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Desperately Seeking Susan and Do The Right Thing Actors
11 January 2010
These three actors who appear briefly but prominently in Desperately Seeking Susan also appear in lead roles in Spike Lee's DO THE RIGHT THING: John Turtorro who plays the Magic Club MC in DSS also stars as DINO in Do the Right Thing . Richard Edson plays Dino's brother Vito in Do The Right Thing appears as "man with newspapers" in DSS. Then you have Giancarlo Esposito who played the unforgettable"Buggin Out" in Do The Right Thing. The patron who points out that there are no pictures of black celebrities on the wall in the pizza parlor where brothers Dino and Vito work. Giancarlo is the third actor from Do The Right Thing to also to appear in Desperately Seeking Susan. He plays the street vendor who attempts to sell the lead actress a hat.

Another interesting bit of trivia in Desperately Seeking Susan is that Richard Edson's co-hort in "Stranger Than Paradise" John Lurie also has a bit part in the film.
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Only Coen Brothers Bomb!
29 February 2008
The only bomb by the infamous Coen brothers. The rather impish film barley grossed its sparse 35 million budget in the US. Hard to believe the Coen brothers even directed this extremely light-hearted silly crime comedy. It bares none of the distinct markings of a real Coen brothers film. Most of all the casting is way off! Hanks is good

but is never really given a chance to shine. The rest of the cast hands in rather cheap performances. But I can't imagine what else they could muster up for this crude tribute to the UK classic. Its all very strange considering that a well picked cast is the heart of any Coen brothers flick. Barry Sonefeld the Cinematographer on "Raising Arizona" and "Miller's Crossing" is listed here on "The Lady Killers" as producer. Can't imagine why he wouldn't of backed his money with his own skills behind the camera. Without him the Coen's have never really been the same. The wide scope and intense angles that B.S. brought to their earlier work is much need here. Too bad... and sorta sad. Looks like the Coen brothers handed this one in... well under cooked!
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Accurate Home Video Info for this Anime
14 January 2006
Another reviewer mentioned that this film known as The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor was ONLY available on at 76mins Faded VHS Version from16mm Print. This is NOT the case. Probably a Cheap-o Tape like that does exist. But most likely what the reviewer saw was a copy and not the original. This Original Release was in fact distributed in the 80's by MGM/UA Home Video with the F.H.E. Video Label ( family home entertainment ). It is the full length version of the film with both great picture, color, and sound. The video box title is The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor. The Screen Title credit on the video is Adventures of Sindbad. TOEI Animation was famous for the retelling of classics myths and tales for the international market. This feature was produced in 1962 then released to US TV via MGM in around 1975. The runtime on the F.H.E. video release is 87mins in length. - So, the uncut version for all to enjoy does indeed exist. I would hate to think that someone would give up looking for this film after the previous comments from another reviewer. Although, the video does exist. It is still hard to find - the generic title does not help with the search - If you plug in Adventures of Sinbad on for example amazon this film will not be listed. Neither will other TOEI Films on videos even though many titles were released through major home video labels like MEDIA - RCA - MAGIC WINDOW - and F.H.E. perhaps others as well. Even SONY home video release a TOEI short titled HONEY, HONEY. You will find it hard to search for many of these TOEI films with generic "farietale" Titles like ALADDIN AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP and AESOP'S FABLES. You'll need to sift through a ton of other children's videos with these titles that are NOT the Japanese Produced Anime style from TOEI. Besides the amazing animation techniques of this period it is also the music that sets the film apart from other children's animation features, especially US produced animation. That's basically a search tip for this film which is well worth the effort and most TOEI Anime films will be.
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Extremely Authentic Portrayal of South Bronx NYC Gangs...
19 July 2005
An intimate look at life on the streets for young teens gang members. Black and Latino teenagers of the South Bronx struggle to make it on the streets. This is Pre Hip - Hop, Pre Rap, and before Break Dancing took over the youth culture of the Bronx. It is right before the advent of Graffiti writers/bombers and Break Dance Crews that took off and became the new black culture a few years later. The film takes place in the summer of 1979. Shockingly realistic interviews with gang members of the infamous Savage Nomads and the savage skulls. Amazingly this authentic documentary does not contain any of the normal pitfalls that befuddle today's more exploitive investigative reports on gangs of the " 60mins." type. Filmmaker Gary Weis of SNL and "Ruddles" fame manages to let the kids speak for themselves. Most of the footage are real interviews. A few scenes are reannactments of stories as told by some of the younger street kids. A rare glimpse into late 70's New York towards the end of the infamous South Bronx Gangs. Anyone who is a fan of "The Warriors" would appreciate this film. The documentary shows many sides of the mainly Puerto Rican / Lation community of the South Bronx including. reformed gang members, current gang members, the police, and the community leaders who try and reach out to them. A film like this is simply unable to be made today !
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I Led 3 Lives (1953–1956)
Lee Harvey Oswalds' Favorite TV Program
20 December 2004
"I Led 3 Lives" Was Lee Harvey Oswald's favorite TV show when he is young boy Living in Forth Worth, Texas. This was confirmed by his older brother during his interview on "Frontline" Lee was immersed in the series during the 1952 Season. After his older brother left to the Marine Corps. Lee was intrigued by the idea of a man creating a new and separate identity. The early Black and White Espionage Television show was based on the true-life exploits of Herbert Philbrick, an FBI agent who worked undercover as a communist sympathizer infiltrating communist cells and suspected subversive groups. His love for the show was also noted in the Warren Commission Report.
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"Cosmo....Your a Prince!"
4 June 2003
The short but perfect opening scene says it all. An often used but incredibly well delivered story. Traditional characters brought to life in an unique way. This is really an AMERICAN Story. Would love to see how Scorcese would handle this same script.
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Genuine Hard Boiled Action ! - Trivia Notes!
2 June 2003
Costance Towers packs a punch for her second starring role in a

