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Blast of Tempest (2012–2013)
Blasting a hole into the "new school" Anime scene. A must watch.
13 November 2012
Blast of Tempest: The Civilization Blaster is a perfectly paced story about all things that make any story great. Mahiro Fuwa and Yoshino Takigawa are the protagonists and give Shakespeare references out the "wahzoo". Even though I don't like Shakespeare, because he's referenced so often, it complements the show more than I could have hoped. If you enjoyed a combination of Lost, Eden of The East, or Harry Potter you will enjoy this.

At first you don't know what will happen to Yoshi. You don't know why he's necessarily doing what he does. Yoshi is often confused and unsure. Meet the female expounder who is also lost yet focused, Hakaze Kusaribe. This is what makes the show great. There are lots of mysteries.

The rich pace is balanced with ease of action. Like in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Hero but in a sci-fi kind of way. The action scenes are spectacular. Performed with ferociousness and clarity. You don't see this often, even in main stream movies, so this is a gem that shows the power of Anime.

But first comes the animation. The first episode has butterflies, snow, detailed characters and more. This really adds to the cinematography and makes me love the show. It gives a special you are there or want to be. I hope Blast keeps this type of animation abundant all the way to the end. It would really give it an edge visually! This helps make the pace warmer, and smoother like an awesome latte with whip creme on top or tea made flawlessly.

Warning level: Medium Though the women are scantly clad at times, it could be worst and there is no nudity, groping, bad moe etc. Also in some of the scenes it's realistic and makes sense. It's not added purely for fan service. There is some suggestiveness but I'm not sure if it's translation error or not.

With a lot of promise in the first two episodes I would say Blast of Tempest could be just as good if not better than Angel Beats! and Eden of The East!

I recommend watching this all the way through without reading many reviews or doing much research as it would make the show less powerful (I already accidentally read some things on wiki!!! and I'm very angry). Spoilers weaken what makes the show interesting. Especially a show like this.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Masterful makers pour out love, life, liberty, and death!
24 October 2012
While your coffee or tea sits brewing imagine a couple of blank lines on a piece of paper. You can do this in your head.

On the first line write "comedy", on the opposite side of that write "drama". On another write "animal cruelty", on the opposite side write "emancipation". Imagine one more and on this write "sci-fi" and on the opposite side write "gangster" and so on and so fourth. Add contrasts of any popular "rights movement" or "movie genre" together for the other lines. Cross the lines at their center. Now spread them apart evenly, while they stay pivoted, like on a pinwheel. Lastly draw a circle, connecting all the outer ends of the lines. Pretend to run your pointer finger down the side, spinning the lines in the wheel while they sit on their axis.

Watch them spin.

That circle is this movie. It theoretically tries to be the best movie marketing event in history, balancing the whole "sphere" of what something can be to everyone in a single piece of art work. But in someways I feel like Cloud is a movie version of Starbucks. Cloud tries to dominate delightfully bowing down to everyone. It even goes as far as to lavish film critics and film elites everywhere. But I have to admit even... I... love Starbucks. So punk rock, anti-modernist, or hippie roots aside, this is still great coffee despite it's single flaw of domination.

If you don't know by now Tom Tyker of Run Lola Run and Perfume worked on this film. It is probably influenced much more by the risqué smell of the latter. You may have heard that the creators of the Matrix series played God in this epic actor heavy film too, but don't forget that they also made Speed Racer and V for Vendetta. All their past experiences are thrown on the table for this theme park of a "flick". But don't worry you will get your money's worth, this picaresque film is a three-hour long "park special".

As far as the actors. The Wachowski's and Tyker woefully and tediously molded these infamous creatures into the beauty that makes them ageless, and in someways I mean that literally. Then to make the play dough stick there are some little production perks that drizzle rewatchability all over this film, and they know it, as you will be treated to something special at the end of the film like a good waiter tending to it's guests.

You will be happy you watched. In someways I could see this masterpiece transcending time as one of the best films in history. But I'm not the judge, we the consumer are, and only one of our scientific gods, time, will tell.

On politics: Some people might feel like this film is liberally slanted, and it is in some ways. But I feel I can look at this in many conservative ways as well. The directors might not like that. Who knows. But I have done this many times through out. So I encourage you to not shy away and look deeper as sometimes the best artwork has the most meanings.

