
5 Reviews
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Daredevil (2015– )
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There has never been a superhero show like this, and there never will be another one. Daredevil is grounded, gritty and realistic. It is expertly written, cast and acted. Season 1 weaves an intricate story of wrestling with identity and struggling with becoming, Season 2 is a story of influence and a past returning, and Season 3 is a near flawless tale of identity and morality. Charlie Cox gives an incredible performance in the entire show, giving his all to every scene, every line of dialogue, every facial cue. Elden Henson as Foggy Nelson and Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page are perfect supporting cast memebers who play very compelling characters in their own rights. Every character, side character, villain and subplot all feel real, genuine and human. The show makes you care about these people to an extreme extent; you feel for them, love them, hate them, understand them. Matt Murdock is flawed, he makes mistakes, he is physcially weak when compared to Nobu or Kingpin. But it's his morals, his motivations and the things he cares about, his outlook on the world that make him one of Marvel's best written heroes of all time. Finally, Vincent D'Onofrio is the icing on the cake as the perfect juxtaposition to Charlie Cox's main hero. He is brutal, unrelenting, hateful, ruthless, strong and powerful and he steals every scene he's in. He and Cox may not share a lot of screentime throughout the series but whenever they do the emotions and tension are higher than ever. All in all, Daredevil is (in my opinion of course) the greatest superhero show of all time and one of the best of the last 10 years.
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Hellboy (2019)
Should have been Hellboy III instead...
31 March 2020
The original Hellboy is one of my all time favourite movies and I loved the sequel too, so when I heard that it was getting rebooted and then David Harbour was cast, and then I saw him in the makeup, and I heard it would be rated R I was freaking out! And then I caught it on Amazon Prime...*sigh*. I'm not really sure what happened here, I've heard good things about Neil Marshall, David Harbour is a great actor and can definitely portray the sassy, sarcastic attitiude of Hellboy and on top of all that the storyline is ripped right out of the comics and it's a great story! But this is just horrible, the script is ATROCIOUS, the acting is mediocre at best, the plot is jumbled and the whole Baba Yaga thing is the most tacked on character/subplot I've EVER seen! Sadly something that could have been amazing turned out to be yet another crappy 2010s reboot of a great movie (that didn't even need to be made, the producers were just too stubborn to let Guillermo do his own thing, if they had been more leniant then we could've had Ron Perlman back too for an awesome and long overdue Hellboy III) that will go down in history as probably my least favourite movie ever.

P.S: I know some people love this movie and see it as just a fun, silly, dumb action movie but I just can't get over how dumb it is (and I even liked Bad Boys II). I also know that some people think that a lot of reviewers are way too harsh with their 1/10 ratings but that's just honestly how I feel about it and I apologize if you liked it and are offended by review and opinions.
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Die Hard (1988)
Blindly entertaining from start to finish
2 February 2020
*MILD SPOLIER WARNING* No important plot details revealed, just something awesome that the main hero does.

Everything about this movie was orchestrated so carefully, that it makes for one of the best, most well-rounded, and immensely satisfying action movies ever made. It is, of course, one of my personal favourite action movies of all time, but not just because I love it, but because it's actually amazing. John McClane is the most likeable and relatable action hero to ever grace the screen, I mean he's badass but in a way that, everytime he does something crazy and awesome (like jumping off of a rooftop with a fire hose tied around himself as it explodes behind him) makes you go, "Yeah, I could do that," even though you know that there's no way in hell you actually could. Anyway, go and watch Die Hard RIGHT NOW!!! Even if you've seen it before, I don't care, go watch it again, NOW!!!
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Bad Boys II (2003)
Lots of Fun
31 January 2020
Going into this movie, having heard what I had about it, I didn't expect it to be statistically very good. I was expecting a dumb, funny and ridiculous Michael Bay movie, where Will Smith and Martin Lawrence run around blowing stuff up and shooting drug dealers. I was not dissapointed.
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The Godfather (1972)
Absolutely perfect
14 January 2020
This movie is Ford Coppola at his iconic, captivating and world building best. Vito Corleone is such an intriguing and interesting character to see on screen, which is just one of the many reasons that this movie's 2h 57m runtime flies by.
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