
15 Reviews
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Ride-iculous (2013– )
Hot people on cool rides
3 December 2023
Not a bad show if you're interested in extreme or unique rides. While the show promotes that they visit destinations 'worldwide', the truth is they only visit countries where English is a dominant language.

Ride-iculous follows the same formula as Xtreme Waterparks. A group of good looking people (most of the time a thrill-seeker paired up with someone timid) are filmed experiencing these rides while the narrator drops facts about the ride itself. When the ride is over, everyone is happy they had the experience. The show never veers from this formula.

If you like rides, you'll enjoy this series. If you like hot people you'll enjoy this series. If you like hot people on rides, you'll REALLY enjoy this series.
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UglyDolls (2019)
A terrible message for children...
8 August 2023
While I appreciate the underlying message this film is trying to deliver, the target audience is not going to absorb it as much as the studio probably assumed.

The premise of 'ugly' dolls trying to blend in with 'pretty/perfect' dolls isn't great. I found myself questioning the messages this movie is sending to children roughly every ten to fifteen minutes.

Yes, as an adult, I got the message loud and don't have to be perfect looking to be beautiful, it's what on the inside that counts, your personality is your most important feature etc. Etc.

But that's not what the kids are going to absorb...children will be to busy absorbing a catchy song about being ugly. Freckles, legs, weight, glasses, crooked teeth, bad hair, height...I could go on. The movie takes these 'flaws' and wraps them into a pop song about being ugly...what idiot thought this was a good idea?

Bottom line, save your kids from becoming self-conscious about how they look and skip this movie.

The animation and the voice talent was decent, but the main message of the film will be lost on most children.
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I thought this was pretty entertaining....
19 June 2023
For a fan film, they actually did pretty well here. The acting is decent (sometimes great depending on the character), the costumes look good, the effects were decent considering the budget, and most importantly the movie held my attention the entire way through. After just seeing another Batman fan film (which I won't mention because I don't want to be rude), Heart of Ice was so superior that it was refreshing.

I do have a couple cons (which I hate giving to a fan film, but since this sets up for a sequel hopefully some constructive feedback is welcome?). The story was a bit jumbled because there were so many characters. It was tough to follow the plot a couple times. I realize Batman has an awesome rogues gallery, but that doesn't mean you have to try and fit in as many as possible. I personally would've been fine with just Mr. Freeze, and maybe one other villain.

Lastly, and my only other criticism (which echoes my previous point), the Joker doesn't have to appear in every Batman scenario. I know everyone loves the Joker/Harley, but it's getting to a point where I'm happier when I don't see either of them. You've got so many other outstanding characters to work with.

Bottom line, you did an excellent job folks, and I can't wait for Court Of Owls.
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Willow (2022–2023)
Warwick Davis deserved better than this.
19 January 2023
This didn't even feel like Willow. It felt like people were attempting to use what little clout the franchise had and use it as a vehicle to introduce a story/characters that should've been written into their own series in the first place. Here's some issues:

1.) Willow isn't even the main character. Imagine going to watch Wednesday only to find out it's about her friends, and she's just kind of 'around'. That's what you get here.

2.) Remember the beautiful orchestral music from the film? Gone. Replaced by completely inappropriate songs, many of which are terrible covers. Hearing The Beach Boys in a high fantasy setting completely detaches you from the show...or Crimson and Clover during a weird forest rave. There's a reason the fantasy genre generally sticks with basic music...anything else feels out of place.

3.) The series changes things with little to no explanation. Why has everyone aged decades except one specific character? Why do certain creatures suddenly have an extensive vocabulary and look completely different? You'll be left with more questions than answers.

4.) The forced modernization. Every race and sexuality are represented. I've said before, diversity is great but not when it feels forced. When it feels forced it's almost as offensive as no diversity, because you're essentially creating 'token' characters. There also shouldn't be social commentary on war/pollution in a fictitious world. We're watching a fantasy series to escape our world for a while, not to be reminded of what exists in it.

