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21 Jump Street (1987–1991)
Great Cop Show Of The 80's
30 October 2004
Great to see that the show has hit the DVD format. Watched a few episodes so far from Season 1. Great show and don't know why it was not on reruns anywhere here in Canada. Noticed some over dubs on some dialogue, not sure if that was done back when the show was on FOX or if it has been done when putting it on DVD. Looks like some words are overdubbed, could swear that ass was said originally but you get a different word said. Watch the actor's mouth when the dialogue seems a bit louder briefly. What a gem though this show was and always will be. Holly Robinson is so sexy and still is today. I wonder what Johnny Depp thinks of this being out now on DVD. He never liked doing the show after the 3rd season but stuck it out for his contract duration. Would be nice to hear his comments and have him on the extra features. Too bad.
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Underworld (2003)
Seen It, Bought It, Loved It
28 January 2004
I don't know why someone would say not to bother wasting your money on this movie. I am a horror movie fan, a fan of vampire movies and all that go along with that genre. I seen Underworld here at the Toronto Film Festival back in September 2003 and couldn't wait for it to come out on DVD so I could add it to my collection. This Vampire/Werewolf film is unique as it doesn't use the typical setting of Los Angeles for everything. Seems so many of these types of flicks always have to deal with Los Angeles. Fianlly this time the scenery is more along the lines of what this type of film should look like. Gothic. And instead of everyone walking around in regular everyday clothes like people of L.A. the characters are dressed in black PVC and leather. Hey maybe it is me but I think if this flick had been done with the setting of the TV series Angel, it would have been pathetic. I like Angel but too many movies with Vampires will seem to show them as regular people and that has been done too much. Kate Beckinsale is great as the lead, she speaks with her natural British accent instead of the fake American one we have been so used to her using in films. This whole movie has the right feel and setting, and it shows the vampires in a luxury life like they do live in when we read back about them. Werewolfs are underground, more of the "lower class" looking. The rules are followed so well for a flick about both fan favs and it works like a charm. Sure someone mentions about the American accents, big deal, I guess in the Czech Republic (where this was filmed) there are no Americans over there? Just like there are no Czechs in America? I believe that true fans of Vamps and Werewolves will be impressed with this flick. Also I think Vampires and Werewolves were not created or set in America like so many characters and movies "Have" to be. I mean come on, Fredy, Jason, Micheal Myers, Pinhead and Leatherface all are popular horror characters that seem to originate in America.

Come on people put aside your usual criticizing, this is not a boring Tom Hanks "true story" film, it is make believe, about two types of fan fav characters that are popular in todays times as well as say 50 years ago. No different than withcraft.
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V.I.P. (1998–2002)
Hello People...Wake Up
10 June 2003
COme on now, is TV supposed to be so great? I mean come on, wake up here. VIP is what most shows are that have a lead character that is a hot looking female...that is SEX SELLS!!! Deal with it. It is entertainment. That is all. I highly doubt Pamela Anderson thought "hey I can act good people will like this show for that" Ya ok, she is no idiot like so many people think. She knows and knew all along that watching her in skimpy outfits along with a nicely fit co-star (Natalie Raitano) the guys will tune in to watch. Sure it is typical, but are you all gonna tell me that Friends has always been popular because of it's corny storylines? Ya right, that show is the same, SEX SELLS. Guys love Jennifer Aniston, girls love Matthew Perry or Matt LeBlanc. This is an example and that is the same as VIP, Pamela looks sexy as always and Natalie Raitano is sexy too with that fit petite body of hers. So if it really bothers you that it is the "stupidest TV show" on then why are you tuning in? Oh ya you tuned in for some great suspense knowing that Pamela Anderson was in it. Ya that's right. Sex sells in entertainment and always will. Deal with it or stop watching TV. Just sit back and enjoy watching some sexy babes, or sexy guys if you are a female, and quit complaining.
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Girls Club (2002)
Not A Bad 1st Episode
21 October 2002
Just like all brand new shows the pilot episode, well in this case first episode as there really was no pilot episode, we are introduced to the main characters in the show and learn a small amount about them. I being a fan of Kathleen Robertson did enjoy this first episode. But you can't judge a new show from one episode to begin with but this one was good and I am looking forward to the next ones. All 3 girls have different types of personalities and I am sure that some viewers will relate to certain ones. Kathleen looks great as always and her presence on screen is a relief as we have not been graced by her presence in a long while in a TV show. Kathleen can carry her own no matter the role she is given, very under rated actress. Gretchen Mol looks so much like a young Grace Kelly and is impressive with the role she plays. Strong willed, seems more of these female roles are showing up on TV and that is good when it is played by good actresses like Mol. Then there's Chyler Leigh the sweet but impatient over eager green associate, also she too is impressive. So looks to be another successful David E Kelly show.

