
485 Reviews
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The Refugees (2014–2015)
For what it didn't do
31 May 2024
Freevee only has seven episodes, and the one titled "Alone" is missing, which is the 5th episode, so perhaps that would have explained more about the movie. In a way I liked it, since it did not try and explain the 'happening'. All around the world, people are suddenly arriving, from the future. Not just dozens, but millions and perhaps billions, putting an immense strain on the population. The episodes center around a small town. Emma, Samuel and Annie are living in an isolated home, and along comes Alex. All the people as part of the mass exodus have a beacon in their chest, but Alex doesn't. He traveled illegally, and his mission was to stop a murder of Emma and Samuel, as he was given the precise time of their murder. Alex also traveled with his wife and daughter, both done illegally but got separated upon reaching the destination. And the murder attempt was done, but thwarted with his advance knowledge. But it also sets up dynamics and twists that make things interesting. If the newcomers (refugees) break the rules, which is detected within 15 minutes of doing so, strangers arrive and take them and anyone they talked with to a camp, apparently a very unpleasant place. This too is left pretty much to the imagination as to how and why, except they cannot tell what will happen to anyone they meet. So there are many unanswered questions, but answering many of them might ruin things for the viewer, as satisfactory answers are probably not going to be easily accepted.
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29 May 2024
I bailed during the third episode of Season 1. It was all I could take. The absurdity of the scenario is too much, but then one has to suspend belief to even accept vampires. An isolated military base in 'no mans land' with the commander who just happens to have his young son Adam present, and whose wife was killed by vampires. And along comes a young woman, found by his son, who Adam naturally falls totally in love with her, willing to risk everything for her, including logic. And of course, she just happens to be the daughter of one of the top vampire leaders. Bad is a description that could not be over used for this series.
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Dumb and dumber
29 May 2024
If all of them had died in the first five minutes, this would have made a very short film, and I would have given it a higher rating. A positive is the location of the film, in the abandoned Holmsburg Prison making for an interesting set. The most annoying character was Hank, who considered himself a film maker, and wanted to film his friends (and pay each $200) in the prison, expecting to find ghosts, or so he told them. So it is a lot of night camera work (green scenes) and flashlights and darkness, and things that go bump in the night. One soon does not care for any of the characters, and Hank seems to have rigged the whole scenario up, including faking his death. There are a lot of hysterics and few show any real 'smarts' in dealing with what is happening. My rating may be too high, but I know which movies I have rated lower, and this doesn't quite sink to that level.
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The Colony (2021)
Interesting, but not that good.
27 May 2024
I guess one could say it was filmed in depress-a-vision. A capsule from Kepler lands, after the first attempt (Ulysses I) met failure. It is a disastrous landing, but two survive, a man and a woman, but he is badly injured, and succumbs. There are inhabitants of the planet, one of mud flats, mist and fog, and altogether miserable. Ulysses II is sent from Kepler to see if the woman can be able to conceive, since on Kepler, women cannot. The natives of the planet are known as the mud people, and it perfectly captures their life. One knows that, as there are others on the planet and that becomes the major plot of the movie. I give credit to the movie for sustaining the premise that they wanted to show. But most viewers will quickly forget this movie. Just don't analyze this movie too deeply, as the holes are numerous.
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Code 404 (2020–2022)
Uneven but wacky
26 May 2024
In one way it is brilliant, and in another way so annoying. Roy Carter and John Major are partners, and when on a stakeout, Roy gets distracted and John gets killed. But after a year of effort, he is brought back as an augmented person, an AI. Besides the two, there are some really out there characters, from his boss Dennet, the person monitoring and tweaking the AI, Dr. Parfit and the investigator always being called Judy, which is not her name, and a rival partnership of two bent cops, one who keeps making computer comments to John. There is some great humor and some really savage double entendre patter. Dr. Parfit is working to adjust his AI, but not getting a lot of help, as John becomes very emotional, easily distracted and prone to blurt out things that shouldn't. John's wife, Kelly, had moved on after his death and funeral, and of course it was with Roy. That sets up an entire subplot. Some of the scenes of John's emotional fixations go on a bit too long to the point of becoming repetitious and annoying. But these three seasons certainly are a different type of British cop show, with plenty of laughs. I almost quit after the last episode of the first season, but stuck with it through the third season and I am not disappointed that I did. One really starts to feel for Roy, who has to keep sweeping up the messes John makes.
