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27 October 2010
Im starting to think that i don't want to see "Karl Vs Axe" the part 4 of the Violent Sh+t saga. Well, i will watch it because I'm a big fan of part 3 and i think that part 2 is very entertaining. But, since 1999s Violent Sh+t part 3, Andreas Schnaas is only making bad and disappointing movies. Previous Schnaass movie was the horrible and unfunny horror-comedy "Dont wake the dead", now he makes a very similar movie. An unfunny horror-comedy. There are some good gore fx at the ending but nothing more, this movie is hard to watch, its impossible to watch without Fast forwarding. Its boring as hell. Timo Rose co-directs, he is a more talented director than Schnaass but this movie is just awful. The plot? a wannabe movie maker who jerks-off to a picture of Andreas Schnaas wants to make a movie with a group of chicks, then a book appears in the house(like an evil dead homage) and a group of monsters, including Karl the butcher from Violent Sh+it appears. Hardly watchable. 2/10
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23 October 2010
A Serbian Film is the story of Milos, a now retired Serbian porn-star that lives a quiet and happy life with his beautiful family(his wife and his 5 year old son). The only thing he wants is to make his family happy, so he accept a millionaire offer to return to the porn industry, to make one single movie. The producers of this movie doesn't tell him nothing about the content of it but he accept because he is having some economical struggles. This movie is already in the exploitation heaven (or hell). Its brutal, as brutal as a legal movie can be, and its filmed in a very professional way, with great music and great art. A movie you wont forget ever, watch it at your own risk. I have a new all time favorite with this. 10/10
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Hatchet (2006)
Good old school horror comedy
23 October 2010
Its spring break, and a group of people(erotic models, a fake erotic movie maker,and old couple, etc) take a tour to an island to know more about and old legend about a deformed man called Crowley. Off course, this mix of the elephant man and the toxic avenger is not just a legend and will start killing them all. Hatchet is a good horror comedy, with old school special fx, not cgi crap here thanks god and Belcebu. A very good amount of blood and severed heads are shown in all the old school fashion glory.Stupid bimbos screaming, an indestructible and ugly killer. Not a masterpiece, its a very simple and small movie, just like those very entertaining 80s movies. Definitevliy worth a look
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The Torturer (2005)
pretty bland exploitation...
19 October 2010
The Torturer is an Italian rip-off, knock-off in the torture mainstream movies trend that Saw and Hostel begins. This time, Lamberto Bava (the son of the great Mario Bava and the maker of the amazing gore movie Demons) directs this movie about beautiful babes being tortured by a psycho snuff filmmaker. Thats all about the plot, and, who needs a plot in this kind of movies? nobody. The main problem with The Torturer is that its like a PG-13 movie. Not much blood or gore here, not a lot of nudity or sex. The girls are really beautiful, porn star-looking some of them and models others(the main babe is really beautiful) but this movie is too bland. And thats a shame because Italian cinema uses to make rip-offs with lots of gore and T & A. Not the case here, just an average movie, nothing memorable here.
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Grotesque (2009)
Don't know...
24 May 2010
Maybe 10 tears ago i would rate this movie with a 10, i don't know, but now after so many years of gore movies, faux snuff and torture movies...this one was pretty boring. Its not a complete faux snuff like "Psycho the snuff reels", this movie is shoot like a legit movie, with good photography (the colors in the torture scenes are similar to the tones used in Hostel) The fx are good, realistic but not excellent, and the plot and motivations of the bad dude were so stupid that you cant take the gore serious, so the scenes failed. Yes, its brutal but its overall a let down. I give this one a generous 6/10 because it feature good sadistic moments with good fx but nothing more
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Bring Karl the butcher back...
6 April 2010
German ultra-gore movement co-founder, Andreas Schnaas is back. This time he bring us a zombie movie, with Nazi zombies and templars. Production value is bigger than his previous efforts but this one is, like Demonium or Antropophagous 2000 a big let down.

