
79 Reviews
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Wow, simply wow.
26 April 2019
I don't know how they were able to keep things so cohesive. This is, arguably, part 22 of the longest story telling in the history of film. It so good and so intricate. There isn't a moment where you are bored but to understand all that's going on, at a minimum, you should watch Infinity Wars, Captain Marvel first... but to enjoy the full maximum benefit you really should watch all the Marvel films.

I'm going to keep this spoiler free because I hate spoilers and one should be reading any reviews if you are planning on seeing this. You already know what's the deal now and you are either invested or you're not.

Let me just say that the CGI is just gorgeous. This is a pretty thing to watch. Bradley Cooper'S Rocket is just a brilliant piece of voice acting. Chris Evans is the ultimate hero. Not the strongest or smartest but he totally sells you on being the truest.

This film is pretty emotional at points... in unexpected places for me. And it is a must see on the big screen.

I just realize I didn't really review the film in the typical sort of review but I can say that there are moments in the film where the audience cheered and you didn't mind. This is the Super Bowl of super hero films. I like the way they wrapped it up. And i bet it receives a Best Picture nod. It will not win but it will be nominated. It definitely will clean up in all the technical categories.

God, I'm going to miss all of this. Going to see a Marvel movie or two, every year... i can't wait to own it so I can host a marathon. Please enjoy this with your friends and family.. because in the end that's what it's all about and this film drives home that point.
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Us (II) (2019)
It didn't live up to the the Anticipation
22 March 2019
Let me say.. GREAT Trailer. Unfortunately they give away WAY too much in the trailer to make this as enjoyable as it should be and maybe that is why I just thought it was just OK.

Jordan Peele hit it out of the park with Get Out. With US, its more like a ground rule double...

Let me also say that Lupita is just amazingly beautiful and she can act. Winston Duke.. eh.. I don't know what he was trying to do with his lines. He sounded like he was in a skit trying to sound like a suburbia person.

The film really suffers from pacing... I heard a few audience members say "I can't wait until this is over". It's a good concept.. but it didn't seem fleshed out fully. And they completely wasted Elisabeth Moss (Handmaid's Tale) but maybe that was on purpose.

Over all, good effort. I really, really wanted to like it and maybe I am scoring it to high. I feel I am scoring it to high.. At no point did I feel scared or creeped out like the trailer made me feel. I will give it a solid C. I
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Game Changer
21 December 2018
Have you ever sat through a film and you knew that films would never be the same going forward? For example, Terminator 2, Star Wars.. the first Toy Story... Iron Man

Well this is one of those. This is a almost rather perfect film. Let me just say the the stylished animation is just top notch. It as if the comic book leaped off the pages. I've seen practically all super hero films to include the DC animated ones. This feels as if they took comic books and Playstation animation and just came up with this perfect look.

And the story is great.. the pacing is so wonderful. It is able to tell the story.. and an origin without boring us to tears like Zack Snyder has done in the DC universe. The story is quiet touching. And it allows us to have a pretty interesting Spider Man in Miles WITHOUT thrashing or having a Peter Parker like experience.

Plus our the villains are so well done..

But I think we will see a lot more of this type of animation in the future from Sony. I think they announced their presence with authority.. like how Dreamworks did with Shrek.. and how Pixar did.

It's been awhile I seen something so unexpected and so cool.
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It is why you go to the movies
2 November 2017
This is just simply an extremely fun and entertaining movie from start to finish. And it is a family friendly movie (probably no kid under 7 or 8). This has all the humor of character and all the action of the previous superhero movies. It has great pacing and not a single solitary boring moment. DC needs to seriously think about hiring these directors. I had a bit of inside info going in. I've read Planet Hulk and World War Hulk so I know about a few incidents and it didn't disappoint. And it has some wonderful cameo appearance. And I love, love, love Cate Blanchett as the main villain. She isn't over the top and she is just simply delicious in her role. I didn't want the film to end. I'm writing this pretty generic and spoiler free. But do yourself a favor and just go see it.
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Utterly Underwhelming
20 July 2017
I like Luc Besson normally. He completely missed the boat on this. Maybe one would have to read the books, but I wasn't feeling this one bit. Lots of visual, no doubt. But the story is unfocused. The acting is flat. The directing is paint-by-numbers. Even the editing is uneven. There is ZERO chemistry between the main two characters. I would say that towards the very end, it was just OK. But some of the actions and words of the main characters just doesn't make any sense.