Bottom line, I'm fairly confident this series won't be renewed, and with good reason. Warwick Davis deserved way better than this.
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Fall (I) (2022)
I was terrified...
16 January 2023
I'd like to point out that I'm a horror buff, have seen probably around 1000 'scary movies', and have never come across anything like this. Give me killers/ghosts/clowns/sharks any day.

I will point out, I do have acrophobia to an extent. I'm fine with rides and roller coasters and things like that, but I start to sweat when I'm near a ledge or out in the open at an elevated level, like a rooftop.

I thought I'd give Fall a go, since I'd be comfortable on my couch...but I was very very wrong.

The imagery in the film is so intense that there were parts where I could only watch 10 to 15 minutes at a time before needing a break because my palms and soles of my feet were incredibly sweaty. It took me forever to actually finish the movie.

The acting is decent, and the story is pretty basic, but I've given the film a rating of 8 because no film has freaked me out as much as Fall did. Not Vertigo, not The Walk, not Skyscraper, not anything.

If you're fine with heights, you may find the movie a bit boring I would assume...but if you aren't fine with them, you're in for a bumpy ride.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Proof that Midler/Najimy/Parker can still put a spell on us.
31 October 2022
I was worried when I saw that Hocus Pocus 2 was in the works because as an avid fan of the original (a yearly Halloween watch for me) I naturally assumed the sequel would bomb. I was wrong.

This was surprisingly enjoyable. There are a few throwbacks to the original without overdoing it. The plot didn't seem forced, and the acting is good all around. It's not as good as the original of course, but it is a good entry for the series.

Bottom line was a joy to see the witches again, and it feels like they didn't miss a beat and picked up right where they left off. Even if you hated everything else about the movie, Midler/Najimy/Parker worked their magic.
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
Bloat and Dragger
3 July 2022
This series is unfortunately a perfect example of what happens when a studio can't afford to let superheroes be superheroes.

The show is only 20 episodes long, and yet it feels like an eternity to trudge through. The plotlines and dialog are completely bloated and just drag on and on.

To add insult to injury, every episode has AT LEAST one montage, and they are always set to terrible music you've never heard before.

Bottom line, if you're a fan of the Cloak and Dagger comics, either avoid this series altogether or just watch the final 5 minutes of the final episode...because that's what everyone wanted in the first place.
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Vikingane (2016–2020)
Cut short in its prime...
24 April 2022
I had an amazing time watching this series. It's gory, gritty and surprisingly full of great humor.

The characters are well developed, from the great Chieftains right down to the slaves.

It's just a shame we only got 3 seasons. Hopefully another platform picks up this option, because it deserves more screen time.
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Lifelong Fantastic Four fans will appreciate this...
20 April 2022
Amazingly, from a writing perspective, this is easily the best Fantastic Four film we have right now.

They did Doom's origin justice. They did the FF's origin justice. They did the characters justice.

The latest Fantastic Four movies always try to cram Dr. Doom into the origin story...which is way off the mark.

They give Doom powers...which he never has in source material. They change the characters...which is never going to end well. This is Marvel's first family of superheroes, as we've seen from 2005-2015 if you mess with this formula in any sense, the movie is going to burn faster than Johnny Storm.

The dialogue here is weak/laughable, and the special effects were dated even by 1994 standards, but the accuracy of the writing more than makes up for it.

If you want an FF movie as close to its comic counterpart as possible, then this is your film. Give it a chance.
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If you love the books, skip this series
6 March 2022
I know many Brits grew up with this show, so it's a fond childhood memory for them, and if that's the case for you then by all means take a trip down memory lane.

If (like me) you read the books first and then found this series, I'd recommend skipping it.

My 5 star rating is generous, and based on the first season alone. Season 1 covers the book 'The Animals Of Farthing Wood', and with the exception of a few gender swaps (which I understand would've been to attract more female viewers) it is a fairly accurate representation and decent viewing.

Season 2 is based on the books 'In The Grip of Winter', 'Fox's Feud' and 'Fox Cub Bold', and here's where things start to fall apart. Characters that survive the entire book series are killed off while characters that are killed off in the books survive the whole series.

