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Ulysses' Gaze (1995)
A film a little too long but still a masterpiece
28 February 2001
This beautiful film is a picturesque adventure of a man , Keitel , always serene , in quest for a lost film, his life has not any sense but to find this film . The film is about the peace of mind expressed by the greatness. With superb violin music , pictures that fascinates , an odyssey of beauty through Europe . The film becomes a epic and is stamped with a sentiment of mystery , of past , memories , some scenes remind a sort of religious strangeness .
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Mankind versus computer in the search of the mysteries of infinite
26 February 2001
A black monolyth of perfect asymetry is found by apes in the prehistoric era. In the modern times , a monolyth of the same kind is found on the moon by humans. A signal who emanates from this object leads scientists and astronauts on a mission to Jupiter.

2001 is an odyssey through existence and even byond existence. We see in this film the obsession of Kubrick for the perfection , the perfection in the film in its whole , but perfection in the screenplay , a perfection in the movements of camera and perfect synchronisation in the editing, wonderful montages of classical music fusing with planets.

In '68 Kubrick was acknowledge visionary unanimously for showing the voyage into space the way he did , but now we see that where he has been the most visionary is in his representation about the future mythof the supercomputer. Thanks to Arthur C. Clarke too of course.

A film in which the director is in perfect control of all the rudiments inevitable to the good elaboration of a film. Trying to show which place takes the computer facing man , pushing the viewer to a continuous thinking.
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a film showing and encouraging violence and revolt
16 February 2001
I wonder what people find so wrong about this film for giving it a 5.4 -I give it a 8 . I find this film superior to LA HAINE , because it don't just show the thirst for revolution of the youth , its analysing it and shows why a certain system dont work and have to be changed . Its not one of those movies that pretends to show a fair and realistic view on delinquency just by showing nothing or in an artificial way , those film who preravicate what's really the truth, like all those American almost ridiculous films like DANGEROUS MINDS. The good films about the culture of the youth of today , violence , anarchy , are MA 6-T VA CRAC-KER ( CRACK C-T ) ,and others like DE BRUIT ET DE FUREUR . Its not the conventional filmmaking, there's clips, long shooting and riots sequences and its filmed in an almost documentary and innate approach , Richet directed his film freely , with no big spending, he said to the non-professional actors to just act and talk in a natural style, like everyday , as though there wasn't any camera. A good film who show the youth abject to the capitalism and want some radical change. A film showing violence by showing violence , not really denouncing it but encouraging it.
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a pretty good film with no pretension
16 February 2001
This film has some wonderful pictures , but it could have been more elaborate on the whole . Its the story of a young woman, Marie , who go spends some time with Viviane , and they both recalling memories of when they were younger. The dialogues and screenplay by Ducharme is not as funny and intelligent as in LES BONS DÉBARRAS, and if we compare the acting , Monique Spaziani ( Marie ) is not as convincing as Charlotte Laurier in LES BONS DÉBARRAS . But its still a pretty good movie. A fair illustration - but with a lot of technical mistakes - about suicide , heroin , despair , family relations , in my view , Mankiewicz makes some of the best psychological films , that's for sure .
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El Topo (1970)
a new genre of cinema that anyone have succeed to imitate
14 February 2001
A devious gunfighter ( played by Jodorowsky himself ) travels through desert with two beautiful women and take us on a ride of hallucinating poetry , devastating surrealism , astounding violence and sex , he explores a strange world of total depravity , arrives in a town inhabited by a bunch of raving mads dedicating themselves to religious devotion for a satanic cult . Jodo created with this film not only a late night classic , a cult film for those who love unconventionnal filmaking , but also a genuine new genre , some kind of a strange spaghetti western steeped in surrealism and psychedelic spirituality .
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Breathless (1960)
10/10 ... Thrilling , leaves us out of breath
14 February 2001
The ultimate cinéma-vérité film . The avant-garde masterpiece that launched the New Wave . A lyrical road-movie. The genius of Godard makes us become attached to Belmondo character since the very beginning of the feature, even if we know that he's insolent, scoundrel, debauched, but still a very nice person, we dont want that anything bad happen to him, because what is the most important thing we see in him , is that he loves life. Belmondo delivers a powerful performance which actually generated a new person, a brand new stereotype in cinema, by the device of a certain improvised acting, the image of a fellow, cigarette in mouth, hat on the tip of the head, a cynic character , always answering back with irony and irrefutable lucidity . A direction of a stunning virtuosity of a vivid offhanded, cam on shoulder , sensational and bitter dialogues , nervous and precise editing . Thrilling , À BOUT DE SOUFFLE leaves us out of breath . Belmondo steals , even kills , but has nothing of a killer ; he's madly in love with a woman . À BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a revolutionary love story , ending in a tragic and inevitable end .
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6.5 / 10
13 February 2001
Tom Hanks looks more constipated than ever in the role of a virulent prison guard caught in the middle of a strange story about a giant man dropped from the sky (!) and who have the power to rise from the dead people , this in a totally funny and ridiculous way . The screenplay and direction is reduced to its most simplistic and academic form to not mislead the easygoing viewers, making THE GREEN MILE one of the most linear movies I have ever seen , to such a degree that we can anticipate what's going to happen every next minute for over 3 atrocious hours long. It's a shame that Stephen King says its the best film ever made out of his novels ; he didn't like Kubrick's adaptation of THE SHINING , and he seems to forget other good films such as CARRIE , STAND BY ME and THE DEAD ZONE...
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holds in suspense - du bon film québécois
13 February 2001
This is far to be the most refined movie I've seen but it's pretty well done , by times very moving , its a small film that makes the job . This movie is worth to see a lot more than many big productions . The ending is one hell of an intense scene . The plot is simply about some friends who go hunt , the actors performance is superb , and its a great study on man returning to nature , with some tragic events . 8/10
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Good Riddance (1980)
a true classic
12 February 2001
This is definitively the best film ever made in Quebec . It is literally a study on the human behaviour , on the emotions , on life and death .