This movie is nothing compared to Schnaass masterpiece "Violent Sh*t 3", its even worse than Nikos the impaler. There is a rock band playing the same song for like 40 minutes in the movie and all the zombies dancing...its that bad. I give it a 5/10 because it features some good gore and because i still have confidence in Andreas Schnaass but please, don't ruin the Karl the butcher series...if the upcoming Karl vs Axe is a turkey like this you must retire for ever
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Dominion (1992 Video)
Todd Sheets
18 March 2010
Kudos for Todd Sheets! He directed like 20 or more low budget (or no budget) movies with gore, zombies, nonsense and horrible acting. He is the king of trash SOV. We love him. Dominion is a vampire movie, featuring a soundtrack that is a complete rip off to the main tune from The Exorcist and a 8 year old king that is the master of the vampires. The movie is good in a so bad its good way, it suffers from bad editing (back in this days the non-linear digital edition was not that common, today anyone can edit better a movie with crap like the windows movie maker but this one is from 1992) Anyway, Todd (who makes a cameo here playing the guitar-he is like a Dave Mustaine clone) deserves all our respect and love, he is a real horror fan and the King of SOV. 6/10
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Hanger (2009 Video)
First Ryan Nicholson i didn't like...
4 January 2010
Live Feed was a good gory movie, Gutterballs was better, so i was very excited to view Ryan new movie, Hanger. Unfortunately, it was a let down for me. Don't know why, maybe I'm getting old. Maybe. But Hanger was very boring, i watch the Uncut version, and yes, its hardcore gore, with very good bloody fx and very good looking naked bimbos but its just boring. I hope one day to watch it again and start loving it, that can happen. The first time i watched Live Feed i didn't like it and then it became a movie that i watched easily four times if not more. 4/10 for Hanger but all my support to Ryan Nicholson for always try to deliver the goods with extreme gore
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Cyborg 3: The Recycler (1994 Video)
Far from great...
30 December 2009
This is, at least in name, the third part of the Cyborg trilogy started by the 1989 Albert Pyun-Van Damme violent post apocalyptic epic, and followed by the sequel in title only with a very young Angelina Jolie. This movie is more of a sequel of the second part, both part 2 and 3 are not really related to Cyborg. Albert Pyun movie was great. Great action, great music, fast paced and violent. This movie is boring as hell, and its not violent. The music is not that good and it have a lots of dialogs, very poor ones for instance. Its not recommended, just to watch if its aired on TV a Sunday 4 PM and you don't have nothing else to do. A generous 5/10 only because i love post apocalyptic and cyborg movies.
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RoboCop 3 (1993)
Robocop for kids...
8 October 2009
Robocop 3 is a great example of how to ruin a franchise. The first Robocop is a classic, an action movie with sci fi elements and lots of in your face violence. It really works, its a classic definitely. Second part is an entertaining movie, not a masterpiece like the first one, but still a violent action movie with lots of good stuff on it. Then, there's is Robocop 3. Robocop 3 is an attempt to make Robocop a superhero for kids, and its a complete failure. Its just stupid. Robocop here is a character with lots of feelings,he almost cry in one scene... he makes ironic jokes....he fly ...come on!!! the violence here is gone, and well this is just a waste of time. Hope they make another Robocop 3 (because this one doesn't deserve to be a Robocop movie) 3/10
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Not so good...
24 September 2009
Zombie Strippers is a weak b-movie. I love b-movies and also Z-movies... i love gore and off course T & A. Unfortunately Zombie Strippers is boring and nothing more than a very soft nudie movie with some gore (some blood and gore FX are great, i must say) Also the first part with the army fighting the zombies is very well made. Then all the strippers and zombies stuff...it works at the beginning, you have gorgeous babes stripping and some killings but then its just the same over and over again. Jenna Jameson is good on her role of a stripper and there are other chicks in this movie that looks amazing so its not a complete waste of time, but its not great or a b-movie soon to be classic. 5/10
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Great movie for Fulci Fans
22 September 2009
If you are a Lucio Fulci fan you will love this movie, like i did because I'm a die hard Fulci fan. This movie predates Wes Creven Final nightmare, the plot of the director making the movie and movie inside the movie is very similar, and this one was made first. Fulci plays himself, shooting a new horror movie (its Quando Alice Ruppe lo specchio according to the footage we see) and going mad, losing his head with all the violence and blood. The biggest part of the movie consist in previous movies footage (bassically blood and gore) but the movie is great even if you realize that all the gore is taken from previous Fulci directed or produced movies.
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Death Racers (2008 Video)
Yes its bad...