I was really looking forward to this one, but it just simply didn't make a bit of sense. I mean, I understood the story, but I think everything was let down because the main two actors seem so unattached from it. And that is the main problem. It is as unfocused and as boring as Jupiter Ascending.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonderful Wonder Woman
1 June 2017
I cannot tell you how glad that this movie lived up to the hype. I was so severely disappointed with Batman v Superman except the Wonder Woman part. So I was a bit worried but this is a runaway hit. Gal Gadot commands the title character and thank god because I know there were people who were surprised at her casting. The director allowed her to be the heroine and not just as another capable woman being rescued by some guy. She comes off as powerful. The movie is exciting. The pace is great. I was also worried that it would feel dated like the first Captain America being as the setting was during WW1. But it felt fresh while holding onto the WW1 setting. The movie focuses on Gal Gadot and never distracts with side characters like the previous movie this character was in (Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice). In the end, you didn't want it to end and that is about as high a praise you can say about a movie. I wanted more. If I was going to rate it among the DC movie, its a very very close second to The Dark Knight, because the Dark Knight had a great villain. But no one has a better hero of all the DC movies than this one.
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Fantastic Movie
17 November 2016
I've never read any of the books (Potter or this one), so I go into all of these movies completely blind. This was done very well. Families, singles, adults, and kids... all will be highly entertained. This is different than the Potter movies because these aren't folks who are trying to learn their craft, they know it so they aren't limited using their magic and the things that they don't know. One of the best performances, if not the best one is that of the lone muggle. We seem to get to experience everything through his eyes (to a certain extent). His wonderment is our wonderment. And I really enjoy the actor Eddie Redmayne, for the life of me, I can't remember his character name, but there were opportunities for him to be over the top and he never was. I sat next to someone in her 20s (I am in my 50s) and she was just over-the-moon watching the movie. I enjoyed it immensely as well. Just fantastic special effects, great storyline.. and all actors perform splendidly. This is a multiple view movie that your kids will never get tired of. It is a nice little addition to the Potter franchise. (The story takes place before Potter). I say this is a must see on the big screen.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
It did its job to entertain
10 August 2016
I think ultra fans will hate this film but I thought the film was entertaining. You sort of going to have to do you homework a bit if you don't know who these guys are. They are DC villains and since the rise of the anti-hero, DC decided that it would be fun to through a "what if" scenario. What if the villain becomes the hero and thus the Suicide Squad, named so because the government wouldn't care if they die. The movie does a brief introductions to each villain and assumes that the audience knows who they are.. and if you don't, if may be confusing. After that brief intro the movie just jumps right into it. Between the intro and "the mission".. there is a giant plot (or lack of plot) hole. Will Smith is the unofficial leader of the bad guys and Will Smith plays Will Smith in all his movies.

Listen its not a clean movie. It is, truly like a live issue of a comic book. Lots of action. i wasn't bored. A lot of the other villains (outside of DeadShot and Harley Quinn) are kind of glossed over. Maybe I like it because Batman vs Superman was long and boring. This was short and to the point. If you want more, see another movie.
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23 July 2016
Will my review convince people to see it? Probably not. For I feel people will see it regardless if I review it or not. Star Trek is that type of movie, one that must be seen on the big screen, because it commands that they of viewing. So plunk down your dollars, get out of the heat, abandon your diet for the day and grab your popcorn and soda and enjoy a summer blockbuster that indeed earns that title. It is fun. It is energetic. It's everything a sci-fi fan ask for in a movie and especially if you are a Trekkie.

The third go-round for the reboot cast is a joy to watch. They have such chemistry that they manage to do something great that The Next Generation film seems to miss. Excitement. It is gorgeous to watch in IMAX 3D (how I viewed it). It is a little bittersweet because it is the last we get to see Anton Yelchin as Chekov and this is the first Star Trek film after Leonard Nimoy had passed. But this cast is so up to the challenge that you just didn't want it to end. Justin Lin did an amazing job directing this film. It's a really good Trekkie story as well.

