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Worst film of 2023 so far
21 January 2023
Every 5 minutes this piece of rubbish just keeps getting worse...

Looks like a cheap student movie. The musical score is completely wrong... They use music in places you'd expect something dramatic to unfold but never does...

Acting is beyond bad (Apart from Margaret, she is decent)....

I knew 5 minutes in I should have turned it off but my wife said we've started now so must finish it... Having forced me to continue to offend my vision, this must be grounds for divorce...

Somewhere in the world there is a poor baby being born blind.. Please do not waste your ability to see, watching this rubbish....
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Awful acting... complete rip off
17 December 2022
I've never been so offended by the lack of belief in words spoken by an actor as I have in this pile of rubbish...

The guy playing the angel just says the words. There is no emotional connection to what he is saying. I doubt he even understood what he was saying. Then there's his actual acting... Unbelievably bad. He must have some connections with the casting agency or has prostituted himself to get the role... No high school production would cast that piece of rubbish let alone a feature length film...

Chris noth is his usual solid, charismatic self.

Female lead is OK but still over acts...

It's a rip off from the family man minus talent but with a sprinkle of wokeism.

Avoid and watch the family man instead...
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Echoes (2022)
I don't know ow why I watched all of it.
23 August 2022
Decent premise but executed awfully...

I have never seen such over the top acting from a Hollywood lead lady. Just weird to be honest... Either the director is to blame for wanting more, more, more... or the director is to blame for not telling her to stop auditioning for a lifetime contract...

Have it on in the background but don't waste a good evening on this.
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The Lost City (2022)
I really wanted to like it
29 May 2022
I'm not sure how this script got the green light! It tries so hard to be like other great treasure adventure films but falls so short...

If you love treasure movies like I do then watch it... But don't expect it to be as good as National treasure 1 and 2...

The budget is there but it just doesn't work...
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The Batman (2022)
Feels like a great start to the birth of what's to come
21 May 2022
Would I have cast Robert Pattinson as batman? No... I still really like Ben affleck... However, putting that aside I really liked this film and the direction it can go in... Is it long? Yes, but it needed to be to tell the story. Is it as good as Nolans trilogy? Who knows, it's only 1 film and batman begins is the weakest of that trilogy, so maybe it will be...

Riddler is phenomenal and very dark... penguin is basically Al capone done really well (it might just be me but i think he sounds a bit like Danny devito)... falconi is played beautifully... Gordon is fine... Alfred is what you'd expect but I do prefer Michael Caine... catwoman is good but Michelle phiefer is better...

Overall this feels like the a true origins of batman. Even the batmobile feels like a prototype of what's to come...

Definitely a much darker interpretation. In a dream world j phoenix will join as the joker (I think that's the only way this rebirth of the franchise becomes legendary).
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Great for what it's trying to be.
1 March 2022
Just a great afternoon film. Family friendly, lovely scenes and easy watching... I assume that's what it set out to be so it's definitely an 8/10...

If it was trying to be a big Hollywood blockbuster then obviously it's a fail but it's perfect for what it is...

Also, how can any film with kelsey grammar not pull you in. I'll be honest, I'm a massive kelsey grammar fan so I may be a little bias.

If you want 90mins of relaxation, to switch off, beautiful British scenery, disgustingly posh British accent then give it a watch... if you want the meat serpico give it a miss.
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Maid (2021)
Sympathy decreased every episode
9 November 2021
I'm not rating the performances or direction... both are great...

I'm confused about why we're constantly supposed to feel sorry for someone who consistently makes bad and selfish choices... Everytime someone or something good happens to progress her life, she messes it up... she takes advantage of a nice guy, knowing he's interested... resents her father for his appalling behaviour 20 years ago even though he is completely different now but forgives her mother everytime... yes her mother has mental health issues but the same empathy isn't shown to the father... she cleans the house of a successful, hard working black women who forfeited her personal life to succeed... For some reason we're supposed to feel sorry for Alex that she doesn't have her wealth or success... in a world where we are constantly told black women are up against the odds this character made it so why can't Alex? Alex had the option to study English at college but decided to have a child with no money and live in a trailer... she made her own bad decisions time and time again... Alex needs to grow up and start making some good decisions and stop using people.
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I loved it
2 October 2021
It's probably an 8/10 but inflated my score due to the ridiculous amount or 1s...

Just watch it without prejudice... the ending is totally unexpected and made a 40 year old man cry...
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Chaotic MESS
11 September 2021
It's like reading a book but missing every other page, yet tye characters still know the outcome... Absolute chaotic and bland script...

Instead of coming up with 1 good idea they create non stop chaos and then try explain afterwards what it is...

Avoid unless you really just want to waste 90mins of your life.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Good Ones (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
Just no... Self serving gone mad
3 September 2021
Hate to point it but but the 3 lowest rated episodes this are all pc... it also seems odd that those 3 episodes have been directed by women... Why have the producers done this? Do they think women are more sensitive? Have they over played the ticking every box game? Or have they screwed them with crap???

Hollywood and Co are still beyond corrupt... Yet they want to tell us how to make things right!!!! Fk off and sort out your own crap... hypocrisy and self righteousness turn up to 11.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Awful... just awful
30 August 2021
Awful script, all of the co stars are terrible, Jackman is miscast. It's like no one really cared... trying to be clever but just awful...