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Pearl (2022)
It's no wonder
17 May 2024
With being raised in the home she is in, it is no wonder she went off the deep end. Her father is confined to a wheel chair and doesn't speak. She has to also take care of him. Her mother is domineering and not supportive of anything she does other than chores. Her marriage is apparently short, since her new husband soon went off to War in Europe (WWI). She can bicycle into town to get the opiate for her father, but spending is strictly monitored, and she escapes in the movies, her only joy and outlet. One gets an early insight into her, when she skewers a goose with a pitchfork, and feeds it to the alligator in the pond. Being of German ancestry, the family is not liked by the town. She is lectured on how tough things are, and when an in-law brings a roasted pig as a gift, it is refused. But she has a dream of being a star dancer and escaping from this dreadful situation. The colors of the film are very vibrant and her acting is incredible. She is very energetic and 'knows' what she wants in not where she is.
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Lake Placid vs. Anaconda (2015 TV Movie)
It's a comedy
9 May 2024
This is a bad movie, with stereotypical roles, terrible special effects, but it is really funny. Not so bad it is good, but checks off so many boxes. There is a mayor of the town who wants things quiet, as there is an election coming up. There is a group of sorority pledges shepherded by a real piece of work, self centered and spoiled. The Sorority is the Deltas. Some of the pledges come across as air heads. There is a sheriff who got the job because no one else wanted it, and has a Deputy Ferguson, who is as inept as they come. Tully is Fish & Wildlife, whose daughter is in peril from what is going on. And what is going on is a company, whose CEO, Ms. Murdoch, is in a quest for an anti-aging drug made from a serum of a croc and anaconda that are genetically engineered to get really big. The snake escaped, and she needs the eggs from the snake. And she will sacrifice anyone in her way. In many ways, the absurdity overcomes the ineptness of the movie. It is stupidly funny.
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Underwater (2020)
Captured the danger
9 May 2024
The movie certainly depicted the danger and claustrophobic situation of a disaster deep underwater, when survival is in doubt. I simply cannot accept that is was at the bottom of a trench nearly 7 miles deep. The living and working areas were simply too spacious. But I can accept they were on a drilling platform quite deep. An earthquake or other such event has compromised the entire working area, with flooding and collapse, and we have a few survivors who are trying to get out alive. And they face dangers aplenty, with sections destroyed and systems not working, and an annoying AI voice listing things that have gone bad. In traversing the tubes connecting the various parts of the drilling array, they are forced out onto the ocean floor, where they find out they are not alone. And that is done fairly well, as the nature is kept mainly disguised, except it is deadly. Until the end, one is uncertain exactly what is out there. The danger level is kept high and also believable. There are no sudden super heroics that would cause one to shake their head. Just simple determination to survive.
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Julia X (2011)
Lots of gore
7 May 2024
Kevin Sorbo is only known as 'the stranger' and he is meeting Julia at a cafe on a first meeting date, and Julia suddenly walks out. He follows her and kidnaps her and therein follows a cat and mouse game of escape and capture. But there is more to the story, and what follows is some background for Julia (she and her sister Jessica witnessed her father brutally beating her mother) which turned her into an avenger. There is a lot of gore in this movie, and the budget for blood and bloody make up must be significant. There are a lot of flaws in this movie, so it is difficult to give it a high rating. But it still keeps one interested to see how it will progress.
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Pensive (2022)
May have been lost in the dubbing
27 April 2024
This may have lost a lot of the nuance in the dubbing, because what came across was not that great. It is graduation, and they will all be going their separate ways, but Marius manages to get a place where they can travel to have a party/rave. At the forest cottage, there are wooden statutes, but none have eyes. One suggested perhaps they are not meant to see. There is a lot of drinking and drugs, and four wind up in a sauna, where they get trapped and die from the heat. And because they used some of the statutes for firewood, that may be why. And along comes a masked slasher, with a hatchet, killing quite a few. Others run to their cars, and they set off the car alarm. More deaths. Marius escapes in a boat with two others, they quarrel and Marius is left in the boat with a classmate he shared a kiss with. He thought that might be the start of something wonderful, but she tells him he is probably still alive since he is so boring, even the killer won't kill him. And perhaps due to the drinking and drugs, others make the worst possible choices when faced with certain death. Nothing new in the slasher movie, and much to not care about.
