halloween.

As I was saying, this movie is best if think of it as its own film and not the first of a franchise. The story is one of the most brilliant and intricate things I've seen in recent years. The acting is definitely rough but it didn't take away from the movie for me. I also love the score, it adds a lot.

Saw is a good movie, the Saw franchise sucks. Stay away from the sequels and just see Saw. The sequels honestly ruin it!
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Pure Nostalgia
5 October 2008
This was, without a doubt, my favorite movie when I was a little kid. I haven't been able to get a hold of the other three yet but my family and I used to watch these all the time and seeing it today makes me long for those days of my childhood. I still get the same feeling I did as a kid and I would recommend this film to any family!

The child actors in this are awesome, they really bring the characters to life. The story is great and I'm sure you'll like it too if you've enjoyed the books. I thought that it was shot pretty well too and that the dubbing was done well. I've enjoyed everything about this film for years and will for years to come!
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Jaws (1975)
Makes Me Wish Spielberg Still Understood Suspense
3 October 2008
I'm not saying that Steven Spielberg doesn't make good movies anymore, I just think that he has lost his feel for suspense. In two of his early films, this and Duel, the suspense was so brilliantly crafted and unexpected. I wish he still made films like this. Jaws is one of the best films in history, hands down!

I know I'm definitely not the first to say all these things about Jaws but there are many reasons why so many have. The acting, the script, the shooting, the score and the setting are all amazing. Like most people, I was scared to go in the water when I was a kid because of this film. It's that scary! I think the fact that the shark is rarely shown adds so much to the suspense factor because you have to use your imagination. Mark my words, this film is truly terrifying.

If you haven't seen Jaws, you've probably been living under a rock for the past 3 decades. Come out into the light and enjoy Spielberg's best. You can quote me on that!
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Beetlejuice (1988)
Totally Awesome!
3 October 2008
I'm not one of those kids that grew up on this movie but after seeing it for the first time tonight, I wish I was. Everything about it was brilliant and perfect for this time of the year. It truly is a shame that we don't see movies like this today and I think this even deserves a higher rating than 7.3 and a spot on the top 250!

Who knew that Michael Keaton had it in him? He shows such range in his portrayal of the character of Beetlejuice. This is definitely a Tim Burton film and it shows immensely. The colors, the feel, the music, everything is Tim Burton. And that is a great thing. He's one of the best directors of our time and I hope he decides to create more films like this. The story is also great. Oh hell, everything is!

See this movie, especially now that Halloween is upon us. You won't regret it!
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Side Sho (2007 Video)
Stupid and Pointless, but not Exactly Boring
3 October 2008
I blind bought this movie and am pretty upset that I paid as much as I did but I would say that it's at least worth a rent for some cool deaths and laughable acting. It is not a good movie in any way but I must say that I was pretty darn entertained. I guess it could be called so-bad-it's-good.

As I said, the acting is awful, I feel like I could have done a better job showing, at least, any emotion. The story is nothing new and has been done better. I guess I just have a soft spot for any carnival-esquire type film. I would say rent this or download it but definitely don't buy it. It is not worth more than one watch.
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THX 1138 (1971)
Darn Good
29 September 2008
I think this film is underrated, especially considering it was Lucas's first major motion picture. It's very interesting and even intriguing at times and I think it as aged very well. Sure, there are plenty of flaws, but so what? It was Lucas's first film and I would say that he's a crummy director anyhow. This is definitely worth a look.

As I said, i think George Lucas is not a very good director. He did well in this one but other than this, the first Star Wars seems to be the only other movie he knew what he was doing with. The acting is pretty good with great performances from Robert Duvall, Donald Pleasance and Sid Haig. I liked the story a lot, it was very imaginative and visionary but maybe a little to in your face with social commentary at times. Other than that, i enjoyed about everything.

