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The worst MCU TV show so far..
2 September 2023
Let's face it, Secret Invasion is just a bad show. The plot is uneventful, major characters get killed off and it's like the people close to them don't even drop a tear as if they don't care, Some plot points aren't even discussed such as what happened about a certain character in the infamous ending, some actors play their roles with not much interest (I'm looking at you Samuel L. Jackson) and the show generally seems very lazily written as if, it was planned for exclusive broadcast to people who have the brain of a 13-year old. People say the CGI is bad but that is the least of the problems in the show.

Perhaps if they shot more episodes they could have presented a better story. This show is honestly worse than the Falcon And The Winter Soldier TV show which while it had a very poorly written villain and some ridicolous lines, it still had much better action, had a lot more emotional moments and it was an overall better show. Not a masterpiece but still 3 times better than this.
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Genshin Impact (2020 Video Game)
I love this game!!
2 September 2023
Genshin Impact is an action RPG game taking place in the land of Teyvat where the main character (You can choose a female or male protagonist) got unwillingly trapped in there while travelling with her sister by an unknown god. While in Teyvat, they meet Paimon, befriend her and they both go on a Journey on the 7 nations of Teyvat to find their sibling. The story hasn't disappointed me at all so far and the lore is very extensive and interesting to get into.

Gameplay wise, you start with 4 free characters (including the traveler), but you can unlock 4 more for free if you complete some tasks later in the game, which you can use level them up, level up their weapons, increase their talent/skill level and gather artifacts in order to make them stronger. Currently, there are 5 regions available to explore (plus some extra maps such as the Chasm and Enkanomiya) which are very immense and are always very fun to explore, open treasure chests for items, kill enemies for ascension materials, complete various time challenges and solve a lot of puzzles.

In this game a character can hold only one type of weapon. Sword, Claymore (large sword), Bow, Catalyst or Polearm. The types of characters can be separated to: Main DPS (the main character who is mostly on field and does the most damage), Sub-DPS (a character that has high energy recharge and you mostly use his burst for extra damage), Healer, Shielder and damage buffer. I like how the chaacters are seperated like that and it is always interesting when you figure out your own combinations for your team comps.

Even though the beginning might be a bit tedious for players, at high adventure rank, the game becomes way more fun! You get through those Adventure rank barriers and you unlock the true potential of the game! And there is a lot of stuff to do in the game! You can do side quests which give you certain rewards, Archon quests and Story quests which is basically the main story (and unlike wordl quests, those are fully voice acted in 4 languages with a lot of A-list voice actors such as Yukari Tamura in Japanese that did the voice of Furude Rika and Bernkastel from When They Cry.), you can cook food which can replenish health for your character, revive him if he fell and buff his stats. You can also chase Occuli which can increase your stamina bar permanently (you don't need all of them to maximize your stamina bar) and with this way, you can run fast for a longer duration, climb stuff for a longer time and also do more charged attacks without the bar depleting quickly.

The way you unlock characters is based on the gatcha gambling mechanic and a 50/50 pity wish system. If you want to get a 5* character/item, you have to spend 90 wishes on a limited character banner or standard permanent banner. On the limited character banner, if your first 5 star item is not the one featured, then the next 5 star item will be that character on the banner. Some people may become frustrated that you have to do microtransactions to get your desired 5* item or character faster but I believe Mihoyo is lenient enough to give lots of primogems (currency exhanged for wishes) at events that happen during each year, plus you get primogems from adventure rank rewards, Story Quests, Side Quests and Achievements. I personally don't mind that mechanic and it's rewarding when you finally get what you want!

For new players, I recommend them to finish the Archon Quests first and not level up the starting characters too much unless you like their gameplay for a better experience, exhaust the beginner's wish banner and I approve of spending 5 dollars per month to get the Welkin Moon which gives you 300 primogems plus 90 primogems every day you login (You lose your primogems if you have it active and don't login). Also be careful because this game is very addicting! Gambling wise and time-wasting wise.
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Fear & Hunger (2018 Video Game)
Peculiar game!
30 August 2023
While Fear and Hunger looks like it was made on RPG maker, making you think it's an RPG game where you level up and obtain skills, it is disguised under that umbrella and it is in actuality a survival horror game because you actually have to rely on trial and error and experience to beat it and use your head a little bit to overcome certain obstacles. When you defeat an enemy, you don't recieve any experience to level up your character. Instead you have to hope on RNG that the guy you killed has some good item. This also applies when you search for stuff inside barells and boxes. One signature mechanic of the game is the coin toss.