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Like being dropped in the middle
26 April 2024
The three episodes seem as if they were dropped in the middle of a larger story. We first meet Lizzy, a young teenager, on her own, seeming on the run. Men are chasing dissidents. One night by her campfire, along comes Thomas, who says he means her no harm. Even shares an apple, something unheard of in those times. The dark refers to a time of hatred and violence, cold and evil. The start is really never explained. Lizzy is searching for where her brother may be. We find that Thomas (Tommy) had a family, but now only him and his daughter Alice. And there are hunters seeking to collect a bounty. The third episode give a religious overtone to the entire theme, but still with many questions posed. And that caused me to drop my rating. There needs to be more to the story.
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Chinese busses are built strong
25 April 2024
There are certain things one expects in Chinese films. Some heavy handed propaganda and some terrible voice actors. This movie has an interesting premise, and could have been done much better. Specially engineered plants have suddenly become sentient, and have taken over the earth, and are feeding on all human and animal life to sustain them. The sets are done well, clearly with CGI, and the plants themselves are done very well, with plant and snake like features, and there is a lot of CGI in this movie. Teams of soldiers are to set out at specific points on the globe, to inject a substance into the roots of the plants to kill them off, and all the many sites must do that at the same time. And we follow one team. But first we meet a man and his daughter. His wife worked developing the plants, and died when they attacked. And he wants to protect his daughter at all costs. The young daughter has the worst possible voice actor and very limited vocabulary and her voice will grate at a person very quickly. A cross between whining and annoying. A team meets up with the father and daughter and slowly, members of the team are killed by the plants. Things start to get very melodramatic, in an excessive manner, which is part of the propaganda with films like this. But the idea is very interesting, as long as one does not ask too many questions. There is a scene with the team and father and daughter in a bus that tells a person those busses can really take a licking.
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Grabbers (2012)
" not a lobster"
17 April 2024
This is truly a 100% Irish film, and heavy on the stereotypes, but with good nature humor. A meteor falls into the ocean off this island, and there are creatures in it. They attack a fishing boat, and it is done without really revealing what the creature is. Meanwhile, one of the local police (garda) is going on vacation, and Lisa comes to the island to cover. She is a strict by the book person, and the other garda person is Ciaran, an alcoholic. There is also a marine scientist, somewhat flippant, Adam Smith. Some pilot whales beach up, and they had lacerations but Smith says they got cut up by the rocks as they washed ashore. One of the fishermen finds a small creature in a lobster trap that he puts in his bathtub. Bad idea, as the creatures like water and blood.. It grows, attacks, and he manages to kill it and takes it to the scientist who says it seems alien, but not from out 'there'. It is not big, but is female, and that means there is much larger creature out there, the male. And naturally, it starts to rain. There are eggs and newly hatched creatures are done very well, and also funny. And they discover while the creatures like blood, alcohol is a poison to them, so one can guess how to protect oneself. There is some good comedy, but it is also done fairly well so one does not feel their time was wasted. It seems open to a sequel. The movie is not a deep or probing monster movie. Just some silly fun.
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Funny in 'blue'
17 April 2024
If one is tired of the very heavy lesbian theme, a person will really hate it. It one is looking for a quirky comedy, this certain is one of those. Jamie has broken up with Sukie, and is friends with Marian. Marian is rather reserved, not really out of the closet, but Jamie certainly is, and there is a lot of humor on that subject that my be too tiring for some. Jamie and Marian take a job to drive a car to Florida, where Marian's aunt lives. So they get paid to drive a car, cutting the expenses. Little do they know it, the car has something hidden in it, which is very sought after. And a couple of totally inept goons are sent to get it back. Inept is being really too kind to describe them. Nearing their destination, they get a flat tire, and checking for the spare, they find two items that one normally does not find in a car trunk. It is not a great movie, with some missed opportunities, but still it is not a stinker. It is raunchy.
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The House (2021)
Part politics, part high tech
14 April 2024
The opening scenes are the house becoming awake, with vacuums being sent out, drapes opening, etc. Johann, who wrote a political piece is in trouble. The government didn't like it, and so he gets fired. The government is heading into an election, and is getting very repressive. Johann and Lucia travel by autonomous water taxi to the house, which is on an island. The house responds to Johann, knowing where he is, what he wants, etc. So he doesn't even have to open a door. Water in the shower can be controlled through verbal commands. Even a glass of water is tailored to the person, with supplements. There is a glitch, and a technician is summoned, and he explains the system cannot be hacked, as it is isolated. The system is represented as a red sphere, perhaps an homage to the HAL computer. But is was set up for Johann, so it knows him, but he didn't include Lucia, so the house is learning about her. And something happens that Lucia was aware of, but Johann was in the dark, and that is part of the drama. The house is very interesting in itself. The movie is somewhat interesting, but very forgettable.