And I don't write spoilers in my reviews, that is for the commentary pages and bulletin boards.
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Game of Thrones: The Winds of Winter (2016)
Season 6, Episode 10
So Fricking Epic
26 June 2016
How can you write a review and not have any spoilers? I will attempt that. Game of Thrones doesn't disappoint and which each episode, you think you can't be surprised any further and you do. This episode was magnificently Shakespearean. It moves the story forward and it ends in an acceptable place. This thing played like an orchestra. Dare I say has Godfather like quality to it. It is better than any movie I've seen in a long time and you will be very excited to talk about with your other GoT friends. And its so nice to see how each of these characters are so different from Season 1 Episode 1. Its just simply a brilliant show.
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Whiplash (2014)
10 out of 10 out of 10 out of 10.. this movie is that excellent
1 March 2015
I've seen the other nominated Best Picture and I genuinely like them, but to me, this is by far the Best Picture of the year. Great writing, great acting, great directing, fantastic editing and amazing music. J.K. Simmons is an amazing actor. I remember him on OZ and boy did he blow the performance out the water... And you know what, Miles Teller met him step for step. This film is about obsession. Obsession of Mile Teller to be the best and Obsession of JK Simmons to never settle. The film centers around Miles as he is studying at a music conservatory. He is picked to be part of the best jazz ensemble in the school. But soon he realizes that the guy he admires is the toughest and most demanding person he has ever met. And you sit on the edge of your seat with each scene, ESPECIALLY when they are in it together. I wish I can tell you how its all going to play out, but I can't. I want you to enjoy each morsel, each moment that happens. I knew I wanted to see this movie once I saw the preview and heard part of the music. If you a fan of jazz, this is a must own. But music fan or not, this is a must watch.
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Trophy Kids (2013)
Some of the worst parents in America
8 February 2015
So I saw this and it was making me very upset at the parents. This documentary is about parents who live through their children's sports accomplishments and how the parents try to push their dreams on their kid. You have a divorce father, who just berates his son as he watches over every aspect of his son's football life. He absolutely destroys his son's self esteem. You have another father who believes that if he gets his son the right type of things to eat, his son will grow taller. He doesn't so much get on his son's case (basketball dad), he curses at the coach, bad mouths other players (on and off his son's team) Another father, whose son plays on the same team, he is a little more calm at the game but if very underhanded himself You have the worst of the bunch, a father who is trying to push his 7 year old (or 8 year) old daughter into being the next Tiger Woods. He actually calls his daughter names. And he makes disparaging remarks about another race. And you have an over educated, over thinking mother, who has twin boys and she is pushing them into tennis. But she uses the excuse of this is what GOD wants from them. And they are nothing more than a microcosm representation of a larger issue... the Parent who feel the need to live vicariously through their children and who seem to be having a second life renaissance by abusing the youth of their offspring. As if parental ability (basically the ability to biology create a kid) give them the right to do whatever the heck they want to do. And on the faces of these kids you can see how miserable they are pretty much. The type of pressure put on these kids result in the kids either commenting suicide or taking it out on others.. And these parents are completely blind in seeing this. Very interesting documentary.
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I was amazingly surprised
6 August 2014
I absolutely knew NOTHING about the comic that this is based on. Friends of mine kept asking me if they did justice to such and such character. And my answer was, well, since I thought the movie was excellent, they did justice to all the characters. My biggest fear was that this was going to be too kiddie (the talking raccoon in the preview and the tree). but it wasn't. It's highly entertaining with a good plot, good characters and great pace. The special effects are amazing.. you completely forget that the tree and the raccoon are digital characters, you just accept them. This is a movie for the whole family, also a movie I think single adults males and females will enjoy. It reminds me of when I first saw Star Wars and I am not afraid to compare it to that glee I felt after wards. I think this film is deserved of multiple viewings and a must have when it released. And Chris Pratt is the perfect "Star Lord".. sort of like both Harrison Ford character Indiana Jones and Hans Solo wrapped up into one".
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Her (2013)
I seriously don't know what to think
6 August 2014
I like Spike Jonze movies and because I like Being John Malkovich, I decided to give this a shot. To tell you quite honestly, I had no real desire to see it because of the absurdity of the plot. So after watching it, I'm glad I did. Is it a second viewing? Probably not. An extremely lonely guy buys this new "SIRI-like" operating system. Apparently the computers in the near future are all voice base. So the OS is a learning one and he is asked a series of question and then "Samatha" is created. He is fascinated at the technology of the thing as it learns about him and his surroundings.. He finally finds something that really understands him. So when I think about this movie, I think about all those folks who have online relationships only and I find it no real difference since both seems similar. And then I got it. He has someone (something) in his life that doesn't challenge and criticizes him and some people need that. The movie is thought provoking because you think.. this is crazy.. but there was an interesting scene, when he looks around and seeing everyone is completely engage with their devices. And aren't we there now? So I think the story is well developed. I like all the music selection. Joaquim comes off as a sympathetic figure which could be viewed as creepy. And it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. Great casting to.. It was a nice surprise to see Amy Adams in this film.
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
Good Movie, But way too busy
24 June 2014
I like the movie, didn't love it and it is a rental at best. Costner plays a "serial" killer name Mr. Brooks. The movie opens up with him accepting an award for Business Man of the Year and he has his "urges" and he must take care of it. Someone witness his latest killing and now that person wants something. Meanwhile Demi Moore plays a local detective going through a hard divorce. She is brilliant at her job, but her divorce got her distracted a bit. She is "assigned" to the Mr. Brooks case.