I will bet that lots of "critical" reviewers out there will say it is a revamped Ally. But big deal. It was successful. They are just selling the show on looks. True and tell me what shows do not nowadays? Friends? NYPD Blue? ER? CSI? Boston Public? WWE Raw & Smackdown? To name a few. Hey remember everyone, TV is to entertain you for the duration of the show. That is it. So sit back and be entertained.
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Urban Legend (1998)
Great Flick, But Seems Others Differ
10 October 2002
One question I have to ask all who watch movies is, do you watch to be entertained or watch for flaws, watch to be cynical or watch a movie expecting to be disappointed? Do you watch movies for the storyline? Or do you watch for who is in the movie. Now if you are all saying storylines, you are lying, why? Well because we see previews and are attracted to wanting to watch the movie based on who is in it. Which brings me to Urban Legend. Now sure Urban Legends are interesting myths, folklore but put them into a movie with, remember a big with, an "attractive" cast and bang, you have a successful movie. Horror movie mind you. Remember horror movies are always criticized by those "older" and "mature" viewers who always say, this is crap when thier movie collection consists of every hit horror movie from the 80's. Rebecca Gayheart is a sexy hottie, and all guys will agree no matter what. Tara Reid isn't? Ya sure guys, she is as hot as can be in this one and in American Pie. Throw in Jared Leto for the women and Joshua Jackson as well and it looks like we have a cast who is not only known but attractive. That is what sells a movie, and put them into a horror movie that viewers will relate to, meaning folklore myths..Urban Legends and we have the hook, line and sinker. SO all in all this movie is a good horror movie, regardless of it's rip offs. Almost all movies of any genre are rip offs of previous similar movies. this horror movie is not crap, is entertaining and that is the word so many people seem to forget when it comes to watching movies and tv. Be entertained, not so critical. No one is perfect and no production is perfect.
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A Movie To Relate To
10 October 2002
Seems that from time to time a really good low key movie becomes a cult favourite. Pump Up The Volume is one of them. This is a movie I am sure alot of us can relate toand is why it has become such a favourite with the 30-something crowd. Christian Slater and Samantha Mathis play really good characters in this one. This being one of Slater's early pieces of work, he is actually a pleasure to watch as the troubled teen his parents do not understand. It is the rebellian that I think we can relate to when it comes to parents not listening and politician teachers not caring. I am sure that if you watch this movie more than once you will begin to appreciate it more. Lots of funny things we all have done in school and to our parents and lots of things troubled teens have done as well. This is truly a gem of a movie. Samantha Mathis is terrific in this and she is an under rated actress by far.
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Haunted (2002)
Truly A Gem
9 October 2002
I am a fan of horror, thriller and suspense. SO when I seen the previews of Haunted I was definitely gonna tune in. So far 3 episodes and the show seems to get better each time. Not a let down so far. Some creepy scenes that are better than say Angel and Charmed, although those 2 shows rock. Seeing Matthew Fox playing a total opposite role from his POF role and succeeding is great to see. The dark drama in this goes along with Angel and yet doesn't follow in its footsteps. With the ghosts that apear to the visions he sees to help solve crimes makes this show intriguing and far from boring. UPN has a sleeper hit on their hands, but let's hope it doesn't fall to the way side of the other cancellations each season because of poor timeslots. I think networks have to realize that people will tape one show while watching another, seems they forgot about the invention of the VCR and timer recording. Also satellite is another thing. Miss it in the east time, watch it in the west time.
