
21 Reviews
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The Fountain (2006)
22 May 2007
Having watched the prestige recently (for the 5th time, one my favorites) I was up for another Hugh Jackman movie. Expecting a deep immersing plot i watched this movie only to be depressed like Jackman;s character in the movie. This movie was a brilliantly conceived and you need to be of proper mind for this which I was not in. There is not really a plot save a man has been struggling to find a cure for his dying lover/wife over a span of 3 different lives of which the third life is very bizarre. Beautiful acting by both stars (Jackman, Weiz), haunting music and depressing mood tells you a tale with a moral: You have to let the dying die so they can live, and beautiful special effects keeps this movie aloft the mediocre line to amazing. Its a movie about musing and so confusion is common. Pick a good time to watch this movie and let your mind think beyond the materialistic threshold.
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The Marsh (2006)
the horror
22 May 2007
I been getting very depressed with movies lately and decided to watch some horror flicks to lighten up my mood. And with sheer luck this movie lands on my lap and I read somewhere that is a classic story with a forgotten method of movie making. I now know why it was forgotten. Far be it for me to promote drug abuse but clearly this director needs to take something to boost his imagination. Poorly executed movie with a simple story plot that has a twist which was convulsed into a boring pile of yesterdays excrement that most likely got lodged in the toilet. Abusive use of sound effects and horrible sense of anticipation that pretty much puts anyone to sleep. To those that come across this movie I ware you run.. run fast and do not look back no matter what or who tells you how artistic this is. Chances are that the place that has this movie is pretty much a marsh that is sinking down to a bottomless pit.
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Norbit (2007)
He is back....
13 May 2007
I used to be a great admirer of Eddie Murphy films until he went family movie on me. All his recent movies were over the top boring and trying to be cute films. I gave it a high rating in comparison to other Murphy films he has done recently (excluding Dream girls of-course). It has been a while since I last saw Murphy up to his usual antics and I don't much appreciate the fact many are willing to watch offensive black comedy shows such as the Chappelle show (you cannot seriously tell me that show is devoid of any racial/ offensive humor, not with a straight face at lest) but are ready to drop a movie that incorporates the same style (it had most of the familiar cast from Chappelle show too). As i stands this was one of the most genuinely funny movie and just because a film cracks fat jokes and mild racial remarks (which is a base trademark of black humor). I mean we are ready to watch toilet crap such as Mr. Deeds and other overly childish and brain dead level of Adam Sandler movies (Mr. Deeds, Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo to name a few). This movie is certainly not an excellent movie but in terms of Eddie Murphy's current stream of movies this is a much welcomed addition. It reminded me of Bowfinger mixed with Nutty Professor which was pretty humorous. It is stupid yes I will grant it that but its lot more watchable than the toilet flushed material we seem to be watching everyday of our lives like Adam Sandlers antics (Bill Madison ugh...) that is even lesser challenging to a mentally handicapped person. People need to lighten up about looks appearances as well. I am definitely on the heavy side and I find the movie mildly entertaining. If you really want to make issue about racism to its extreme how about using something like Borat.
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Ghost Rider (2007)
Nicholas Cage got burned again in a movie.
13 May 2007
I really think Nicholas Cage should start talking like a normal person rather than a junkie on shrooms with a raspy voice. I have only read about one comic book about this classic legend and so know very little about the comic book hero itself (provided that I read the comic at a much later date hence mentality and emotional stimulation has evolved or devolved since the time period it was created.) Once again my "friends" have recommended a movie thats not worth almost anything. The acting was typical Nick Cage movie style so I wasn't shocked by it but I was shocked by the alarming rate his status as a movie star is going down. I am not ashamed to admit that I had gotten a pirated copy of the movie (because I could not bare to bring out seven dollars for a movie worth even less than three dollars). The copy was indeed horrible and people keep telling me that the movie was very good. I decided that perhaps the quality of the movie print somehow took away from the movie itself and so I decided to rent the DVD. I should have left that fact unsolved so I did have a much higher opinion of Nick Cage but now that I saw it twice and it was still the same level of sewage material (my apologies to all G-rider movie lovers and Cage fans) that almost made me blind. The acting is passable, the villain was hollow and the love story was as pale as legions face (cant remember the villains actual name before the transformation and don't care to). The, hero when transformed into the flaming skull, had as much personality as a..a.. corpse (and not much better as Nick Cage either)and the action sequences were lamer than usual. This movie should be displayed in Cage's funeral to show the struggles he had in his Hollywood career. Simply put: this movie sucks as hard on any video print (quality) and no nostalgia (if I ever get into reading the comic) will ever make me buy this movie again. NEVAR!!!! I mean wtf? Here you have a rip off Death, might as well add a scythe in his hand so the weapon could have at least carried the film by itself.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Lame movies don't get a teaser so spoiler intended.