See this, it's definitely an interesting film that I think most people with open minds will enjoy. If you can look past the bizarre nature of it, you might like it. I know I did.
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Eagle Eye (2008)
Sometimes Absurdity is Fun, Other Times, it's just, well, Absurd!
26 September 2008
D.J. Caruso is not a filmmaker, he is a film-taker. While everyone knows that his horrible film, Disturbia, was a blatant rip off of Rear Window, many do not that this movie is almost as blatant but Caruso manages to rip off more than one movie this time. There are strong elements of Hitchcock's films, North by Northwest and The Wrong Man. It also borrows from Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, but mostly, 2001: A Space Odyssey. This movie is nothing but an unoriginal piece of Hollywood trash with some okay suspense and a load of bad product placement.

I didn't really have a problem with the acting. I always enjoy Shia LaBeouf, Billy Bob Thornton was good, and Michelle Monaghan was decent. The story is lame and has been done so much better so many times before. I wish I hadn't gone to this crapfest and I will be staying away from Caruso's movies from now on.

The only thing D.J. Caruso has done for film is make crappy versions of movies that people already love. There is no need for this man and I hope he realizes it soon. I hope you do too!
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The Lookout (2007)
Very Good Film
23 September 2008
I found this movie for 2 bucks at a local video store and am glad I decided to grab it. It's a great film with a lot of suspense and twists that will leave you amazed. I saw this right after Joseph Gordon-Levitt's other film, Brick, which I think is superior to this film but The Lookout is still fantastic.

The acting is phenomenal, especially from Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Jeff Daniels. The story was very intricate and unpredictable. The characters were also great. I liked a lot of other things about this movie as well. It's pretty much a must see for crime fans.

The Lookout is a great movie to watch at night with some friends. You have got to see this one!
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Brick (2005)
A Modern Treat for Classic Noir Fans
22 September 2008
This movie stunned me a bit. What I started thinking would be another cheap teen thriller turned out to be a very well thought out, even ingenious film. I couldn't believe how well this movie went along with the Film-Noir genre in such a modern setting. Brilliant is the word that belongs here.

The script is very well crafted and so many important details are shown. This movie was shot so well, I loved so many of the angles and cuts that they used. The acting was awesome, and as a fan of Angels in the Outfield when I was a little kid, it was awesome to Joseph Gordon Levitt in the leading role. The best part was the story but the only thing that kept me from giving it a full 10/10 was the fact that the ending was pretty predictable. However, that doesn't mean it's not one of the greatest movies I've seen.

See this movie! Do it! Do it now!
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Crank (2006)
A 7.1??? Are you Kidding Me??
20 September 2008
The rating that this movie has on this site is a good example of how ignorant our culture really is. I'm honestly debating whether or not this is the worst movie I've ever seen. It's that terrible. What could have been a fun action movie is actually an 84 minute commercial that takes itself far too seriously. Stay far away.

There is seriously nothing good about this movie other than the production value, which means absolutely nothing to me. I've seen great movies with horrible production quality but they had everything else. This has nothing else, at all. The story sucks, the only thing it has going for it is Beijing Cocktail but even that is over the top. As I said earlier, it is just like long commercial. There is so much product placement and it's so blatant and in your face that it made me want to vomit. The story is so miserable that the producers attempted to cover it up with flashy special effects and "fun" action sequences. What have I left out? Oh yeah, the "acting." The acting was pretty bad. Not horrible, just like Hallmark channel miniseries bad. I can't believe I made it all the way through this poor excuse for a film.

This movie sucks. There's no sugar coating necessary. Just don't see it and live your life. There are so many good films to see instead of this piece of crap.
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2001: A Movie that Words Can't Describe
20 September 2008
I just saw this movie for the first time since I was probably 8 years old and I'm almost speechless. I think I would have to say that in my opinion, this is the greatest movie ever made. I don't know what else to say, I am that moved by this film. It has to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen on screen. Stanley Kubrick's films tend to be really long but they always go by fast for me and this one went by the fastest. It's unreal!