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Andron (2015)
Movies like this are important
13 April 2024
Movies like this serve an important purpose. When watching a movie like this one, one can appreciate so much better even a three star rated movie, as this movie almost gives bad movies a bad name. There are 10 trapped in a building/maze, who do not know their names, or anything else about themselves. Apparently, it is a game where only one survives, but one quickly gets to understand that one doesn't really care who survives, as the quicker they die the sooner the movie is over. There have been numerous escape from a maze type movies, and some have made it even interesting. This movie doesn't make it interesting.
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Escort Boys (2023– )
Lots of warm emotions
12 April 2024
There are a wide range of heartfelt emotions in this season 1 series. Ben's father has died, and his mother earlier, so he returns to the family farm, which raises honey from their bees. Left is his sister, Charly, who is 17 and needs to show a stable family life to remain there. The farm is on the verge of total default, with no money, and the bank ready to possess everything. Ben has good friends Ludo, Zak and Mathias. Mathias has a way with women and earns good money. Since honey cannot pay enough of the bills, they decide to try an escort service, and Charly acts as the business manager. It is done with a lot of humor and also a learning curve for them, as they are beholden to the desires of the woman who hire them. One of the subplots is that Ben is still madly in love with Romane, who has since married Chef Pierre Morand, and thinks he can still win her back. And how Ludo, being married to Nora, got an entire change in his marriage through his work. Nora became almost glowing. This series should elicit a lot of smiles from the viewer.
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Burn (III) (2019)
A very nice surprise
10 April 2024
The real reason to watch is the role of Melinda, played by Tilda Cobham-Hervey. Melinda and Sheila are paired on the overnight shift at a 24 hr gas-mart. From the start, it is clear Melinda is overshadowed by Sheila and she is cruel to Melinda. But Melinda has a lot of issues, and that really is the whole movie, and she plays it very well. Into the station comes a robber, who says he won't harm anyone, but needs money to pay off a biker gang, because if he can't, he is a dead man. Sheila tells him there is little money in the register and the safe is locked and she can't open it. However, Melinda volunteers that she will open the safe and get him the money. The catch is that she wants to go with the robber. And that was not his idea at all. And how this movie plays out is what makes it so interesting to watch. Melinda made up a plan without really thinking through what could happen.
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Red Eye (2005)
A fun ride
9 April 2024
When the movie started, I soon felt that I made a mistake, and it would be boring. But I was really missing some popcorn, as that is a perfect way to watch it. What seems as a random meeting at an airport, with delays and chaos, finds two unlikely strangers on the same red eye flight to Miami. Except it wasn't random, and it seems he had everything under control, and her attempts to get out of the situation failing. The best way is not to spend a lot of time analyzing each scene and poking holes in the plot. The last act is where all the drama and action come together, and is worth the wait. It is much better than I expected.
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Marrowbone (2017)
Finely crafted horror and tension.
7 April 2024
This story does not give one quick answers, but instead unfolds slowly. Little bits and pieces to fill in some of the blanks. So one needs to pay attention. At the start, something doesn't seem right. Jack is in this old house with Jane, his sister, brother Billy who is slightly younger than Jack, and Sam, the youngest. Jack makes a line in the dust on the floor, and if they all cross, they will always be together and the past is gone. The mother is sick and dies, so the responsibility falls on Jack, and he tells the others they have to stay by the house to remain safe. And the house is quite isolated. We find out that the father was a complete monster, and abuser, a thief and a killer, and was sentenced to prison but escaped and is presumed dead. But they have a sum of money of his, but they vow not to spend it, as it is blood money. As Jack has to go into town, he develops a friendship with Allie, although nothing romantic on his part. We see how the bond of these four develops throughout the movie. They even have a 'fortress', a safe place in a room in which can all gather. But soon, things take a turn for the worse, partly due to legal papers needed to be signed to take deed to the house, but the mother is dead and cannot sign, and they risk everything if that is not done. But it is the twist that comes that few would ever see coming that really ramps up the tension and suspense, and the danger.
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Night Swim (2024)
"It's worth it."