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KTLA Morning News (1991– )
Nothing Beats This
24 September 2002
This has got to be the best morning news program on TV in North America. I get KTLA up here in Toronto,Canada and even though they are 3 hours behind us, it is well worth watching compared to our morning news programs on our networks. I have never seen a cast of anchors who have chemistry and charisma. From the Canadian weatherman Mark Kriski who is a total laugh, to the oh so beautiful Jennifer York in Skycam 5, who has got the best laugh. Giselle fernandez is a great addition to the show as lots will recognize her from doing the weekend edition of the Today Show I believe it was. She is a babe and looks great for 41 I have to say. Carlos, Sharon Tay, are great as well. Mindy Burbano has got to be the woman with the sexiest smile in America. This girl does great when filling in for Sam Rubin in entertainment. She mainly does the entertainment on the nightly news at 10. But believe me this morning show is unlike any other. It is not your usual morning news show, to me it is 3 hours of news,interviews and comedic relief. No wonder KTLA's on air staff seem to get used in some movies and tv shows for bit parts as newscasters. They are known to all in North America.
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CSI: Miami (2002–2012)
Based On Spin Off Episode Of CSI
17 September 2002
This show will definitely be a hit. Not because it is a spin off from the hit show CSI but because David Caruso will be the main reason. Sorry all you CSI fans but this episode Caruso stole the whole show away from the cast. Right from when he stood there and found the little girl and sat with her to his calm to the point in your face trademark. Even his little wisecracks works in his favour. Caruso has on screen presence and it showed on this episode like always. Caruso will finally get the respect he deserves. Mondays will be good now.
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Kiss of Death (1995)
Entertaining and Underrated Flick
17 September 2002
This flick is an underrated one by far. What a cast, from Caruso to Hunt, from Cage to Rhames everyone shines in this. I say pick this up and you will be entertained if you like any of the actors in the movie. Everyone clicks and there is no boring parts throughout. Trust me, Caruso shines as always.
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Fairuza Shines
5 May 2002
Being a big fan of Fairuza Balk's this movie done earlier in her career shows how talented she really is. It seems Fairuza is not a well known actress unless you mention The Craft or The Waterboy and people will say "oh her, she has done alot of movies?" Fairuza and Harvey Keitel play off one another so well as father and daughter. This movie is well written, well casted and well acted out. Sure there are a few boring parts but that goes with a drama type movie. Watch for a younger Amber Benson who is on Buffy The Vampire Slayer now as Tara. Also Vincent D'Onofrio plays a really good part as well. Crimes is a bit of a tear jerker and I have to say this movie Solidifies that Fairuza Balk is talented and that she deserves more credit than she gets. Christopher Penn has a small role in this as well. A few known faces in this one. But this sleeper hit is worth the time to rent. Chicks will like it for sure.
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One Of The Best
5 May 2002
BTTF has got to be one of the best comedy movies to come out of the 80's. Let alone it is no doubt a classic among us who grew up in the 80's. Michael J.Fox and Christopher Lloyd have such chemistry together on screen unlike what we see today in movies with co-stars. Michael J. Fox is without question one of the funniest actors around. He is not a comedian turned actor, just a talented funny actor.

BTTF came out during Michael J. Fox's successful run on Family Ties. He was a household name that brought us all to the theatre to see this gem. Robert Zemekis casts a terrific cast here. Lea Thopson (Caroline In The City), Crispin Glover (who co-starred with Fox in the TV Movie High School USA) to name a couple. I never found a boring part in this movie, from beginning to end it just keeps you entertained. I can't see why/if anyone would knock this movie as it just has so much going for it no matter what. Too bad no other comedy movies have been done as good as this one. But like always there will be one movie that will stand out in certain genres and this definitely does in the comedy genre. Fox has done a string of funny movies in the 80's and I think people should rent/buy his films to see that he is no matter what a true talent in Hollywood. A Canadian Boy who makes us Canadians so proud.