16 September 2009
Death Racers is a the typical "Asylum" movie ripping off a mainstream release (in this case "Death Race"). Death Racers is a cheap mix between the original Death Race 2000, Mad Max and Escape from NY, all with the worst editing work you can imagine. Its not all worthless, there are some bits of enjoyable stuff here and there but all in all is boring and is hard to watch it full without fast forward it. I found it better than other Asylum movies, this one at least have more action and some blood and gore, but being better that other Asylum movies doesn't make a movie watchable. Movies like Transmorfers are just plain unwatchable. This one gets a 4/10
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Live action anime
1 September 2009
I don't know if "The machine Girl" is based on a comic (anime) but , for sure, the aesthetics of this movie is like a live action Japanese cartoon. The movie es made by the same people that made the excellent and ultra bloody "Tokyo Gore police" and here we have some of that picture trademarks, like the blood sprayed (in the Shogun Assassin way). The machine girl is a very violent movie, with bad characters that are really bad, torture scenes and sadistic moments that cause in the viewer the effect of being very happy when the machine girl took revenge of all those bad people. Not near as gory or bloody as Tokyo Gore police, and not so good as that one, Machine girl is for sure worth a look
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Zonbi jieitai (2006)
Todd Sheets is Japanese!!
31 August 2009
Remember Todd Sheets? no? well... the zombie bloodbath trilogy? Never heard of it...OK. Well, Todd sheets was(is?) a bottom of the barrel zombie movie maker, his movies were cheap, shot on video, with lots of gore, no plot and stupid jokes. This is like a Japanesse version of those movies, improved because this was made 20 years after those movies so we have better camera equipment and better fx, but the soul of this is similar to those. We have some awful cgi(some blood looks like it was made with paintbrush...thats the worst of the worst) and the space ships and all the cgi is horrible, but the non-cgi fx is cool, good zombie make up and gore. The movie is entertaining for the fans of no budget pictures like me.
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Ninjas + Demonic Possession= Pure fun
30 August 2009
Ninja III: The Domination was one of those 80s movies that were always on TV, and were pure entertainment. Nobody knew why it was called "Ninja 3" and no one really cares about it. This 80s Cannon Films were great, no doubt about that. The plot: a near-immortal black ninja posses a beautiful babe to make her commit revenge against the cops that kill him. Thats basically the story of this gem.

The first action sequence of the movie is amazing, pure action, lots of ninja action and gunshots with cool and absolutely dated synthesizer movie (i love this music in this 80s films). No logic, lots of plot holes this is a no-brainier that its very enjoyable

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Un cazador de zombis (2008 Video)
Perverted Zombie Hunter
8 August 2009
What to say about this movie? Its from the same guy that made Sadomaster, a ultra violent no budget movie that everyone but me hate. Is this new movie better than Sadomaster? I don't know. Its ten times gorier, much more blood (this one is a non stop bloody movie). The production looks a little more professional than in Sadomaster that looked like a home movie. I liked Sadomaster, it was trash but with some great scenes like the retarded rape and i also like this movie, it features some scenes like that and features more blood and tits. Maybe its a little too long (even if its only 75 minutes) and the Hostel rip-off mixed with zombies doesn't work very good. Anyway, i enjoyed this one, a good watch if you like ultra gore low budget movies like Bone Sickness or stuff like that.
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If you want blood...
8 August 2009
Tokyo Gore Police rocks! I heard a lot about this movie before watching it, a lot of hype around it and believe be, this is not a let down. This movie delivers. Great aesthetics, great action sequences, very original elements and a lot, i mean a lot of blood. Its about a near future were the police is a privatized company and implants a zero tolerance regime. The people who breaks the law, die. There are also the "engineers" that are genetically mutated outlaws. Toky gore police tells the story of a police-woman specialized in killing engineers is gruesome and over the top battles. If you want a lisergic movie, you got it. A full action packed movie, you got it. An original movie (although there are some elements clearly inspired by Starship Troopers and Robocop) you got it... If you want blood...you got it! 8/10
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Desserves cult status
4 August 2009
The Infernal Rapist is a sick exploitation masterpiece from Mexico. Just read the plot: A notorious killer dies in the electric chair in a maximum security prison. So great was his evil that Satan offers him a deal. He will get to go back to Earth as long as he sacrifices people to the devil and carves 666 on them somewhere. The guy, of course, accepts and gets reborn in the body of a drug dealer. He begins a trail of carnage that lasts throughout the movie.

Every fan of exploitation and obscure foreign movies should check this. A serial rapist is executed in the chair but then is back to life thanks to a woman from hell. Now his mission is to rape, kill and mark with the 666 all the men and woman he can. Very violent rape scenes, great lines, very offensive and exploitative, this movie is a must. The gay rape is over the top and great, the women are gorgeous, everything is excellent if you are a fan of this kind of stuff. Desserves cult status and a 2 disc special edition DVD. 8/10
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Pure and straight exploitation madness
31 July 2009
I don't know anything about Hong Lu Wong, only that he is from Thailand and directed one weird movie: Cannibal Mercenary. Set in the Jungle, this is an action/war movie, with elements of Rambo and Cannibal Holocaust. The plot is just an excuse for all kind of tortures, and violent scenes. This is low budget but it manages to be effective and repulsive. The music score is great, yes, but only because they shamelessly use the Goblin tune of Dawn of The Dead(that was also used in some Matei zombie movie). That adds more cult value to this movie, i really liked a lot. I also found that its possible that Schnaass took some ideas from here to Violent Sh t 3, all the final segment is exactly the same premise.
