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Some sentiments
11 May 2020
What is faith and what is the power of faith? Perhaps even the parties themselves have no way to explore, and religion, ideals, and goals may all become indispensable members in the process of belief formation. The lack of faith is undoubtedly terrible, but the hidden dangers of evil beliefs are even more unimaginable. Most of the thought-provoking and large-scale shocking cases in history are also examples of distortions in faith. But Tony Kaye chose a more painful process. He stripped the coat of faith subversion and exposed this difficult transformation process nakedly to the world, but it is also so that he can deeply touch the heart of the audience. The most secret reserve.
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The Lion King (1994)
Love and courage
10 May 2020
When the film started, the music sounded, and the grand opening continued, and a sense of solemnity emerged. This is the opening of the most powerful animation I have ever seen. This movie is the most serious work produced by Disney Animation. It is an animated version of "Hamlet". It is a very meaningful animation that children and adults should watch with heart. Family, friendship, love, and affection are touching; equality, discrimination, slavery, resistance, and terrification; birth, death, happiness, sadness, and rebirth. Coupled with the perfect style of painting, highly infectious soundtrack, and the director's balance of seriousness and humor in the plot, it has become a milestone in the history of animation, the king of classics. I grew up watching Disney animation and grew up. In the future, I will also see bald heads and review every classic with grandchildren.
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Harakiri (1962)
This is a masterpiece that has stood the test of time
9 May 2020
First, this is a very well-made film. The script is quite good and the production is luxurious. Its perfection lies in its existence surpassing the times and culture, full of deep thought and anyone can understand. Whether film skills or performances are exemplary. There are many good movies in every aspect, but there are not many such strong styles and humanities.
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very good
8 May 2020
This black thriller has a breakthrough in the structure of the script (the screenwriter won the Oscar), completely overturning the audience's inertial logical thinking. Director Brian Singh was so talented that he shot a complex story with dramatic tension, which was exciting from start to finish.

When watching this film, you must pay full attention to every detail, so that you can have a sudden enlightenment when the finale of the finale is revealed. The actors are excellent, and Kevin Spacey is as amazing as his role (he won the Oscar for best supporting role).
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In any case, life must continue
7 May 2020
It tells the story of two lonely people who met because of their own destiny and then changed their own because of each other. The story is perfectly described, but I do n't like Lyon 's death scene. The explosion of the flames tears the atmosphere of the movie, which is a big failure. It 's like a flower filled with flowers On the way, suddenly walked by a person and let a loud fart, although not stinking, it is also awful. If the director can give a design that only hears its sound, not the scene. Rather than this kind of sensationalism, the act of adding extravagance. This will make the movie more perfect.
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Interstellar (2014)
Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.
6 May 2020
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
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'm sorry for what I am
5 May 2020
You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you hurtin' and worryin', I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. Because I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?
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Spirited Away (2001)
I can only send you here, you have to go the rest of the way, don't look back.
4 May 2020
Life is a train bound for the tomb. There will be many stops along the way. It is difficult for someone to accompany you through the journey. When the person accompanying you wants to get off the bus, you should be grateful even if you do n't give up, and then wave goodbye.
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Absolute political correctness based on human nature
2 May 2020
The film has a strong emotional shock and visual impact, and the storyline is full of soul. The magnificent scene of Normandy landing was reproduced, which made the audience witness the fierce and cruel war.
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Parasite (2019)
Sad life
1 May 2020
The allegory of Parasite is well understood by everyone. The rich live in a big house and enjoy a prosperous life. The poor live in a semi-basement, exuding the smell of poverty. The poor imagine that they can also be the masters of the big house , Can also climb relatives of the upper class, but do not know that there is a more desperate place in the underground of the mansion, the bottom floor does not see the sun, live a cockroach-like life, the upward path has been sealed, and the downward path is like a black hole Clutching you like that. The film shows an almost epitome of life in a contemporary society in an almost absurd and desperate style. At the bottom, the upper class is a kind of almost Stockholm-like worship, but resent the poor who live better than him. The dream of breaking the class barriers shattered and fell into the abyss of fate, but the son dreamed of buying that house so that one day his father could walk up from the ground and into the sun. The plot of his son's letter was filled with the most desperate emotion in the film. We all know that this is impossible, they are Sisyphus pushing the stone up the mountain, they are destined to be trapped in this fate.
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Ordinary greatness
1 May 2020
God did save George, but the rescue was already buried in George's first half of life, and Clarence's message to George did exactly that. Therefore, when the hymns of the hymns haven't fallen, people have sung the ancient tune of "friendship lasts forever": in the secular world, what we can rely on most is the deepest friendship between people. No matter how ordinary or small we are, there is always a huge force behind us that is supporting every small step in our life. After all, "no one is a lonely island."