On 9 stars: I couldn't give this the supreme ten star rating because there are some occasional scenes where the make up is a little fake. I just couldn't get past it. To be fair the "bearer of the flaw" makes up for it but to say why would give away some excitement. More accurately Cloud Atlas is a 9 1/2 star movie.

I can't give much more info about the film. I feel like that would ruin the experience for you. So go watch it for yourself!

Smell the aroma.


(after you watch the movie you will see that there are many hidden puns & meanings in this review, just like in the movie. but we can't give them away. how ironic)
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A twisting, pretentious, house.
27 September 2012
Cabin in the Woods, starring Chris Hemsworth, seems like an intellectually frightening movie at first. In the preview you could see walls spinning, technological glam. I was aware of the fact that this was more of a "teen" targeted movie but it still seemed worthy.

I have to say after watching this I enjoyed it. The acting is decent, but the story is better. The story carries on the ideas I got from the preview which are satisfying. Yet there are a couple of real "monsters" that haunt the film in the following minutes.

Meet the "beast of pretentiousness". Maybe the directors/producers love B-Movies or maybe it was just a project gone wrong. Towards the end Cabin starts to get messy. Even that I can handle but when you mix that with cheesy CGI it really makes Cabin unrealistic. There are lots of great special effects but than they throw in one or two unnecessary computer animated monsters. It's just a waste.

In addition a famous celebrity shows up who does not fit the part. She was literally put in the movie because of who she is not because she made the movie better. She plays nicer characters, better.

Also there was nudity which is a waste in my opinion, this always ruins horror movies, boobs don't make something scary. Really I should dock it three stars for all of this, but because some people might like the b- movie aura I will give it eight. It was still fun to make fun of, and it had a great story.

Overall enjoyable.
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Meek's Cutoff (2010)
More than artistic vision. Reality of the west.
17 March 2012
What shines; There are a lot of interesting tricks pulled by the director that you haven't seen before. At times I was very shocked and amazed at the reality of what these people went through on the Oregon Trial.

What blinds; One word. Slow. besides that your not going to find any happy or eccentrically gay characters here. The characters are pretty basic but Michell Williams and Will Patton are enjoyable along with the rest of the cast.

I gave this film a 9. The average American won't agree but if you're in to artistic movies, good acting, and nice aura based movies you will enjoy this.

I always enjoy this style film which is similar to There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men.

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The Vow (2012)
V is for Virtuoso.
15 February 2012
Rachel and Channing? They actually click. = Unexpected. This was probably one of the best "trendy" love stories since the Notebook.

The Vow takes us on a roller coaster ride of a true life story. There are happy scenes, gross scenes, hot scenes, and very upsetting scenes. And every scene is executed by the actors flawlessly.

This was a nice change of pace as apposed to Blue Valentine or The Time Travelers Wife, or even Driver. It's nice to see something more beautiful, in every way.

One of the best things about The Vow is the scenery it makes me feel young, and so does the storyline.
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Chronicle (2012)
Chronicle = "The Blair Witch Project" mixed with prehistoric "X-Men"
5 February 2012
One Word here Dane DeHann. He plays the troubled Andrew in this progressive film. He's made appearances in Law and Order but most notably he played Timbo in True Blood.

Dane paints insanely emotional artwork here and in the end he tackles the big screen. Still I could feel his callow acting in the beginning (yet it could be that I just didn't like the character).

Now don't let that ruin it for you he's good enough to make the movie work and this Leonardo DiCaprio twin (seriously take a second look) get's better as the movie goes on.

Chronicle was worth it. I was bothered by the Blair Witch style camera shots at first but they get better as the movie goes on.

There were some amazingly memorable scenes that makes this empathized X-Men drama feel 100% authentic.

It's worth it just for that.
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Zombieland (2009)
Zombie Rockalypse!
23 January 2012
Zombieland stars Emma Stone of Superbad and now Crazy, Stupid, Love. It also stars Abigail Breslin of Little Miss Sunshine, Woody Harrelson, and Jesse Eisenberg.

While I wasn't sure what to expect at first. I was glad I watched the film.

I won't tell you how the characters interact for fear of spoilers but these 4 vandals, really are vandals surviving during a Zombie apocalypse and they all have great chemistry.