In some occasions such as when you are interacting with a treasure chest or when you are looking for weapons, you flip a coin with tails or heads and if you find the correct symbol you get something that might potentially help you in progressing with the game. Otherwise, you get nothing.

The coin toss mechanic can become very brutal in some occasions (Such as the bed save game feature where if you fail the coin toss, you come face to face with one of the most dangerous enemies in the game). This game is both fair and savage. The layout in some parts of the game is randomized and the enemies are placed in different positions so as to increase the difficulty. But still even with the game's high difficulty, it is still very addicting to play.

I like the challenge of this game, the in-depth lore, the different characters you play as, the NPCs and I've got to say it is a pretty unique game and one of the best games I've ever played. Most of the enemies are as weird as the enemies of Earthbound and Mother 3 , but a lot less family friendly and some of the characters remind me of the Godfather of dark fantasy media, Berserk. This game has a lot of disturbing imagery and depictions of violence.
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Juggernaut (2000 Video Game)
Japanese PS1 horror
7 July 2023
Juggernaut is a PS1 horror point and click game in which you control an unamed male protagonist who wants to save his girlfriend from a demon who has possesed his girlfriend Sarah. To do that, a priest helps him enter Sarah's soul, as the game says and fend off the demon by defeating several fragments of him found on each segmented story (or microcosm) where the main character takes the identity of different people within Sarah's conciousness and tries to resolve the problem in each case. In one story he infiltrates an island where weird experiments happen and in another, he is inside a virtual simulation of the internet trying to unravel a major conspiracy.

I liked how the plot unravels on each microcosm, the atmosphere is oftentimes unsettling and there is always a particular sense of dread to be found in the game. The music contains lots of creepy ambient tracks suitable for a horror game such as this one and yes while I think most tracks are not very interesting,there are some songs that are very good such as "World Network" with its jolly tune and "The Story of Phila and the Doctor" with its beautiful arpeggios.

The gameplay is kind of frustrating because the puzzles are difficult. Especially those in the first Mansion area. There are also some cryptic stuff that are annoying to find out and navigating can be confusing but I guess that's the charm of old video games. I would also have liked if the microcosm stories would connect more to the main story like Sanitarium did.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Average DCEU film
15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers

I saw The Flash today in the movie theater and I was kind of disappointed with its mediocrity. First of all, I have to say that the CGI sometimes, it looks bad. In the scene where the babies fall from the skyscrapper and Barry is trying to save them, man.. it has some of the worst CGI technology generated by the worst A. I ever. Everything looks so fake in that scene. The special fanservice scene where the universes collide with one another also has some poor effects but I can forgive them because of the awesome cameos (most of them are deepfakes, AI generated faces according to The Flash wikipedia page). I think Zack Snyder's Justice League had better visual and special effects. There where a few plot points that were kind of stupid too. Such as Barry's "low calory" meter. How come this never came up in the two Justice League movies but now it's a problem? Is it because of his suit? But isn't it the same suit he wore in the JL movies? Now I want to say that it is never made clear in the movie if Barry travelled in the past or another universe in order to prevent his mother's murder scene (we also don't even get a look at how his mother got murdered, not even one powerful scene involving Barry confronting the murderer unlike in other media.) because when the murder is prevented the batman is now Michael Keaton and not Ben Affleck, but I'm going to follow the DCEU wiki and say that in the world of the Keaton Batman, everything after took place in the same universe where The Batman (1989) and The Batman Returns (1992) took place (I think this movie ignores the Schumacher films), just in a much later date. Other problems include 2013 Barry acting like an annoying obnoxious idiot for the most part and the fact that there is no serious reset in the timeline. Instead we get an ending meant to troll the true DC fans with George Clooney being the new Batman and an after credits scene so insignificant, that it makes the Superman cameo from Black Adam seem very important. I don't think they did a good job with the story. The film had such a serious premise yet the tone was very light and joyful. I wish this was directed by Zack Snyder. They could have done so much more those damn writers. Also there was no explanation as to how Earth-1 Barry lost his powers and it was boring watching a whimp Barry who from Earth-89 who doesn't even know to do his loundry learning to use his new powers.