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30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In the story, the heroine's feelings for Hannibal are very complicated. He has both his idealistic traits, such as professionalism, calmness, restraint, keen insight, and fear of him as a brutal attacker. Therefore, the heroine is more an idealized empathy for Hannibal than the Oedipus complex of Oedipus. Because the heroine does not lack father's love, in the critical period of psychological development (1-3, 3-6, 6-10), the father has always existed as a good object (betting on the object of feelings). Hannibal and his father are not the same kind of person. The heroine's internal courage, courage, and perseverance are all derived from the identification of his father. And Hannibal is more like that ideal self (of course, this refers to the positive side).

The whole story of the play is driven by the traumatic needs of the heroine. Saving the daughter of the MP is the need to save the lost object. Working with Hannibal is the need for idealization. Killing the Buffalo Bill is the need to defeat the attacker. And these three people perfectly played the role of the heroine to fulfill these psychological needs. All in order to silence the lamb in Starling's heart.
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Classic and warm
29 April 2020
The director beautified all the black acts and processes, and made these more profound with kindness and beauty. The whole film does not have a positive description of the war, it is only a story about a family. The film uses the unexpectedness of this happy family, and the hard work of the parents reflects the cruelty of the war. Just as the child finally excitedly told his mother "won", he did not know that his father had left. At that moment, I saw the pain, tolerance, struggle and hardship of a father, including all the people in that era.
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City of God (2002)
This city will not be as beautiful as on the postcard
28 April 2020
Smooth and skilled editing skills and dazzling picture texture are the first heroes of this film's unique style, and the outstanding performances of amateur actors beyond the age limit are rare. Multiple narrative methods allow reality and fiction to display a fateful reincarnation in the interweaving of each other. This story is not only an excellent reproduction of a specific place and a specific era, but also an exploration and description of the common ground of human nature. It is neither cynical nor artificial, and it has a general style.
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Se7en (1995)
Everything comes from desire
27 April 2020
There are no perfect people, and the seven deadly sins are just a summary, not only the seven, but these seven deadly sins are not deadly, but human nature, "greedy eating", children understand that people take food as the heaven It is the instinct that humans must have. "Lust" is also human instinct. It is just that we humans have feelings and use sex as the promotion of love, but we cannot but admit that sex is our normal need like eating. If "eating" and "sex" are the most basic needs and instincts of human nature, the following five items exceed a height. From the perspective of spirit and thinking, "original sin", "greedy", greed comes from desire, desire is a difficult When you do n't know what you need and what you need is enough, this thing called desire will prompt you to want more and demand more, and greed will be born from then on. The root of laziness is rest, and rest is necessary, but when deeply immersed in greed and pleasure, laziness also unconsciously occurs. Arrogance is too self-focused, self-centered, and self-centered. Jealousy and anger are both sources and foreign affairs, which cause internal imbalances and gaffes. Everyone has seven sins, because these are the "original sins" of human nature. We can't stop and change them. Although they are named as sins, sins are not lethal. Carefully, it is often not those who are hurt by these "sins". But myself.
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Seven Samurai (1954)
Tribute to Kurosawa
26 April 2020
The subtitles at the beginning are a bit long, but they are domineering because of the drumbeat. Instead of giving people a sense of procrastination, they can gradually introduce the audience into the mood of the upcoming story. The soundtrack of this film is also very good, and it plays a role in prompting the storyline. In the movies I have seen before, I have never found that the soundtrack can occupy such an important position in a movie. .

Of course, the most outstanding feature of the film is the plot and character settings. The suspense laid by the film and the climax caused by the suspense are estimated to be beyond count with both hands. The mention of the peasant Li Ji, who is soaring after marriage, the mad kiku Kiyoyo, the warrior who shaved to save the child, the martial arts strong and calm calm warrior who captured the gun suspense. Each character seems to have its own specific expression, just like a label, which implies the character's character and predicts the character's ending. Like the farmer Li Ji, most of the film is very serious for most of the time, it turned out to be because the thief was wearing a green hat. Kikuyo, a hippie with a big smiley nerve, finally died under the firearm of a bandit. The warrior who shaved to save the child has always been indifferent, as if he had already insight into everything. In the end, he said: This is the victory of the peasant, not the victory of the warrior.
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Crazy and not crazy, just separated by a line.
