
85 Reviews
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Black Mirror (2011– )
So Overrated
10 February 2023
First off I'll admit I only watched five episodes of Black Mirror. The oft used claim for this series is that it's a "contemporary British re-working of The Twilight Zone ". I've watched The Twilight Zone and it's far superior to Black Mirror. Obviously Black Mirror had better affects. After all it had the benefit of 60 years worth of technology improvements but the producers and writers didn't take advantage of it. In fact they squandered it.

The stories are incredibly morbid, banal and pretentious. The few episodes I watched were difficult to watch to the end. There's nothing uplifting here.

The characters are difficult to empathise with because they come across as total fools. The series main premise seems to be that we're doomed to becoming complete idiots in the near future due to technology. I don't believe that. In fact I believe in the exact opposite.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Two seasons of storyline still going in Season 6
7 January 2023
This started off as an incredibly great show. The first few episodes were absolutely brilliant. But now ..... It's become a dud. The biggest problem is the story dragging on and on and on. It may have been a great two season show but now they're milking it for all it's worth and it's not working. To be blunt you can skip many episodes because there are times when nothing actually happens. Frankly it's only use now is a cure for insominia. Secondly, apart from Yvonne Strahovski, the acting is over-the-top and I've tired of Elizabeth Moss. I've just had enough.

This could have been really good, but they blew it. There far too many better shows out there. Don't waste your time with this clanger.
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Fun lightweight show
23 August 2022
The star of this is Gabrielle, the young girl. The rest of the cast did a credible job and it would be easy to just watch all eight half-hour episodes in a row, but I watched it over two nights.

Two things were a little annoying.

One - for a series about making music, the music itself was plain awful. Actually it wasn't even good enough to be called awful.

Two - the ending was a real letdown. I guess that a second season must be in the works. I hope so.

Still worth a watch though.
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
Started off OK but quickly declined
17 August 2022
I cannot understand how this show gets such a high score on IMDB. If you really watch it, you quickly learn it's basically the same stories recycled over and over. Due to the lack of any real intellectual involvement, it became boring in no time and although the earlier seasons are OK the show as a whole deserves only 5/10 stars at best.

I know many disagree but that's my two cents.
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Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021–2022)
Nope Nope Nope
7 June 2022
This is embarrassingly awful. Not funny at all. I found myself cringing at the antics of the husband. There's simply no explanation as to why Allison puts up with her deadbeat hubby. Annie Murphy deserves a better show than this.

Don't bother with this.
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Ambulance (2022)
Poor action movie looking for a decent script.
1 May 2022
Michael Bay is a great action movie director, but even he can't rescue this train wreck. So much is going on yet so little is happening. I'll admit I didn't watch it to the end as I got very bored about 100 minutes in.

The problems are many but two stand out:

1. The story is a massive yawn 2. Too many miscast actors.

Seriously - don't bother.
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Mars (2016–2018)
Over rated
12 April 2022
If you're prepared to ignore all the erroneous science and the childish drama you may enjoy this. I have no idea why Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson got involved. It doesn't do anything for their credibility.

I struggled to watch one and a half episodes before it became unbearable. As far as I'm concerned, most science fiction is now aimed at the young and very young and intelligent adult sci-fi is becoming frighteningly scarce.

This is not the worst sci-fi TV series I've seen but it is far from watchable. Give it a miss unless there is absolutely nothing else to watch.
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Spencer (2021)
23 November 2021
I must admit, quite surpringly, that Kristen Stewart was amazing in this movie but that aside, the whole thing was a total bore. Perhaps if you were very young and knew nothing of Diana, you might be interested but everything in the movie has been covered by the news and media at length since her unfortunate death. At least the narrative seemed impartial and at times Diana came across as quite selfish and weird, contrary to the media making her a saint. I thought that was a reasonable and fair assessment of what she was probably like.

The one positive of this movie? I will be watching all of Kirsten Stewart's movies from now on.

And why the weird aspect 1.66:1 ratio?