Sam Fuller Flick. - Bad Girl Bald Prostitute ends up in a

"Pleasantville" Type Town ** TRIVIA NOTE: Check out the Movie

Theatre Marquee in the town as "Kelly" arrives off the bus. The film on the Marquee is none other than Sam Fuller's "SHOCK

CORRIDOR" - Straight out hard nose story telling. DON'T MISS

The Hot Cameo by : EDY WILLIAMS - as " Hatrack - Bon Bon Girl"

The Future SEXploitation Star of : "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls"

"Dr Minx" - "Chained Heat" Sam Fuller is at his best when he is in

full control. -
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Slapstick Stupidity at its worst
16 May 2003
This is the perfect film to watch in order to understand why European films ( french excluded) are so far superior to American films of the same era and genre. As time passes the film does not become more charming. A random episode of Benny Hill has the same level of humor with even more poignant physical comedy. This film should only be viewed in only one respect. That is - if you are taking a class at NYU Film school ON HOW TO miss use Urusla Andress in a film.
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Hot Ice (1977)
Not the best A.C. & Ed Wood Collaboration
19 September 2002
Released on niteflite video - Rated R. These super hip ultra 70's sex romps are often very entertaining. This one sports a great cast of 70's babes but, falls short of other better efforts by the duo.

See Pleasure Unlimited. Still way worth checking out.
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Gunblast (1986 Video)
Pointless except for Uschi Digard
19 September 2002
Okay - I've seen some pretty bad euro imports 70's trash - But, this takes the cake. Released in the US on MOGUL VIDEO - Features a show stealing performance from Ruxen Meyer's super vixen Uschi Digard - Otherwise completely devoid of any drama or funny bmovie charm. Worthless! - The acting is not just awful - they're not even trying. Steve Millard the director actually managed to pop off a few of these films. Amazing considering how bad it is. A spurred lover hires and sleeps with a hit man hired to kill her exboyfriend. Takes place on the Texas Mexico border. For some reason every now and then they cut to a Border town sex show peep show place. This is were Uschi Digard shows off her talent. Right after that is when you turn it off.
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Great Performance by Ewa Aulin
19 September 2002
Great example of Spanish Exploitation Horror flicks that deserve another look at. There are many unkown Spanish horror films that are far better than UK or US films from the same lower budget genre. - This one stars some Italian actresses including Ewa Aulin (candy) and the lesser know but extremely impressive Lucia Bose. - Blood dripping goth horror here. Aulin plays a willing disciple to the newly spawned vampire. Although I have only seen the American video release at 84mins.
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Sid and Nancy (1986)
The Best ending of any film - ever!
5 July 2002
A must see performance by gary oldman. Tremendous in it's style and surreal quality. Alex Cox delivers a powerful and revealing film.

No one could of done a better job with this story and no one will

ever even try to top it.

