
57 Reviews
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Orphan (2009)
Great acting but horrible movie
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a huge disappointment because I was expecting something great with such a high rating of 7.0 on IMDB. I don't even know where to start...

First, the acting by everyone BUT the dad was phenomenal. The kids were really great, especially the one who plays the psycho adult-child. The deaf child was just oodles of cuteness and believable, as well as the actor who played her brother. He was so good, I wanted to pluck him thru the screen because he played being a jerk a little too good. Lol

The actor who played the dad... WTH? Umm he had the same basic dumb facial expression with everything... literally every scene. Adult sexy time? Same face. Thinking your wife broke a child's arm? Same face. Being seduced by a "child?" Same face. Being stabbed to death? Same face. And the writers and direction didn't help his weak acting because they literally wrote his character to be dumb as rocks. He's the cheating one, which takes a lot of deception to pull off, but he doesn't believe his wife on any issues, not matter how small or major they are. Literally, some of her major concerns are involving the safety of his own children, after having lost one before birth and almost losing another due to a tragic accident. Not to mention a brutal murder that took place in your backyard. There is no father on earth that would behave like this except for a deadbeat, which this guy clearly wasn't.

Secondly, the plot holes... good Lord!

Who the heck doesn't make a child remove her neck and wrist ties that is supposedly not only an orphan but one who came to them from what appears to be a burnt up house. Then to allow a family to adopt said child without any real paperwork or vetting process. Literally the mom was in jailed for child neglect! Lol Speaking of ties, why wouldn't the mom want to see what's under them either? It's like all the adults in this weird universe of a movie have no suspicion or even a healthy concerned level of curiosity for children who relies on them.

So, a mom can be jailed for negligence over a horrific accident, granted preventable if mom wasn't hitting the bottle, but no one is concerned over a child's broken arm? Even if it's self inflected, the hospital staff doesn't know that and in any normal society would have gotten CPS involved. So, an accidental drowning is cause for jailing, but a broken bone from abuse is a nothing burger? LOL Sure, Jane!

Wait... there is more!

The sister from the orphanage goes missing, and no one thinks this is pause to contact HER family the same day she didn't return? Instead they call the mother to ask? Lol No one notices the large pool of blood and blood stained drag marks amongst all that white of snow? Oh and with an abandoned car that is off to the side of the road, which doesn't look normally parked? Then the police finds the obviously brutally murdered body, and the dad is not even in hyper protective mode that some deranged killer is on the loose in his backyard bludgeoning nuns, but rather is instead focusing on committing wife to a AAA facility or threatening to take the children? Yeah sure, that would be a dad's focus. Even the therapist and grandmother are written to be dumb as rocks, although at least they were well acted.

Then you have this child who can not only decipher how to get to the ICU and finds the right bed, but slips past ALLLL the adults and no one stops and ask her if she needs help or lost or simply to say that she cannot be in that area? It's clearly at night with no visiting hours and the doctor already told them that couldn't see him. Then you have a code, alerting all staff to come to the ICU bed and the mother instantly knows it's her child that is coding and tags along with the staff? Lol Yeah this is not happening in any hospital.

And yeah the illuminated paintings were a nice cool touch for the audience, but the dad seemed so shocked as if those other paintings actually covered up what was really drawn on the wall? I mean for a mother to be as hyper vigilant and accusatory about the child's conniving ways, she would have at least made more effort to really go thru the room and snoop a little beyond just turning over a few folded clothes. As such, those drawings should not have been a thing. It would have been caught much early on. I mean did they even go into her room with the lights off ever at night? What?! Lol The state of suspicion of the mother, a reasonable person would have peeked in on the child in her room at night.

I don't even feel like breaking down the additional Swiss cheese moments or the nonsense of a scene where the child hits on the drunken dad. Whomever wrote this ridiculous movie should have paper balls thrown at their heads. This movie had a great concept and could have been really great in more competent hands.

And who the heck gave this movie a horror rating? Suspenseful, maybe even thriller, but it is NOT a horror movie. SMH

Anyhow, is the movie a 1? No, but it does NOT deserve a 7. So, I'm doing my part to get this number down to its fair rating, which should be between 4-5. Great acting 10, poor writing 1. You've been warned.
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Nefarious (2023)
Satan thinks rich black people don't experience racism
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
That's exactly something the devil would say... oh rich black professional athletes do not experience racism because they're rich and buy shoes made in sweat shops. Oh and write my evil for dummies book because I'm so offended that mankind is doing all my dirty work, that I'd like to point out, how to do my dirty work. Imagine the devil finger wagging about abortions. Sneaky little devil...

Yeah it's this absurd, heavy handy Christian messaging.

It started out interesting, and even the actor playing the inmate seemed ok at times. However, then you realize the entire movie was going to take place in one room, and it would be dialogue heavy, with cringy "reverse psychology" dressed up as some forward-thinking, thought provoking piece of art. The entire movie fells flat and too predictable with a cringy ending. Oh and the actor playing the psychologist, whew he was not convincing.