This movie could have been and should have been better.. especially the end.. they had the perfect ending and they they went an additional 5 minutes too far. Because what happened before was brilliant. But the biggest problem with the movie is that they had about 4 different stories going on. The movie lacked serious focus. And pretty much 2-3 of the stories didn't really enhance the movie... Therer was Mr. Brooks; Demi's Divorce; Demi's other case; and Mr. Brooks daughter. Because of the lack of focus, I give this film 6 out of 10.
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Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla. Good enough
18 May 2014
I'm a fan of Gozilla movies. And this was way better than the Matthew Broderick one. But being a fan this is a straight forward Godzilla movie with better CGI. It wasn't mind blowing so it's no as 10, but it was satisfying. And I'm not going to include any spoilers but seriously it's impossible to spoil a Godziila movie. Giant lizard + mankind. Shake and watch stuff get destroyed. Some issues: I thought they took to long setting up the movie. And a slight issue with the creature design. And as I said the story was straight forward. And we didn't get enough of Godzilla's fire breathe because when they did show it, it was great. The movie feature some talented actors and actresses but this movie really didn't need THAT much acting. Fun to see the dude from Kick A in another movie. But regardless of who is in it, it is entertaining and that's all that counts with this type of movie. I say a must see on the big screen.
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Machete Kills (2013)
Love the first one, I wanted to like this, but....
12 October 2013
Let me start off by saying love love love the first Machete. I can watch it anytime... This one, not so much. Robert Rodriquez swung for the fences with this one and it missed. Some people will never ever say anything bad about the guy and some will genuinely like it, but to be honest.. it just didn't have that X factor the first Machete did. This time around Machete is more like a super hero. He is sent on a mission to Mexico by the President (excellent choice of casting Charlie Sheen, using his birth name of Carlos Esteves). But other than that, (and of course Danny Trejo and Michelle Rodriquez), the rest of the cast just didn't fit. The schizo Mexican revolutionary didn't fit, Cuba was completely out of place, wasn't really feeling Lady Gaga or Amber Heard (even though she is gorgeous) and the gorgeous Sophia Vegara was just a little too manic. But it really wasn't that.. the film just was kind of flat, even the action scenes weren't clicking. Maybe because they gave away too much in the previews. Maybe its because they made Machete inhuman.. All I know is that when I was in the theater, 3 people around me fell asleep and 4 people walked out a hour after the film started... AND it wasn't that many people in the theater. Gosh I wanted it to be so much better.. This is a rental, at best
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Face Off (2011–2018)
Best Competition Show
29 May 2013
You know what is truly great about this competition show? People either win or lose not base on personality and the rest of the country calling, but by the experts. The judges are in the business and it is only appropriate that they along decide the fate of who goes on and who don't. I've seen some remarkable creations by some extremely talented and dedicate makeup professionals. You get to see a lot of the behind the scenes stuff and techniques in creature/character creations and how to make quality stuff on a budget. The contestants are always working with a time constraint and the stuff that comes out of their heads from just a suggestion is amazing. None of it comes off fake... none of that fake personality clash drama and a lot of the contestants tend to help out their fellow competitors, whether it is releasing a mode or coming up with a concept. I think that if this is your passion, to get into the movie business and be a creature/makeup professional this is a MUST show for you to watch. But even for a layman like me, I find it fascinating. And I generally like all the contestants on the show (except Frank from the first season). But I would love to just have a room full of paints and stuff and just told to create something. Even if I was to fail, it still would be so amazingly cool. And when people "don't" get along, they do tolerate, but it isn't fake. There is no yelling at each other or over the top acting out. It's just about people who are passionate about makeup. I give it a 10 as in not comparison to scripted show, but only comparison to other unscripted show and for me, its the best.
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Hit the Floor (2013–2018)
Worse Acting, Writing, Directing for a debut in recent memory
28 May 2013
So I watch another program on VH1 and I saw the adverts for this show. Being a straight guy, I figure the show would be tailored made for me, hot chicks wearing skimpy outfits dancing to a good grove. I couldn't be more wrong. The chicks are hot, but the writing, acting. music and directing is so atrocious that it inspired me to read, go hiking, count the imperfections in my ceiling.. anything but watch this show. The characters are cookie cutter characters... the new and kind girl who wants to be friends with everyone. The head evil cheerleader who is extremely mean spirited. Throw in the love interest, the basketball player who LITERALLY gets run into by accident by the new girl. And throw in the most unlikely person to play a coach of a head basketball team, Dean Cain (Lois & Clark). How this show ever get green-lit it is beyond me but it is a complete garbage of a show. The tryouts, the dancing tryouts? Uninspiring. Completely horrible. It as if this show has no one coordinating as they "actresses" (use very loosely) basically spin and hop like a chicken with it's head cut off that ran into an electrified fence! Then the worse of worse... line delivery... I am not even remotely an expert but I know bad when i hear it and it doesn't even measure up as "good" as bad. In the end, here is a show about cheer leading tryouts in the NBA, and a cheer squad, in a sunny location, with hot women in revealing outfits, throw in a relative hip hop beat, and it is the most boring thing on TV. Enough to stop me watching the moment that the cheerleader ran into the NBA player... (and the NBA player.. just some random black guy they probably grab from a local Olive Garden or Applebee's). And by the Power of my remote control, I have vanquished thee from my television.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
A really good Sci-Fi flick, beautiful imagery