A little girl who always wants to have the upper hand and who always says what she thinks ( played by Charlotte Laurier , fantastic ),lives with her mother and Guy , the mother's brother, played by Germain Houde , who delivers an impressive performance of an alcoholic simpleton.

The screenplay and dialogues are from novelist Rejean Ducharme , which we can recognize the highly ironic tone . Ducharme fans will undoubtly fall in love with this film .

It is a beautiful masterpiece , lyrical , poetic , touching ,with ironic humour and unforgettable scenes . Its filmed in a way that makes the audience think .I give a 9/10
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7.5 out of 10
10 February 2001
Honestly I don't really see why all this craze about this film . The direction is quite ordinary , the actors including the performance of Benigni (who also directs) is sometimes almost absurd . Frankly the direction and performances fall often into clichés .

But there are many good ideas , some funny and original gags , the whole idea of a man who lies to his son that the concentration camp is just a game and that if they make enough points they will win a prize is worth to see.

But this film a masterpiece ? Americans , you make me laugh out loud : you ignore all the year long everything that's not coming from the U.S. , and sometimes , maybe just for a little change once in a while, you idolize something from another country which, in this case , don't have nothing very special .

Despite all I said , its still be a pretty good movie , even if many times we ask ourself : is he trying to make us laugh ?
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Ulysses' Gaze (1995)
pictures that fascinates
9 February 2001
There is something in the pictures of this film that is indescribable. The camera is always lost in a deep fog , Keitel performance raptures the viewer and captivates by the poetic power of the pictures and dialogues. The movement of the camera subjugates, always moving , very slowly , it literally seems to float in the air , in the fog , around the actors . This slow , quiet presence of the camera delivers a lyrical feeling of peace and calm , even during the war .

A unique experience in cinema . 9/10
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One of the most metaphysical films ever made
9 February 2001
No doubt this is the most complete achievement of films of Kubrick and of the History of Cinema. Never a director has attempted neither succeed to show as a so eloquent way the humanity in its most purest image , not only to dodge but to intrinsically show the foundation of creation , to voyage beyond the infinite from the eyes of the astronaut like if it was us , and when we are as far as we can be in the distance and in time , we return to the very begining of existence.