Anyhow, this movie becomes ridiculous really fast. So, you will likely want to pass on this one.
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The Core (2003)
Give me a break reviewers!
31 July 2023
It is utter nonsense that people are rating this movie badly because of the CGI. It's over 20 years old, what exactly do you expect?! It's ridiculous to compare anything this old to what current technology an produce today. This movie was a solid 7 in its era, but I am bumping the score up to 8 because of all the unnecessary harsh reviews judging this from a 2020 and beyond lens.

Ok so the review is too short. Ugh now I have to pad it with gibberish just so that I can submit an opinion, which is also ridiculous because some reviews should be straight and to the point. What the entire heck?! Ugh there...met the limit.
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Pandorum (2009)
Unbelievably underrated... smh
31 July 2023
I don't want to spend too much time repeating basically what all the high reviewers have said. I was just so floored by the low rating (6.7 as of July 2023) this brilliantly done scifi thriller! This isn't on the level of Snakenado or whatever the heck that movie is called. Put some respect on Pandorum's name! Lol I honestly feel as though this movie would translate really well as a sci-fi series. I'd love to follow their journey to adapting to this new world, and what other life looks like on this planet... oh and wondering if those creatures survived, or perhaps passed on their virus to any of the survivors or something? Idk but this could be better than Raised By Wolves. Anyhow, I met the required minimum character limit. Lol.
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Very shocked this wasn't a comedy. Lol Seriously.
7 May 2023
Is this supposed to be a comedy or a parody of what will happen during the point where global warming dramatically impacts our lives? I'm very confused why this series feels like a joke. And don't get me wrong, I had a decent public school education and learned about global warming before Gore went on his world tour to educate the masses. So, I'm totally on board and not a climate change denier expecting the subject matter to be taken so childishly, which makes this review hard to write.

I'm only halfway into episode 2 and I feel a bit disappointed. I thought this would be a serious take on the matter but it feels like an unintended comedy? Is this intentional? Yikes. I'm laughing throughout so many scenes... at the ridiculousness of the way it was conceived, directed, and written. Then it dawned on me that this wasn't marketed as a comedy, and I shouldn't be laughing this much. Came to IMDB to double check, and sure enough...the genre is drama.

A drama. Interesting. Well maybe this explains why the is an overly theatric preachy monologue (cringe) and the businessmen always raging on a level 10 in every screen.

Also do not get me started on the annoying music, all the jumping around from scene to scene in this incoherent way, jumpy camera work as well, etc.

The only positive aspect of this series is the world-building and acting. You do feel as if you are in a future dystopia with some cool futuristic tech - idealistically. Although some of the tech looks cheesy and prop-like in execution. And, actors can only do so much with a poor script and terrible direction.

Anyhow, I'll continue to watch the series out of curiosity, but it's going to be painful to do so considering how disappointed I am already.
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Love & Marriage: DC (2022– )
2 April 2023
It's Spring 2023 and my first time watching the series, binge watching it over a rainy weekend. I say this because if it wasn't for being cooped up in my house, I think I would have gotten bored and stopped watching by episode 5.

Monique is quiet the interesting person. I wasn't a fan of hers on RHOP, because her personality is narcissistic and shallow, but I also didn't like how bitter, miserable green eye bandits treated her. I also never liked how she treats Chris.

Anyhow, soooo Winter is weird AF. I mean most of what she says is a contradiction, she hides behind this fake Christian veil, and she has to be stuck on stupid and needs healing to having been in a toxic marriage and then jumped in another marriage with someone she didn't clearly know well. I'm sorry but as a mother, you aren't coming around my children if I don't know you well. She didn't even know where this man lived, but married him! And let's not even get on that head. I'm a fan of women doing whatever with their hair, and have liked the styles with a shaved/long hair element. The problem is that hers is poorly executed lol. Where is her meds?

The other two women would be ok if they brought more to the storyline other than not like Winter. Boring!

What was interesting was covering Big James' parenting style with his children. I think it was quite revealing to see the overbearing dad (who seems unaware), pushing his children to pursue careers or interests that are solely of his desire and not theirs. In earlier episodes with the dad bringing up Lil James going down wrong path, I instantly thought: this little knucklehead doesn't know how lucky he is. But then you realize that Big James' parenting style may be contributing to his son directly outing out and rebelling. James seems like a good dad and involved, but overbearing. He needs to find balance.

Overall, I think I'll watch season 2 out of curiosity since it's a long weekend to binge it, but Idk... giving this series a 5 for now.

SIDE NOTE: For the reviewers talking about the cast not knowing their geography is quite hilarious because of the irony that the reviewer doesn't get it. When anyone in the DMV (DC, Montgomery & PG Counties of MD, Fairfax, Prince William Counties, Arlington, Alexandria of VA), speak of Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, or Southwest, they are referring to the 4 quadrants of DC, not DC's geographical location within the US. LOL. I guess this could have been an opportunity for production to explain this since perhaps if you aren't familiar with the area, the average viewer wouldn't understand it.
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Too Big to Fail (2011 TV Movie)
27 March 2023
This movie is tricky to rate because as you can see from reading the reviews, there are people rating it poorly because they are attached to reality of what happened and how this movie portrayed the truth. I would agree that the overall theme of this movie was Wall Street big wigs and Washington coming together to save the rest of us. As if both weren't the cause of the trouble in the first place. Like seriously, WTF?!?? The writer and director are very tone deaf.