25 April 2020
The lunatic asylum is a terrible place. Once a person is treated as a lunatic, it is hard to believe that he is a normal person. Forget where I have seen it before, people will dream, they wake up to normal people, but they wake up and become lunatics. Crazy and not crazy, just separated by a line. McMurphy is dead and the head nurse is alive. Although everyone thinks they should change, this is an iron social reality. The chief killed him because he knew him too much and loved him too much. The movie is over, but our hearts hurt for a long time.
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Goodfellas (1990)
Some sentiments
24 April 2020
From Henry said, "In my teens, I made more money than most adults in the whole street." Revealing the first level, the most direct thing that gang life brings is money. Overnight, a prosperous life is at your fingertips. and. Along with the "respect" of the outside world, the "extra care" on the street greatly satisfied the vanity. This point reached a peak when Henry brought his newly engaged girlfriend into the restaurant through the back door. This long lens uses the camera's movement to the extreme. The gorgeous and smooth visual effect makes the audience feel the Henry's smoothness at the moment. Then the situation changed sharply, and all the characters seemed to be in a madness: Jimmy began to kill a 6 million robbery, Tommy shot the young man in the bar for no reason, and was finally executed by the Gambino family (the beginning of the film has been paved) ... the film enters the second layer, the gang 's hidden tendency to self-destruction, the ease of gang life comes from the material provided by the gang, and the basic way for the gang to obtain material is terror and violence, so the essence of the gang is unethical violence, bringing The chaos makes its structure extremely unstable. This instability makes gangs often lose control when they encounter major turning points such as the drug industry. This tendency towards self-destruction gradually develops towards the destruction of others, and the interpersonal relationships maintained by material and violence are more fragile than imagined. On the third level of the film, it is also a must-see scene for gangster films: the old brothers sold each other. Eventually Henry also chose to compromise and joined the witness protection plan. Over time, a small society disappeared in self-destruction and mutual destruction. At the end of the film, Henry said, "I feel like I can't leave that kind of life", and then brought the film back to the beginning, again asking questions: knowing that it is towards destruction, why is there always someone willing to try? Because of that kind of life, an ordinary person who is in a muddled state can "struggle" to achieve achievements far beyond his ability. Can this gang legend be understood as a twisted American dream?
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The Matrix (1999)
Some thoughts on philosophy
22 April 2020
Existence is the first requirement of all life, so human beings are very interested in the issue of sensation. Since ancient times, the prediction of the Plato cave, our guess and reasoning about the reality of the world has never stopped. Is it true that we perceive this world? Is there a more real world behind this world? The cave prophecy believes that our world is like a cave. We are only the poor worms bound to watch shadow play in the cave, and the real world is outside the cave. "If reality refers to what you can feel, smell, taste, and see, then reality is nothing more than an electrical signal generated in your brain." This is a sentence in the movie "The Matrix" Famous lines. He expressed a harsh possibility: our world may not be real. Perhaps only a limited sense can be used to perceive certain aspects of this world, but we cannot grasp the existence around us from the whole. Even as Russell said: The world may have been created a few minutes ago, but it has humans who remember the virtual past.
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Inception (2010)
Life is like a dream, dream is like a life.
22 April 2020
Life is like a dream, dream is like a life. When you close your eyes, the dream comes, and when you open your eyes, you see the kind of fear from another dream, because when you think that the world wakes up, how do you believe this is really not another dream What? What should I do if I can't believe the pain of scratching my fingers, the satisfaction of filling my stomach, the humid heat between my fingers, the intense heartbeat when hugging, and the memories of happiness, sadness, and promise? Dom may never wake up. No one knows where the roaring train took them. Is there a woman in the world where Mal jumps down, waking up in a desolate doomsday scene. I did n't go up and down, I forgot how I came and how I left, in fact, maybe we never woke up, and it 's a dream to go back and forth.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
When I'm in a bad mood, I will watch this movie
20 April 2020
