
48 Reviews
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To Appomattox (2015– )
update from last year
26 October 2023
It's been a long silence, but let me catch everyone up... In 2019 super Emmy Award-winning producer and President of MGM TV, Mark Burnett, joined forces with me and Rob Lowe to see this project made. Joining us, once again, was financier Jeff Sagansky (former President Sony Pictures, TriStar Pictures, & CBS Television).

For two years every effort was made to find a distribution partner. All the broadcast networks, Apple TV, Netflix, Disney+ and all other streamers, all the cable networks, and the response was that due to the use of the Confederate flag, the depiction of Confederate Generals, the depiction of "white savior-ism" with regard to American slavery, and too little racial diversity due to our "Band of Generals" all being white, that in the current and foreseeable political/social climate in America, this series was/is unproduceable.

This was the strongest team yet assembled for this miniseries with passion and patriotism and love for our shared history you could not beat...but they were forced to admit defeat.

Edit: Sorry, but meant to add this was taken from the facebook page of the chap that created this.
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The Woman in the Wall (2023–2024)
29 August 2023
So once again we have a foreign person using foreign actors who just for the life of them cant in an Irish voice without messing it up, and to use a Scottish woman is just asking for trouble. Funny how the brits never make things like this from their own past involving the Church of England and Salvation Army..

Yes it's a sad fact of life that the church ran this country from 1922 till the 90s, and we still suffer because of what they did to the young both male and females and not a single word from the Vatican, never once saying we are sorry we forced women into, well slavery, put 1000s of dead babies into drain and cemented them up and still not from their so called leader, thankfully they are on their last legs here in Ireland.
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Entrapped (2022– )
not as good as S01/2
29 March 2023
Firstly at paul-allaer man I don't know where you got your info but it is so far off, this entrapped is actually S03 of trapped if you will and not a fourth as you claimed, this site has included this in Trapped as season 3 which aired in Iceland in 2021 and was 8 episodes long, Netflix got the rights for this season worldwide streaming and re-edited it into 6 that aired a year later than in Iceland and also this "entrapped" case has no bearing or follow up to the first 2 seasons as you also claimed.

But what I will agree with you on it pales in comparison with the first two, but the thing you must remember season 1/2 was aimed at people from Iceland and not a worldwide viewer as this edited Netflix version was, hence the English tags on the bikers jackets, as the ones that aired in Iceland, it didn't say, member or prospect on their biker tags in English but their native language.
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better wait
3 March 2023
Firstly for the attention of the poster Mrtomcl, why would the BBC in the untied kingdom have any say on there been a second season, as they did not make it, just bought the rights to show it in the united kingdom.

As for the show, some know actors and unknowns, they did well with what they were given and while it is a decent enough show, I only scored it a four due to the many loose endings and rte are well known for not renewing shows they leave so opened and unanswered, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if this is the case with this one. I didn't like the way the Swedish cop just shows up unannounced, as that wouldn't happen in real life.
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Accused (2023– )
26 January 2023
Why do countries feel the need to repeat what others have already done as like with the Bridge, real name Bron, and Shameless, the office, the rubbish British version of law and order, the remakes like this are always brutal to be perfectly honest. The Original British version of this was on Amazon Prime in the Republic of Ireland and The United Kingdom for free so maybe a fee for people from the United States Of America, hunt it down and even pay for it as its ten times what this train wreck will ever be, stronger actors both male and female, tens times stronger storylines. This 600 words thing.
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Fenris (2022– )
Decent show
4 January 2023
Firstly, given the other reviewer does a good enough post on the show I won't, but I really feel the need to address the one review as I do find it very insulting as a European. Yes dear poster, you are very right in saying yes the "Scandinavians did it again" as they have doled out some wonderful show over the past 12 years now, but here's the issue I have with that reply of yours. Maybe if the Scandinavians didn't seek to recover all the money that their shows cost to make from other nations in the European Union, they be better off, or if they didn't suddenly decide to have a bidding war with Amazon Prime, the BBC, C4 and netflix for the European rights, as Amazon lost season 3 of the Norwegian hit show Trapped because netflix offered more money.