The flip side is that if you put all the reality aside and not look at this under a documentary scope, everything else works well with this movie. The acting is phenomenal. The pacing is great, although there were times that things moved a bit too swiftly and it took a minute or two to follow along/catch back up. This is definitely not a movie to passively watch or having playing in the background. The production is well done too. I also enjoyed some of the character actors who played Buffet, McCain, Pelosi, etc. No subtitles to introduce the who and title was needed with those. Anyhow...

I'm giving it a 7, deducting stars because of the overall theme to inaccurate paint any one character as a hero is grossly detached from reality as one can get.
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Servant (2019–2023)
What happened after season 2?!?! LOL Gesh
4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After suffering through season 3, I am appalled at the current 7.5 rating. Even with 1 great season and 1 good second season, season 3 alone brings the overall series down to 5.5 or 6.

Season 3: Literally a whole lot of nothing happens. Just a lot of busy nonsense filler episodes that don't move the plot at all. The things that do happen, happens to people who are newly introduced to the viewers. We literally don't have anything invested in these characters and do not care what happens to them. Girl's finger chopped off? Oh pass the salt, please.

Then there is this slight change from thriller to some cheesy, teen-esque type of "thriller." Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer or that teen wolf saga that went on and with sequels type of cheese. Lol The teens in the park is not scary or creepy at all. I wanted to give them a rag and a sandwich. Oh and some screens become a little too dramatic and soapy as well. Snooze fest.

Plus the premise is stale and old now. The crazy Karen had our original sympathy in the beginning. Anyone can empathize with a parent losing a child in such a horrific accident, and possibly becoming so mourn stricken that you'd expect maybe some odd behavior here or there. But all this falls apart when crazy Karen became next level violent and not only tried to murder Leanne but buried her alive in the basement. She was torturing the girl and her behavior and language towards her husband was sickening. Totally unlikable character. Probably one of the worst created in a series in a while. The husband and brother are insufferable as well. I'm literally only rooting for the doll because even Jericho sequel is suspect (ie satan's creation).

I will say the actress who plays Dorothy is excellent. She really pours a lot into that character to the point that l you really just hate Dorothy more so than Leanne who is basically satan's daughter.

I've literally been rooting for every main character to die. LOL.

Holy crap season 4 is off the hinges cringe!!!! I wanted to gouge my eyes out it was so bad. I have to adjust my 5 rating to a 4 to bring this 7.5 back down to reality.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Great and all, but...
13 February 2023
Ok finished season 1. So far everything is great. My only problem really is the subject matter and how dark and depressing it is. There are very few psychological wins for the oppressed women. It makes it hard to sit thru so much suffering even though the acting, writing, atmosphere, wardrobe, production, etc are all top notch. Im the same way with slavery related movies. I can't really watch them and the ones that I do, it's hard to enjoy because the subject matter and suffering is just too unbearable to sit thru scene after scene. How can anyone watch rape after rape after rape, brutal executions after executions, severe oppression of women...

What makes depressing dystopia genres good is the balance. The Walking Dead is a prime example. So much death... innocent people, good people, children, babies and old people met terrible deaths. It's absolutely depressing and enraging at time. But the writers gave us lots of psychological victories in there. We would cheer on certain characters or events in between the carnage. Handmaiden needs a little bit of this. The group of handmaidens giving the main character their scraps after she was brutally beaten on her feat is not enough. And the ending of season 1, was not the win the director thought he gave us.

Season 2, I feel like the flashbacks are so overly done, and they do not add interesting enough context or substance that season 1 flashbacks hasn't already provided. You can literally skip every other episode and not miss anything of material value and still be able to follow the plot because that is just how much filler there is in each episode that do not move the plot forward.

Also, all the close ups on the main actress is overdone, especially since she literally has only 3 facial expression that she recycles. Plus, she isn't that easy on the eyes in some scenes/angles. Sorry, I know it's harsh but I have to be true to my own experience watching this show. I feel like she was miscasted.

Ok finished season 3. Much better. Less flashbacks, more balance with the good guys achieving things, the pacing is better and the story moves forward in great ways. Up'd my rating to a 8 again. I'd also like to add that Ann Dowd who plays Aunt Lydia is a beast! No one is out acting this woman. She's underrated. Every season she delivers. The opposite is true for the actors who play Luke and Nick. Miscast, truly. Even the actress for Moira is ok but her character is annoying sometimes.

Finished season 4. So while I'm glad we aren't watching continuous rape scenes in 70% or the season's episode's, there is something just off with the quality or essence of the earlier 2 seasons. I can't put my finger on it possible because I've binged far too much of this series back/back. I will say that I do like that the plot moves forwards and some revenge takes place, although it was telegraphed from early on in the season.