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Summer Catch (2001)
Only Good Thing:Brittany Murphy
27 January 2002
Brittany Murphy is the one good thing about this movie. I mean I have always said Freddie Prinze Jr is a talented guy, hell he is lucky too as he gets the hotties as co-stars in all his flicks. But it is Brittany Murphy who is the only good thing about this flat movie. Murphy plays a bar waitress tramp who knows Prinze and she plays all her roles to the hilt. But the only other good thing in this flick is Matthew Lillard's comic relief. Was this guy ever a stand up comic growing up? His one liners are a laugh, but whenever he or Murphy are not in the scene, the movie falls flat. Not even sweet Jessica Biel can save it, and that is surprising. Always it is the cast to lures the audience to the movie, not the script, but it seems everytime you make the plot to inclyde the main character in a sport, you have to make it worthwhile. Not in this case, it just does not work. So poor Brittany Murphy lights up the screen in this, she is not in it long enough at all. So if you are gonna watch this, do not have any high expectations. You will be entertained but not to the point you are expecting. Brittany Murphy and Matthew Lillard are the only reasons to watch. Jessica Biel is only in a bikini once and that is all guys. :(
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Eddie Does It Again
22 January 2002
For some reason people have said that this sequel was disappointing but I say this sequel was a bit better than the first one but not by much. A terrific cast in this second installment though. How can you not like Bridgette Nielson and those long legs. Also Murphy gives us some good laughs like always and delivers the goods as he always has for us in the 80's. The chemistry between Murphy, John Ashton and Judge Reinhold is so good. Reinhold delivers and does it well with Murphy while driving the cement truck to the Playboy Mansion. Watch for a cameo of Chris Rock parking cars at the Playboy Mansion. Chris Rock's first movie gig. The entire cast in this installment is great and works well all together. One of the best scenes is when Axel Foley visits the Gun Club to find some info out, he delivers a smooth line to Nielson that sticks in my mind as a riot. Also the Playboy Mansion scene is one of the funniest as well. So take a look and buy the DVD Box Set, comes out soon or is already out depending on when you are reading this. One of Eddie Murphy's best movies by far.
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Freak City (1999 TV Movie)
So Underrated And Lots Of Talent
16 January 2002
Freak City was a better movie than I expected. It actually was a good storyline and what a cast. From the talented and beautiful Samantha Mathis playing a girl with MS and she plays it so well to Jonathan Silverman playing a blindman so well. Marlee Matlin is terrific and such a talented actress who is deaf in real life. Natalie Cole plays a brain damaged singer and she is good. She sings in the movie and it is good. Now a movie about handicapped people may not be a movie geared to alot of people but when you watch this, you will basically be watching people's lives in this. I was so impressed with it and bought it to add to my Samantha Mathis collection. Samantha is superb as always and this girl shines like always as well. It was shot here in Toronto and that was when I had the honor of meeting Samantha who is such a sweetheart. Rent it or buy it, not boring at all.
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Cast Away (2000)
Sooo Boring
16 January 2002
Man what to say. I can't figure out why people praised this movie. It was basically Tom Hanks on an island for 4 years and hardly saying a word. You never have a cut back to see what his wife may be thinking or has done or doing. Nope, you find all that out at the end when he is rescued. But boring,boring boring. Too long as well. Sorry Tom even you can't save this flick from either being swept away by an undercurrent or deserted and forgotten. I am not a Tom Hanks fan either so maybe that contributed to it I don't know. Avoid it people, don't wast $5 on renting it. Rent something with some excitement for that.
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One Of The Best Movies Made
16 January 2002
What can be said about this movie? One word sums it up. WONDERFUL!! Rob Reiner is a genius and what a cast he got for this one. Let alone Bening and Douglas shine, but look at the rest of them. Samantha Mathis plays an assistant to the President and is great but take a look at Michael J Fox. This has got to be one of his best performances ever. When he gets p****d off just watch him shine through. No more is he pigeonholed to be in a comedy, after this. the movie flows so smoothly and does not disappoint at all. Buy the DVD, it is worth it so you can watch it over and over without wearing it out. Bening is such a terrific actress and so beautiful for a woman in her 40's now. Bening is one of the most beaufiful women by far. Bening, Kim Basinger and Sela Ward are the 40 something women us 20-30 something men just adore. So American President has many reasons to watch it or own it.
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Night Heat (1985–1989)
One Of The Best Cop Shows
16 January 2002
Night Heat is one of the best TV Series Cop Shows for sure. A great Canadian cast and was shot at night entirely all over Toronto,Ontario. I remember seeing the show being filmed all the time and for us that live in Toronto, it was always fun to figure out where abouts the scenes were shot when watching. Jeff Wincott stole the show with his under rated acting. Too bad that his brother Michael Wincott has been alot more successful that him. Scott Hylands, Sean McCann show there experiemce acting in the show as well. McCann is always great in whatever role he gets, also is a nice guy when you run into him on the streets of Toronto. The entire cast had great chemistry, one of those rare drama shows where the entire cast is talented. Too bad CBS scrapped thier CBS Late Night timeslot, but when they wanted in on the Late Night Talk Show circuit, well Night Heat had to be the sacrifice. Reruns are un up here in Canada I don't know about in the USA. One great thing about the show was they always had good guest stars like Danny Aiello, and Hector Elizondo and they were great with the cast. Another few Canadian shot shows to check out if you can are Hot Shots, Sirens and Diamonds. You will see the same Canadian actors playing bit parts in these ones. If you can catch the Night Heat reruns, I say do so. Not cheesy at all.
