
13 Reviews
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Both Charming and Brilliant
15 May 2020
This magical film pays tribute to the older generation Hollywood movies while also making fun of the silly cliches in them. Allen's direction is great and it's evident that he's completely invested in his work. Overall it's a funny film that deals with the concept of fiction and reality and how both are different.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Relatable and Powerful
15 May 2020
A film with so much wires to entangle even with a title so simple. The premise of an average man developing throughout the film to ultimately become a local hero is astounding. The characters are so complex and fantastically acted, that you can infer so much from just a single scene. Robert De Niro threw everything he had into this role and it certainly payed off. This movie really had an effect on me; I continued to think about it weeks after I watched it.
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A Step Against Stereotypes
15 May 2020
The cast in this movie couldn't have been better. Ever since I've seen Sidney Poitier, I can't get enough of him. He really was that actor who inspired variety in Hollywood. The premise of the film is fantastic, although it was very controversial at the time. However movies that take risks are movies I can appreciate. I think some people today can still learn a valuable lesson from the strong message this film posses.
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M for Magnificent
15 May 2020
Hitchcock had an excellent career and directed many prolific movies, but this is my personal favorite out of the ones I've seen .With top-notch performances and a well-crafted screen play, the suspense this thriller generates is nothing short of incredible. Another impressive feature of the film is how nearly the whole thing is shot in a single room. Rather than being a detriment, that confined aspect makes the movie even more exciting and works to its advantage. This film has incredibly convincing direction and is one of Hitchcock's bests.
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The Land of Dreams
15 May 2020
This film deserves all the spotlight it gets; with the outstanding use of visuals, unforgettable characters, and memorable songs, how could it not? It touched the imagination of viewers both then and now, and will always continue too. No adaption of this film will ever come close to the appeal of the original. Undeniably, this movie is one of the most charming to ever exist.
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D.O.A. (1949)
Against The Clock
15 May 2020
This is a prime example of a film noir; it has the gloomy atmosphere, sharp lighting, and the out of touch protagonist. However what separates this film from all the others, is the chilling premise. The movie throws a twist at the audience right at the beginning. What follows is a solid detective story as the protagonist attempts to find who is response for the horrible act that occurred. During the movie, you're treated to some solid acting from both Edmond O'Brien and Pamela Britton and the way the work together is delightful. This film is charming little gem amongst all the film noirs released in the 40s and 50s.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
One of the Greatest Achievements in Cinema History
15 May 2020
What else can I add to the Citizen Kane conversation that hasn't been said already? I personally wouldn't regard this as the best movie of all time but opinions aside, this is a landmark film in the history of cinema. This was my first Orson Welles film and I must say, I really appreciate how passionate Welles was about his work. Out of all the performances, he definitely stole the show. His character was so complex all while being very relatable. This movie certainly isn't for everyone but it's worth seeing for its historic impact alone.
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The Best Private-Eye on Film
15 May 2020
A movie that really upped the expectations for any future suspense films. I love the fast-paced wit of the dialogue and nearly flawless performances. Humphrey Bogart is magnificent in this, his attitude towards everyone just makes his character cool. Also how could I not mention the wonderful Sydney Greenstreet, the portly ringleader of the international criminal treasure hunters. He creates such a detailed, unforgettable character. This story of greed and the lure of a fortune, and what certain types of people will do to get it, is truly everlasting.
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A Portrayal of the Past
15 May 2020
John Ford does it again with this eloquent piece of film. Henry Fonda really nailed the part for such a historical figure. Regardless of accuracy, Fonda's portrayal of Lincoln as a thoughtful, caring, and well educated man was brilliant. How his character could relate to the common man was inspiring in a way. However don't go into this movie expecting a thorough history lesson; treat it more like what it is, a piece of art.
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A Must Watch for Every Cinema Lover
15 May 2020
This movie is written so fantastically! With constant witty quips and lightning fast dialogue, the film never drags. The story is somehow able to match the pace of the quick dialogue as well, and that's nothing but praiseworthy. Seriously, hats off to everyone involved, it just gripped me the whole way through.
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Dracula (1931)
A Classic to be Remembered
15 May 2020
Stiff or not, what an actor Bela Lugosi is! His performance is simply chilling and beautiful to watch. Also the incredibly creative effects make the creepy atmosphere feel even more genuine. Yet this movie does have its flaws and I don't think it's perfect; however we judge films in a different way now and my nitpicks aren't too substantial. Regardless, this movie is a true classic and it's to be treasured.
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Scarface (1932)
The Antihero of the 30s
15 May 2020
Paul Muni's performance in this film is like no other. Before people even knew the term noir, he was squeezing every last drop of realism out of his script. This tragic story was also enlightened by both the outstanding use of lighting.and camerawork. In between all the crime, the hints of comedy hit well on their mark and had me laughing out loud. Overall, this film is very exciting to watch and has way more layers than just the surface level action.
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Sherlock Jr. (1924)
A Priceless Keaton Performance
14 May 2020
Buster Keaton is a remarkably brilliant entertainer. The fact that the stunts in the film were all self-done is astonishing. No stuntman, no camera tricks, just Buster Keaton performing dangerous acts with ease. The script is also clearly well written as the simple story has many surprising twists and turns. The film succeeds at thoroughly engaging the audience and the lack of sound doesn't hold it back whatsoever.
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