Finished season 5. Wow this is dragging out this series to a painful point. It's all becoming so redundant. June is captured and escapes in this unbelievably contrived ways this entire series, but especially in seasons 4 and 5. The secondary characters are becoming more annoying than before: Luke, Moira, and I'm even getting tired of the usual Gliead wives and characters. The acting has falling off. Some of the older characters, especially the driver, hasn't evolved in story arch or in the actor's ability to deliver a more dynamic believable character. The old dude tries too hard to be snarky and witty. Initially this seemed like a breather if fresh air in season 3, but it's overly done and tiresome. Bringing the rating back down to a 7, which is being generous.

Yeah basically this series should have come to a close maybe season 3. I will watch season 6 out of curiosity, especially considering I've already binged 5 seasons over the course of a couple of weeks. I'm now invested in how this thing ends.
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Where do I start?
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably one of the worst documentaries I've watched in a while. I want to be clear, the rating is not about whether or not I like the Mauricio, which I dont. I'll explain...

Why on earth did the producers think it was interesting or entertaining enough to spend majority of 3 of 4 episodes covering this weirdo's various sex cults disguised as research or companionship for the dog. Good grief 30 minutes tops should have been devoted to that repetitive, cringy, uninteresting drivel.

The producers clearly have evidence that the interviewees aren't 100% honest and on various blatantly lying or refusing to share what they truly know or think. I think it's only by perfect timing they caught mentally disturbed Mauricio at the right time in his cyclical depression bouts that he was willing to open up. This was not to the skilled journalistic efforts or techniques to get him to confront him.

In addition to the lies, there is no true balance to what we are hearing. All the interviews and "analyses" is from dishonest participants of the actual shenanigans. No psychological experts weighing in on Mauricio and the cults, no actual government officials weighing in on the tax fraud and all the money laundering. Literally no real anything from outside the cult world of Mauricio is ever explored in this "documentary."

Furthermore, so little time is even spent on the details of the entire Tax Fraud!! What repercussions came out of it, or etc. They literally devoted maybe 15 minutes of it and went back to the ridiculous lifestyle again.

Then only in the later half of episode 3 do we get some substance on this pathological liar, mentally disturbed and morally bankrupted Mauricio.

Then enters the 4th episode unleashing all the ridiculous lies he, his girlfriend, her father who is an "esteemed" professor, and his mother and her pharma company are all complicit in, especially with this tax fraud, the countess, her fake dead son, and "her" dog, fake dog illness and scheme to publicize the pharma business. It's ridiculous. This family and their companies are so wound up in ridiculous scandals and lies that the real story in this and focusing on uncovering more (what they are still hiding, I believe) is what this documentary should have been focused on.

Then midway through episode 4, more substance is crammed in. So basically this man and his fake dog story is worth billions and they couldn't even hire a dog breeder who can provide basic adequate living conditions for these dogs? I don't know if I was angrier at Mauricio, this Sgrio breeder character or the ridiculous producers who thought this part of the story deserved so little attention and exploration.

Instead, we get this PR stunt of his next great idea of a dog sanctuary on an island for the remainder of episode 4. It screams opportunistic and not genuine at all. He's trying to wash away tarnishing his and his family reputation and the producers are accomplices in this new shenanigans. If he truly cares about dogs, donate and revamp the existing shelters and sanctuaries that are in current dire need. He has plenty of resources to truly make a major impact all around the globe for dogs or animals in general. Of course, he won't do that because there isn't any public spectacle or self indulgence for him in simply writing a check. This guy is truly a nutcase with lots of money. Very pathetic.

I only hope that someone more competent comes along and focuses on giving the story's substance more depth, analysis and time. This was a joke.
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Physical: 100 (2023– )
Great show so far...
31 January 2023
So Netflix only released 4 episodes so far. Solid competitive athletics reality show. My only criticism is that competitors have a chance to chose their opponents. This creates unfair advantage for those looking for an easy way out or the opposite for those with an inflated ego thinking they can take on a larger advisory. I think the show should be paired based on similar weight class and skill set. That's a real competition. Otherwise, solid show so far. It's intense.

So it looks like I have to create a review based on a minimum character limit. Gesh what are we in, the dot com era...the 90s? Get rid of this stupid requirement.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
Decent movie except one annoying thing
29 January 2023
So there isn't much wrong with this movie. The acting is pretty solid. The pacing is good, which is important because for a plot this straightforward and pretty much predictable, it would be like grinding teeth to see it play out too slowly. Also, there is nothing new to see because we've seen it before: inlove young couple trying to start a family while juggling progressive careers in a new town, is met by some weirdo (Gordo) who seems obsessed with the couple or at least with the wife.

My only irritation with this movie is the fact the writers created a woman with no instincts, no intuition at all, which is very unusual for a middle aged woman. Sure if she was a teen or in her 20s, maybe she could be this clueless and dumb, but I'm not buying it. It truly irked me to my core. Women at least beyond 30, have enough marbles and intuition when we see a creep. Weirdo Gordo killed their coy and the dog went missing, and the first thing this woman doubts is that he took the dog. This is after learning Werido Gordo impersonated and lied about having a wife, children and that beautiful home. The police are literally telling her the man is a fraud, and she doubts whether he took the dog. Gesh They made the wife a complete useless moron and weak. Eww.
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
What in the absolute world?
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The fact this has such a high rating is baffling.