Give this a miss.
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Schmigadoon! (2021–2023)
All been done before (and far better)
8 October 2021
From a theme that smacks of "Oklahoma" to the over-the-top stage make-up and the sickly sweet characters, there is not a single original thought put into this show. The singing is great but the songs are simply awful and that's simply inexcusable in a "musical". The plot is a yawn and for a show that claims to be satirical, where's the satire?

Sorry. It didn't work for me.
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House of Wax (2005)
Better than expected
15 June 2021
I first watched this when it came out. I inadvertently thought it was the old version on the video store shelf, picked it and took it home.

It's better than the IMDB ratings suggest. Definitely worth a watch on a rainy afternoon or a relaxing Saturday night. Not one to stretch the brain cells. It's not deep or meaningful but it's very entertaining and humorous. It had a pretty good plot and the backgrounds of the characters were good too.

Give it a try.
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Well worth a watch.
14 May 2021
The information contained in this short documentary series is accurate and everyone should watch. Basic stuff but nonetheless good to know in this credit driven society. Also full of great advice.

The only people who dislike these types of documentaries are those who thrive in a capitalist society and derive their income from the misery of others.
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Great CGI can't compensate for awful story.
2 April 2021
This is a mindless, plotless action flick with great action and effects but not much else. The plot is mundane, ridiculous and predictable. Much of it didn't even make any sense, because nothing is adequately explained. The acting is mostly awful. The editing made it difficult to follow what little plot there was. Actually the whole series of movies in this rebirth have all been really bad and this just continues that tradition. I am at a complete loss to explain the high ratings some people have given it and cannot recommend it all. Seriously don't bother with this.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Best comedy in ages
26 February 2021
I have watched only the first five episodes and must say the show is brilliant. It is so fuuny that I usually have to watch episodes twice because the first time I miss half the jokes as I'm laughing so much. Tudyk is brilliantly cast and his voice overs and narration are excellent. Howver, all the characters are personable, very different and comedic gold. I'm a huge fan.
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Hasn't stood the test of time.
25 November 2020
I saw Midnight Express a couple of years after it's cinema release on VHS. I was in my very late teens and the movie was confronting and told a great story. It left quite an impression on me.

Watching it again a few days ago on Blu-ray, a few things struck me. Compared to later movies of a similar nature it hasn't fared well. It now lacks shock value of any kind. The lack of foreign subtiltles was annoying, although I can understand it was done so the viewer would be in the same position as Hayes. The musical score is so annoying today. It adds nothing to the storytelling and is plain rubbish. The photography is very ordinary and the editing is sluggish and poor. Still a good story though.

So what I would have rated a 10 decades ago is now only worth a 7. Still worth a watch though.
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A must watch
28 September 2020
If I were to believe most of the other reviews here, I would have given this mini-series a wide berth. Further investigation reveals that most of the haters couldn't have even watched it as their reviews appeared before it was shown. How can you review a show before you've seen it? The obvious answer is they are biased and dishonest, so I watched it depite the poor ratings and reviews.

I'm so glad I did and I think it worthwhile that you all watch it. It will open your eyes, perhaps for the very first time. Jeff Daniels is brilliant as Comey.
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30 Rock (2006– )
An acceptable comedy ruined by Tracy Morgan.
4 June 2020
I've watched about half the first series, but watched all of only five or six episodes. The premise is great, Tina Fey can be brilliant and the rest of cast is good but two things ruin the show: the completely predictable, inconsistent scripts and the most overrated "comedian" in the world, Tracy Morgan. He is annoying, unwatchable and manages to make a bearable show unbearable.
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That '70s Show (1998–2006)
One of the very best sit-coms of all time
4 June 2020
It is impossible for me to watch any episode of this show without breaking out into uncontrollable laughter at least once. The rest of the time it's just downright hilarious. The characters are both loveable and ridiculous and the mix is perfect. How they sustained this through so many seasons is a miracle. It's one of those rare TV shows that you must see. I own the whole series on disc and still watch it 14 years after the series ended.
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Just awful.
19 February 2020
This is so bad I only watched half of it. This movie is an abject lesson in how not to make a sci-fi/horror film. Contains mostly awful acting, awful characters, awful editing, awful story and awful CGI. It's just awful. The only redeeming feature was the magnificent scenery of the Australian outback.