A good amount of humor is mixed in here as all 4 characters have the dynamic ability of working in comedy. But don't shy away this is still a zombie movie and a pretty nasty one at that.....

Blood and guts, blood and guts, blood and guts. Let me say it's here along with a great script.

It looked awesome in HD. Go watch!

***The only reason I didn't give this a 10 out of 10 is because some of the cursing, especially from Eisenburg felt forced and fake. Was it acting? Or was it because in these kind of movies writers try to force the F bomb in too much? I'm not sure but it was super fake and it's not funny. I am sick of dirty movies especially when it's B movie esk.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Almost as frightening as original in an American way.
8 January 2012
Let Me In is a creepy remake of a crazy Swedish film called Let The Right One In. This movie is well known by critics because it shows one of the most lifelike sides of a vampire, as if it were actually real. I never watch movies twice. But I watched this remake and enjoyed it. There were two bloody scenes that were a bit fake in my opinion but there were others that were good. Besides that the movie was spot on and contained the naked and empathetic emotions of the original. Kodi Smit-McPhee does an amazing job like usual, this was probably even better than his acting in The Road. Chloë Grace Moretz (Kick Ass) also shows her true talent here as well and acts better than I expected. She does an amazing job as the movie goes on. I liked the ending of the original a little bit better.
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Business of Being Born opens your eyes!!
8 December 2011
The Business is awesome. About as cool as the punk rock band the Business.

When the movie starts you wonder if the film quality and information in the film is worth it, I mean, it is a documentary. As the film goes on it get's better and better.

Even though I'm not sure if I agree with this film 100% (I haven't had time or necessity to research) I learned a monstrous amount of information and was blown away by how much I didn't know. B.O.B.B. OPENS UP YOUR EYES!

The best part was seeing women barely go through pain, though as the film goes on you do see more and more pain, but it does seem less in some ways than in the hospital.

I would have liked to know more about the dangers of death but they did touch on this mildly.
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"Let's get Skrazy"-Nicki M.
26 November 2011
Synopsis; Unique love relationship stories told with a whole bunch of famous acts you already know. It works.

Awesome; Script, good acting, actually funny at times, tough moral lessons learned, great soundtrack, actors enjoyable despite being so overused. Both types of fans of comedy should enjoy this. Marisa Tomei still kicking it strong here. Almost reminds me of a Spanish actress.

Poop; You might not like how it's almost all famous actors, risqué scene and situation (I don't personally like this). Could be worst.

Overall a really great film! I could probably watch this again with friends.
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Light the candles!!!!!!!!!! Time to make love !!!!!!!
26 November 2011
Synopsis; Wedding stuff, baby stuff. Jake get's mad. Basic love tri.

The Good; Great movie length. Fresh soundtrack. Teaches morals.

Neutral; The acting is neither bad nor good.

The Bad; No Volturi. Horrible CGI scene. One scene skips over some important info, and was rusdhed(left me confused).

Opinion; 100% made for females. Wedding, Baby, Love Triangle = Perfect Formula. The action scenes, and moral reasoning for fights are left out here. Like a Lifetime Channel movie, despite one or two really great scenes. A really watered down Darren Alonofsky film. A Mormon undertone disturbed me on a religious level and on a basic level. Not sure if it was intentional or not.

Funny; The dialog really bothered me because Jacobs tribe uses a word "imprint" which makes me think of having sex or peeing on a tree every time it's used.

Expectations; For the 3rd installment of a huge franchise I thought this would be a little bit more epic, but I can see why they split it in to two parts. They kind of made a cool little story out of this one, but not epic at all. Overall this was a decent film.
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A unique experience, some will love it, some will hate it.
26 November 2011
Brad Pitt and up and coming actress Jessica Chastain (Take Shelter, The Debt) play a typical 1950's couple in Tree of Life. But don't let this fool you! About 45% of the movie is of something else. That being beautiful cinematography of the earth, in all it's forms.

I believe the director is trying to evoke special feelings about the circle of life. This movie reminds me of something from Richard Kelly(Donnie Darko), or a Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) film. There are also some timeless special effects that contribute to these feelings and take the movie to another level. I get a lot of feelings about being a kid, which is cool too. Within the story there are a lot of "bad" kids that remind me of my child hood. It's kind of cool, it was like watching my past. Hopefully you will be able to relate.

