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The 100: The Last War (2020)
Season 7, Episode 16
rewatchability is dead.
1 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's breathtakingly bad. I can't believe they went for some tacky religious bs as an ending. In a show about humanity, they went with the higher beings, religion schtick? Did someone replace the show with "touched by an angel" when I wasn't looking?

So much potential squandered season after season. It's almost physically painful.
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Bad Moms (2016)
Something is wrong with the writers...
1 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this movie, but there were just these very weird jokes and ideas about things like circumcision, and women in general...

I would love to have sat in on a writer's table about the script. Who told them some of this stuff was a great idea?

Mila Kunis is likable enough, and so are who two co-stars really. Definitely they carried this movie. But that script, and its random injection of things that make me think the writers might actually be terrible people. If it had come off as satire, fair enough. It really didn't though.

Good God, the circumcision piece. It was like the 'geniuses' behind the curtain were very angry that someone would question their circumcision's necessity, and really decided to go all out on painting women as absolutely hating uncircumcised penises. Really really odd.

The women also go to a grocery store, where one of the women sexually assaults a worker by forcibly kissing him. We were meant to think that was empowering and funny, and the guy gives a sort of smile at the end. It really didn't come across as anything but assault all the same. I'm not generally one who cares about what's off limits in a joke, and so having this movie get stuck in my craw speaks to how much of a weird vibe it puts out.

I am not exactly hard to please either. I love Hot Rod, Blades of Glory, Brides Maids, Night at the Roxbury, etc. This silly movie cannot be a cult hit because of this pervasive sense that whoever had input on the script was a barely closeted bigot. I should not be thinking about these things while watching the comedic 'bit pieces'.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
A great show for people that thrive on snark and not much else
22 June 2014
There's fun drama, there's intrigue drama, heartrending drama, and then there's just: "Nuh UH! I know y'all didn't eat my cream puff, ****! I will CUT you!"

Orange is the New Black is basically the worst kind of nasty, shallow, anti-intellectual trash bags getting together, and being even greater trash than the sum of their parts! Hooray?

There's a complete overload of self-hating, poorly conceived characters constantly calling each other all manner of female targeted gender slurs. The butch overweight lesbian talks about wanting to put 'her penis' in someones mouth. Yep, this is a bunch of women trying too hard to emulate what they think are tough ghetto men.

Most of the show is actually spent sitting around tables clucking and cooing derogatory nonsense at each other, and then laughing too hard about it.

Also, why are a quarter of the women turning out to be lesbians in this? I've seen enough boobs, please. I didn't enjoy the opening lesbian stuff, but watched it because I thought it would be intriguing having that element on the show. The writers did nothing interesting with the lesbian angle however, and instead expanded it as blatant titillation throughout the rest of the series. They did manage to portray lesbians as uncontrollably horny, rude, aggressive, and crazy in the process though. Pretty insulting.

Once in a while they actually do some sort of character development in the form of flashbacks for each character. Don't get your hopes up, it only seems more interesting in contrast to 20 minutes of of aggressive idiots hooting and cussing each other out.

If you want a show that treats its viewers like they are bottom feeders that thrive on endless episodes of 'Jerry Springer - Women's Jail Edition', this is what you've been waiting for!

Otherwise, stay clear.
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Boring, Sexist, Unimaginative Junk
20 October 2011
I wanted to enjoy this movie. I really did. I like sci-fi, I like epic action scenes.... But.. I never got there. Not even close.

Opening scene is a woman's ass. Even while not in heels, like a good brainless ornament, she walks on tippy toes (WTF), just so we can get a better look at her ass.

I should have known right there to stop watching.

While Shia Le whatshisname is somewhat endearing in interviews, I ended up hating/pitying him for participating in this film knowing he must have (of course), read this pathetic dribble and STILL GONE AHEAD WITH IT. Every puppet has their price I guess.

The two women in this film give a choice of ball-breaking bitch (who of course being a woman makes all the wrong decisions and almost destroys mankind), or a good looking trinket-possession in slutty dresses. WHERE are the female robots? Even if you do manage to spot them (unlikely), I am sure they are the ones getting trampled like the pathetic gender Michael Bay is determined to show us all they are.

Clearly, I was not able to identify with ANY characters in this movie.

Those even somewhat interested in knowing if Megan Fox was correct in calling Michael Bay a sexist Hitler should know this - she was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.

She's won a fan in me for telling it like it is, I just wish I'd listened before forking out my cash to be insulted for what felt like forever.
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Great for a laugh!!!
20 January 2009
I can't believe the amount of people slagging off this movie. If you didn't want to see what you saw, why did you go see it?

I think some people have their genres confused when they start talking about 'shedding light on conflict' blah blah. What the hell? It's an Adam Sandler movie not Schindler's list.

It's not the greatest flick there ever was, but it did give me a great laugh! So what if the humor is silly? Most of his movies have an ample dosage of silly that I for one thoroughly appreciate!

I think Don't Mess with the Zohan is best seen knowing nothing about it and having no expectations. Therefore I'm not going to tell you the whole story aside from the ending like so many people. It's not about the story anyway.

In short, to those that appreciate humor of the Adam Sandler/Will Ferrel brand.

Get into it!

--Also for the ladies, Adam Sandler looks so very HOT in this!
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This one is different.
19 June 2007
Will Ferrell moves away from his usual comedy movie choices with Stranger Than Fiction.

While still very amusing in places, the real catch for this movie is its original storyline and touching character development.

Main character Harrold Crick (Ferrell) is for years a boring, friendless, lifeless, tax agent with an extreme compulsion to count things.

Harrold gets up at the exact same time everyday and brushes his teeth the exact same way with the exact amount of up and down and left to right brushes as everyday.

However, one morning Harrold begins to brush his teeth and is interrupted by a voice that begins to narrate his everyday life.

The plot thickens further when the narrator announces abruptly that Harrold Crick would ultimately die, leading Harrold on a race against time to stop his impending death.

A very enjoyable movie with great casting choices.
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