Remember, till netflix and Amazon start throwing mad money they were quite content to take what the BBC/C4 offered to air their shows in Ireland and the United Kingdom, now the BBC/C4 don't bother as it's cheaper to get American TV shows.
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very poor
18 December 2022
Now I know it's only little google, but deary me you know it's bad when you write in Mankind the story of all us, and it comes back with the following headline "Mankind: The Story of All of Us 2012 Fiction 1 season" and yet this site is making it out to be a factual documentary, and then you are hit with factual error after error to the point it becomes either (a) you look at it as a Michael Bay effort, or that whoever did the research, well they might wanna retake history 101, as the basic are so far off, and then it's like they are just guessing or making up their own stuff to add juice to it.
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Smallville: Kandor (2009)
Season 9, Episode 7
26 November 2022
Well this is yet another episode that really stands out and sadly for all the wrong reasons and before the fanbase starts throwing their toys out of the pram let me tell you why.

The last time I saw alleged villains or bad guys and girl this poorly done was either a pantomime or that old cartoon penelope pitstop as both tess mercer and callum blue's portrayal of being the bad guys is on par with Dick Dastardly and Muttlery, yes the two of them make tess mercer and the so called evil general zoddie look like stan laurel and oliver hardy rather then evil genius that would put the fear of god into a person.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
5 stars for JP
29 October 2022
I'm sorry, but what in the blue moon is wrong with the United States of America tv companies and them trying to claim the work of others?

We see it with netflix all the time claiming shows as their own that they saved after they were cancelled elsewhere, now apple are trying to claim this show that was made by and created by Belgium tv and Malin-Sarah Gozin and not apple tv and sharon horgan as claimed on the main page, as watch the original and like with the bridge that was a carbon copy of Swedish Brom, so is this other than the country .

As for the show, wow what a true legend the man John Paul and a true hero to all men worldwide, so 5 out of ten just because he's a true inspiration.
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one sided
2 September 2022
Sorry but this is way too one-sided, as the talker stated how Germany wanted to take over their neighbour's land and were willing to kill for it, and not once mention the British doing it in Ireland for 800 years and elsewhere for 100s, as seems to forget to mention his good guys the UK claimed ownership of NINE countries at the outbreak of WW2 and WW2 was also known as the "Death of the British Empire", France laid claim to Indo China and other parts of Asia and naturally not a word about USA refusal to enter the war till it was attacked at Pearl Harbour and even then it be 3 years before they went into Europe, at least give the real history as its out there.
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The Outlaws: Episode #1.6 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
enough with usa slang
26 August 2022
Dear god in heaven if you make a show in England, stop using American slang, as young Brits don't refer to the police as "feds" as come on. Decent enough show lost its way in episode 4/5.
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ah poor Roscoe
11 August 2022
One of the better episodes but still annoying as heck is waylon jeenings waffling and @ the other reviewer, it's not today's style of Internet dating, it was computer dating which arrived on the scene in the mid 60s.
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The Dukes of Hazzard: Gold Fever (1979)
Season 2, Episode 2
ok episode
28 July 2022
A decent enough episode, but my god it really shows how limited these actors really are, as Schneider needed a stunt double to jump a 4-foot fence. And still short of 150 characters, so maybe that's the reason people don't listen when they start preaching about the climate etc.
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New Tricks: The Wolf of Wallbrook (2015)
Season 12, Episode 4
just another cop show now sadly
28 July 2022
Episodes like this are why Alun Armstrong and the rest of the original cast left, as from late season 06 it stated to become less funny and just another weekly cop show for some episodes and had none of the light, funny comic relief of earlier seasons and by season 10s last few episodes the transformation was complete, and Nicholas Lyndhurst was all wrong in their choice for Armstrong's replacement, as he just comes across as annoying rather than quirky like Armstrong.
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New Tricks (2003–2015)
25 July 2022
Never watched this show till recently and was very funny till they brought in del boy's brother as Alun Armstrongs replacement, and it started to take itself way too serious, never thought Rodney the Plonker would ruin a show for me after only fools n horses. You could see Ms Redman wanted out from season 9 onwards, and it suffered.