Season 3 is based on the books 'In The Path of the Storm' and 'Battle For The Park' (with a tiny hint of 'The Siege of White Deer Park') and it's pure rubbish.

Weasel (with her insanely annoying voice) is promoted to main character for some reason. The plot BARELY resembles the source material, and begins to contradict itself. Characters go missing for no reason. I could go on...

Bottom line, if you want to read a wonderful series I couldn't recommend the books by Colin Dann more than I already do...just make sure not to watch this series directly afterwards.
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Fantasy/Nightmare...Same Difference
6 March 2022
This is easily one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time, and I RARELY give a film anything less than a 3 star rating unless it's absolute garbage. So I'll keep this simple...

First off, the blatant pandering to minorities. I'm not sure why Hollywood assumes this is what the public wants lately when it's completely unrealistic. I'm all for diversity, but not when it feels forced. 1 of every race? Check. 1 of every sexual orientation? Check. It almost comes off as more offensive when movies take this route.

Secondly, the plot is just idiotic. Once the 'twist' is revealed, you'll find yourself questioning why certain characters were acting a certain way in the first place.

Skip this trip or you'll regret it.
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It could've been good...
27 February 2022
...if they didn't try to link it to the original.

Once you realize this movie is attempting to tell you the original Leatherface and the original Sally are both making appearances here, all logic is gone out the window.

Let us play devil's advocate for a second and assume that Leatherface was 16 in the original (which he very clearly wasn't)...are we actually meant to believe that a 66 year old man is doing all these insane feats of strength and dexterity? And that Leatherface's family in the original wasn't his actual family (which again, it very clearly was)?

This movie would've had a better chance if they just made him a copycat killer.
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Holidays (2016)
It's difficult to rate an anthology as a whole...
23 October 2020
8 different horror stories revolving around 8 different holidays, some are great, some are flops. I'll save you the leg work:

Valentine's Day: An OK beginning to the film. St Patrick's Day: A flop. Easter: Fantastic. One of two reasons to watch this film. Mother's Day: Literally Rosemary's Baby in terms of plot. Father's Day: Nonsensical, will leave you asking WTF? Halloween: Worst of the series. TERRIBLE acting. Christmas: Passable. New Year's Eve: Excellent. The second reason to watch this film.

Hope I saved you some time!
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Race of Life (2015– )
False facts, terrible editing and repetition...
27 January 2019
This documentary series is hard to handle for a number of reasons...

The facts are inaccurate. Part of the reason a person will generally watch a documentary is to learn, but I'd suggest viewers not to absorb the information presented here as the series is frequently wrong. 'The Tasmanian Devil has the most powerful bite in all the animal kingdom' - no it doesn't. 'A baby wildebeest can run as fast as the herd within minutes of being born' - no it can't. I could go on and on here...

The editing is terrible. A supposed chase between a lion and ostrich goes something like this...lion walking in the grass alone, ostrich starts running, cut to a clearly different lion running through grass, cut to what appears to be 70's film footage of an ostrich, cut back to yet another lion 'who has lost his meal for the day' when in the upper portion of the screen you can see the gazelle it was chasing getting away. These cuts happen frequently for the various animal segments.

Lastly, the repetition. Every other sentence contains the wording 'race of life'. The first episode is LOADED with this phrase, but the remaining episodes tone it down but only slightly. You'll hear things like 'the shark has sharp teeth to win its race of life. It uses them to catch this seal, which has lost its race of life.

Bottom line: Unless you just want to enjoy the wildlife footage, avoid this series at all costs.
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Almost unwatchable...
20 January 2019
The only reason I gave this series a 4 star rating is because I am a huge fan of the source material, so almost anything to do with Watership Down will be looked upon favorably by me.

That said...this series just misses the mark completely. Characters are missing, plot points are missing, characters have swapped roles, swapped sexes etc. I realize someone clearly thought making a few of the rabbits female would potentially gain more interest from female viewers....but it defeats the point of the story being a group of male rabbits going to other warrens to find does.

It's just a mess. You have a better chance of liking this series if you are unfamiliar with Watership Down.
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