13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Shaun of the dead (or Shawn always confuse the spelling) a while back. People, after watching the movie, started saying it was a refreshing comedy and very very funny. Well I took a look and it was mildly amusing but most of the advertisements (my buddies should probably work for media marketing) by mu friends fell short. This movie however, the trailer did not grab me but I was willing to watch as the previous movie made was a decent movie. I should have realized that the trailer and the previews for this movie was somewhat desperate as many movies get (Mr. Deeds for eg.) and I decided to watch it. I am glad I wasn't paying for this flick but I can tell you that this movie is more chaotic and very plaid. How the hell do you get distracted for an hour and a half with popcorn? that was the first for me. The jokes are too mild and there was nothing good about the story either. I mean if no one can see that the main chief of the the HQ along with some other key ppl are the villains in the movie (it's OK if you don't guess the few of the townsfolk as conspirators) then you need to put the crack pipe down. This movie was very disappointing and just went down the hole further. The only funny part I saw was was towards the ending where he kicks an old lady in the face. Hence my score for this movie was a 4 but after proof reading my comment the movie deserved to have two more points taken off so hence it is a 2 star movie which most likely should be watched free. No offense to anyone who likes the movie but I still think its not worth putting your pop corn down and watch at the movie until it ends.
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The Dead Girl (2006)
12 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, after reading the positive commentary from several viewers,

I decided to rent. Now couple of things you don't do when you are watching movies that you are more or less unsure of: 1) pay for it. 2) watch it with your mother. 3) watch it during day time. Why I say this? The movie started out great, hitting me with emotional perspective of different people's lives that accidentally discover the body of a dead girl. I showed a very disturbing lifestyle for the first family and then incidentally moved down on the list to the people that are related to the murder. Now i was expecting perhaps a collage of different situations and lives that come together at one point bringing about the a critical conclusion (the irony about who the killer is or its someone who you would never guess...) Much to my disappointment there was no basic story it was someone who got killed and the lives of the people that are related thats it. I actually expected a revisit to each of the people's lifestyle and make some sort of satisfactory or unsatisfactory conclusion... NOTHING! what was psychological about it? what was complex? It all eludes me and hence due to my huge disappointment with this title i give it a pretty low score.
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Desperation (2006 TV Movie)
It was going so well...
14 December 2006
So I am a big fan of Stephen King novels and movies alike and there is rarely a time i argue about a movie that deviates from a book. I haven't read the book before I watched the movie and still there was something very off about it. I should have been aware that Stephen King movies like to keep a low profile on the movie synopsis and it was a treat to see how well this movie started off. It was good... till the lead up to the conclusion. I couldn't help but comment on Ron Pearlman's character (and obviously the actors acting that brought the character to life. Had a good suspense and definitely an attention grabbing flow to the movie. But the ending... it seemed rushed.. there was too many questions and there was never a proper explanation (hell there was no explanation) for this... this... weird phenomena. Of course considering its something like another portal and supernatural but there was never really a very good connection between the questioning of faith in God and this bizarre incident. The ending was waay too rushed and the cool setup of "Tack" by Pearlman suddenly became a big time wuss... this movie would have made it to a 5 had it not disappointed me so much with the conclusion... Still its a movie anyone can enjoy and of course not all would find it as disappointing as I did.
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Memento (2000)
I cannot believe I just watched this movie NOW....
