
9 Reviews
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Full Metal Jacket meets MASH
14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is sort of a prequel to FULL METAL JACKET. In fact, the entire first part of the film is almost the same. Where this film differs, is in its humour and satire. It goes out of its way to expose the incompetence and corruption that always seems to accompany war. In this way, it is quite similar to MASH.

The film sells itself out a bit in the final act, in a rush to provide resolutions for the characters. All in all, it is a decent anti-war picture with a different slant than what we usually see in Vietnam films.
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Something is missing
14 January 2022
This film feels like it could have been so much more. With acting talent like Faye Dunaway and Tommy Lee Jones, it should have been. I think the film tries too hard to be both Hitchcock and Italian "gaillo" film in equal measure, but ends up failing at both.
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Jubilee (1978)
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I scarcely have the words to describe this film. It is one of the strangest things I have ever scene. I've heard a few things over the years about the reputation of this movie but I had no idea what I was in for. This is an art-house film, it doesn't really have that much of a plot but seems to revolve around Queen Elisabeth I being bored with her life, so she asks her alchemist to transport her 400 years ahead. What she finds is the wasteland that England has become, a mishmash of anarchistic punk gangs running around London murdering people with abandon. Oh, and Buckingham palace has been 'requisitioned" by the self-proclaimed media king in this new society and has been turned into a giant studio. Clearly, the film-makers wanted to make a statement about British society at the time, as well as speak to the punk movement that was taking shape at the time. It's in the same vein as "A Clockwork Orange" but MUCH less glossy and with more full frontal nudity. Still, it's like one of those train-wrecks you just can't look away from. See this film if you like statements on counterculture.
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Route 66: A Lance of Straw (1960)
Season 1, Episode 2
Not as good as the pilot, but Janice Rule is great.
24 October 2021
The second episode is weaker than the pilot. It is trying to address feminism in a way that, by the end, gives the exact opposite message. Nevertheless, the location was nice to see and the storm scenes were quite well done. For me, Janice Rule was the saving grace in this episode as the formidable Charlotte Duval. We also see that Buz is quite cynical here, almost to the point of being a real jerk. Hopefully their travels continue to soften his New York tough attitude. Not a great episode, but entertaining enough.
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Route 66: Black November (1960)
Season 1, Episode 1
An excellent start to a thought-provoking show.
24 October 2021
I just started watching Route 66 and I was really struck by how hard-hitting it was for the time. It is obvious that the show was trying to address a lot of the moral questioning that was going on in America coming into the 60s. Many other reviewers have said that this pilot suffered from being too derivative of "Bad Day At Black Rock" and other titles, but the truth is ALL writers are inspired by something they've seen before. Nothing created is ever completely original. The show clearly wants to ask some hard moral questions while highlighting many different communities throughout America along the way. I will definitely be giving this one a chance.
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Murdoch Mysteries: Shadows Are Falling (2018)
Season 11, Episode 17
An excruciating, yet exquisite episode!
8 February 2021
I had a feeling with the somewhat lackluster entries of the last couple of episodes, that the show was leading up to an extremely powerful end to the season. The penultimate episode this season did not disappoint. It is by far the best of the series thus far, better even than "The Accident". The performances by all of the cast, most especially Yannick and Helene, are tours de force. They should have been award-winning, in my opinion.
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Murdoch Mysteries: The Great White Moose (2018)
Season 11, Episode 14
Perhaps enough of the "spy" episodes?
7 February 2021
When I first started watching Murdoch Mysteries I found the espionage related episodes quite intriguing. It was fun to see just how those things would have happened at the turn of the 20th century. Unfortunately now it seems as though they are creating contrived spy related plots just for the sake of bringing back popular characters. It is very similar to what they did with the most recent Pendrick episode "F.L.A.S.H." Not to besmirch any performances, but the writing in these unnecessary episodes is not strong enough for anyone to shine. Even Julia's pregnancy is becoming tiresome. It feels like the show is deliberately treading water leading up to the season finale. Let's hope things start to pick up from here to the finish.
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Murdoch Mysteries: The Accident (2017)
Season 11, Episode 7
Best episode of the series so far!
7 February 2021
I don't write many reviews, though I read many of them. I am a HUGE Murdoch Mysteries fan and felt compelled to write one after watching this absolutely compelling hour of television. It is amazing that after so many seasons, the show can still deliver on this level. It hits all the marks that a viewer wants in an episode! Such excellent writing, production and performances by all involved. I would show this in television production classes as an example of the right way to craft an episode. I do so wish there was a special "exceptional" star rating beyond 10 because "The Accident" certainly deserves it.
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It's satire people!
24 February 2015
I have to say I am shocked and how many bad reviews I have seen on this site for this movie. It seems to me that the majority of moviegoers who have chosen to review here are only capable of viewing a movie at face value.

This movie is clearly a satirical look at Hollywood and the constant need to remain relevant in the entertainment industry.

I will admit that the film does appear unnecessarily "artsy" in places, but some Hollywood actors love being unnecessarily artsy as they think it gives them depth.

That was the entire point of this film, for Hollywood to turn the camera on itself and expose all of it's own crap.

What I took from this film is what I have always felt about Hollywood, which is also what I love about it. Actors are inherently insecure, which is why they choose to be in an industry where there is a need for constant approval. The actors who are worth their salt risk everything to For that they will forever have my respect.

Definitely worth watching and worthy of it's Best Picture Oscar.
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