What I liked? All the action scenes were damn amazing and exciting. I'd say the scenes with both Batmen in particular were the absolute highlight besides the awesome fan-service multiverse scene. Supergirl was also cool in my opinion. Another cool scene is 2013-Flash doing the Raiden Fatality from MK Deception on a Kryptonian. Dark Flash also looked very cool and was a well-thought out character to put in the story.

It was also terrifying how they couldn't defeat Zod and each attempt always brought a result in which Zod won. It seems only Superman could defeat him. I wonder if Earth-89 Zod will travel the multiverse and appear in future DCU movies?

All in all, in terms of story this movie was weak and I don't think I'll buy it on DVD when it comes out.
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Missing (I) (2023)
Missing movie review
22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Missing is set on the same universe as the film Searching (2018) with John Cho. Here Junebug (Storm Reid) is trying to search for her missing Mother and step father. The movie is filmed like Unfriended. Where the whole thing takes place inside a computer screen, a mobile phone screen, a smart watch screen. There are surveillance camera and news report footage. The acting is very good. However, this film has too many twists. Like the film Basic (2003) it might get too convoluted with what is happening all the time to the point where I had to write down each progression of the plot in a notebook to figure out what is going on. I mean you get decieved a lot to a point where it somewhat gets ridicolous such as when the part where June has to question her mom's identity. But the ending was good even thought it kind of teased you with another twist. It's slightly less good than Searching, but still worth a watch.
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Searching (III) (2018)
One of the best mystery thrillers I've ever seen
22 March 2023
Searching is a movie that proves not all good found footage, computer screen movies are horror. I thought both Unfriended (1 and 2) movies and The Den were good but this is definetely a much better movie. John Cho plays a father who after 2 years his wife passed away he finds himself in another difficult situation in which his daughter has gone missing. So he and the police must investigate to find her. The movie is cleverly written, has superb acting (especially from John Cho) and the perspective of the film is always from the computer screen, Smartphone screen or some news report. My favorite scene is the one with the stock photo!
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Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (2016 Video Game)
Very good game
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
ZTD is the last game in the Zero Escape Series and it delivers!

First, I'd like to put the negatives aside. I mean, the character models could have been more detailed and Akane and Junpei's releationship could have been expanded since 999 kinda pressed a somewhat romance story after the end of 999. But here they act very robotic and the voice acting doesn't help that much. The voice work in VLR sounded more convincing and it did because it had a better cast IMO.

The story is what you would expect from Uchikoshi. Same stuff as the other games. A bunch of people get trapped inside an unknown building and the player has to find out what's going on by solving puzzles abd progressing the story. However there are a lot of twists that differ from the first two games and of course the replayabillity value of ZTD is high because there are a lot of endings you can unlock. Each character has good character development. I also like the dramatic moments of the game.
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Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (2017 Video Game)
One of the best visual novel games ever made!!
1 January 2023
The Nonary Games can be found on steam and it is basically a collection of the first two zero escape games: 999 and Virtue's Last Reward

Both games have amazing story, fun puzzles, Mindblowing twists, Extensive lore and lots and lots of alternative endings. The characters are also very memorable. The dialogue is nice, fully voice-acted and there are some a lot of very clever ideas put in by Uchikoshi, even if most people say that these games have a lot of plot holes due to the structure of the story which I bet will make you extremely confused. PLEASE don't spoil yourselves and watch the story on YouTube like I did or you'll miss the opportunity in experiencing some of the best storytelling I'e ever seen in a video game. I prefer VLR over 999 due to how Uchikoshi managed to continue the story after 999 (which could be a stand-alone title in its own right).

These games will definetelybring to your mind movies such as: Saw,Exam and Cube they actually offer something unique on top of the kidnapping and whodunnit genre.