6 December 2006
if I were religious I would mouth this very same words as I look in the mirror "oh my god!". Its 2006 and there are hardly any good movies BUT the few movies that are made are very very good. The Prestige was one of them and then I heard that the director of this movie made another classic film called memento. I just watched the movie today an hour from this report in my class... What started out as a regular sleeping movie ended up being one of my top ten list of movies. I got so crazy that I got the prof to give me the movie. All I can say is I gotta kick my self for not hearing about this great movie 5 years back. I am a pretty hardcore movie watcher and so when you watch a 'good' movie the idea and plot can easily become stale right after but then there is the artistic point of movie that somehow intensifies the story just cause its delivered to the audience in a very unique way. I am not a big fan of Pulp Fiction but this movie just leaves me with a loss of words. This is every easily a classic movie but I don't know how the rating system works but this a movie that I intend to own. So now go watch if you haven't!
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good movie but was expecting more.
15 August 2006
Again I fell for the trailer. The movie featured some well rounded cast and I did think this was to be an epic movie. My biggest attraction was seeing a bald Kevin Spacey and watch the sunlight and camera lights reflect of his bald head as he plays the villain. The trailer did not even bring about what mess superman gets himself into and I thought for a while that it must be something big. The movie itself was interesting and as much as I could stand it was more focused on the relationship between Lois and Superman than superman once again fighting his bald nemesis. As far as I could tell it was nothing but another romance movie with a superhero shell, some can say it made superman look more human and down to earth but thats just the point folks... he is not human and he is definitely not down to earth (he flies). I did like the fact that they kept loyal to the characters based on the earlier films with Christopher Reeves (how did Lois ever become a reporter with her atrocious spelling problem??) and also following the story line from the second film in production. Now what did really get my goat was that this movie seemed to be extremely long with almost nothing happening besides the love triangle between the superhero. Kevin Spacey was perfect as lex Luther but it seems after being in prison his ideas seemed a little less thought out and he seemed to be taking immense crap from his partner in crime. What was that? did Lex soften up during his prison time? And his worst plan ever was to create a new continent that will raise the sea level and submerge a part of the States underwater (we know California is headed there anyway) it would have made more sense if Baldy there had a sudden hair growth spurt from his constant meddling with the kryptonite and his hair takes over the world, anything!! There was nothing super villainous about this story line. It was entirely too long and I believe I got a zit on my ass the size of a fist from sitting in the same position. However, this movie is a fairly entertaining movie for movie watchers (not superman fans) if you can get past the whole blue tights and red underwear (what superhero would subject himself to that?). All in all I am a bit particular on superhero movies but its a movie you can check out on DVD.
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Venom (2005)
Typical teenage horror flick
15 August 2006
I saw the trailer for venom and I was fooled by it... utterly fooled!! Goodthing this movie did not come out in theaters where I stay or I would have regretted it. The movie is about a serial killer that had been buried but some voodoo nut cases decided to play witch doctor and the newly resurrected serial killer is on the loose before he could be put back to sleep. For the most part this was another generic horror flick that you can sleep through. The kills however, were fairly done so you can expect to see pretty decent impaling of you and 'innocent' teenagers. All I can say is that kids never learn no matter how many times they have blundered into situation they barely escaped alive. But that is the only reason this movie got the extra point, the kills. Other than that it is fairly predictable and not scary at all.
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Hostel (2005)
He has done it again...
15 August 2006
Tarrintino has yet again brought another mindless bile flowing and puke fest of a movie. I did not know what I was thinking to go and see this movie (perhaps it was a well rounded horror flick that will have the gore and compelling mystery) in a theater of all things, seven dollars down the drain. I must say i am glad I went all alone or the effect would be much worse if I had opted to take one of my friends from the opposite sex (14 dollars down the drain!! Are you kidding me??). The movie did start out randomly with a trio making a pleasure cruise in Slovakia and it seemed like a porno flick more than anything else and then after the first 20 Min's the gore and killing starts. Everything is explicit and you can throw the story out of the window by now. It seemed to me that the director Pachl in conjunction with Tarrentino wanted to make this movie a real scare but somehow lost their nerves after drinking a couple of Vodka shots and decided to make it a "splat in your face" kind of movie. That was refreshing change but thats as far as it goes, of you still want to keep your guts in your stomach. Do not watch this on a full stomach.