The ending is so brilliantly put together - it portrays so much with

such simple and powerful imagery. The musical score works

amazingly even though its not punk rock at all. The last scene

utilizes Disco Music and an Original Score by Pray For Rain.

One of the best films of the 80's -
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Exploitive version of Christiane F. Euro trash teen sex drama
29 June 2002
Released in the canada & the us as train station pickups. Directed by sleaze merchant Walter Boos. Deals with various teenagers who hang around the train station scoring drugs and selling their bodies. It has a gritty realistic feeling half hazardly dealing with drug abuse but not to be taken seriously. It combines PORKY's style locker room humor and prostitution. - Taken directly from Christiane F. but has no redeeming qualities. Simply a fun 70's sexploitation flic with young high school girls.
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Killing Time (2002)
A True Reality Film
5 May 2002
  • A very querky film from a first time director. It's the type of film that demands more from the viewer than most are willing to provide. A slow and steady pace offers a compelling story of a young man's struggle to acquire a sense of purpose and reason to his life. While constantly assaulted by the negative and commercial attitudes of his peers. The character of Jack literally moves on - at an unwilling pace through city streets. Confronted with a series of bizarre and some what surreal incidences. Culminating in a realization that is throughly unique and at the same time common to most of us. A story that would perhaps be better told in a novel. While faulted it's only true problem lies in it's hyper real and unslick nature. Its hard to imagine a film like this even getting made but more should.
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Red Planet (2000)
Better Dead than Red...
4 May 2002
After the King / Queen comment about sex. Red Planet blows. I

thought I was going to be consumed by the "good guys" when I felt

fluid running down my chin. Unfortunately, I discovered it to be my

own drool after sleeping through the film...To bad, death would

have been better.
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Had Twilight Zone Stayed on the air to the 70's
14 February 2002
You would end up with "Some Call It Loving" One of the most truly unique films that you will find - if you can. Features a rare performance by Richard Pryor and Tisa Farrow - Starring Zalman King. Actor of "Blue Sunshine" and other B- movie horror films of the 70's like "Galaxy of Terror" - Later to bring us such hits as "9 1/2 Weeks" and the "Red Shoe Diaries". Zalman portrays and eccentric jazz musician who one day happens upon a carnival sideshow. Lured in by a carny barker he witnesses a human exhibition. A sleepy beauty - A real life girl who apparently due to a rare medical condition maintains a constant state of sleep. The wealthy musician so taken by the girl, he decides to buy her off the carny. It turns out that this is NOT the only girl in his human collection. Back at the mansion are two more unique women.

