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It Works Better as an Adult Movie
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film used to be shown alot, but I hardley ever hear about this one. I remember thinking that it was alittle bit too depressing as a young kid while watching this. I remember thinking that it was also extremely. Fast foward-twenty plus years-this is a good film! I definately think that it was misdirected at a younger audience, but the seriouness of the subject makes it more appealing to an older person. I think if they would have upped the rating and released it on a different studio-it would have been a much bigger hit. The way the movie was shot was alittle bit too dark as well for me. I would suggest Legends of The Fall as better or similiar type of film!
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The Wonder Years (1988–1993)
Good But Should Have Been Extended
1 July 2023
This series is one of the more memorable ones if you're a 90s kid. I felt like the series was really interesting and different compared to other tv shows of it's time.

American Dreams on NBC actually had similar run- and did quite well. But that would have been analogous to this one. American Dreams was fun to since it had a more musical element to it.

I felt like the timeline for Wonder Years, even as a kid, was never fully explained well.

He goes to junior high in 1968 and graduates high school a few years later? All of the characters were developed fully instead of the middle brother- I definitely would have loved to see more about his back story.

For me, the series just suffered alittle bit on ending alittle bit too soon. But I felt like later programs with a similar style and the My Girl Movie series did well.
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Really great film!
23 December 2022
I was pleasently surprised when this was suggested on Netflix after The Ditch Digger's Daughters. But this was such a heart warming and cool story.

I think it just gets overlooked due to the historical time period, in which, it takes place. The 1910s to 1960. A middle lady looks at jobs in the want ads and suddenly become a very valued employee for the different presidents and their wives.

Eventually, the single mom gets her daughter and son involved with working at the White House. There's alittle bit of friction between the son coming back from WW1 and taking White House supplies to feed the poor.

I was susprised, but glad that the film focuses on the maid or assistant's skills and how important she becomes to the staff. It's less about race and more about politics and keeping peace.

I think that they should make an updated version almost as a sequal to The Butler. Both films are very interesting historical looks on different presidents and how they navigated the American public.
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Great Series for this Franchise!
23 December 2022
The Real Hosuewives of Cheshire was alittle bit of surprise for me! I remeber catching it on an all day marathon during New Years Day, a while back!

I was extremely surprised that this show didn't do well here in the States, or that it wasn't promoted heavily. This franchise is one of the better one's. The first season starts off with a bang! We have five women (three Western Europe ladies, two African European ladies).

It reminded a lot of The first season of Real Housewives of Atlanta, and the original Real of Housewives of Washington, DC. I can see why folks really enjoyed watching this.

The leading lady's name was Dawn. She had this huge castle. Her main rival was an African Dutch lady named Magali. It was sort of like the Nene and Kim Dynamic! Way to funny. The series finale has a surprise villian- with one of the husbands getting drunk at Dawn's birthday party and yelling at one her dauhter's.

It was way too comical! The second season focused on the group trying to turn on Dawn. It was really funny. The drama was more light hearted and focused on London's rich society sort of like Beverly Hills and Washington, DC.

The third season, I couldn't really get into. They had this Russian lady join the cast. I'm not quite sure why they didn't explain her background. She couldn't speak English well.

You'll love this one! It's really good!
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Camp Getaway (2020)
Bravo's Hit or Miss with This One
4 December 2022
I've been a huge Bravo fan a for quite a while now. There was a moment in time where the channel alittle dip of a drop in viewers for some programs. This program and Acarpri Ski were the first of their kind-so to speak? The channel basically the concept of Below Deck and tried to place the within other series on the channel. Unfortunately, this show suffered from folks playing to hard to get to on camera.

It didn't make sense to be that excited about not being paid to host weekend summer camps for adults. I would have ran out very quickly! But the concept of the business trying to make work on volunteers is what made it interesting. If that's a good way of putting it?

The lead counselor and Owner of the camp had some sort of really strange relationship. I think that they were dating, but it becomes evident that this dyamic usually doesnt bode well the camp's large staff. I just remember the Owner trying to help get his camp's Saturday party started and the counselor just yelling at the other co-workers.

I remember that they had two younger volunteers-one lady was named Riley and the other young man (forgot the name!) worked as real estate agent and are sort of brought into help the camp attract new guests. It becomes evident- that working full time on the weekends and not getting paid is a waste of time! You'll mostly see those two workers, along with a lady named Dr. Ro, who also works on the camp staf. She seems to enjoy it, but she might have a way higher position at the camp. I just remember that sometimes Dr. Ro would excuse the head counselor and owner's bad bevahior. Her conflict comes when she tries to get to the new workers at this camp (mind you-we're all around our late 30s) to open up about their personal lives.

With this series, it unfortately, suffers from the same fate as Orange County, alot of cast members were just looking to break into TV. The concept of an all volunteer camp doesn't seem far fetched, but for Bravo it didn't seem as authentic or the folks had much more to lose with their drama. If you can binge it in a day, I would. But if not-I would just wait on this one. Summer House premeired later, and it's definately the better version of this program.
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Mr. Belvedere (1985–1990)
Excellent Sitcom
27 January 2022
This is sitcom didn't appear to be that popular or well known. I'm a 90s kid and this one didn't reach enough popular to be rebroadcast or talked about a lot.

I was talking care of my Uncle during lockdown with Alzheimer's and this show came on Antenna TV. I scoffed at it at first, but a few days-I would up really enjoying this show! I loved growing pains and whose the boss quite a bit. The family and butler make the show fun and not too deep. The only issue is that it seems to directly copy issues or major themes from growing pains and the Cosby show.
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The Torkelsons (1991–1992)
Alittle Ahead of Its Time, Debuted at the Wrong Time
27 January 2022
If this sitcom were a book or a movie, I think it would be more enjoyable for the reader or viewer. This show was always alittle odd to me. There so many sitcoms in the 90s and on cable, it was hard to compete during that time which is why I don't think the show did as well. It was always placed at really odd times for me.

I'm honestly shocked though that Olivia Burnett and Connie are not bigger actresses in Hollywood. There performances in this heartwarming show were fantastic! The plot is a very well written plot. The show kept having me ask- why did the family make this or that decision? The downfall was that the viewer had to keep guessing. The retooled version of this show, Almost Home, to me lost a lot of character from the first season.

. It was like half of the family disappeared and Britney Murphy was added to get some star power into this show.

This show was really forward thinking in having the main character talk outside of her window to the man on the moon. Which everybody thought was completely crazy and weird at the time- but now with YouTube and cellphones. It would make a lot more sense and would work excellently! It wouldn't seem cheesy or out of place in todays world. I actually think it would stay on Disney and or Fox TV a lot longer if it debuted today. This show, to me, also suffered at the height having like a thousand sitcoms and shows to pick from. It unfortunate did not stand out from the lack Fresh Prince of Bel Air or Blossom.

This show is an early predecessor to 7th Heaven and This is us. If that makes sense?
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