21 April 2013
First, I recommend going to the theater to see this movie because it was made to be shown on a massive screen. I thought it was a really good Sci-Fi flick, good story line, good pacing. My friend and I never once found ourselves board. They did a good job of telling the story. It starts off with the future and throughout the movie you find exactly what happened. Tom Cruise is kind of like a more "action" oriented Wall-E. As he and his manager are left to fix the drones that roam the earth. And you know, with any destitute place you always will have a monkey wrench thrown into the mix, but its a really good monkey wrench. Its a gorgeously looking picture and the thing about Sci-Fi vs action for me is that is about, could it be believable.. and I say yes. It has good action scenes in it as well. I compare it to Prometheus and it has better pacing and more action than that movie, although they have about the same scale. I recommend seeing it on a large screen because the scale of the imagery and the job at hand is really beautiful. I saw it on an IMAX screen.
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Branded (2012)
Not a Sci-Fi or Fantasy movie, it's a statement film
27 January 2013
Overall, I have no problems with statement films, but if you going to make a movie like that, then ADVERTISE it that way. I know the previews were misleading on purpose so you can have an epiphany and say "Oh, they were making a statement with the preview", but I think that is complete bull. If you advertise a Sci-Fi movie and you deliver something else, all you are doing is tee-ing off your audience. As you all can probably tell from the preview, the movie is about advertisement and our association with it. Unfortunately, even as a statement film, the movie lost focus. The creatures you see in the preview practically means nothing and for a time, they are just annoying because they are just uninteresting blobs. LeeLee really doesn't do anything more than to be a focal point for the main actor from time to time. Max Von Sydow is completely wasted in this film. They had a chance to do something really special here in turns of statement film and they completely missed. I would only rent this from the dollar rental from Redbox or wait for cable. And if you want to stop watching halfway through, go ahead because trust me, you aren't missing anything eye opening. Filmed entirely in Moscow (I think maybe one other location in Russia) and it felt like a bad foreign production.
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Exasperating Slow start
18 December 2012
First, I think people who are "true" fans, the D&D, Gamers are going to love this film no matter what. I love the other three, but to give you my honest opinion, this film is so slow of a start that I wanted to give up on it. I like the film, but didn't love it and I tell you why. The Dwarfs makeup were so fake looking that it played more like a Saturday Morning Puppet show than a adventure movie. And of course they come in all shape and sizes and for a minute there I thought they were rejects from a Snow White film. They sure acted like it. But the movie just trudges along at a slow pace and it's not revealing any true relevant information. Unlike the other three, when this one was over, I wasn't thinking "wow". I was thinking, thank god. It fees a heck of a lot longer than 3 hours, I can tell you that and a good movie should never make it seems you are spending more time in the theater than you actually have. I think true fans will love it, but I think most people will like it. Once the movie got going and the pace picked up, I thought it gotten better. But o me, it is Peter Jackson version of the Phantom Menace. Beautiful to look at, but missing that "X" factor. It isn't magical. It is just another movie, not an adventure. It's a bit too kiddie. I can't see myself sitting in the theater and watching it again. I couldn't get past the slowness and the fake-looking characters. One last thing... beautiful set and I welcome all the familiar faces.
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In Time (2011)
Eh, worth the rental
1 March 2012
Cool concept of a movie and Timberlake is pretty good in it, but the dialog is clunky at best and there isn't any chemistry between the co- star. Justin lives in the ghetto, Amanda lives in upper society. The only currency is time itself. Having time, keeps you alive. They never explain how people are engineer that their lives are measure by a timer, it just is. With everything you do, you have to pay for it in giving up time on your life. You can get time back by borrowing it, stealing it, or being super rich. Rich guys comes into the ghetto, tired of living, he gives all his time (a century) to Timberlake. Justin, having all the time in the world, goes to see where the rich lives. He meets Amanda and bada bing, they are being chase. The whole premise of the movie is based on people running out of time and controlling time Like I said, good concept, but not so good execution. It just flat in a lot of places, A LOT. Amanda isn't ask to do a whole lot and she doesn't to include deliver her lines with any convictions. The movie should be called "Justin Timberlake gets chased" Because is on him 90% of the time. Everyone else is just cardboard background people, to include the guy playing Amanda's dad and the cop that chases Justin. And the end of the movie is so anti-climatic and boring and it makes no real sense. Still, if you must see it, Rent it from Redbox for a dollar or wait for it on Netflix or HBO.
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one star and I am being generous!
22 April 2011
This was a must see, because after all, it is called Hobo With A Shotgun, HOWEVER, it is not a well done movie at all. Here is the premise of the movie, what if someone made a Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriquez film without their talent. This is what you get with this film. The people who rate this film high have lost their minds. The problem is the actors don't seem to believe it. Their characters act cartoony and thats the difference between something like Planet Terror. So now I know to watch out for cool sounding titles, because it is not the title or the subject matter, it is who directs it. But if you must see if, please wait for it to come on HBO or Netflix instant streaming, but do not buy, do not rent, just watch when it becomes available. Because trust me, this is no Machete, it is no Death Proof, it is truly a pretender with a director who has no idea on how to direct and with a writer who storyline was pretty garbage for a movie with such a basic concept. How in the world do you screw up a movie called Hobo With A Shotgun? Easily, have this moronic director make it.