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Left for Dead (I) (2007)
Albert Pyun should make Kick Boxer XI
27 July 2009
I don't know how to describe Left for Dead. A western? A horror western? A paranormal western? a Ghosts western? no, just a piece of trash. This movie is a boring non sense from start to finish. Pyun direction is lazy and generic (he made some stylish action movies back in the 90s but here he flops). The script is awful, the acting is near as bad as in Zombieggedon and the worst thing here is the edition. Man!, the editor is an evil hack! All those stop motion scenes, fast motion, image freezing... they wanted to make the movie "cool", this is like a retarded no budget version of Domino(and Domino was indeed retarded). If you like Nemesis or some of those martial arts-sci fi Albert Pyun movies, stay away from this piece of boring, lazy and non sense crap. You will be very disappointed. 2/10
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Zombiegeddon (2003 Video)
Better listen to Uwe Boll...
23 July 2009
Zombiegeddon starts with German director Uwe Boll telling the audience that this movie is "crap" "unwatchable" and its "not worth a dollar". Funny introduction for a movie? No, just the truth. Zombiegeddon is pure chloroform. If you suffer from insomnia this will put you to sleep in minutes. All those b-movie "stars" cameos are just pathetic and the blood and gore here is bottom of the barrel. I love gore movies, zombie movies and no budget movies. I even love bad gore fx, but funny bad effects. There is a scene were a priest talks for straight ten minutes, thats a good method to sleep the audience. Not worth, Zombiegeddon is unwatchable. Watch Redneck Zombies if you want a no budget zombie movie distributed by Troma, not this one.
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Fetus (2008 Video)
If you liked Bone Sickness you will like Fetus
14 July 2009
Lots of people hated both Fetus and Bone Sicknes, two movies from director Brian Paulin. Well, i like them both. Paulin delivers the goods in this two movies. Fetus is a non-stop bloody perverted low budget movie. Paulin is like an American version of ultra gore directors, his movies only objective are to show blood and gore and gross stuff. Thats what he promises and thats what he gave the people with Fetus (and Bone Sickness). Don't expect Oscar material performing or dialogs, this is low budget exploitation. One great highlight of the movie is the sound, its very well worked, the editing (image and sound) is really good and generates some good scares. Recommended for the gore fans.
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Its a mess...but its entertaining.
1 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Belcebu is a low budget movie from Spain acquired by the Troma Team Video. It have lots of Troma elements (nuduty, bizarre sex, blood, black comedy). The plot here is very difficult to follow, the main problem is that there isn't a main character and the story is focused in three or four sub-plots. A shy porno movies camera operator, some junkie hookers, a satanic heavy-metal singer... Well, the plot is a mess but at the end we have a great orgy of sex and blood that makes this movie worth. Its low budget but it manages to have some really good fx (blood, make up and some car stunts. Ibdb list this movie as "made for TV", i don't think this is a TV movie, it is too hardcore for television. The only chance is that its a made for a Porno channel movie, but this isn't that hardcore. If you like low budget, no brainier and full of sex movies, watch it. 6/10
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Grade Z fun
27 June 2009
Jesús Franco (aka uncle Jess) decided here to put every possible movie monster together(Drácula, Frankenstein and the werewolf) and "Dracula vs Frankenstein" was spawned. Dr. Frankenstein creates an obedient monster with his illegal activities. Then, Count Dracula (Howard Vernon) also joins Frankenstein army. This is maybe one of the oldest Dracula ever, he is so old that is a joke. The old Dracula and the evil monster begins their reign of horror in the town, fortunately for the people, the werewolf is there to help the town against Dracula and the monster (yes, this movie is a complete non-sense). Apart from the non-sense of everything here, we have a good staff of young and beautiful chicks. OK, Dracula Vs Frankenstein is more an unintentionally comedy than a horror movie, not even a 5 year old girl can be scared by this one, its even cheesier than any Ed Wood movie, but it is funny. Its one of those "so bad its good" movies, pure grade Z fun. Unfortunately, we have no gore or sex in this Franco movie, but still is recommended.
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