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Turbo Kid (2015)
A gory love-letter to games/films
22 February 2022
Very few films deserve to be called 'a love letter' yet this is one of those sincere gems; from its Mad Max-esque opening monologue set in a dystopian world, 80's-style training montage music and a world held together by pop culture and nostalgia.

The future of transportation is bicycles, violence became society's communication skills and people's social skills are nonexistent.

As you'd expect, there's a ludicrous amount of B-movie blood and gore here too. Not for everyone's taste.

Fun fact, there's actually a prequel to this film but it was made into a music video! Plus, a video game on this way after a successful kickstarter campaign, which is awesome.
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North Shore (1987)
Romance for Surfers
15 February 2022
Film has a nice opening song, from the outset feels very 80's with its soundtrack and the casts clothing styles. Wasn't expecting a stripclub fight and our main character getting taken advantage of by fellow surfers, perspective friends from the opening scenes.

Has nice surfing footage, talented surfers, epic wipe out scenes and someone standing on a bicycle and going down the road like it's a surfboard!

This film follows a wannabe hotshot surfer who gets a reality check by moving to Hawaii; runs into surfer gangs, lingo problems, a fish out of water from the US.

As you'd expect, there's a love interest that crosses his path, unfortunately there's conflict with a rival. (Who also stole his worldly possessions, minus board)

There's a certain freedom about drifting from moment to moment, living without attachments other than the love of the surf. One such character forgets the purity of surfing and only sees the fame of competition. The mentor figure in this film was great, loved how surfing was explained in a poetic way.

Overall, a wonderful surfer film.
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Venom (2018)
Wonderful and weird anti-hero film
6 October 2021
VENOM - my review: Overall, I think it's one of the best anti-hero films to be released, this even despite being a separate version from the 'cannon' spider-man series/character. It follows a not too confusing and linear pace, but at the same time doesn't feel too rushed and allows for some really intimate and engaging acting unlike - Avengers: infinity war...

Let me assure you, the curse of spider-man 3 has been broken! Venom can work as a violent yet funny character similar to deadpool, the CGI is incredible, the humour and script is well-written, there's even hints of Alien-film soundtrack and the famous French horn sound used as the theme for Venom in Spider-man 3 makes a return.

This film could've turned out much, much worse. Don't trust those bad reviews based on other repetitive Marvel films, look at the winning financial viewing results, or better yet watch it yourself and decide. Tom Hardy has done this role JUSTICE!
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Utterly brilliant
6 August 2021
I was one of the people who watched the anime series of this on Netflix before I knew this existed. Whereas the anime is more fast-paced and short in its format, this series gives so much airtime to characters and progressive story, I genuinely loved every single episode. The soundtrack and acting is utterly brilliant for fans of the anime. Can't recommend this enough!
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Electric cars in hindsight, part two
27 July 2021
Firstly, I had no idea there was a sequel to the documentary 'who killed the electric car?'. ''There is an inevitability to this technology.'' Interviews with actors like Danny Devito, charts the rise of Tesla and Elon Musk. 'This is really just the beginning of the beginning!'' ''The car company of the future'' ''What we're witnessing now is probably the most significant revolution of our lifetime in Autos'' Expect early electric restro-mods too.

One interesting segment of this documentary is how the fledgling electric car industry coincided with the global economy crash, the recession, and the unfortunate bankruptcy of people's lives; witnessing both established car brands facing competition from newer electric brands was fascinating, seeing interviews from the days before the EV mainstream boom.

There's a very catchy song during the rebuilding of an electric retro-mod business, in hindsight they could've used more pop music to make this documentary feel less formal. They call this story ''act two in the heroes journey, the make or break moment.'' Overall, this documentary is about people's leap of faith into the world of electric vehicles, their inevitable future. Watch it!
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The Gentlemen (2019)
A future classic!
13 July 2021
Now here's a great comedy thriller that is destined to be a cult classic, the 'Pineapple Express' of this generation. Wonderfully written and features a catchy soundtrack. Overall, it's one of those films that holds a certain enviable charm all held together with an expert narrator. Some foul language and triggering scenes as you'd expect too.
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Wholesome skateboard film for young people
21 June 2021
From the start the dad figure is a fighter pilot teaching his young son car mechanics, only to die off-screen and the said car be towed away for money to cover the bills. The film's sound levels are a bit off with the background music being sometime louder than the speaking voices, likewise with the film's pacing for the time.

That kitchen food fight scene was nice, shame they didn't dwell on it longer and use some pop music, would've made a nice starting point for this film instead of the usually 'parent died' trope... A Superman-style dream sequence follows, then onto our main character's introduction to the skating scene; that awe-inspiring moment of 'I need one'.

From there on out we get the lovely 'If we can't buy one, we'll build it!' skateboard scene. Was funny seeing a young kid stealing nail polish from his older sister with a fishing rod - just to paint their board. We've all been there growing up, making due with what we have... Gotta admire the guts of first-time skaters who send it on their first try too.

Lol, strange skateboard magazine arrives by rocket (off-screen) and your first impression is to send them money for a skateboard? Didn't see that one coming! (Especially the part where your payment letter randomly flies away; like it's remote controlled or magnetic?) Then the rush you get from a skateboard delivery! (Great times) Surprise surprise, what arrives isn't what you expected so this kid decides to travel into an abandoned warehouse to get some answers/return the package? Scene feels like something out of the X-files!

Back to the skater peers and the camera man is jumping out of the way as they do tricks over a small ramp, very Wayne's World-style zoom camera... Not to sure about the industrial rock/funk rap music at this point. Later on, the magical skateboard comes to life and features some quite impressive lighting within the skateboard deck. Find it really weird how two people get head injuries despite wearing a full-faced motorcycle and fraction helmets though?

