
17 Reviews
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What if we made the same movie but bad?
20 May 2024
That is the question I believe was asked before deciding to make this movie. There is nothing original that was added to the plot of this remake and is a much inferior film. I had checked how much time was left 4 times in the span of this movie's 90 minute run time. The characters in this film were very dislikable and hard to root for. Even though there are more films to come, some of the questions left unanswered are just dumb ones that I couldn't care less about. Also can horror movies stop using inhalers as plot devices (IT, Scream 5, etc). If only a third movie was made after Prey at Night and not this remake junk. It can hopefully only go up from here.
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Imaginary (2024)
Imagine anything else
24 March 2024
This is by far the worst Blumhouse film I have ever seen. I would try to imagine you are watching paint dry and you might be more entertained. This is what I imagine an AI film or 3rd grader would come up with. Blumhouse used to be a powerhouse for horror but I havent seen a good film (Sinister, Halloween, Get Out) by them in ages. I understand that this film is pg-13, but there are so many pg-13 films that are good (The Ring, The Grudge, etc) that this shouldn't hold them back. I understand trying to make "gate way horror films" so that they make more money but that shouldnt result in a bad movie overall. Disappointing.
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Okay movie, Awful characters
28 December 2023
The movie itself is okay with scares, but the characters are insufferable. The main character was especially annoying and it made the film nearly unwatchable. The beginning of this movies seems to drag longer than it should and it doesn't have that great of a pay off in the end. The movie is somewhat anti-climatic and will leave you with more questions than answers. It doesn't really have purpose and I am confused how this movie ties in to the previous films or what is happening in this series, but if you just want a fun scare then you may find this enjoyable. Be prepared to role your eyes. A lot.
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Godzilla Minus 5
10 December 2023
Unfortunately, this movie is the same thing you have seen the last 50 times you saw a movie with godzilla in the title, but not as good. I thought 2013 didn't have enough Godzilla but this movie is even worse. The action scenes are lackluster and for a film about a giant monster, you would think that would be pretty important. For a movie thats over 2 hours long, Godzilla is on land for maybe 5 minutes of this movie and is mostly seen swimming around. The characters of this movie are not very likable and the acting is not the greatest. I would choose the 2013 one any day and don't understand the hype around this film. I will admit that this Godzilla itself was very accurate to the original design. I like that they brought his radioactive origins into play as well. In the end, its not the worst thing ever made but the hype around it will leave you scratching your head as to why it has so much praise. Maybe its time to let this dinosaur like monster go extinct.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
4 August 2023
This movie is not awful but also not the most amazing horror movie ever like some are making it out to be. The characters are insufferable and so dislike-able that it makes it hard to care. The ending was also pretty bleak and left me and my group feeling very unsatisfied because it just felt sloppy. The moments of horror are great but are few and far in-between. The movie is more unsettling than scary and is also very dark. The hype around the movie did it a bid disservice because it is nothing like was promised in all the ads and mass reviews. Overall, the movie is okay, but isnt something I would care to see again.
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Back to the start
7 July 2023
This entry and hopefully conclusion to the franchise was not a masterpiece, but also wasn't bad either. It is a typical horror film and one that made me jump a few times which is something movies don't seem to make me do anymore. It is no where near as good in story as the first two films, but is better than 3 and 4 by a long shot. I don't think this movie had the same tone as the first two which was hard to get used to, but wasn't bad either. Unlike other reviews, I enjoyed the first 2/3s of the film more than the ending that seemed sort of rushed and random. It is a must see for fans of the franchise, but for a casual movie goer this might not be your thing.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Don't look up at the screen
11 December 2021
Started off pretty good, but continued to drag on for its 2 hour and 25 minute run time. The movie could have easily been cut and half and it would have made it a better movie. The jokes were dumb and funny, but I think it was almost too all over the place to be enjoyable. It kept bouncing back between incredibly stupid to having deep messages and it was all too much. I wouldn't recommend to anyone, but it isn't the worst movie I have ever seen.
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The good, the bad, and the ugly
15 October 2021
I'm a huge fan of the Halloween(2018) reboot and was very excited for this sequel. Unfortunately, it can not hold up to the standards it previously set. Fans will be happy to know that this movie does not let up on the gore and action, but will be disappointed in the fact that this movie is essentially filler. The good: Micheal is just as evil as ever. He has no mercy and the whole town is at risk. The 70's sequences. That one sad scene that takes place at the hospital (you will know what I'm talking about once you see it). Jamie Lee Curtis is great. Full of nostalgia. The bad:The script was almost painful. The dialogues between characters and their monologues were cringe worthy. I wish they had maybe read it over more and realized how much repetitive dialogue there was and how some of the lines would not deliver well. The amount of time you will hear "evil dies tonight" may have you wanting to rip your hair out. The characters make the dumbest decisions. This troupe is a joke for horror movies, but this was beyond extreme. Yes people in horror movies make stupid decisions, but the frequency of them in this movie is laughable. Huge fan of the genre, yet I have not scene a movie that has such stupid characters who are not very likable. If you want a fun gory Halloween movie then this will fulfill your needs, but maybe lower you expectations so you don't end up disappointed.