The acting is the most atrocious and the voice-over actors makes it 100x worse. Netflix should invest in better voiceovers actors. I cringed so much by all the overly dramatic acting and monologues. All the yelling and screaming lines that weren't necessary. Even when the actor was just supposed to be silent, the voiceover actors was so dramatic with trying to make breathing so cartoonishly audible. Good lord don't let any woman get hurt or struggle, because all the moaning and breathing sounds like some porno or something. This would be 100x better if the acting and directing was more realistic like how normal people talk and behave. It was very cartoonish.

Too bad because the concept of Saw, Hunger Games, Squid Games and even a little of TWD (backstory-esque and rotting bodies littered all over the place) meshed into one could have been a great thing... This series feels like a really bad parody of these.

Season 1 was decent on concept, horrible on acting and flow. Season 2 is weak on believability, better on gameplay.

I mean literally you have people surviving point blank gunshots to the head and still have the wherewithal to continue fighting and scheming to kill the King of Spades? You have this militant bad ass shooting up people and in the final scenes being whipped on my a scrawny teenager girls and women. I mean how many times does he have to shoot people in order for them to die? Not to mention all these main characters constantly able to dodge bullets as if they are moving at lightning speed. Military assault weapons that can penetrate car metal, somehow is unable to do so if the main characters were behind the cars. The extras all died hiding behind cars as the bullets go thru like butter. Just all cartoonish.

The number of backstories was tiring because it would almost always interrupt the flow of what was going on and half the time it wouldn't even add anything important or substantial to the plot or character development. Backstories in general would be fine if done correctly... series like Lost or TWD are able to execute on this nicely, but hardly any series has yet to perfect integrate them.

The characters weren't consistent from season to season or even episode to episode. For example the guy with the white/blond hair is this sneaky villain in season 1, who used Arisaw and his girlfriend as bait jeopardizing their lives. Season 2, he is this honorable former pediatric cardiovascular surgeon who prefers to operate on socioeconomic challenged children, and has a conscious and is out to save people.

The one character who was a villain that got burnt the hell up at the Beach in season 1, not only survived being burnt alive but then becomes somewhat cooperative and reasonable in season 2 for a couple of episodes and then he's back to villain mode episodes later. There is zero explanation how he survived and what motivated all these different directions.

Oh one girl was able to record selfies and videos in a subway on her smartphone, but supposedly no modern technology is supposed to work in this new world. One guy filmed himself and surroundings using a 3MM old school camera because of this. I guess consistency isn't this series strong suit.

I could go on and on with so many instances of why this series failed, but I've ready wasted my time binge watching two seasons, hoping that it would get better. It did not.
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Bitter/Sweet Review
23 December 2022
I don't even know where to start...

The docu-series is phenomenal. I love an ex-convicted felon being the host of the series for obvious reasons. He brings a level of authenticity to the experience and is able to disarm and engage with the inmates in ways a person who hasn't gone thru the prison system can do.

Those saying that Ralphel is judgmental. Pause and think about this. This man is merely describing to the viewers what he sees, hears, smells, and feels. And he's brutally honest about it. This is a refreshing take that maybe a professionally trained journalist may shy away from. Also, while he is describing situations to the tee and questioning the inmates on their crimes and motives, do not mistaken this as judgmental as some viewers have done. This man is giving us lay-people a front row seat into the thoughts and actions of some of the worst criminals on earth. Sure, Ralphel has his limits - clearly he despise any crimes against women and children, especially murder and sexual assault. This is evident in the South African prison episode. Anyone who is critical of this man over this issue is likely a rapist, sexual abuser, child molestor or a sympathizer. It's gross to criticize Ralphel for having standards in which it makes him uncomfortable to be around rapist who wouldn't think twice about doing it again.

I love how raw this series is. Holy crap some of the footage is really hard to watch or listen to: prisons in the Philippines, South Africa, South America, and Maldova. Whew I don't ever want to even be near anyone breaking the law in these places.

Which brings me to this hard truth. As an African American, it is really hard to admit and even write this but... Good Lord someone needs to hand out capital punishment to all the South African men going around just rapping women and children - and spreading HIV. That prison literally has more than 25% of its pop related to sexual assault against women and children. Just thro that part of the continent in the damn trash! The caviler attitude about their crimes is just stomach turning. God bless Ralphel for sitting thru that experience and not walking out. The world needs to see what these women and children are dealing with... not to mention the high HIV rates from all these inhuman vessels rapping women and children. Something is psychologically wrong with these black men. And don't tell me it's their socio-economic conditions when there are clearly other very m, very poor countries that do not have this percentage of inmates for sexual assault. I'm tired of the pacifist and sympathizers making excuses and blaming everyone but the criminals. Just castrate these men.

Ok carrying on...