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Cherry Falls (1999)
Actually Was A Good Flick
15 January 2002
I found this flick to actually be entertaining. Brittany Murphy, the little sexy thing, is I find an underrated actress. Seeing her in about a handful of movies she plays her parts all great. I guess because she doesn't get the starring roles in big flicks she gets overlooked but beware, she will burst out soon. Cherry Falls is like others have said in reviews, Scream meets American Pie. I have to say Jay Mohr plays a good part and this guy seems to play good parts in any role he gets. Some pretty funny parts in the flick, all in all there is a little suspense in this, guessing here and there who the 'killer" is. But ya you will be able to point out who the person is by halfway through. But really that seems to take a backseat to all the other interesting things happening in the flick. Suprising this didn't make it to the theatre, or maybe it did on limited release, but it worth renting, or buying on DVD. Everytime I would see Brittany I just had to like her more and more. She was good in Freeway, Drop Dead Gorgeous and Phoenix but again, she was overshadowed by Reese Witherspoon, Denise Richards and Kirsten Dunst in the first 2 but she was good in Phoenix, so watch for this tiny sexy one sson. She seems to take better roles each movie.
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A Satisfying Good Movie
15 January 2002
Man I noticed nowadays everyone has such high expectations and also take movies waaay too seriously. I found this movie entertaining from beginning to end. I am not a big Jolie fan at all, but she rocks in this flick as Lara Croft. So what that you have to always notice her breasts, but hey she is sexy as Lara Croft. Isn't that what the makers of the video game made her look in animation? Also what do you want in script wise? I found the story ok. But remember, do storylines really matter that much in movies nowadays? It is all about who is in the movie and that is all. The movie sold entirely on two factors here, the video game made into a movie and a bankable sexy star Angelina Jolie. The action scenes are all great and I found maybe a few boring parts that may have lasted all about 5 minutes each. So stop whining people about character development and storylines cuz Hollywwod banks on the stars to sell a movie not a script. I hope Jolie will make another installment sometime in the future, it is a bankable series if they will continue it that way.
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Renegades (1989)
Gertz, Kiefer and Lou Shine
9 November 2001
I will always like this movie for 3 reasons- 1. That Jami Gertz was in it--2. That fellow Canadian Kiefer Sutherland was in it and 3. It was shot here in Toronto,Ontario downtown and I watched alot of the location shooting. I remember watching alot of the filming downtown and they had alot of the streets blocked off that made for traffic nightmares donwtown Toronto. But getting to meet Jami Gertz was the exciting part. She was very friendly to the people who would be standing around watching the filming. At this time I had only known who she was from Lost Boys and the TV Show Square Pegs.

Anyhow Kiefer is great in this as a cop who is on a corruption in the police force task force but seems to never have the best luck. Lou Diamond Phillips plays a native indian and he is not too bad in it. But Jami Gertz I say steals this movie for sure. Lots of pretty good action and shoot ups. I don't see what people never liked about it. I guess nowadays it is just waaay too hard to have a viewer actually not go into watching a movie with a closed mind nowadays unless someone like Tom Cruise or Brad pitt is in it. I didn't really see any boring parts in it and Sutherland,Phillips and Gertz all together have some charisma on screen. Surprising with Phillips who is usually hot and cold in his flicks.
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The Lost Boys (1987)
One Word---Excellent!!!
9 November 2001
This is the best Vampire movie I think that has been made. The entire cast worked great together and I woudl say this is definitely a Vampire movie worth watching over and over again. Kiefer Sutherland, Jami Gertz, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Jason Patric, Diane Wiest (Law & Order), Alex Winter (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure), Barnard Hughes ( Buzz from Blossom) is a riot in this as Grandpa. The entire cast worked so well and no wonder it was also good was that it is a Joel Schumacher film. I would have to say that this was the pinacle for Feldman and Haim. After this thier career just plummeted. Watch this movie and you will recognize so many faces in it, the effects are cool, the camera shots are really good and the music is perfect for this type of film. If you are gonna watch some supernatural flicks then definitely add this to the list. The Craft, Lost Boys, John Carpenter's Vampires, Modern Vampires and Fright Night have to be the top 5 supernatural flicks to watch. None are boring at all. Lost Boys rates up there with Breakfast Club as one of the best films from the 80's. Remember, a Vampire cannot come into your house unless he is invited. Once again, ohh that Jami Gertz..what a babe she was/is.
