
3 Reviews
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Amanda Knox (2016)
Sadness for Meredith and her family.
9 March 2022
This case is a strange one. I remember hearing a bit about it back when it was happening (she and I are within the same age range), but then I didn't hear anything else not too long after. Watching this, it seemed as if the police/detective were going more about their feelings then actually focusing on facts and evidence. I also don't really understand how forensics couldn't be bothered to collect evidence correctly. The journalist, Nick, is utterly ridiculous. He took no responsibility whatsoever for the chaos he helped to create. A life was taken and he was gleeful and giddy in the nonsense he spewed. He came off as someone who could care less if any of the information he wrote about was true or not. There was a sentence uttered during the documentary about Italy and law and America how they were just painting cave drawings at the time...which I don't really see what the point of that was, considering America wasn't America at the point in time. America wouldn't happen for many years later--and the people that made their way to the new land were Europeans who practiced law in their respective countries. So I found that odd for the man to point that out as if that any bearing to anything. Overall, I feel like this case was all over the place. I can't speak to Knox's innocence or not, so I'm not going to even try (since the investigation was a hot mess. The people I feel most badly for is Meredith and her family, it feels like justice and closure never happened for her and them in that regard--if that makes any sense.
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Intersection (1994)
Life and Death
20 October 2021
I saw this movie for the first time today (I should be working on a project for my class...) and it was okay. Not horrible but not exactly anything amazing either. One thing I thought was interesting was the fact that they made one woman the embodiment of life and the other woman death (I'm trying not to spoil anything for those who may not have seen this movie yet). Once Vincent made his final decision on whom he wanted to be with, it was basically sealing his fate. Which was then reiterated during the operation scenes.
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By the Sea (2015)
I Wish I Was By The Sea...
17 May 2021
It seems this movie resonates with people who are maybe in the "Golden Years" of their life and/or have been married for years (miserably--or at least not exactly happily). I'm in neither category, so maybe my opinions don't count. I will say something I don't understand is when people are in a relationship (married or just been together for a long time) and they aren't happy, why don't they talk about it? It seems they rather do a dance and sidestep around the elephant in the room. Maybe it's easier to be miserable together or not rock the boat. There was a time when you both could talk to one another about anything and then somewhere down the line you stop opening up to that person. This is where things fall apart. This too, is where the main couple in the movie fall apart. You either want to work things out or you don't. If you do, then really commit and put work into mending your relationship (therapy, etc). If you don't, then for the love of Pete let the person go and maybe you two can find happiness again separately. Humans make things so much harder than it needs to be. This movie proves that. I get the overall message of this movie but it could have been executed better. Also, to all the people (young or old or in between) out there, don't stay in relationship where you're miserable. Either fix it or move on.
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