I do think this series shed light on what true punishment and/or rehabilitation should look like and what it takes to get there. I do not think men who are sexual predators can be rehabilitated... so just lock their butts up and throw away the key. Even a murderer, depending on the details, can be rehabilitated. And he/she should be rehabilitated if his/she doesn't have a life sentence because these people will have to go back into society. I'd rather have a changed man interacting with society than some angry, drugged up, psycho back into society.

With that said, Greenland and Norway takes it to the extreme; while the Philipeans, South Africa and South America takes it to the opposite extreme. Those European prisons did not feel like punishment or rehabilitation; but rather a vacation for the criminals. The brown and black countries felt inhuman even for the scum who raped women and children. Good lord, I hope these places figure out a balance with this. Victims shouldn't have to see their perps living the lavish like... looking like a high-end hotel; while on the other hand, prisoners who committed crimes shouldn't have to live lower than animals...

Anyhow, I feel like this is a great series to watch. I wish there was more time spent on women inmates as well. This would be very interesting perspective.

I recommend watching it.
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Next in Fashion (2020–2023)
Could be better. I hope season 2 make improvements
26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get the good out of the way:

1) I love there is no drama or tension. Sure it's part of the recipe that makes Project Runway work, but if I want to watch Project Runway, I'd watch that and not this show.

Artificial tension caused by designers running out of money or not having the fabrics they need to finish their designs is not fun to watch on PR. It strips and derails very good designers from showing their full potential to viewers. I don't want to see staged sabotage; I want great product/designs.

Also hearing a bunch of sob back stories is kept to a minimum here which is great. Doing this somewhat removes the bias that sometimes views have when they root for a winner. This isn't Next In Struggle; it's fashion. Doing this also puts the focus back on the objectivity of designs. I want to see designs and relevant back stories related to their experience in the industry.

2) The caliber of designers are truly elevated. This obviously might be due to the fact almost 90% of the designers have actual brands and styled some of the most well known celebrities. I love that Project Runway usually has the opposite to give struggling designers a platform. But again, if I wanted to watch amateur designers, I'd watch PR. So kuddos for NIF for going a different route in this regard.

Now let's get to the bad...

1) The hosts... whew. Ok Tan is more tolerable than Alexis. Alexis is not only annoying but she's rude. She disguising it sometimes because she has this fake outgoing/tongue-cheek personality. Correcting someone on their grammar, which wasn't necessary since there is no difference between Agreeance Vs Agreement. You can tell immediately that Tan and the judges were put off by her doing this. I cringed and then wanted to just write her completely off after that.

Additionally, who the hell dresses and styles Alexis? She is always the worst dressed on the show. Tan is hit or miss on fashion he wears but it's more tolerable than Alexis.

The hosts acting as host and mentors and part-time infomercials is just toooooo much. Is this the Tan and Alexis show or NIF? OMG they get far too much camera time and it would be tolerable if they were likable. They also provide very little technical or relevant advice and coaching as they interact with designers. Tim Gun on PR does this perfectly!

2) The competition isn't balanced and fair. Why have teams with people who have spent years working together in real-life and then teams of complete strangers with opposing esthetics? How is this far?

Furthermore, how do you sent the pair home when the design is clearly sabotaged by the dominant voice of this handicapped team?

Then you split the teams up later on to stand on their own accord. How is this fair to the designers who were forced into this estranged partnership?

2) The editing of the runway is whew... I want to see the garments in all its glory going up/down the runway. Why is the editing cutting away from the garments to not only hear the hosts and guest judges critic the garments, but we have to watch them do this instead of looking at the designs?

Plus the models are rushed down the runway while the next designer's garment is coming out, which distracts viewers from focusing on the back of the previous garment. Sure this style is more Atkin to a real runway, but it's horrible for viewers who are watching to relish or critic the designs themselves.

I googled whether Netflix plans on a season 2, and I see it's been greenlit and supposed to be released in 2023. I truly hope the producers take a strong looks at the reviews to see the consistent feedback. If they continue to force hosts down our throats, I'm just going to fastforward each episode until it gets to the runway and then the final results.
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Sweet Tooth (2021– )
Wholesome series for the whole family
25 November 2022
All the bad reviews talking about it isnt for adults because it's childish or for kids because of the violence must think Home Alone was for dead people. It's entertaining enough for both adults and kids actually. Sure there is violence but nothing gruesome like burnt flesh peeling from the face of the burglars in Home Alone. And this is no slight towards Home Alone because it was a classic and very entertaining when I watched it as a child. I am just saying this series is nowhere near as violently graphic as Home Alone for example. If your kid can watch that movie, they sure can watch this series. Don't let the naysayers suede you from at least checking it out.
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Not investigative Enough
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll make this quick since most of the bad reviews are actually on point about the production: Music, weird interview backgrounds, choppy editing, overused footage, barely shows actual footage with good audio, etc.

