
14 Reviews
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Worst Coen Movie!
26 February 2024
Let me preface my review with this. I really like Coen brother movies. They're usually quirky, funny, clever and very original.

Not only is this the worst Coen movie ever it's the worst movie I've seen in years.

All of the funny (ha ha funny , not LYAO funny) parts were shown in the trailer. Thank God it was only 89 minutes long. At the 45 minute mark I actually considered walking out.

Also the trailer was misleading in alluding to Matt Damon being in this movie. He is but 1 scene in the last 10 minutes!

Anyway save your money, time and fuel. Don't go to your local theatre to see it. Wait until it streams and even with that be forewarned it's a waste of time.

The one thing I'll give credit for were the interesting transitions between scenes.
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Robin Hood (2010)
Origin Story
20 December 2023
Ok this is not your Grandfathers Errol Flynn version which was really good or the Kevin Costner version which I thought was pretty cheesy.

It's an Origin Story. In other versions Robin Hood is just there in Nottingham without any context. Just as Martin Campbell did with James Bond in Casino Royale or Christopher Nolan did with Batman we learn what made these Iconic characters into Characters that we love.

Secondly Ridley Scott is who he is. IMHO one of the greatest directors or the last 40 years. So if you like semi historical movies like Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven" or "The Last Duel" give Robinhood a watch and disregard the low ratings.
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A Warning
16 December 2023
For the people that didn't like the way this movie ended they most likely didn't like the last episode of the Sopranos either.

The movie painted the grim doomsday scenario. Then left what ultimately happened to the characters and civilization to our minds eye.

Think about it. How dependent are we on our electronic devices? How fragile is our power grid? Like Kevin Bacons character says, "You need to read beyond page 1." Or in most cases just read.

Our nation's power grid is our Achilles heel. We've become too dependent on our devices and technology.

For those that like to read check out the trilogy by. William Forstchen. The 1st of which is 5 Seconds Later which depicts the aftermath of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) Attack which does everything in the Leave the world behind book and movie.

The next 2 books get grimmer and spell out what happens at the end of this movies cliff hanger. It'll give you reason to lose sleep and question how this nation spends its money.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Robert Rodriquez does a Christopher Nolan Movie
21 November 2023
My friend and I were looking for something to watch and we stumbled upon the trailer for Hypnotic. We figured Ben Affleck check Robert Rodriquez check.

If your into a Sci-Fi , mystery, thriller that has elements of Invention, Tenet, and Memento then Hypnotic is definitely worth your time.

Clocking in at just over 90 minutes it'll keep you intrigued in a thrill ride trying to figure out how it ends.

Ben Affleck puts in a strong performance as the lead William Fichtner solid as the foil.

Robert Rodriquez did great directing and cowriting this sci-fi screenplay. I hope that he does more in this genre.
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If your not a fan of video game don't waste your time.
3 November 2023
Let me preface by saying I'm a fan of the horror genre, and have been watching "Scary " movies for over 45 years.

My 26 yr old daughter and I have been going to watch Horror movies since she was 14. When we went to see the New Exorcist we saw the trailer for Five Nights at Freddie's.

I was immediately psyched. Her and I were like a Demonic Chuck e Cheese from Blumhouse. We we're extremely disappointed. If it was worse perhaps it could've been funny.

I gave it a 4 purely for the Animatronic characters and premise. Otherwise the script was horrible. Some reviewers claim the rating of PG - 13 doomed the movie. More blood and gore would've saved it. Wrong a better script would've.

2 better PG-13 movies this year we're Megan and the Conjuring. Better storytelling. In fact let's talk about what is scary? Not jump scares that's a cheap trick perhaps used once or twice. Suspense, the Unknown, tension these elements cause fear.

For the younger or less knowledgeable fans of the genre watch "Night of the Living Dead", " Alien", even "Signs". Great scripts and stories and low on gore and violence all SCARY.
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It could've be shorter
21 October 2023
Let me preface my review with this: I'm a fan of history, I'm 1/2 Cherokee and Love the films of Scorcese, DiCaprio , and Dinero.

This movie I'll rate in 2 parts. The first 1 1/2 and the last 2 hrs. Part 1 a 7. Part 2 a 9. For the love love of us that still go to the movies and those that invest in them, either bring back the Intermission or trim some fat to save for the directors cut release.

Without a doubt 30-45 minutes could've been trimmed from the 1st half. It created the mood, planted seeds for the 2nd half, but definitely too long.

There were only 24 people in the theater. Half of those like myself were there alone.

I'm sure more people would view if this and other epics were shorter or there was an intermission. I'm sure the theater operators would appreciate the additional concessions revenue.
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Good but not great
12 October 2023
Ok I definitely give the team that made this an A for originality. So far this is the 2nd best horror movie I've seen this year if you include Meagan.

The reviews that say gorefest or I couldn't sleep at night IMHO are over blown. Perhaps my expectations were set high because of the hype but it's definitely worth seeing. I thought it was a lot better than the new Exorcist movie. Perhaps on Par with Talk to Me.

I just like my demonic / possession movies to be creepier. I would've liked the past experiences of the woman "Cleanser" to be portrayed to add to the narrative.

Anyway in the Precredits the Shudder and IFC Logos were shown so if this little movie from Argentina doesn't find its way to your local theater perhaps it'll be streamed.
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Palmer (2021)
Palmer an unexpected gem
17 September 2023
What an unexpected gem. Ever since the Social Network or his appearances on Saturday Night Live I just knew Justin Timberlake was more than a singer and dancer.