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15 August 2006
Now here is a movie that is worth watching. Wasn't too thrilled when i heard that it was a remake of a comic book (we have been having too many of those recently and most cannot deliver the impact to the same level as a comic book can) but the movie on its own is something i would ask all viewers (except kids) to watch this movie. The action scenes are well set and the movie is carried out flawlessly. Albeit a movie out of its time it still delivers a punch and the well rounded casts make it a worthwhile movie to watch. If anything this movie should be watched in a theater rather than a computer or a television, it is a long movie and times you would want it to end but you will be glad it did not. Its a definite movie goers choice and is highly encouraged.
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14 August 2006
Have you ever wondered what happened to those actors who made one of the most renowned films a while back but seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth? And then all of a sudden they make a comeback and next thing you know they are in every movie you watch. The same happened to me with Sean Patrick Flannery. I did love his character in Boondock Saints and I said to my self 'huh, what happened to those guys?' and next thing I know I see him in a movie such as this. Now what can I say about this particular movie? Simply nothing. The trailer made it look like a kooky love story with a witch so you can imagine a lot of hilarious situations. However, i was dead wrong; the movie from the very start lost its attraction and the whole of it seemed to focus on nothing but pains and hardship a normal relation may go through (assuming you have ever had relations with a witch before). The magic element is all in the food and it plays a very rare part in the entire movie. What was the point of the movie? it was not funny and it was slow. Way too slow for my taste. It would be however a good romance flick so don't even think about sitting this movie with your buddies and drink beers. Its mushy mushy time and get your handkerchief ready for a sad movie (very sad indeed).
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Good action movie.
14 August 2006
As I have said in my several other comments that I have been looking for movies that did not try to make a suspense action thriller with a twisted ending and fail horribly at the ending. All I wanted was an action movie that had almost no plot but the acting and the dialogs would keep me sitting tight in position. This movie was it. Even though I admit it is a fairly old movie it still has its explosive charms and witty comeback lines which makes this movie one of my Friday night favorites. I have permanently added the word "insignificunt" into my repertoire as a result. Good fun movie and for that reason alone it gets a 6. however it only gets a 6 because it is nothing but a fun flick that should not be mistaken for a thrilling and meaningful masterpiece.
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Diamond in a coal mine
9 August 2006
other than my votes there is no clear way of expressing my obvious love for the movie. One of the most touching and power punch packed films I have seen in a long time. I must say that after seeing Million Dollar Baby I was not looking forward to watching this one. yet I wanted to see a movie and I went and I was not disappointed at all. Russel Crowe and Renee Zelweger fill the parts of Jimmy Braddock and his wife very well. The chemistry between the actors are well balanced and Paul Giamati gives a very lovable performance as Braddocks friend and agent as well. All in all a very touching and uplifting movie. I am being generous with my grades here sicne I am making comparison between the movies I have watched since the year 2000 and this by the standards is a very out ranking movie. And those who refrain from watching this movie simply based on personal opinions of the cast member are making a big mistake by not watching this movie.
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Event Horizon (1997)
its a keeper.
9 August 2006
The first time I watched this movie me and my roommate made sure that we did not leave each other alone in the room unless it was time to sleep. Needless to say someone got locked outside the room and had to sleep in the cold all alone. There are not many good movies out there that can make a cut for a good thriller. This particular movie made it to a fairly good horror range. A very good collection of cast members (Lawrence Fishburn and Sam Niels being my favorites in the team) and a well thought out plot and special effects. Perhaps I am being partial on the special effects since this movie was made during a time where special effects did matter and it was not just computers that did the image trick. The movie did have its share of gruesomeness that did send some shivers down my back. It is one of the classic movies that I definitely want to own and also recommended to watch in groups or with your significant other. Even today I still consider this one of the classics that should be watched. Even though I admit that I cannot see Fishburn in the same serious manner after seeing him as cowboy Curtis in PeeWee's play house (what the hell was that? A gay cowboy?) but he is still one of the most top notch actors that stands side by side with Sam Niels.