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one is. Therefore, all we have to do is learn how to taste, instead of complaining about ourselves and exile. This is where A-Gump's impressiveness lies. He actually has faith. Faith in life, "Life is like a box of all kinds of chocolates, you will never know what the next one is"; for your determination, when Jenny asked him what he wanted to become in the future, A-Gump only The answer is, "I will still be myself in the future"; when judging the choice, when someone asks him, are you a fool? Forrest Gump's answer is still simple and profound, because "only people who do stupid things are fools." In addition to the linguistic presentation of A-Gump's beliefs, there is also a moving presentation in the film, which is "running". From A-Gump's childhood, running has become A-Gump's life and part of his life. Running made A-Gump free from the foot support, ran across the rugby field, ran through the Vietnam War, and ran across the continent. Behind everything is obviously metaphorical. Running symbolizes the endless life, the firm direction, and the perseverance of the goal. Every step is contagious. Therefore, I think that running is not a kind of consumption, but acquisition, and you will feel that you are more powerful and will not fall into sinking, depravity and confusion. In particular, A-Gump started a three-year running journey after Jenny left. However, faith always conflicts with certain things, such as fate. What this actually brings is the contradiction between consciousness and reality, the unity of inevitability and chance. In the film, the appearance of feathers almost expresses this kind of entanglement. Feather is drifting in the wind and is helpless, but it has its final destination and dependence. For A-Gump, the biggest joke that fate opened to him was that his best friends, loved ones and lovers all left him one after another. God let him taste the best emotions in the world and let him be lost by loved ones. pain. It's like A-Gump's confession in front of Jenny's grave: I don't know that when we have a destiny, it's not just accidents in life, like floating in the wind, or both. When faith was hit by fate, A-Gump did not give up on it. This does not affect my judgment that Forrest Gump's life and life are happy. Because the essence of happiness is that you know what you have, no matter whether it is or now, you know that their position and value in your heart are irreplaceable. You know how to cherish, you will not forget them, nor will they. Because, when you have a certain faith, you will move towards your path, you will not be disturbed, you will have a free will, a beautiful heart and noble thoughts and firm actions. This is what A-Gump did, not only to understand but to do it. Since it is right, why not act immediately? Only doing stupid things is a fool! Therefore, A-Gump can reach the other side of happiness and have a paradise of true love.
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Fight Club (1999)
In Tyler we believe!
20 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When our own destiny has been crucified, we seem to have no other way out in this society. We can only deceive ourselves to vent our desires on the lifeless commodities that are more inferior to us in this society. Our initial dreams were broken up, and then distributed to bits and pieces of commodities. Like Edward Norton in the Fight Club began to buy furniture with passion, our pursuit has evolved day by day: a beautiful dress; an expensive short trip; a brand-name car; a luxurious apartment ... As Tyler described, we are all already enslaved by material, although our most primitive subconsciousness still seems to have resistance. But it seems that we can only use matter to paralyze our fragile and perhaps sensitive nerves.

Tyler's preaching is not superstitious, because Tyler itself belongs to the most illusory existence in this world. He has no entity, but it is real. Because of this, he can easily say: "Nothing can represent you, your clothes can't, your car can't, where you live can't ..." Because in fantasy, he can easily have everything He can look handsome, easily wear beautiful clothes, drive beautiful cars, sleep beautiful women, and live beautiful lives. Just like most of the time, only rich people will treat money like dung, and when the poor say this, there is always a strange way of not eating grapes and saying that grapes are sour. Tyler itself is a contradiction. In fact, that Tyler may only be the one that Edward Norton in the film made that he can't eat grapes and said that the grape acid is vented. Just like some of our subconscious minds have vented when we have no sense of ourselves. Material venting is no longer enough to paralyze Edward Norton's nerves in the film, and he has never been able to break free of his restraint. Only through fantasy can he get a little relief. He not only imagined a Tyler image to help what he actually wanted to accomplish. Like many people, I also believe that he imagined the whole so-called story. I believe no one will think that the story will be true.
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The power of faith
19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In the film, the Hobbit live a simple and simple life, being self-sufficient, happy and happy, and their days have not changed much every day. It is in such an environment that people do not crave fame, fortune, and money, so the Hobbit can resist the temptation of the Lord of the Rings. However, when exposed to the relationship of fame and wealth, is it reasonable to be tempted by the Lord of the Rings? Only by making yourself stronger can you be protected from the environment, protect yourself, and the people you cherish.

After knowing that there was no chance against Sauron, the white robe wizard Saruman chose a mutiny and turned to Sauron. Gandalf the gray robe wizard did not. Some things must be done if you know you ca n't win. Give it a try, maybe something unexpected will happen. Saruman chooses to mutiny. Other than the Hobbit, there is no guarantee that he will not be tempted by the Lord of the Rings. The root is that he has no faith but has a strong desire.

Frodo always thought how good the ring had never been to himself. But no one can decide fate, not even the wise. All we can decide is what can be done within the time given to us. Life is fragile and life is tenacious, you can't imagine how much power you have. Believe in yourself and dare to daring to rush, this is the attitude you should have. Even the smallest people can change the future.