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Gou was better
15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not gonna lie I anticipated this anime for a long time. Higurashi Sotsu is basically the sequel to Higurashi Gou. Of course since it's considered an "answer arc" season, we get to see who was the secondary culprit of each arc, and how they came to be and the way each murder was made is explained (because the primary antagonist was revealed towards the end of Gou). There are some unpredictable stuff hapening in some episodes and the penultimate episode does feature something new for Higurashi standards which will attract your attention. Though, My first problem with this season, is that while the answer arcs of the original series explore different worlds and give off clues as to what happened in each situation of the question arcs, in Sotsu we get all the explanations about what happened in the same worlds' the question arcs of Gou took place. As a result we have a lot of re-used footage and lots of recap that kind of bugged me to be honest. There were some scenes that took me by surprise but one of the mains reasons I watched this season, was to finally see how it ended. I expected this moment since episode 18(??) of Gou where there is a cliffhanger and basically shows why and how the events of Gou happened. And of course the cliffhanger is resolved badly by the writers. But the biggest elephant in the room is the ending which honestly felt rushed and forced. I believe they should have made Sotsu as a 24-26 episode series as well, to give extra backstory on some characters and perhaps make a better build-up a different ending. As with Gou, the references to 07th expansion's other works such as Umineko and Ciconia are good fan service but don't expect from Ryukishi to explicitly connect each series with each other. It's true that Ryukishi is making a these references as a marketing gimmick but on one interview, he said, he makes some of those characters look similar because he imagines his characters as actors taking different roles, such as Rika looking Similar to Erika Furudo and Bernkastel. It's a very meta thing that ties your brain in a knot, because you don't understand who is the "real" person and who is the character. So yeah all in all, if they had made a better ending, animated from scratch the re-cap scenes (at least) , utilized some of the characters better (Satoko never meets with Satoshi and Shion has very little screen time) I'd rate it higher and it would be a less disappointing experience. So yeah I prefer Gou, because of the way it engages the watcher to the mystery, and the motives of the culprit. It's slightly inferior to the two first seasons of the original series by Deen but I believe it can still be re-watched. Sotsu on the other hand.... Not so much because you basically watch the same things again from a different angle. Now I want to wait to see how the Higurashi Jun manga finishes the story because it will have a different ending than the one of Sotsu.
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Old (2021)
I liked this film
29 August 2021
If you erase from your mind the poor dialogue, the film has quite an original plot. There are some freaky semi-gory scenes that are truly shocking and some clever ideas that are utilized decently by Shamalyan. There is a bit of exposition thrown by the cast and I'd rather they had some kind of visual accompanying it or perhaps Shamalyan should have added one of his own new ideas into the mix although I don't know how much stuff he made up for this film because it is an adaptation of a graphic novel by Gaspar Noe. There are some tragic events that occur and leave the viewer with a sense of melancholy and awe. While also there are some happenings that remain ambiguous and are never explained. All in all I want to watch this film again when it gets released on DVD. Because the experience on my cinema wasn't very good due to there being a rest brake(I hate it when it happens, and it happens just to buy food from the local cantine). And now the movie has stopped screening in my country.
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Good performances, disappointing ending
29 August 2021
Yeah both Delon and Signoret play brilliantly here. With Signoret in this film being the dominant member of the family that takes almost all the decisions and not hesitating to confront the judge at any time while at the same time respecting some of her family members' decisions to move on and do something on their own in their lives, meaning she cares for them. This film is a whodunnit about a corpse found in a small village in France and Delon's character suspects that the family might be involved. The places of cinematography are very few. Only the house of the family, The Hotel in which Delon resides, the snowy countryside and Raul's bar. It's a little bit tiresome watching Delon leave the family house then comeback the next day etc etc. And yes the movie does have a very slow pace. It's length is 98 minutes but it feels like it has an additional hour of runtime. There are some interesting scenes but they don't make the film rewatchable again a second time. Especially with that extremely underwhelming ending that seems as if it was placed on the script at the last moment. Good drama and acting but I really don't want to watch this film again.
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Very significant episode!
27 August 2021
The first 20 minutes just show the protest of the village to kick Teppei out of the village while also adding another perspective. Then in the final 5 minutes we get a very interesting scene in the sea of fragments and an unpredictable change of events that will leave you absolutely scratching your head after you compare the 4 tataridamashi question arc episodes of Gou with the 4 tataridamashi answer arc episodes of Sotsu. Don't miss this arc!
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Average adaptation
20 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first 2-3 episodes were intriguing but then, when the magical elements started appearing I kind of started losing interest. I actually stopped watching the show 5 years earlier and decided recently to binge it. Bad idea. Digesting an entire 26-episode season in one day will leave you scratching your head about who's who and generally what is actually happening. My theory is that what we watched in the first 2-episodes doesn't take place in the real world like much of the majority of the show. One example of The real world scenes are those where Eva Ushiromiya is at the hospital, dying. All of the other events take place in a gameboard much like how it is presumed Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni takes place on a gameboard and there are observers watching over the events in which people such as Butler control their characters. Animation isn't great. The colours look somewhat dull at times. Studio Deen did a better job with higurashi in my opinion. The opening is great though. Finally Sakutaro sucks.