Outside of the production, my issue is that there are no POVs to counter or critique all the "professionals." So basically Billy was believed to be asleep for 5 years by the admission of Arthur (the more authoritative personality). Arthur said "they" took over and wouldn't allow Billy to wake once Billy tried to commit suicide. YET the pROfEsSIoNaLs said multiple times that the personalities were not aware of each other... that it was with the "help" of the professionals, the personalities began to know of the existence of the others. So how does Arthur know that all the personalities prevented him from waking? Also, in actual footage, Billy admits to waking up AFTER something he (one of his personalities) did something wrong because people would ask him about things. Wait a second... Did anyone else not catch this?!?! Even production? If Billy was asleep for 5 years and had just woken up for the first time on camera during the "psyche" interview, he wouldn't know what type of mayhem he was up to nor would he recall anyone asking him if he'd remember doing something bad. Billy got these drink that same crazy koolaid.

I'm disappointed that production just presented a one sided documentary with no real present day analyses of all the evidence from independent, nonbiased professionals instead of the same professionals hell-bent on maintaining their initial diagnosis or conclusions.

While I do NOT believe Billy had MPD, I will admit that he is definitely screwed up in the head because of his stepdad. I truly believed everything his said happened and all the siblings and childhood friend's account of abuse or weird things that he did.

Study the actual footage and listen to him slip up in Episode 1 & 2. He definitely should do time in prison AND be committed to a mental hospital, but not for MPD.

Last but not least, Billy's sister needs to be slapped. She's an ableist. So basically one of the two women that Billy raped ended up having a failed engagement as a result of her trauma. This is mentioned in episode 2. Then in Episode 3, Billy's sister goes on and on with snide tone about how her brother missed her wedding because of how they moved him to another facility. Heffa, he robbed a woman of everything sacred and then doomed her engagement - she never got a happy marriage so shut up and stop complaining about your evil brother's non attendance.
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Hollow Man (2000)
I wanted to like this... until
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this until the writers thought that the audience would buy scientist smart enough to create and reverse invisibility but too dumb to keep Sebastian under surveillance AND keep from being murdered. They literally knows he murder a dog and yet know one is wearing the goggles at all times. Even when they are chasing after him, they remove the goggles. Lol

The writers also want us to believe that there is literally only 1 person to notify that such an experiment went down and off the rails.

All gullible, the female lead knows that he wasn't in the bed and busted up her windows, but she didn't think to contact security until after Sebastian got them in the lab the next day and removed their codes.

I mean there are countless idiotic behavior from supposedly brainiacs.

And the lead actress overacts 90% of the time. She's terrible. Belongs in a soap opera.

The only positive is the special effects. For the turn of millennium, this was impressive. Still decent enough watching it again in 2022.
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The Undoing (2020)
Good grief this is incredibly slow
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This should not have been a mini series. It's so drawn out that it's incredibly slow and boring. It's painful to sit through. Don't get me started on the dialogue of episode 1. I nearly chopped off my ears. Who wrote this script? Then in later episodes, just when you thought it would move along in some scenes, it didn't. This 6 part series could have been done in a 2-Hr feature.

The acting is ok, but not the greatest. I've seen better out of Nicole. Hugh was never that strong of an actor to me, only just a handsome face when he was younger. Speaking of his face...good lord this man aged like milk. Why does he look like he's in his 70s? Gesh do what other celebrities do and get nipped and tucked, or some injections. Heck even Nichole figured that out.

As for the storyline, it was very predictable and each event was telecasted. So there was no mystery to solve. And don't get me started on those unbelievable contrived moments in this series. Really, you're going to just let a woman continuously come up and sexually assault and harass you just because she's a woman? The jail scenes and that pathetic jail fight?. Lol Lordy...I can keep going.

I gave it a 5... I am being generous because Nicole is easy on the eyes and she had some pretty great acting moments. Also the actor who plays her dad is always a solid actor. The black attorney's acting was great until the last few scenes. Her having a tantrum and plopping down in her chair doesn't fit with the poised, high profile, wining attorney that she is supposed to be. Not sure if it's bad acting or bad directing when she goes overboard when Nicole's character was on the stand. I also thought the son had some good moments towards the end.
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Aniara (2018)
Space Porn
27 April 2022
The porn scenes were not of attractive people and so it grossed me out. I feel like I took some LSD watching this movie. Between all the space porn and space orgies, it was just too weird and bizarre for me. I couldn't relate or hope for any characters. Some pretty disgusting unnecessary scenes. Don't get me started on the worst disco-sque music playing. I was so miserable watching this movie.
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Cerebrum (2021)
I can't get it back.
16 February 2022
After watching this movie midway, I wished I could be like Maxine Waters and reclaim my time. Smh This movie is pretty bad and even the current rating of 3.8 is far too generous. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME with this one.
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I want to like this more, but...
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie more than I did because I'm found of Anderson, Sewell and Garber's acting and I love the sci-fi genre.

First, I didn't think it was sciency enough. Sure, we finally get to hear some interesting dialogue in the 3rd act, but it just needed to be pushed further. I was always wanting more.