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Stick to the main series
20 August 2021
While some of these episodes were a fun ride. The negatives outweigh the positives. Just stick to writing good plots for American Horror Story and drop this series altogether please.
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American Horror Stories: Game Over (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Absolutely Not
19 August 2021
Saying I am disappointed is an understatement. It progressively got worse and worse as the episode continued. The story made absolutely no sense at all. They tried to break the fourth wall so many times I couldn't tell where we were in the universe. And that ending. Wow. I love American Horror Story, but this is the biggest piece of garbage I have seen. The Naughty List was a better episode than this and that says a lot. If they had more episodes like Feral maybe this show would be a success. I'm honestly in awe with how bad this episode was. It didn't progress the murder house story at all based on that "twist" ending. The script and dialogue seemed like it was thrown together last minute. Your brain might hurt watching this one because mine sure did. They brought back Ben Harmon and acted like that would make the episode good. Also, don't expect any other familiar ghosts because him and a 5 second clip of Addie is it. Please stop rushing these stories and get it together.
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American Horror Stories: Ba'al (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
The best so far
8 August 2021
This is the best episode of the series yet. We finally have got the serious tone we are looking for and actually felt like AHS. If they could have made every episode like this, it would have been a hit.
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American Horror Stories: The Naughty List (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Two steps forward, One step back
29 July 2021
This episode was a step back from Drive In, but still a step up from Rubber Woman Part 2. For a 37 minute long episode it took way too long to get to the point. The characters were meant to be unlikeable, but it was almost unbearable to watch. The corniness of all their actions made it feel very unrealistic and made you roll your eyes. I loved the premise and idea of the Santa part of this story and wish we got some more time exploring it. I feel disappointed because they could have done so much with this story, yet fell short. Not the worst episode, but still not as high as it could have been.
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American Horror Stories: Drive In (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
That's SO much better
22 July 2021
We were off to a rocky start with the first two episodes of this new anthology series, but this episode shows that there is still hope. This episode brought something new to the table and wasn't recycled plot lines from the original series. The acting was also much better, even though the writing could be rocky at some times. This episode surprising felt more like American Horror Story than the first two episodes that took place at the murder house. The idea for this episode was great and executed amazingly. I can't wait to see what the NEW stories have in store for us. It just goes to show that getting away from all the "nostalgia" can be a very good thing in terms of quality content.
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Goosebumps with Gore
20 July 2021
The original 90s series was darker than this film and the books written by R. L. Stein. It has about the same type of writing as a goosebumps episode, which is not a very good thing considering this is rated TV-MA. The story was very unrealistic even if it was based on the paranormal. For example, two high schools going to a candlelight vigil and starting a fight? Or the cop acting as if the car accident was an ongoing investigation even though everyone was alive and they all said it was an accident? These characters make the dumbest decisions even for a horror film and not many characters are that likeable. If you need some brainless stuff to watch and are not the genre maybe give it a try but other than that, there are many more scary things to watch on Netflix. This having the same rating as content such as Haunting of Hill House is almost laughable. They should have gone with a less violent TV-14 movie since this is clearly the age range it was directed at. Slightly disappointed but if your expectations aren't high it may be okay for you.
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Looking forward
15 July 2021
Thankful that we are putting the murder house to rest. Looking forward to the new content to come in this spinoff series.
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15 July 2021
I'm a huge fan of American Horror Story, but this entry in the spinoff was very unnecessary. I'm looking forward to the next episodes that are new and fresh, but I'm done with the murder house storyline. Especially when they don't even include any of the original cast from that said season. That being said the cast was full of very good actors and I would have loved to seen them in a different story, but not this one. This was the one that should have remained in the drafts and I'm concerned for the show as a whole because this episode might deter people from continuing. Hoping for the best next week.
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Black Widow (2021)
Pleasantly Surprised
9 July 2021
I don't quite understand the hate the movie is getting. Too many people expected full comic book accuracy with Taskmaster, which would have been hard to accomplish and harder to fit in the story they were trying to tell. I understand the disappointment from fans who expected that full Taskmaster story, but do not think it means that this movie was a flop. Florence Pugh was excellent in the film and the chemistry between her and Scarlett Johansson was great. Good fighting sequences except for parts of the third act where the CGI was very noticeable. Plus that end credit scene was amazing. One of my only complaints is that Marvel stated you wouldn't need to watch the shows to understand the movies but if you hadn't seen falcon and the winter solider the end credits may not make a 100 percent sense. At least make it clear the shows are a must watch if you are going to make them necessary to understand certain things. Overall a great movie.
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