Please do not waste your time watching this turkey. There are thousands of movies better than this.
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A Disappointment .... but
4 November 2019
Valerian's first 10-12 minutes are jaw dropping. The visuals and effects are amongst the best I've ever seen but when you get over the CGI and start immersing yourself in the story .... well it disappoints. The acting is terrible. Dane DeHaan thinks that he's Keanu Reeves, except he's much, much worse. Most times he made me want to throw things at the screen. Cara Delevingne acting was only marginally better. In fact the only person who could act in the whole movie was Clive Owen. The plot was messy. The dialogue was often childish. Surely Luc Besson realised this might be a stinker whilst shooting. I guess you can't expect every film made by a director to be great. Did I tell you that Valerian has great visuals and incredible effects? That's why I gave it 6.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Give it a shot.
25 October 2019
Gators that roar like lions. Gators with the weakest jaw muscles ever. A girl who can swim faster than a gator. (They can swim at 20mph) Superhuman father who despite losing about 30 litres of blood is still alive. Totally implausible weather. The list goes on and on. Who needs reality? Who needs character development? But hey! It had great CGI effecta and for some reason, I really enjoyed this movie.

Perfect for a rainy afternoon.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Like watching a car crash
22 October 2019
Unlikeable moronic characters, confusing plots, difficult to understand and liable to put you into a coma. I find it so difficult to find any redeeming qualities with this latest Star Trek.

I suggest you watch "The Orville" instead. Although not exactly high-brow, it's more in the spirit of the orignal series from the 1960s.

I now wait in anticipation for "Star Trek: Picard" and pray that this time they get it right.
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Very Disappointing
22 October 2019
I read the book when the brilliant soundtrack album came out. I loved both the book and the soundtrack. Neil Diamond did an amazing job and even more amazing considering what he had to work with. Then a little later I saw the movie. I was expecting something quite incredible. Well it was incredible. Incredibly bad. It took all I had to stay awake. It was so boring and completely unengaging. Perhaps one of the worst movies I've ever seen. So the book 9/10, soundtrack 10/10 and the movie 2/10. Stay clear of this turkey, even if you're just curious. You'll be crushed at how pathetic it is.
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I'm hooked.
15 October 2019
I've only watched the first two episodes of "On Becoming a God in Central Florida" and I'm loving it so far. Kirsten Dunst is amazing and so is the the rest of the cast. I had no idea that Beth Ditto was acting now and it was a great surprise to see here in this. She can act and is a natural talent. Great storyline, wonderful script plus a killer 80s soundtrack and this might be the best new TV series in quite a while. Looking forward to the next episode.
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Auto Exotica (2018– )
The Worst TV Car Show I've Ever Seen
12 October 2019
I've been a sportscar enthusiast for decades and was looking forward to seeing this. I was so disappointed. It is utter rubbish. There is no ratinal purpose behind the show, the narration is pontless and the actual footage that made it to the final episodes is pathetic. I've never heard of any of the three hosts but they obviously have had no TV experience and they just add considerable pain to an already painful experience. I only watched the second episode on the legendary Ford Mustang, but that's enough for me. They managed to do the impossible; they made a TV show on Mustangs boring. Avoid this show like the plague. I would have given it zero stars but IMDB don't allow that.
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Surprisngly good
9 October 2019
This is obviously a low budget movie but it's shot really well and the lack of a large supporting cast and CGI don't detract too much from the story. It's one of those films where the story is sometimes more about what you don't see than what is seen. Although slow to get going I enjoyed this film and given a bigger budget, the team involved in making it will definitely go on to bigger and better things.
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