Never in a film the scenes are so powerful . The directing is visionary , magnificent and grandiose . It is the summit of what sophisticated filmaking can create , images that can hardly be described in literature . 2001 is a work of art that show the highest degree of perfection , in all levels of filmaking.
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8 February 2001
This movie just don't have any reason of being. While the Tom Robbins` novel is highly entertaining, poetic, feminist, intelligent, philosophical, funny, the movie is boring, nothing is taken seriously. The director adapted the book very faithfully by not making major changes in the plot, but by filming in a very facile and insipid way. Inexorably disappointing .
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**** 4/5... A MUST SEE
6 February 2001
It must be like 5 years or so since I saw this movie and I think I will never be able to forget some of the scenes of this film . Its the story of a quiet young boy , going to school , having a quiet life , but lonely life because he have no friends and his mother is never there . His life begins to be more and more disturbed by the neighbourhood , and he'll slowly enter this violence , rubbing shoulders with a hoodlum and his gang. This movie is like CLOCKWORK ORANGE without the science fiction , it is truly crude, the raping scenes really put uncomfortable .Brisseau could direct scenes as unforgettable as the Russian roulette scenes in DEER HUNTER ; He's got the same dark , ultra realistic way of filming things that are beautiful or horrible . The actors are great , the story never slow neither exaggerates , is it one of my favorite French movies .And the end of this movie makes it a movie which may haunt you for many years .
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an ugly cinéma-vérité film about violence
6 February 2001
As soon as we see the first image , we know it won't be very beautiful - its filmed in 16 mm , the sound is so bad we can hardly hear what the actors are saying ( but the actors are not so bad , I've seen worst). Two girls go for a ride - when we see the car and the camera is following it while we hear changing music on the radio , it shows how the climate in this film can be intense . Arrived at town they become hostages of some dangerous people who take them back to dark country . Then the carnage begins . Sometimes its truly unbearable : they dismember , rape , besides that this film is technically a fiasco , with some ugly music and pitiful image quality . After the massacre , it turns into a revenge tale . This film is worth seeing , but you'll understand , not for the same reason than a masterpiece , for the opposite .
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A Bronx Tale (1993)
8 out of 10
3 February 2001
This is a very good movie . I was surprised DeNiro did a so well . Rare are the good actors who became good directors , DeNiro is one of them , Sean Penn , Tim Robbins , etc. I thought this film would be just like GOODFELLAS , but it is not , because a priori this film seems to be about gangsters , but it is really about the racism , the relation between son and father and a film who shows very well the ambiance of the '6o's , with all the differences of class , styles , music. DeNiro is not a TAXI DRIVER but a bus driver who's trying to keep his son away from the Italian mafia . Having grown , the son is also influenced by his friends , some young mafiosis listening to Jimi Hendrix and wanting to kill all the Black people of the neighbourhood . The directing is great , the movie in itself is personal , performances are superb , except the girl who plays Jane , which seems to show a lack of practice in the business , but i may be wrong , the music is very representating of the sixties .I recommand it . Worths watching it twice.
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The Devils (1971)
the most satanic flick ever !
3 February 2001
With no doubt the most exuberant , explicit Ken Russel film , it is , besides a serious lack of the historical facts , a movie which main goal is strictly to shock the audience by putting pomposity on the psychedelic scenes , which are very impressive nevertheless . The atmosphere is so freakish , everyone in this movie seems possessed by the devil , they f*** and kill eachother under cacophonic music , everything is just perfect to create a climate of horror and decadence . its more intense than THE EXORCIST , espescially because the realization is less academic and don't try to explain all the paranoya that goes on , neither it shows the behaviour of a main character but the whole bunch of fiendish people . This movie is also about the hundred of thousand women that have been killed for absolutly no reason except that they knew things that men couldn't accept . Its not the best Russel film but it is the most hallucinating voyage in madness , where he shows his fascination for blood , devil , violence
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