To make Tree more complex hidden messages are prevalent- one reason this movie is good. You can get a lot from it if you're the kind of person analyzes things like myself.

Viewers who want to be force fed sex and action will hate this movie with a passion!

This movie is very slow, but also love making beautiful.
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Power, Promise, and Pretentiousness......dang-it!
12 November 2011
Captain America is acted by Chris Evan's (Fantastic Four). Chris is fiery, and his story reminds me of the recent Spiderman movies in that he's genuine as a youngster.

I liked Hayley Atwell too and thought she was a good fiery fit alongside Chris Evan's. She was fun.

Where Cap. Amer goes wrong is with special effects and action. Though there was a couple rad stunts. The action seems faked, and rushed, and litters the movie.

"Dangit" I had that type of feeling. Cap'in was dang fun, and awesome. If the producers would have just gave it a more simple vibe (keep one or two good action scenes and focus on the story) This all would have worked.

Than there's a twist which attempts to make up for all this, which I respect. I can't go into detail as it is a spoiler. But this gives you another reason to watch.

Overall I had a good time, but I did feel like this was Forced just to get the Avenger movie out. With more care and simplicity this could have been great.
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Solution to Bee Problem Solved.
12 November 2011
Ellen Paige's voice only helps the homeland feeling of farmers trying to bring love to the land which in turn brings food to all of us. The story starts with David Hackenberg an experienced American bee farmer trying to find out why all his bees are dying. From him the movie traces David's Friendly Colony of scientist and fellow farmers and tells us their stories.

Vanishing was thorough and I learned a lot. What I liked most about the movie is that they take you over seas to show that the people in France etc. are fighting the same battle, and it's cool to see so many people from different backgrounds get together for one cause.

This movie was very enjoyable. I didn't expect it to be exciting but I got sucked in. I would have liked to see interviews with the companies involved in this problem, and people pressing them. Some sort of deep emotion like that would have possibly earned this another star.
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In Time (2011)
Rad. Fun. Realistic. Pre- Steam Punk.
5 November 2011
ENGAGING. The story of In Time shows us what life would be like when ideas like credit, loans go too far-into the world of birth.

Timberlake and Seyfried (Letters to Juliet) are timeless. I can't wait to see them work together again! From love scenes to action scenes they mix well, but not without a few artificial takes. Complimented by Cillian Murphy (The Dark Knight, 28 Days Later), Olivia Wilde, and Johnny Galecki (Roseanne) the movie soars.

CLOSE CALL!!! I was almost sure all of these (previously mentioned) actors would ruin the movie but they don't! Olivia does an amazing job here, better than last two movies, and Galecki tried his hardest to blend in and it works. As for Cillian Murphy I thought he did the best here showcasing the details of his past without saying much at all. I thought he would also ruin, but he did the opposite!

The cinematography was ravishing. I loved how this movie had a 40's aura, similar to Batman! It really made the world come alive. This is a great way to balance futuristic movies. You also get a "girls with guns", Terrintino, Anime splash blended in to everything smoothly.

The directing was great. There were a lot of great running shots and action scenes!

BONUS; There's a lot of great moral chatter here, and it makes In Time current, and fresh. Population control is a popular, with those of Hillary Clinton mentioning it recently, and China already enacting laws with birth. This movie will only become more important as time goes on. This is a great stand out feature that you don't find in similar movies, though sometimes the cliché moral dialogue is too repetitive.

See this before time runs out!

This is the best movie I've seen on this topic.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
"Cook" this barbecue on your T.V. set!
25 October 2011
Breaking Bad "cooks" like a great show. Cooking is a term you will come to know from Breaking Bad. The main character played by Bryan Cranston (Malcom in the Middle, Clerks) is amazing as Walter White. Bryan pulls off his dynamic character well.

This show is emotionally engaging on a large scale. It entertains jocks, nerds, gangstas, lovers and loners.

The most intriguing thing about this show is the script. It's explosive but to make it even better the cinematography shines bright! The beauty of the Mexico bordered south is jaw dropping here.

None of us can grasp what they have went through to make this show, on such a low budget and such low viewer ship. The producers, actors, and directors, and more poured their blood, sweat, and tears into making this show I'm sure.