This is one of those films that's a slow starter, could do with cutting out a few filler scenes, falls more into the moral story kind of skater film; in which it's all about learning to trust people, improve your confidence, the usual growing-up film tropes. Bearing in mind the target audience, it's a nice effort as some skater films can be somewhat too mature for younger kids. (Could do with skipping the cringe-worth relationship scenes though...)
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Weird and wonderful skater film
18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine a Herbie-style film yet with a self-driving motorised skateboard? Well this is what the Skateboard Kid delivers.

From the start, there's 80's style rock music and somewhat painful strobe lighting around a vertical ramp skating sequence, the usual teen-movie tropes about moving town with the family and running into bullies on your first day.

One incredible surprise was seeing a homemade motorised skateboard, you don't see that very often in films to say the least! As was the Frankenstein-like approach to making such a build suddenly sentient...

More strobe lighting follows at the indoor Skatepark. (needs a trigger warning...) Cool how they managed to animate the 'face' of a skateboard too, classic puppetry. You don't see many complex escape/fight sequences inside Skateparks on film too. (Think Biff's Hoverboard in back to the future)

In fact, as far as 'Esk8' films are concerned, this might actually be one of the first alongside Back to the Future's take on flying Hoverboards. There's a sequel to this too focused on the slimline 90's street skater movement.

Film's pacing is as you'd expect for the time, lacked ambient music in the background so some scenes aren't as impactful as they could have been. Loved the junkyard chase scene, was shot like an 80's music video.

Overall, it's one of those films where it's best to just go with the wacky and weird nature of things, yet stands out quite nicely amongst the other skater films. Funny quotes too; ''Dearly beloved, have you all gone insane!''
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Baby Driver (2017)
Blues Brothers for a new generation!
9 May 2021
Out of all the car-based films I've seen, I'd consider this a modern classic; not only does it mix a wonderful soundtrack with great cinematography but the way the action scenes are shot is very impressive. Surprisingly, you could consider this a Blues Brother-like film by imagining the lead actor is Elwood Blues for a new generation of film fans.
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British Biker B-Movie
17 February 2021
Very similar to the film 'Dog Soldiers' with its approach to Yorkshire humour and catchphrase responses to moments of horror/gore. It's genuinely impressive how such a film was made on a budget and stands out nicely among other films with motorcycles.

The Norton Commando as a Vampire motorcycle seemed almost prophetic as to the future of this brand and the shame it brought to the motorcycle industry too. (I wonder if the new Norton management would be interested in making a sequel?) Considering the year this was made, it's a respectable British approach to B-movies. Admittedly, the Lad-like approach to relationships feels dated.
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A wicked comedy horror film
16 February 2021
A rather unconventional comedy horror film. Quirky, crude, cheesy fight moments and slight nudity. The hallmarks of a fun b-movie. Great use of music too.
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Iconic documentary
16 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If anyone deserves a statue, it's this iconic person. If not for her inventions, we'd never have Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi. Alas, some people only saw the face, not her amazing intelligence. For instance, her beauty inspired the designs of Snow White and Catwoman.

In fact, one of her earliest films 'Ecstasy' was edited in such a way that without her being aware it would become one of the first faux orgasms in film history! (Hitler and the Pope apparently banned it!) Afterwards, she trained in retaliation to the comments and critics to become one of the more prominent actors of her generation.

Alas, more often than not became the living definition of a trophy wife by her various husbands at social and political meetings. This went hand in hand with her Jewish identity, having her true personality suppressed and escaping Nazi Germany to London.

Despite being overworked by the film studios Hedy still found the energy to spend hours inventing every night, the way it vitalised her life, at one point, even gave advice to Howard Hughes on improving the speed of airplane designs by using examples from a book on birds and fish!

"In times of crisis, most of us feel powerless. Yet a few discover in themselves unexpected strength." So, Hedy helped the British invent a torpedo that couldn't be jammed by radio interference, frequency hopping. Some considered her inventions to be evidence that she was a Spy, many refute these claims. Overall very patriotic regardless, and wanted to defend the Countries that offered sanctuary.

Unfortunately, the military basically said "you're more use as an actress to sell war bonds, than inventor for us." It's a shame this happened, truly. Meanwhile, Hedy's patent was seized by the Government.

This story has so many twists and turns, that it has to be seen to be believed. Hedy was a icon we didn't deserve and I'm glad this film was made, that future generations may know her story. A must see documentary.
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Most excellent!
15 February 2021
Truly, an excellent conclusion to these characters, it's one of those splendid films with great pacing and rarely a dull moment. It all comes full circle about the importance of passing the torch, that when it comes to music it's not always about your personal success but making things better for the next generation. Unity through music is key. I highly recommend this film.
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SLC Punk! (1998)
A philosophical cult classic
13 January 2021
Out of all the films featuring anarchistic punk characters this one has to be my best, not only does it cherish the subculture but pays homage to the fact that 'punk' is more than just a uniform/dress-sense; it's a lifelong mindset that you shouldn't need to shed as you become an adult. The internal struggles of the main character were highly relatable, his journey for meaning and the core understanding of why he became a punk in the first place are timeless.
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Odd Thomas (2013)
A memorable film with heart-breaking ending.
13 January 2021
Damn, the ending to this breaks me every time... The acting in this film is perfect, has a great cast with memorable quotes and somewhat action-mystery story. It's one of those rare book adaptions that truly deserves more appreciation. I really wish there was a sequel or prequel too.
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