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Good episode
18 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I mean right now I think I might have ruined the show for myself after watching these theory videos on YouTube by AnimeSibs and other YouTubers theorising what happened to Gou and I blame myself for it. So I'd suggest you go blind into Sotsu if you have watched Gou to get the satisfying experience . It's good that the change the perspective from Rika to Satoko in this season and how Satoko planned all these actions. My hopes are sort of low for an official connection to Umineko since they belong in the same series both it and Higurashi. Another thing that bugs is that they didn't show the face of the nurse from the question arc that presumably injected Keichi the hinamizawa syndrome. That question arc ending from Gou was downright confusing and we don't get any answers here..
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Banger show!!!!
18 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first when I heard there would be a new higurashi TV show, I dismissed it saying things like it would be a shot by shot recreation of the 2006-2007 Studio Deen anime even with its gorgeously drawn characters and scenery. Then, one day I ran out of shows to watch, so I decided to give this one a go. I saw the first episode, I said ok I'm pretty sure what's going to happen on the next episodes. But then episode 2 came and.... Boom its mesmerizing intro scene made me understand that this is a new season. And yes totally different things happen here in comparison to the 2006 anime. The gore and violence is truly shocking albeit somewhat unrealistic but the mystery of who did this so that Rika is looping again will live you thinking about what happened in your sleep. There is also Higurashi Sotsu currently airing, which is a sequel to Gou and I'm going to review it after it ends. So yeah I believe it is absolutely required to watch the 2 first seasons of higurashi (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni and Kai) to experience this great show.
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I See You (II) (2019)
Good thriller
22 March 2020
This film is very similar in structure with Spanish film "The Hidden Face". It deceives the audience pretty well and also has some unpredictable twists which make it an enjoyable thriller.
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6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, before you watch this film, watch the katasumi and 44444444 shorts and the 2 ju-on the curse films released previously. I was pretty mad because I thought this was the first movie. Why can't people number their films instead of only adding cliche subtitles? At least the previous films are not very long in duration. Another fact that pisses me off here, is the non-linear plot. Movies should stop trying to be the next pulp-fiction and writers should just stick with chronological order. I mean, there is a girl that visits his brother, he locks her outside because he saw kayako, he dies and then the police find his body. In the next segment we see the girl phone calling her brother and in the beginning I thought this was before her visit to the brother's house but then she is killed by Kayako in her own apartment before visiting her brother. So which scene happened first? I don't understand. Did they forget to edit the film or just tried to make it into an anthology with no connection. I hate moments like that. Next, the characters are pretty bland, I mean they are a lot but the closest one I tend to be interested in is the police officer who investigated the Kayako case formerly but still he hasn't got any interesting dialogue and his encounter with the classgirl vision in the film confused me a lot. His death is also disappointing and also isn't explained. He just appears in a scene with his daughter and just passed away like that. The horror is decent though if you are horror film starter. Kayako and her son are some of the most disturbing characters in horror history and her rattle will haunt you.
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Spiral (2000)
Freaky and unsettling but not horrifying
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I would like to point out that I've never read Junji Ito's works so I went in this film expecting to be disturbed and terrified. There are some moments that are borderline-scary but they are way too short in duration. The plot is kind of explained in a faux-documentary-style scene but I forgot about it 10 minutes later and I honestly now don't really care since Junji Ito is known for writing ambiguous stories just to shock people. This adaptation though isn't shocking at all. Laughable Alita Battle angel and spiral medusa hair VFX and uninteresting lead characters. Now about the good stuff there is the creepy snail scene, the weird behaviour of the supporting characters, the Spiral CGI(Looks very good) tornado swallowing the clouds and the clever way the ending is presented: through a surveillance Camera slowly pointing out some gruesome imagery. The ending provokes the viewer to watch it again and again hence the symbolism of the spiral circle but I'm not going to do it because this is very average.
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Pulse (2001)
Very Good J-Horror
6 January 2020
Kairo is a good example of Supernatural horror done right. No jumpscares to be found here. Instead the film tries to terrify you by its unsettling music combined with the disturbing visuals of apparitions and the paranormal. I personally like the technological and psychological aspects of the movie. Depression is one thing to be noted from this film. Everything feels gloomy and unhappy. At some cases it slows down a bit providing some dialogue and sort of moving away from the scares which I think was one of the weaker parts. Anyways, you should see it for yourself. Don't skip this essential J-Horror piece.
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Cupid's Chocolates (2015–2018)
Chinese Harem
27 December 2019
The plot might be a bit stereotypical but the animation is lovely, the characters likeable and there are a lot of funny moments, not that many cliches. Of course it is one of those anime where the protagonist is a good night man meaning he will be friendzoned for eternity probably. It is also chinese animated meaning there is also chinese voice acting. At first I had gotten used to japanese VA and hated it but after a while I got used to it.
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Not as memorable but still has a certain value
21 December 2019
The bad things here: repetitive music, shaky cam, most of the action takes place in scenes where the light is obscured a lot. There is only one sound for the protagonist.