Breaking Bad is as original as it is beautiful.

Go watch this now!
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Compelling story telling makes for unique indulgence!
24 October 2011
Once Upon a Time is all the fairy tale stories you knew growing up mixed into a painting, than reflecting in the mirror of the real world. This is similar to Fringe, or Inception in that it's like two separate realities, the real world, and the fairy tale world co-existing.

It could have been a disaster but it works!

Jennifer Morrison (House) leads a tediously well picked cast of Ginnifer Goodwin (Ramona and Beezus, Big Love), Lana Parrilla (24, Spin City), but most importantly Jared Gilmore casts acting magic abundantly making the show glisten like Jack did for Lost.

Yet don't get your hopes too high. There's no John Locke or Kate (Lost) in Once Upon a Time.

Two major things kept this from being a classic wonderland. Wardrobes, and cinematography. The cinematography was great, and gave me that cool Harry Potter type of feeling but it didn't make up for the fact that the guards in the Fairy Tales had lame black face masks on or for the fact that they had one kind of nationality for every dwarf out of Snow White's Dwarfs. I mean it's neat but over all cheesy = you know they did it on purpose.

For Once to be a success the Fairy Tale world must be more realistic! It's difficult to jump from a cynical reality into an over the top fantasy (that should be saved for the best scenes).

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A transformation of great strength, yet has some scars!
17 October 2011
Dark of the moon is breathtaking. The Transformers look ultra impressive, and they sound mind blowing. The actors are on fire. Shai Labouf and the new Rosie Huntington-Whiteley go great together and their acting is infectious. To start remember to watch this on the biggest T.V. possible!

This is where the 3-part infection starts. On one hand Dark of the Moon is amazing. On the other it has serious flaws which is EXTREMELY SAD because this could have been the Star Wars of it's generation. What Star Wars had was flash + all the other great stuff. Dark of the Moon has flash, but it only has some of the other great stuff.

Infection I: Pretentious = why people dislike Michael Bay, you can really feel his arrogance in the movie. There are some unnecessarily stupid and glamouresk scenes that just seem fake.

Infection II: Confusing, but honestly it does a great job of not losing you. It's not as confusing as Pirates of The Caribbean 2 and 3.

Infection III: The Autobots and Megabots are indistinguishable. Not only do their personalities burn out, but there was one big scene that me and my wife couldn't tell who was good or bad because they all looked the same (colors). The only AutoBot (that's not a leader) that gets good development and some screen time is Bumble Bee, and I'm kinda sick of him.

Despite the flaws Dark of The Moon makes up for most of them (except the last one I mentioned) with some of the most amazing action scenes I've ever scene, also with a nice tune up of comedy throughout. I'll be watching this again, and on a bigger T.V.
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Luther (2010–2019)
Horror and Coppers.
10 October 2011
Luther is about John Luther, a U.K. cop who seems to work in a the serial killer department and is player by Idris Elba (The Wire, Thor, The Office). He's divinely complimented by Ruth Wilson (Alice Morgan on the show). A role that fits her so perfectly she single handedly helps gives the show it's creepy side.

Luth reminds me of how Law and Order: SVU is about sex crimes. Luther is about serial killers. This is what makes it unique. It kind of has that Dexter or Breaking Bad vibe. Where the cops walk on the line of morality. This show is just as crazy as them. I would suggest it.

At times it seems to be very good at contrasting a freaky sided horror movie with a cop show. Widening the dynamically creative range of the show.

lastly we have love. There's an interesting love triangle between his wife, Alice, and Him. This also gives the show more depth than most cop shows, which only taste the "love drink" gently.

Luther is above par in the cop genre and is just as good if not better than most other current cop shows.
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Uptown Girls (2003)
No body gave this over a 7? Whatttt?
8 October 2011
I'm not really into this movie, my wife is. But i watched it and it was good. Better than good. That's why I can't believe so many people said so many good things about it but nobody gave it above 7 stars? Do you want to support these actors careers or not? No wonder Britney Murphy is dead.