One of the other main problem is that it isn't fun, at all. It's violence for the sake of violence with no point. And I have a tolerance for many things, but there are some scene (such as a bus, scene, not giving anything away), that I found reprehensible. No one, not even Rutger Hauer was believable and if this is satire, it didn't come through, it is just exploitive. Guys, do yourself a huge huge favor and DO NOT subject your wives, children, girlfriends, dates or any females you know to this nonsense or you will forever be in the doghouse. They will never forgive you and it will always be brought up throughout the rest of your future history (remember when you insisted on watching that Hobo Shotgun movie). Me and my male friends watched it and we loved Machete but hated, hated this.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Love the movie, just a tad issue with the writing
26 March 2011
I love the movie. Great idea. I have been anticipating the movie since I first saw the preview last year with the music of Silversun Pickups.

The movie is about a girl who gets thrown into an insane asylum and how she internally deals with it. First - the movie plays a bit like a video game and maybe that is on purpose. But it is a very very cool video game and I wanted these scenes to last a little longer. The problem I had was that the director didn't string the scenes all that well together. It's noticeable but it is minor. I see how it is very heavily influence from Watchmen. SECOND- The music for the movie is ON POINT!! The director not only choose the music, and some of the music may sound familiar, but he has different artists singing. Music and visuals works well together. I can tell you, it is as different of a movie that I expected it to be, so that is a good thing. I just wish the writing was a tad bit better... this movie felt short like it was missing something. But I really like people who go for it and who don't make cookie cutter movies. And this movie is FAR removed from being cookie cutter.
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