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Still A Good One To Watch Even Now
9 November 2001
I have to say that this flick will always still be a fav of mine from the 80's. Hey growing up in that era we always watched movies with Andrew McCarthy,James Spader and the sexy Jami Gertz. Although I would say this has to be Gertz' worst acting, although I think she is portraying an "airheaded" rich kid here. Lost Boys and Renegades were her best. Seems after Twister her star just sort of vanished. Under rated actress by far.

Anyhow McCarthy actually is good in this, finally he gets a main character in a film instead of a role shadowed from those other "brat packers" he always seemed to be following from movie to movie. He plays a preppie rich kid without the attitude and is the friend who cares about his long time friends. James Spader, unlike others, I have always liked. Seems he just never got that big break ever but he is under rated in my view. He play the rich drug dealer prick and like in Pretty In Pink, plays it well. And then there's Robert Downey Jr. He plays, no pun intended here, a drug addicted rich spoiled brat who owes big cash to Spader for the drugs. His family won't bother giving him handouts anymore and so he ends up doing, well watch it for his character. Seems Downey Jr plays this role PERFECT. Sad to see him end up as one in real life. Basically if you like the 80's brat pack flicks that all of us in our late 20's to 30's grew up watching, rent it for sure. I'm sure it will make you remember all those party days in your high school/college years and this flick is definitely not boring. The end is quite sad and it will show you that no matter what friends go through, the true ones will always be there in the end. A 7/10 from me. 3 for Jami Gertz automatically, I am a Jami Gertz mark. Wonder when it will finally come out on DVD.
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Melissa Is A Natural
7 November 2001
Now for some odd reason, no idea why, alot of people have left negative comments about this show. I am guessing because TV has been so Seinfeld,Friends and Frasier saturated that when a sit-com that has good humour in it and a cast that is funny comes along,in it's 6th season, and has still some originality in it, people have to slam it. Sure Sabrina is no Friends or Seinfeld, but to say Melissa Joan HArt can't act? Come on now. She is not a "comedian" like those on Seinfeld,Drew Carey or even Home Improvement, she is a funny actress. Plain and simple. Her cute one liners are funny and are great for a chuckle. And Salem the cat is a riot too. But it seems TV has less to offer and when Friends goes everyone will cry the blues, TV has to be on par with Friends and Seinfeld it seems. Hey Seinfeld was not that great of a show, the thing that worked on there was the cast clicked. None of them will be able to shake that character now. So they will be pigeon holed and no one will look at any of them in other ways. Melissa Joan Hart will be remembered as Sabrina, but I can bet she will go with drama movies like her TV Movies and her talents will show. Sabrina is a funny show, Soliel Moon Frye plays Roxie great, her humour on there is great. But Elisa Donovan unfortunately just doesn't do it. Bring back Libby like they have with Harvey now and I can bet it would be even more funnier. So all in all people, don't take TV so seriously, it is there to be entertained. Besides, how much more of Courtney Cox can anyone take?? She just turns me off of Friends. Well I hardly have watched Friends anyhow.
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Twisted Desire (1996 TV Movie)
Melissa Shines
4 November 2001
I have to say that this TV movie was the work that really showed how talented Melissa Joan Hart is. We are so used to, now, seeing her in a sitcom and I really hope that a TV station will show this TV movie again soon as it will show the Sabrina fans that MJH shines in a drama. Seen as we have watched her on Sabrina now for now 5 years and so to give the viewers a taste of her much unused talent would be a plus. Melissa plays her role so well in this wanting her parents "done away" with so she can be with the guy she loves. One thing that all Sabrina viewers will notice, Melissa works with David Lascher in this, well before he took the role of Josh on Sabrina. So it would be kind of neat to see this currently whenever it gets aired again. Hopefully MJH gets some good roles in movies or even in more TV Movies, sort of like Kellie Martin who has always shined in TV Movies. Lots of unused talent waiting to bust out when it comes to Melissa Joan Hart, you shine always Melissa!!!
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