Speaking of her couldn't stop laughing at a reviewer's comment, tord-116 June 2007, claiming she was an unknown actress here, she had been lead actress in 11 shows and 2 miniseries prior to this since 1982 and was even granted permission to be the main lead in another show (Honest) on a different channel while in this, something unheard of back in the noughties such was the competition between the BBC and ITV and the respect the BBC had for her.
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Armageddon (1998)
enjoy it for what it is
22 July 2022
One of those films where you just forget anything that makes sense will be seen in this film and so you sit back and enjoy 2 plus hrs of pure popcorn action, then the worst 2 scenes I ever saw in a film, the one where Chuck shows up at the ex-wife's house, and she tells the kid he is a nobody, as soon as the kid sees him on tv, she couldn't get it out of her mouth quick enough, nah that's your daddy argh.
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Longmire: Stand Your Ground (2016)
Season 5, Episode 8
23 June 2022
Dear Hollyweird on the 10th of April 1998 the PIRA ended its operations and have been on ceasefire since, so could you please stop with this child like crap about the IRA this and that, surely the bloody Dixie mod would have been better used here given this show takes place in the rust bucket area.
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Dempsey and Makepeace (1985–1986)
hit first season, then meh
8 June 2022
Siverline12 May 2009 This series can be considered to be the original Remington Steele.

Err how did you arrive there ? As this 1985, RS 1982.

Any way that off the chest, this was good during the first season, but went down hill fast second season due to Brandon's demands due to Barber his real life GF soon after season 1 ended and soon to be wife. Remember watching a doc on this a while back on ITV, and the director stated he was not allowed to shoot Barber is risky "sexually poses or flirt with other men on the show" or brandon threaten to quit.
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6 June 2022
For someone as anti war as briggs is and the world knowing since 50s/60 what a vile lowlife stalin was, I was shocked to hear James wife refer to him as a "nice man"
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The 100 (2014–2020)
18 May 2022
Wow what a show, a bunch of girls running around like they are combat and military genius and a fan base who loses the rag if anyone but white males are killed off.
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Back to the Titanic (2020 TV Movie)
ok for the shots
8 April 2022
There's not a lot new in this and the thing that bug me most was the way they kept making out it was "nearly 15 years since anyone went down" which is lies, as there was a dive done in 2012, and given this dive was done in 2019, thats only 7.
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Rebellion (2016–2019)
wow that was bad
28 March 2022
Now granted only watched the first season as way too much fiction and historical inaccuracies to stay around for season 2, as who wrote this ? Are they English ? As they haven't the foggiest with regard to Pearce's mind set and his reason for getting involved. Why did they need to make up fictional women when there were so many real life ones they could have used like Count Markievicz, Kathleen Clarke, Margaret Skinnider, Winifred Carney etc.

As much as I despise the coward de valera that was not how it went down just like the vile treatment dished out to Sean Connolly, as if the writers knew their history ah, read a book on the matter if you're really interested in that time period of my countries history as this couldnt be so far of what really happen then.
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The Last Kingdom: Episode #4.8 (2020)
Season 4, Episode 8
not just history rewrote
26 March 2022
Hmm so when did Catholics start using the Eastern Orthodox Church way of making the sign of the cross, this show really is a joke at times, as yes I know they like to rewrite history a lot in it, but come on, to make such a basic error.

As for the episode, boring as hell and brida is just everything wrong with today's tv making.
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Pam & Tommy (2022)
19 March 2022
Well given how this was made without the permission of Pamela Anderson, well then maybe Pamela should take a page off of ms james book and make a biopic of her recent life, where she slept with a married man knowing he also has kids and see how she likes it.
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Fatal Vows: The Edge of Love (2013)
Season 1, Episode 9
what ?
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but one of the cops claims bob n his mate were watching the film "hitman 2007" when Bob asked him to shoot his wife and kid, how can this be when that film didnt come out till 8/9 yrs after they had that talk towards the end of the 90s ?
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