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Nostalgic moment
18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of the film is the vast desert. The three cowboys are silent and close to each other. The lens is pulled very close, and it is basically a close-up of the face. This distance is uncomfortable and produces a sense of depression. There are no lines here, only background sounds, rendering a strong tension, a precursor to the war. A large number of close-up close-ups are one of the features of this film. The director intends to highlight the character's character through body language and expression close-ups. From the beginning to 10:37 seconds, there is no line at all, I thought it was a color silent film. This shooting technique that only uses music, body language and expression is full of ritual and a little stage drama feeling (here I am also picking up teeth). "The ugly", "the bad" and "the good" characters appeared on the side with subtitles. This is also very classic in the history of movies. There are no lines in early movies. When the characters and plots are not rich enough , The director needs to add subtitles in the post-editing to illustrate the character identity and enrich the character image; when he was a child, he often saw it in the martial arts movies that watched the Shaw Brothers movie. In this audio film, we already know the characters (the director used a large amount of ink to describe the three people). Why should we use subtitles to show their identity? This way of emphasizing precisely expresses the sense of ritual. It can be said that in this rough ore-like western film, there is a hint of literary art.

Cross-cutting is another major feature of the film. When "the ugly" took three little brothers to find "the good" revenge: the army stepping outside the house, the cowboy who quietly went upstairs, the "the "Good", in fact, these three things happen at the same time, the film advances the plot through the conversion of three scenes. Another example is the climax of the film. At the end, the three men confront each other. The camera continuously switches between the faces of the three people, and then the switching speed becomes faster and faster. This single and pure expression is now rarely seen in the film. From the simplification, now seeing this pure thing is rather exciting.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Popularity and gameplay victory
16 April 2020
The postmodern discourse of the film, because it is in the post-industrial society era, is driven by the commercialization of the consumer society, thus embodying commercial, game, and popular colors. Jameson pointed out that the old (essentially advanced modernist) boundary between the advanced culture and the so-called popular culture or business culture has been abolished, and new texts have emerged that are full of forms, categories and contents of cultural industries. Bourdieu believes that the film has got rid of the shackles of classic art and has become a popular culture or a postmodern culture and has become a cultural capital. The purity of aesthetics and the self-discipline of art have been impacted. The tower of pure aesthetic ivory has collapsed under the impact of popular art and its aesthetics. The ensuing is the appearance of popular aesthetics, and it has increasingly gained its own aesthetic legitimacy. Attracting audiences with popular themes, flattening the depth, everything is flat, this is what distinguishes the serious attitude of postmodernism from modernism. The result is to give the audience leisure, fashion, relaxation, surprise, and no tears. Violence, crime, sex and other generally considered vulgar themes are the themes of postmodern movies. Especially in terms of violent style, Tarantino became a single family. Violence has always been the unshakable theme of Quentin's works, and formed his black violence aesthetics. Violence is bloody, cold, game, and does not carry any moral and political responsibilities. "Pulp Fiction" thoroughly stylized and gamified violence. It makes the audience realize that at this moment, you are watching movies for entertainment, so Tarentino will turn violence into joke, sex into joke, politics into joke, and history into joke. It does not ask about the meaning, does not reflect, does not touch politics, not to mention resistance. The "Bible" quotes before Jules' killing were not intended to legitimize his murder. Similarly, the scene of Mia's overdose did not have any intention of exhorting drug addicts. "Black" has also been treated as a piece of joke. Both Vincent and Jules drove around the city in a car full of brains and blood. In order not to let the police find it, but also in order not to add trouble to their friends, they had to do it within 40 minutes. Cleaning the car is a very technical task, so that they have to hire a special problem-solving expert from the headquarters to guide them in their work. When the two big-hearted men finally washed themselves and the car Afterwards, while wearing two exaggerated and somewhat funny T-shirts standing in front of the camera, a scene full of blood and terror was transformed into a humorous sketch, and the popularity and gameplay are most vividly displayed here. So some people say: "Pulp Fiction" completed the transformation of violent movies from modernity to post-modernity, showing that post-modern violent movies have completely lost the power of social criticism, the depth and the profound connection between old movies and the real world. No longer carries the meaning of cultural symbols such as national mythology, heroism, social resistance, political complaints, etc. Some other similar cultural commitments are also taken out, leaving only the image itself. "And the frequent scenes of violence in the film are echoing Its "circular structure" clearly states that the occurrence of violence is cyclical and never stops. "Pulp Fiction" tells us: In life, violence, including wars and boxing, is omnipresent. There is no justice in life and death, right or wrong in front of it. Although Quentin Tarantino has never talked about postmodernism, he knows its essence. He seems to tell us that life in the 20th century is developing rapidly, changing fast and worthless. No one is immune. No matter whether life or death is unreasonable and fair Is a "vulgar novel", and this is where the subversive power of postmodern cinema aesthetics lies.
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