It's really hard to believe that with the amount of social issues that Palmer covered in a realistic way that it wasn't nominated and win major awards.

The script was awesome. Many of these issues were covered in other tv shows and movies, but not so adeptly. So without a doubt it should've been nominated for best original screenplay.

Fisher Steven's for getting what he did from a child actor in their debut performance a best director nod.

Juno Temple a best supporting actress nod and, yes JT a best actor nod.

I have know idea how Palmer flew under the radar but my girlfriend and I are glad that we found it.

We look forward to other work from the writer and seeing JT acting again.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
SciFi Epic
16 September 2023
I totally understand that long format story telling wether it be Novels or Video are not everyone's cup of tea. That's fine different strokes for different folks. Most epics like Invasion are Character driven, much like Stephen King's "The Stand". The same could be said of Invasion.

The writers and creators pull pieces from SciFi classics in my opinion paying homage to them: Aliens, The Thing, War of the Worlds, Signs, A Quite Place, etc...crafting a tense atmosphere for this story to live in.

Some stories are not made to be played out in 2-3 hr movies with excessive amounts of CGI and explosions.

Approach Invasion like a great novel. Savor every page while eagerly awaiting what the next chapter brings.

When viewing content like Invasion Possibly approach consuming it in chunks. I can see how the plot/ character development may turn some off and it losses some of the audience over the course of a week until the next episode.

Otherwise enjoy. I just watched the 1st Season in 3 days and can't wait to start watching season 2.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
A Master Class in Filmmaking
22 July 2023
I went to the 10:45PM showing in IMAX and was surprised that it was nearly sold out.

I was delighted to see that there were people of various ages there eagerly awaiting Nolan's latest.

Within 20 min I knew I was watching an instant classic. I felt much the same way when I viewed Momento over 20 years ago.

Oppenheimer has set the bar for storytelling of historical figures and events. Personally I was always drawn to the story of The Manhattan Project and the potential horrors of its aftermath.

At times I was in awe, laughed, learned, and boarded on tears.

Everyone in attendance was there because of Mr Nolan , their familiarity with the subject matter or both. I hope this film reaches a wide audience in a summer filled with Barbie and Mission Impossible.

When Oppenheimer was over the majority of the Audience clapped and left the theater in a manner I haven't noticed since Schindlers List.

I sat in my car and just thought. Yes this movie will compel you to think.

Robert Downey reminds us that he truly is a great actor. He'll get a supporting actor nomination. Mr Murphy Best actor.

Oppenheimer will get nods for Best director, adapted screenplay, cinematography, sound design, editing and YES Best Picture.

Kudos Mr Nolan the bar has been set.
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1883 (2021–2022)
A Homerun for Taylor Sheridan
31 May 2023
To preface this review. Yes I am a fan of Mr Sheridan's work. He has totally outdone himself and set the bar high for a mini series.

This show reminds of Lonesome Dove, and Dances with Wolves. It's shot as a movie. It has the look and feel of a big screen epic.

I look at it as a 10 part movie. Sam Elliot does what he's been doing for the last 40 years, but puts in a performance for the ages.

I had my doubts about Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. After a couple of episodes few other actors could've pulled this off. The way they look at each other and convey thoughts and emotions make every scene they're in so believable.

Then there's the true star, the narrator of this journey Isabel May.

All I can say is when the final credits rolled my family was left in awe. No disrespect to 1923 or Yellowstone but 1883 was truly a Masterpiece.

Bravo Mr Sheridan.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
Definitely one of the best
12 May 2023
For years I've heard that The Wire was one of the best TV shows ever. While traveling for work with my Roku, and subscription to HBOMAX I figured 20 years later Id give it a try.

Once I started I was as addicted as Bubbles to H high on the Wire. Season 1 was perfection. I watched it in 1 week. When the last episode was over I hesitated for a week before proceeding to season could it sustain the quality?

It could've ended after season 1 and would've went down as the best mini series ever. Fast forward 1 month and Season 4 broke my heart. During several episodes I had tears in my eyes witnessing this human tragedy.

Watching the arc and growth of characters on both sides of the law was compelling.

Now I need to watch Treme and other things created by this team.
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Beef (2023– )
Where's the Beef?
24 April 2023
Let me preface this by saying my GF , and I both love Ali Wong , have seen her perform. We also like Steven Yeun.

There is not one redeeming quality in any of the characters. No humor or drama. Just a mindless waste of time.

We quit after binging five episodes. If you want to watch a show where none of the characters are likable you'd be better off watching a reality show.

Beef is all filler, fat that should've been tossed in the trash.

If you like to watch a good Asian comedy drama give "The Fabulous Filipino Brothers " a shot. Less time needed , lots more laughs and a true insight into an Asian American family that not "Crazy Rich Asians"
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Good Premise Executed Poorly
7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Can't believe this was actually nominated for Best Picture. " The Menu" was funnier, shorter and made the same points of gluttony, class differences etc...

The writer or director should've watched an episode or 2 of The Twilight Zone on hints to make the Surprise last 15 minutes longer and more ironic for the remainder of the survivors. (How about after a possible YA YA murder & more suffering they find Captain Woody and the others living it up at the Resort.)

Also the sea sickness scene was way over drawn and excessively gross.

What a waste of time. Hopefully my last 3 films on my best picture list will prove more worthy.(Women Talking, Fablemens & Banshees)
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