
6 Reviews
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Why is this listed as a comedy? It's NOT a comedy!
18 March 2021
This film is listed on IMDB's Top50 Highest Rated Comedies, but it's actually not a comedy at all. The first 20 mins have funny moments, the rest is like a Greek tragedy, one miserable event after another, human misery and exploitation of the worst kind. Is it well directed? Yes. And beautifully shot. And the actors did a good job. But this is no comedy - it's a heavily dramatic movie, with a very sad story. If you are looking for an actual comedy, like I was, don't waste your time.
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Bird Box (2018)
I hope Sandra Bullock was paid a lot of money for this... because she deserves better
25 December 2018
Interesting idea. Very poor execution for half of the movie. Also, 90% of the other actors are not on the same level as Sandra, it's like they spent the majority of their talent budget to hire her and had to resort to C list actors for the rest of the cast. For a similar plot but done way better, I would recommend the 80s horror movie "The Prince of Darkness" by John Carpenter. I commend Sandra Bullock on her performance, but she deserved a lot better material than this movie which feels more like a made-for-TV movie. I am puzzled why she accepted to do this - is she tired of doing great films with the likes of George Clooney, Tom Thanks, etc? lol She needed a break from working with A-list actors? Who knows. The movie is entertaining, but not really that good.
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The Conners (2018–2025)
Unwatchable without Roseanne
2 November 2018
Roseanne Barr was a key element to the show and without her everything just falls flat. The other actors are still good, but it feels like a pointless show - like the "Home Alone" sequels without Macauly Culkin, it's just not the same. I'm glad the ratings are going down the drain, because ABC execs and their Political Correctness Brigade definitely deserve the huge flop.
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Very mediocre film. "The Force Awakens" is POETRY compared to this garbage
27 January 2018
I am a fan of the original trilogy and did not like the cartoonish prequels.

I was so excited and amazed when "The Force Awakens" premiered, as it captured completely the spirit of the original trilogy. The writing was very good for the film, as well. It was about "less is more", which is what the original trilogy is all about: Star Wars is about the force and the connection between the characters, it doesn't need to have 10 battles fit into one movie just to show off special effects.

"The Last Jedi" is a long movie that feels like Star Wars for kids. It's a Disney version of a Star Wars movie. Not as bad as the prequels, thankfully, but not much better either. What a poor script for Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill to deal with, they deserved much better than this nonsense. This is a very confusing, messy film, way too long, with way too many characters to focus on. I would have cut out half of the movie, because it has so much filler, and it still wouldn't be that good.

I have watched "The Force Awakens" about 3 or 4 times since I saw it in the movie theater. I would NEVER want to watch "The Last Jedi" ever again. Very disappointing. It's SHOCKING to me how the lousy script was actually approved to begin with. It has many bits that sound like a cheap soap-opera, not like what you would expect from a writer for an A-List science fiction movie with such a huge following.
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The idea was good, but the plot wasn't! Still worth seeing...
13 January 2002
I watched this movie 3 days ago. This is the kind of movie that really gets you into it. You know, like the 6th Sense, The Others, Jacob's Ladder... it's supposed to be pretty intense and mysterious.

The basic idea for this movie was really interesting, although classic: a ghost haunting a house. Why is it haunting it? Who's the ghost? What does he want? Michelle Pfeiffer gives a great performance (a lot better than Harrison Ford's cliché-good-father-and-husband) and that's basicly why this movie is so intense. SHE is the movie. The other characters are just there to keep the movie going, but they're not interesting at all, they're all so cliché, so boring.

Anyway, this is worth seeing. But it would have been a hell lot better if it was darker and if the producers wouldn't have followed the classical "let's save all the surprises for the end".

Watch it! But don't expect too much, that's what I did, and that's probably the only reason why I watched it... well, ok, I'm into ghost movies as well. But there are many better than this one, that's for sure!
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The Others (2001)
Entertaining, interesting plot, not scary
19 August 2001
Well I can quite understand why some people say this movie is kind of like the Sixth Sense, and if you watch it, at a certain point you will see there are many similarities... Nicole Kidman gives a very good performance, so do the kids... But I found the movie too slow. For a thriller or horror movie, it was too slow and too long... The plot was really interesting though, and it keeps you interested it till the end of the movie... But it didn't scare me at all... Neither did the Sixth Sense... It was just purely entertaining... Nice movie to watch with your friends in a good theater with good sound, when you have nothing better to watch / do... But nothing special. Not really scary or especially interesting...
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