The good stuff: manic overacting, great VFX, Shinya Tsukamoto as the main villain, insane sweaty buff monks. Lots of body horror albeit a bit light.
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The Angry Video Game Nerd: Spawn Games (2019)
Season 13, Episode 10
19 December 2019
Very entertaining episode. The comic book illustrations are pretty neat and Justin Silverman (the curly hair guy from rental reviews) does a very good performance as the clown. His voice suitably raspy, his overall appearance is loyal to the comics and the jokes he makes while he teases the nerd are pretty funny. I honestly want to thank the need for making this episode because most of the games here are pretty good, especially the shooter-beatem co-op game he played on the ps2. I would really like to watch more of that Mike matei-james chemistry though.
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Everlasting Summer (2013 Video Game)
Astonishing VN!!
16 December 2019
Who knew that a European game studio would make such a memorable anime-stylw story based game. I rely don't know where to start from. The characters models are well designed to be attractive and really care about them. The emotions this game fills you with are genuine, even if they disappear when you continue your real life. The story, though a tad bit ambiguous, can be explained if you have watched most sci-fi media and the story is easy to follow and the dialogue is always something out of ordinary life, some of the times it is a bit dramatised but that adds to the game's replayability and yes I bet you will play this game more than once since there are different girls to take into liking if you make different choices during the game's interactive choice part. Not to mention, the photos/sceneries are well drawn, illustrated,lit. and detailed. For example there is the beautiful sunset scenes and oppositely the dark,nihilistic mine scenes. The music varies from jolly, happy and atmospheric to aggressive and sometimes depressing and the musicians certainly did a fine job, lots of memorable tracks that I believe should be released as a full album on digital music platforms. I forgot to bring up the fact that there is no voice acting and that's actually a good thing here since you don't get distracted from the environment, dialogue and the action going on. I don't think there will be another VN that has given me such a hopeful message and influenced me to try things in life. You should definently prioritise it in your play list.
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Surreal low-budget masterpiece
15 December 2019
Very nicely done make-up, otherworldly props/costumes (meant in a good way), insane overacting from all actors and unsettling imagery for most of the time. This is the asian Eraserhead basically in terms of quality. Meaning you won't find a clean explanation of the plot, there isn't a lot of dialogue but you can sort of interpret it your way. Perhaps you could say it's a film about how rage turns us into monsters or how technology alienates us. This is a very disturbing film, definently nightmare fuel approved and you should watch it if you are a fan of body horror. It's not too long as well running under 90 minutes. Also did I mention that the stop motion adds to the creepiness and that Tsukamoto has one of the most awesome menacing voices ever heard?
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