Hear me out. What's a ten star film? A movie that is so awesome you can watch any time whenever and has no production or acting flaws.

a 9 close to that but might be one thing you hate, or just might be a movie you aren't in the mood for that often but is still awesome.

an 8 would be an all around good movie, that's just not amazing.

a 7 would be an all around good movie that has one or two flaws, a 6 would be something you struggle through.

2-5 would be a movie you turn off or fall asleep too at various points in time (right away or towards the end).

a 1 would be you wouldn't even turn on.
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Terra Nova (I) (2011)
Dinosaur Sci-Fi. Sci-Fi doesn't get much better.
28 September 2011
Terra Nova's plot is beautifully simple. Masqueraded in hints about global warming, emigration, and pop control a family tries to cross the borders of time. They do this in exchange for a better life. This works really well.

The story sucks you in, and the acting is on par, the computer animation is better than average (at least it was in the first episode). The show is a mix between Lost, and Land of The Lost (ironic) which is really cool since they are both great shows!

The only thing that turned me off was what felt like a Sketchers commercial when the show focused on the two lead teen actors, Landon Liboiron and Allison Miller (Kings). Using the most tween annoying terms I've ever heard like "OTG", "freshie", "slashers". I about puked. TERRANOVA PRODUCERS, take notes from shows teens actually like for example; Vampire Diaries, or Twilight did you hear that many clichés on those shows?

I would have given this a 9 if it wasn't for the overly annoying teen parts.
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13 Assassins (2010)
Great action drizzled with blood of a confusion!
25 September 2011
13 Assassins is about a group of unneeded Samurai, due to the arrival of guns from the west, that are put on a special mission and rise to the occasion despite their inexperience.

What Slices; 1) The acting swings well 2) The story chops sharply 3) The directing is a stab through the heart.

What Decapitates; 1) Confusion.

For me 13 was enjoyable overall. If you enjoying a good Japanese fighting flick, that you will like this but it takes effort to get over the beginning. Have no fear though you will be well rewarded in the end. To enjoy it more I recommend watching it on as big and bright and high quality a TV as possible, since the dark colors are part of the reason I was confused (every character wore similar outfits and I couldn't tell the actors apart).

Also drink an energy drink and take a nap before hand because you will need to be super focused to catch the wave in the beginning.
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Enter The Classic Tale of Art
22 September 2011
Exit Through The Gift Shop is a truly unforgettable "doc". I've been given more recommendations to watch this than any other.

Exit is a doc, in a doc, on a doc which only adds to the clever dash of intrigue. It starts out first being filmed by a street artist himself, Asteroid, and than changes hands.

In Exit we follow the trend of Street Art. It's a rush to watch people wajor them selves against the law for art. It's also interesting to see how secretive their community is. The art is amazing as you watch it's own creature grow into something unpredictable.

I don't want to give anymore away. Go see it!
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Cleverly enjoyable, an underground artwork.
14 September 2011
Why did I like this movie so much? A movie about a car parking lot? I'll start off by saying there is hidden meaning behind the vague simplicity. The meaning is deep. I felt secretly connected. I felt that nice warm indie movie feeling.

What connected me to The Parking Lot movie was the opinions of the attendants, and the situations they got in. I also admired the unintended, amateur splash of artistry that was laying in the background of the movie. It made me feel young.

The opinions of these attendants were deep, they range from personal thoughts of pollution, greed, power, common sense and fairness. But what makes their viewpoints shine is that they all live a lifestyle contrary to their daily customers.

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Hanna (2011)
Hanna is a ball of fireworks!!!
12 September 2011
I was surprised by Hanna. It wasn't what I expected, at first it moves like a simplistic and deep, foreign film. Next it's running at full speed like Run Lola Run.

Hanna (played by Saoiros Ronan of Lovely Bones) is about a girl who is trained to be a warrior by her father Erik (Eric Bana, Munich). I'll leave it at that. don't want to give away spoilers.

The dynamics work fine although they don't blend as well as your typical Starbucks Coffee drink might, this is more like a well made Dunkin coffee right down to never getting what you order.

Digesting all this is a little tough in that there's a sprinkle of cheesiness. It was very well avoided, and the director seemed to try very hard to keep this from happening but I still couldn't get over some things like Eric Bana's beard. They should have left it out or got some tips from those who did makeup for "The Road".

Overall a really cool movie, that could of been a 9 but misses because of cheesiness.
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