Everything about this movie is genius. The story is captivating and wonderful from start to finish. Some may say it's a little slow but I loved every detail. There are so many different feelings and emotions that come along with this movie, it's almost overwhelming. I loved the visuals and anyone would be crazy not to. This is film-making at its finest and a true brilliant work from one of the best directors in the history of cinema.

I can't urge you to see this movie enough. You will be blown away and begging for more. See it and enjoy it!
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The Shining (1997)
Not up to Par With Kubrick's but Still Underrated
19 September 2008
This is a great mini series from Stephen King and Mick Garris. It goes unsaid that Stanley Kubrick's version of The Shining is the better film, but honestly, I don't think people should complain about this film because it's almost impossible to follow up a Kubrick film. The thing I like most about this one is that it is its own film entirely, it's not a remake of the original. It is King's vision on screen and I think that's pretty damn awesome. I also visit where it was shot every year so it's really cool to see it on screen!

The acting is pretty good. I thought everyone portrayed their characters well and I really liked young Courtland Mead as Danny Torrance. The story follows the book very well and that's another thing I really liked about it. My only real complaint is some cliché horror scares and cheap CGI but the rest was actually great.

If you decide to view this film, view it as its own film and not a remake of Kubrick's The Shining. I think the reason people dislike this series so much is because they're comparing it to that version. You'll enjoy it if you can refrain from doing so!
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The Best War Movie Ever Made
18 September 2008
Most folks would say that Apocalypse Now is the greatest war movie of all time. I beg to differ, for I have just seen Full Metal Jacket for the first time. Full Metal Jacket is not only great because of how it portrays how ridiculous war is but also because it shows how dark and twisted human kind really is. I am absolutely blown away by this amazing piece of cinema.

The story starts off comedic and heads in that direction for a little while but then gets dramatic almost immediately. There is plenty of action and suspense. This movie, like most great films is a deep character study. The great acting adds so much to this. There is honestly virtually nothing wrong with this movie and it is a new favorite of mine. Stanley Kubrick was the man!

Stanley Kubrick fans will definitely enjoy this movie but I think everyone else will also. It really is a beautiful film if you look at it as more than a Vietnam film.
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Red Dawn (1984)
Don't Take it so Seriously
17 September 2008
It's always funny to me when people complain about movies being unrealistic. The beauty of film is that you can create your own reality and even your own world. Art is not bound to the reality that we live in. Red Dawn is a film that creates it's own reality and it's own possibilities, nothing more. If you start to look for something more than that, you're just going to get frustrated. So watch this movie for what it is, a fun action movie with one of the most intense opening scenes ever.

The acting is good. Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen and C. Thomas Howell all do well in their roles. I thought the story was really as well. It also deals with a lot of heavy stuff and shows the characters going through these hard times pretty well. The action sequences are great. I think you should give this one a chance.

Watch this movie and take it a little less seriously this time. It's a fun 80's action film. Try watching it as such.
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Peeping Tom (1960)
Similar to Psycho and Almost as Good!
16 September 2008
A lot of people have commented on how this film is basically a British version of Psycho, which is true. They have also said that it's a wonderful horror film around, this is also true. It really is a brilliant movie that seems to be sadly forgotten by most people. The only way I ever heard about it was on the IMDb horror boards. It seems a shame that not many other people know about it.

I thought the acting was magnificent, especially from the main character. What a creepy man. The story is simple but portrayed and executed almost perfectly. It's not as good as Psycho but it is definitely close behind it.

This is a movie for horror fans. Every horror fan should see it and enjoy it. I know I did!
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A Hilarious Work from Lynch
13 September 2008
I've almost seen all of David Lynch's films. I've seen all of his feature films so now I'm working through the obscure stuff and short films. This is an awesome short film that was apparently an episode for a show that never even got off the ground. I'm glad it was made available in the Short Films of David Lynch DVD because I don't know if we'd be able to see it otherwise. It is much more comedic than much of anything Lynch has done in the past. It's almost slapstick comedy in a way. I love the characters. It's awesome how much is put into them in such a short amount of time. The actors and the story are great also. This is something every Lynch fan should see.
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