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Æon Flux (2005)
9 August 2006
I seem to be writing lot of negative comments than positive. However this one is at least a movie that won't kill you badly but it will keep you craving likely another movie to fill up the void left by predecessor. The movie did start out real well, where there as a rebel assassination that gets compromised and the assassin gets involved with the situation in a very personal level. The reason it gets a low grade from me is because the movie, despite its complex plot, turns out to be fairly predicable. However, the story just drops off from the 1/3rd of the movie. There is nothing but predictable events at every turn and the ending is very unsatisfactory. This movie is worth watching once and thats only if you have not watched it ever. The main reason it does get some points compared to my previous entries is that the gadgets and special effects, although bizarre, had exactly what a sci-fi flick would have and it delivers it just fine. I also gave some points for the interesting plot at the beginning, if it was good enough to attract my attention it is good enough to get a few brownie points. However, I must say its a bit of a shock to see Charlez Therone making a such a shallow movie that has its origins from a comic flash from the Mtv channel. The comic was bizarre and twisted the movie just manages to make it bizarre .
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Volcano High (2001)
9 August 2006
So then I says to the guy I says " dude where the hell have you been" and next thing I know a rabid monkey is chasing after a dog until whole world blew up. Did that make sense? Thats pretty much the same line understanding I got from this movie. There are some movies that are just so bad that even though you know that it is nothing but a flick we still get analytical and more unforgiving about it. Sadly this was one of them and yet another one on my list that got the dreaded number 1. The trailer looked good but the movie was just absurd. I read up comments and synopsis for the movie and thought it to be at least a good martial arts flick. The entire movie goes with the main character just refraining from fighting and almost everyone is wanting a piece of him. I can still take the jumping off walls and gliding in midair combat but this just... just..

The movie had absolutely no story at all except for a student with special gift enters the most violent and last schools for "talented" students and there are different factions that are seeking power. That goes for the faculty members as well. The fact that the "chosen one" fails to even act like a student that has been given hell throughout all his life and his rival ends up being a total wuss. How and why was this situation resolved will never be explained and its not good enough for eye candy. Take my advice and if you do like to watch movies that made some sense STAY AWAY!!!
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Simply wonderful
9 August 2006
This has to be one of my highlight movies I have seen during summer. Took me forever to get it and I regret not being able to see it in the theaters. The movie is very colorful and the Robert Downey Jr. does an excellent job as a thief in the "wrong place at the right time". The narratives are filled with humor and the entire situation makes light of even the darkest situation. This is definitely a light hearted movie and should be watched by people who crave a bit more meat in their comedy. This is a movie that I recommend viewers of all ages watch it at least once. Simply put to me this is a movie to own and works well for group sessions.
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Fearless (2006)
Not just a regular kungfu movie
9 August 2006
I made a big mistake watching this movie late at night as a weekend late night flick. Perhaps one of the most entertaining kung fu movies I have seen in a while. The story of Huo Yuan Jia was both emotionally captivating and action oriented (for kung fu lovers). You may think it is nothing but another crouching tiger hidden dragon rip off but this story has more depth and realism in the character than most of Jet Li's other movies. The story at least makes Jet li's character human (and it should since it is a narrative based on a true story) and very interesting. The only off sight about this movie would be some of the fight scenes that clearly leaves the Jet Li mark on it. The wire based moves that make it look ever more so fake is something I cannot seem to ignore knowing its a Jet Li movie. Yet despite the occasional "supernatural" movements this movie has a depth and a story that will keep fans from either side (those who look for a story as well as those that crave action) interested. I will still make this note however (based on experiments I conducted on my roommate); most action carvers might get turned off by the slightly slow paced story line yet it is a movie that you would definitely watch once at least.
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Ultraviolet (2006)
Bling from all the neon lights!!!
9 August 2006
I am an avid movie watcher and I have watched several good movies throughout the ages and ever so ever there is a need to watch a movie that is mostly old school action (or something where plot particularly plays no part) and seeing the trailer for this movie I said to myself "Must be mindless enough". True enough it was, and the worst part about this movie was that it kept reminding you exactly how bad it was. It occurs to me that Milla Jovovich has been typecasts into these roles and pretty much all that she ever starts in ends up being a fairly generic fight film. Took me three tries and I still haven't finished this movie. What can I say? When you have nonstop action that virtually makes no sense with a hot babe in the lead. The fight scenes are fight scenes and it has become her trademark yet when the entire movie seems to be done in a disco nightclub like world that virtually makes no contact or depth in the audience, there has to be a problem. I am being fairly harsh with this movie I believe however a movie that I cannot finish does not deserve a fair number.
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