Many films have delt with the Sideshow and Carny theme but few are able to capture the real seedy and underlying themes of Freakshows as well as this film does in the first 5 mins. . Logan Ramsey (walking tall) plays the sideshow owner - giving one of the most convincing performances of a true seedy carny. Add to this a pair of lesbians - a Blonde Bombshell Fetish Cheerleader - Richard Pryor as a strung out Jazz Drummer - Plus - some nunexploitation - Add a pinch of Saxaphone driven Jazz and you got yourself a film from 1973 unlike any other - If this film came out now it would take Sundance by storm. Simply put the film deals with the idea of creating the perfect woman or chasing after the idea of the perfect woman. One uncorrupted from the realities of the world. An eerie twisted Twilight Zone feel - It's interesting to see how Zalman went from this to 9 1/2 weeks. Which also deals with obtaining human passion.
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BORE GORE! Avoid at all cost
4 October 2001
This lame attempt at a sleaze horror drama lacks all key elements. Our prudish lead blonde never takes it off. There is no pay off here. Gore scenes are few and far between the insipid romance story book drama that will make you sick. The best acting here is done by corpses. Horror sleaze fans will be gravely displeased. Edited like a bad tv show the screen goes dark in between the scenes as if to break for commercial. Oh and be careful there is a huge homosexual element here. Actually the only nudity is male. This is not mentioned on the box cover and those who attempt to pass off these lame film as a cult hit also fail to mention it. A total disaster of a film you can't even laugh at. A soap opera is more compelling. Avoid at all cost.
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Largo retorno (1975)
Lynne Frederick is a must See
1 October 2001
Lynne Frederick best known to horror fans for her roles in Schizo or Amuck in a rare and wonderful performance. Wife of Pete Sellers She appeared in Prisoner of Zenda. This film released in Italy under the title not shown here : "A Venezia Muore Un' estate Like most Italian films of the 70's it attempts to merge more than one type of film genre into the script. What starts out as a seemingly typical romance drama shot in venice turns into a much different and tragic love story. Lynne Frederick's performances is outstanding, even in this small but powerful drama. She appears nude in several scenes that are romantic and erotic. The first scene in which the two lovers meet is perhaps the best. Great use of symphonic music to convey the eye connection between two strangers. At times a fairy tale while at other times gritty and brutally realistic. Give it a chance if are able to locate it on the internet sites.
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perhaps the best of the italian sex comedies
14 August 2001
Brilliant cast and unpredictable comedy - Seductive story line - Antonelli is at her best! - Michele Placido steals the show. An amazing story line that tells the secrets of two generations aristocratic and very eccentric family. The comedy is hysterical and very unamerican. Deals with human nature and the various sexual taboos that most american films would never dare touch. A young naive woman who has been raised by nuns in an orphanage realizes, on her wedding night, that she has married her long lost brother. Rather than create a huge scandal and lose the family inheritance they decide to keep the secret to themselves. The way the end being brother and sister is told through a wonderful flashback sequence. They cover up their secret by publicly taking a religious vow of chastity as a married couple. The young wife however although prude and conservative becomes very frustrated. Michele Placido plays the Chauffer that attempts to seduce her. A definite must see.
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Plot of Fear (1976)
enticing thriller - Sexy Horror Murder Mystery
4 August 2001
Few Italian police drama of the 70's reach to the level of intrigue as e tanta paura. A brilliant cast lead by Michele Placido - Cornine Clery also stars. Along with Tom Skerrit and Eli Wallach. Reminiscent of the French Connection. High production value and gritty realistic treatment. A group of wealthy men & women are being murdered one by one. No motives or clues can be found. Inspector Lomenzo (Placido) attempts to find a connection between the victims. A mysterious fashion model (Clery) becomes his informant and leads him to the connection he needs. She had been to a decadent weekend party at an estate where all the victims where gathered along with several other escorts brought for the weekend. The story of that fateful weekend is told through ingenious flashbacks. At this the druged out sex party one of the young girls was "accidently" killed during a gruesome practical joke. It seems that someone at this party is killing the others, but who and why? The film opens with two shocking murder scenes that rival any in an Argento flick. E Tanta Paura really succeeds because it has it all: Sex, Murder, Sleaze, Horror, Intrigue, Mafia and of course Corine Clery Nude. The set design and Production value are also brilliant - Far better than the average italian 70's police drama. The chase scenes & cinematography really remind me of the french connection. Michele Placido carries the film.
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Standard 70's Italian Sex Comedy ...Viva Benussi!
14 July 2001
Stangata In Famiglia was Released in the mid 80's on Video for USA Italian Market -

Italian Language Only New Pentax Home Video labe - Distributed by MVP - Sexy Comedy Italian 70's Style - Must See Performance By Femi Benussi as well as Cristea Avram. - There are better films from this drama but, this one is worth checking out if you can get a hold of the video. Starts off with the standard silly Italian anthem music over a boring credit scroll. Then of course the big Itaian family style dinner where we meet the main characters. The action soon picks up with a saucy domestic situation erotica. Love and Laughs Italian Style. A definite must for fans of the genre Or anyone who is a fan of Femi Benussi !
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Erotic Family (1980)
Infamous italian erotic comedy
14 July 2001
Stylish and sexy Italian family situation comedy. Sexual stories told through the dirty grandfather watching stag films. The sexual exploits of a wealthy family in Italy. gorgeous Italian woman and some very hot scenes. Classic italian 70's erotic. Definitely worth taking a look at if you are a fan of this genre.
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Clever Hostage thriller - some good surprises!
14 July 2001
Again cardinale is sexy as ever. A gritty 70's hostage drama. Cardinale is taken hostage by a wacky sniper hit man in a hotel room. good surprises and some clever moments. Forsythe not much of a presence in the film. Musante shines over everybody.
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pre mean streets scorsese's still finding himself
14 July 2001
a definite must for all scorsese fans. runs much like a student film. Use of music is still very ruff in this film. Not nearly as effective as in mean streets. Many of the same ideas scorsese will later work out in mean streets. Harvey Keitel's performance is powerful. Filmed mostly on Elizabeth St where scorsese grew up and his childhood apartment. highly recommended
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