Secondly, and most importantly, I felt Osment was miscast in this role. This is my first time seeing him act since the Sixth Sense and that one sci-fi film with Jude Law. He was so recognizable to me in this film partly because even with the beard, he still has child-like features. His big round eyes, separated eyebrows and tiny mouth. I wasn't convinced that he could be the leading man. In fact, his stature also seemed dwarfed by other actors, especially his onscreen girlfriend. It also felt as though he was overacting in some scenes. I liked him better as a child actor. Also, the writers made his character halfway unlikable. Seriously, who treats their suffering mom this way? At times he seemed understanding while other times he was kind of harsh/impatient/dismissive towards her grieving. It's like he couldn't understand the depth of her love and loss for his dad, whilst he had this same level of devotion and love towards his girlfriend. Selfish much?

Thirdly, Bruhier who plays the girlfriend was passable in her acting, but holy crap the writers made her unbearable to watch! Her charterer was the most selfish, bratty, entitled person in the entire movie. I actually was happy not seeing her again. They truly made her unlikable and therefore, I was NOT drawn into this entire love/baby in the oven story. Also, Osment's interaction with Bruhier were some of the most unbelievable chemistry I've seen in a while. Plus, his overacting almost always seemed to be involving scenes with the girlfriend. Too melodramatic!

Fourthly, Sewell's character as the dad almost seemed unlikable for a split second. The opening act depicts this very handsome, devoted husband and father barely being able to leave his wife and son at the airport. Then the next time we see him, his selfness almost irked me. The fact that his son had to commit suicide for him to abandon his plan and go back home, was hard to watch. It's almost like the dad didn't give a damn that his wife committed suicide, that his son's adult life was in ruins, etc. While I'm glad the character did go back, the ending didn't have the impact that the writers think it had because of the extremities it took to get him to change his mind.

Lastly, this movie definitely needs a suicide trigger warning. So that people can decide IF they want to watch it and/or prepare themselves for it. It was the most disturbing thing since I wasn't aware that it's not only 1 suicide but 2 AND a miscarriage. Here I was gearing up for the excitement of a sci-fi, and it's really about family drama - VERY TRIGGERING DEPRESSING DRAMA at that.

Everything else about the film was ok. I do like the ideas around the way they executed the time travel. Also, I only felt a connection with the mother and grandpa. Everyone else, I could have cared less what happened to them.
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Alien Code (2018)
Lead actor is great
7 February 2022
The lead actor, Gallener is the only reason this movie isn't a 2 or 3. Im unfamiliar with his work, but am impressed with the depth he brings to what could have been a very superficial/surface level character. His costar has some good moments, although she wasn't as consent. The actor who played the agent brought the movie down a bit. Also the extras or MIB were too cliche and on the nose, that it came across EXTREMELY cheesy and cartoonish.

The concept also props up the movie... the sciency dialogues weren't that bad either.... but execution? Whew it needs a lot of work, especially in the final act.

Overall interesting enough to watch.
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Coherence (2013)
Pretty good drama
1 February 2022
I typically do not watch dramas, but the synopsis on Amazon Prime mentioned that it was a sci-fi thriller. So, then I was gamed.

The first 25 minutes of the film almost lost me. Gosh the dialogue was very verbose. I mean it was starting to give me a headache having to listen to all that talking and over talking on each. Nonetheless, it did feel 100% authentic to a dinner party with chatty people. If the actors were mediocre, coupled with this verbosity, this film would have easily been a 4 for me. That said, the acting was solid from everyone involved.

The concept here is the biggest winner. Multi universes have been done before, but I don't think I recall one executed in this way before. I liked the idea that the audience wasn't sure if time travel was mixed in there. There are a couple of scenes where you had to question if it was already done before (within the same universes) and whether we rewatched some of the same scenes just from a different perspective and/or time.

What is keeping me from giving it a higher score is the camera work and the ending. As others have said, the camera is very jumpy, almost like a home video type of perspective. It distracts from an already interesting and complex concept, this is especially in the beginning where we are overwhelmed with all the annoying dialogue of the friends. It was almost unbearable at times. I also thought the ending was just too basic. It's almost like the writer was exhausted by the third act and just wanted to get anything submitted. I wish the ending had more of a wow or profoundness to it because I feel robbed a little.

Overall it's a decent movie that I will likely watch again l.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
I want to like it more than I do
30 January 2022
I cannot put my finger on it completely, but something is off with this movie and I don't like that I cannot give it a 9 since the acting was great. As always, Swinton can carry any movie single-handedly on her shoulders. And her doubling as the Doctor was unexpectedly good. Simply, I think the casting was great.

The writing, storytelling and maybe the editing seems to be decent but perhaps holding the film back a bit. So I'm unfamiliar with the historical backdrop of the film, but that's ok because I think there is enough gloom and doom feeling that I get the mood it's trying to set. But then all the flashbacks or sharp cuts to all these random pictures and scenes gets muddy. I get that maybe it was supposed to bring this elevated artistic thriller element but it failed because it was overused and just too random at times. The pacing was a bit slow as well or maybe it was the long runtime that made it feel like it was ongoing forever.

In all, I think it's a 6, but it could have been an easy 8 with at least better editing and shorter runtime.
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