
7 Reviews
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The Fortune Hotel (2024– )
Traitors meets Death in Paradise
23 May 2024
Save judgement until you've watched it all.

Yes, there are aspects of "The Traitors" but you'll find it's also very different as the game progresses. There is no vote out at the end of each day, the tasks aren't to add to the pot, but to be in the best position for the nightly swaps so it's all about personal performance, logic and luck.

The tasks are fun and the production keeps you hooked. And I personally loved Stephen Mangan at the helm. I found him witty, charismatic and warm towards the hosts. He is the friendly, slightly ditsy hotel concierge opposed to Claudia's mysterious and aloof lady of the manor.

As the episodes progress, you get to find out more about the couples and become more attached to the remaining pairs as their personalities and personal circumstances are shared and their game plays are called out and developed.

I wasn't entirely sure after the first episode, I did think "oh it's a rip off of that other BBC show" but I then binged it in 2 sittings and my views drastically changed. Perhaps this is a better way so you get fully immersed into the narrative.
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Pleasantly Surprised
26 November 2023
I will start by saying I don't think it's an 8, maybe a 7.5-7.7 so I rounded up.

However, I went in with low expectations, expecting a big budget movie with a poor storyline but otherwise reasonably watchable. Well, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself hooked! And I daresay it was one of the better Hunger Games movies.

The bad reviews I've read seem to miss the point. This is not a story about the origin of the games, it is not a story about 'Lucy Gray" (even though her name is said about 1000 times)... It is a story about Snow and why he became the psychopath we know from the original stories. I found the not-so-happy ending refreshing and if you enjoy and understand social economic/philosophical dilemmas in terms of human psychology then it adds a notch of appreciation.

Viola, Tom and Peter were excellent in their portrayals. Zegler was fine, a little theatrical but given her background I suppose understandable.

I don't understand the hate. Especially the 1-3* reviews. Like, what were you watching!?
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Midsommar (2019)
Not a normal horror! No spoilers.
27 June 2023
If you're idea of a good horror is based around slashers, jump scares and bad acting, then you will HATE this movie. Its not for you. It's deep, detailed and a slow burn journey to a satisfying (yet haunting) finale.

If, like me, you think the most horrifying thing in the world is mankind, then you'll love it!

Midsommar draws its genre of a "horror" movie by highlighting the twisted, selfish, depravity of the human psyche. It depicts the absolute horrors we as mankind are capable of and not only choose, but religiously plan to execute for "the greater good". The most terrifying part? This type of story is based on historical fact! Ritualistic human sacrifices can be seen in ancient cultures all over the world from Pagan to Mayan.

The script is limited, but I believe this is by choice. Sometimes actions speak louder than words; and sometimes the words left unspoken say the most.

The cinematography is absolutely beautiful and Florence Pughs performance is (as always) excellent!

Overall, I'd recommend this. But I'm not a fan of slasher movies or ghost stories.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Watch as if you've no idea who the actors are and you'll enjoy it.
26 June 2023
This is a modern take on an old concept; think The Stepford Wives x The Truman Show x Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... and its actually quite enjoyable.

It isn't groundbreaking, but it is definitely not as bad as some.of these reviewers are making out.

If you lay aside any external drama in regards to Harry or Olivia, and view this with an open mind, it's an entertaining watch and that's the point of movies, right?

Florence Pugh does carry the movie, but for his real acting debut, Harry wasn't bad at all, just inexperienced. The cinematography and production are very pleasant on the eye.

My criticism is reserved only for the fact that they child have done sooo much more with the concept. Some of the filler scenes could (and should) have been replaced with scenes exploring the characters and origins of The Victory Project.

If they gave more focus on the "outside world" of the characters, like in Eternal Sunshine, I think this would have elevated the overall project.

But, as mentioned, I was pleasantly surprised and if you like a slow burn thriller, you'll enjoy it.
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Hits harder once you've lived a little...
3 February 2023
I can write an essay discussing and debating the premise, cast and direction, but I won't.

I first watched this movie in my teens, I didn't get it. I thought it was boring and overrated. I've recently turned 30 and been in an 8 year relationship with all of the charm and turmoil depicted in Joel and Clementine's. I loved it, it hit home and whilst it is filled with melancholy; it's also strangely heartwarming and comforting.

It's essentially a love story in reverse and the performances from all lead and supporting actors are impeccable. Carey was wonderful and demonstrated again how talented he is. Only those who struggle to separate him from comedy will dispute that. Winslet was also fantastic and did justice to demonstrating some of the battles living with BPD can present.

In short, it's a charming movie whatever your life experience, but it becomes a masterpiece once you've lived enough to relate.
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Uplifting and Better than the first
3 September 2022
I wasn't the biggest fan of the first movie, watchable but boring... Maybe a 4 or 5 out of 10; but my partner liked it and there wasn't much to choose from at the cinema this weekend so I reluctantly agreed to go with him. I entered the theatre with low expectations...

Boy was I pleasantly surprised! Yes, it's not blockbuster movie, nor worthy of an Oscar (most Oscar winners are overrated guff anyway) and a couple of the supporting cast members are very poor in regards to their acting talent.

BUUUTTTT overall it's enjoyable, heart warming and you leave with a smile on your face.

Worth a watch for sure, and believable or not, it is actually a true story.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Should not be scored less than 8!
20 December 2020
How people are reviewing this as anything under 8 stars is beyond me! Perhaps it's the method of direction and production, but this is a Guy Ritchie film through and through!!

Up there with Snatch and an absolute treat to watch. All the fast paced twists and turns we love from Ritchie, a lot of witty black humour and a fantastic cast. Whilst he only gets minimum screen time, Colin Farrell is fantastic! And whilst taking a huge step in the opposite direction than his norm, Hugh Grant is outstanding in this role.

I loved every second of it and was left wanting more!
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