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Just gets more unbelievable
17 August 2021
Not great or cleverly subtle in what it's trying to say... It's like someone with the writing ability of myself (not high) or a 16 year old, whom has just realised the world isn't fair was employed to create this episode...

Boring... We all know that the do gooders behind this crap and the whole production team are still corrupt in their Hollywood ways... Hypocrisy marks the spot. The spot shall be named "Self righteous avenue"... Here you can stay all night in merry delusion that the way you treat others is not to be judge... For you are the Bible of script writing and your sins shall be forgiven and never spoken of as long as you write some Liberal story line...
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Great family film
15 August 2021
Another home run for Disney...

Excellent family fun.
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Bullies get bullied and cry about it
8 June 2021
So Gawker do and say as they wish... a billionaire finds a loop hole to fight back and destroys them... they don't like it and make a documentary to show what poor little innocent victims they are...

They got what they deserved...

The most one sided documentary and attack I've ever seen...

It doesn't feel right listening to people who reveal celebrities personal secrets, sex tapes, outing etc... preach about evil corrupt businessmen...
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Spiral (2021)
Grossly miscast and average story for this genre
5 June 2021
Average script for this genre... looked low budget...

My biggest problem is the casting of Chris Rock... I respect his decision to try a serious role but he just doesn't have the ability to play these kind of roles... that's not a knock on him in general... I really like his comedy and he's fantastic at that... I can only liken to it as John Candy... amazing in everything he did in comedy but the small serious part in jfk wasn't for me...

S Jackson had a couple of typical S Jackson lines and delivered as expected... made me laugh anyway... Max Minghella was cast well... within 10 seconds of his arrival and not saying a word, he was already more convincing than Rock...

This is not a spoiler but there is a shot with C Rock locking shocked... It just looked awkward... he has a goofy face (nothing wrong with that and mine isn't exactly stunning) but it doesn't work...

90 mins to pass the time if that's all you need but don't expect anything good or memorable.
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Not worthy of a minute on television
21 May 2021
Boring, annoying and a talentless wrestler... What he does is not an art... I love the show but this episode was a waste of time. Every other episode is 7 to 10 stars (imo)...

Nothing but a filler episode which shouldn't have been made. This will only be enjoyed by morons who don't understand the psychology and story telling of wrestling... Ultra violence for the sake of it is NOT wrestling... What this idiot does is nothing like ecw or mick Foley...

How people think this will open opportunities for him at wwe and aew is laughable...
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Best crime, drama, thriller since The Killing
18 May 2021
No spoilers

Ep 1 Slow/Good (Stick with it) Ep 2 - 6 Excellent Ep 7 Very good (Think some mid season episodes were so good it was always going to be hard to equal them)
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It all takes time
20 April 2021
It never occurred to me that as a fan I've also had to let time heel the loss of stone cold... I can't imagine hard it is for the talent...

Nice documentary. Nothing new revealed but some nice new interviews and old footage I've never seen...

For a few years now I've thought that stone cold looks happy... I'm glad he's found peace and is also working on his personal relationships... takes a real man to admit that he was not the best of dad's... Just goes to show that no one can have everything... I might be wrong but I get the sense from stone cold that if he could do it all again he might have focused on his family life a but more...
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Boldly go where you can
22 December 2020
Can't believe I'm 2 seasons in and still no sign of Spock, Kirk or Pritchard....

The odd glimpse of the starship enterprise would be nice... However, I understand this is a prequel...

I think baby yoga is very cute though
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Kevin Hart: Zero F**ks Given (2020 TV Special)
Playing the victim
23 November 2020
All 4 stars are for the few laughs I had...

I would have given it more, but the occasional references to the backlash he has brought on himself stunk of ego and self pity...

Guy is the biggest narcissist on TV, which is ironic... Actually, he's probably the best example of small man's syndrome...

Easy to watch and a few laughs if you can out up with his child like sulking
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Dash & Lily (2020)
39 year old man's man and I loved it
13 November 2020
Could this happen in real life? Possibly, but it would be a logistical nightmare... But that's why Christmas miracles exist...

If you watch this knowing and believing in Christmas miracles then you'll love it...

It ticks all the boxes
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Enjoyable and well done all around
22 October 2020
Nothing overly original here but it is done better then average... If you're looking for a feel good film, give this a try...
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Wow, just wow
20 October 2020
I only put this on to pass the time... Within the first 5 minutes I said to my wife "I'm going to like this"... This is probably the first film since wolf of Wall Street that I've said wow after it ended and wanted the experience it for the first time again...

It has the perfect blend of protest and truth without being patronising...

Also watch the credits... The song is beautiful...

First 10/10 in 2020...
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This Is Paris (2020)
Privilege doesn't mean a life with no problems
25 September 2020
Ive never enjoyed shows like simple life or the characters that come with them... One thing I have always thought though, was that they are just that... Characters...

Paris hilton is relatable and likeable... She's just a female adult who has past trauma and trying to make her best life... Unlike a lot of celebrities she does not appear to be self obsessed (refer to the lady gaga documentary for a perfect example... Just annoying) she clearly has a good soul and a heart of love... Sometimes I felt like giving her a cuddle. I'd be proud to someone like Paris as a friend or daughter...
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
The world should be schitts creek
23 June 2020
Perfect, just perfect... Hilarious from the opening scene to the last scene of the last episode.

If we all lived in a community of tolerance, laughter and love like the folks of schitts creek the world would be fixed...

This must be watched chronologically to truly feel the character development...

Heatbroken they'll be no more new episodes...
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