5 April 2024
Just remember, it is about Temegama. Ray Waller is a star major league ballplayer, who has come down with MS, so he can no longer play. But that is his entire life. He is married to Eve, with an older daughter Izzy, and a young son, Elliot. They are looking for a new place, and the first place they are shown is more or less a place where incurables go to die. But he feels he doesn't want that place, and as they are driving away, see this large home for sale. It has a pool, but no one has lived there for some time. They buy it, and fix it up for his condition, and also fix up the pool, as swimming can help him. It turns out the pool is spring fed, and supposedly has curative abilities. And as he starts swimming, he gets very much better. One night Elliot sees a girl by the pool, Rebecca Summers. Eve tracks down the family, and in a very matter of fact and chilling recitation, she is told the water has special properties, but does not give them for nothing, so someone has to pay, so the water can keep on giving. What is the price the Waller family has to pay, and will they? I feel the movie is somewhat padded in length. Enchanted waters have been done before, and this is neither better nor worse than some of those.
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Angel Baby (2023)
Saved by the twist.
5 April 2024
This is neither a great movie, nor a real stinker. In a house where an abuser father is about to seriously harm one of his children, the daughter steps up and puts a bloody stop it to. We then are introduced to Val, who just lost her twins in pregnancy, and her husband Justin. She has a friend Chloe who gives her support, has some medical training, and wants to make sure she takes her medicine to help her healing, and also get plenty of rest. After all, Val is crestfallen over the loss, and she is also sensitive to noise, which isn't helped by living just off a freeway. Justin, who does handy work, finds a cabin in the mountains that had been empty for 25 years, fixes it up some and they move there. Things start to go bump in the night, there are creaks, doors suddenly open and there seems to be a ghost of a man present. A book titled Angel Baby seems to be prominent, and also movies around a lot, but where it came from is an unknown. While Rebecca DeMornay gets prominent space on the cover art, she has little more than a cameo. Things get worse when Chloe makes a visit, and seems too involved with Justin. By then, many may already have worked out a scenario, but the twist is something many would not see coming, and helps elevate what could be a routine and boring film.
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What the BBC does well.
3 April 2024
A journey from England to Australia, but not as convicts. They are traveling on a well worn man-of-war, but the crew was just rounded up in the days before they sailed. So it is a well done period piece-costume drama set on a ship. Talbot is a young man of privilege, from a noted family set to take a government position in Sydney Cove. His first experience with the sea was to get very sea sick. But his deference he receives is due to his class standing, and he seems to not understand that is the only reason. In the second episode, another British ship comes along, and they briefly party together. On the other ship is a Miss Chumley, who Talbot 'hears' is a prodigy of another passenger, but instead she is a protege and he falls madly in love with her and really makes a fool of himself, but alas the ships depart without his beloved Miss Chumley. In the third episode, the journey really has taken a beating on their ship, the situation gets very dire and there is also a wedding. The grittiness of the voyage came across, but not as well as in Master and Commander (2003).
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Dark Light (2019)
3 April 2024
The movie starts out quite strong. Annie and her daughter move into Annie's childhood home, being estranged from her ex, Paul. Immediately strange things happen. There are lights in the distance, and then inside the home. Her daughter is suddenly on the roof of the house, not knowing how. Annie calls the police, and the sheriff comes out, but cannot find anything. On the Web, she finds a local conspiracy person who has a theory. There are creatures, not exactly lizard people, but they are very old and live unseen among us. They live by sucking energy from people, especially children, as that energy is the purest. When her daughter disappears, the sheriff is certain Annie killed her. But it seems as the plot unfolded, a different set of writers got involved, and didn't coordinate that well with the first part of the movie, as there are not only plot holes, but mistakes made that made no sense. It is an interesting take on a threat that doesn't quite have it all together.
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Pushing the envelope for 1973
31 March 2024
There is only one way tor review this movie, and that is through the lens of 1973. Marketed to teenage boys, this movie was about as daring as could be shown in 1973, and there would have been plenty of places this movie would never be shown. The movie is a fluff piece, with a level of sweetness. The nudity, of which there really is more than I expected, is primarily of the female figure, in keeping with those times. The plot was a staple of movies of that era wanting to push the bounds of nudity in movies. There is comedy, silliness and simply a lot of nonsense. It may have been advertised as X-rated, to draw in young males, but there really was no such rating at the time. The thing to realize is the movie is devoid of nastiness, as everything was done for laughs. The initial shower scene where she is being chased is simply funny, but giving the males in the audience what they wanted. The audience was not looking for great acting skills.
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