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Fantastic Music and light show, this one will fill your senses and rock your world.
13 August 2010
So I've been a fan of Edgar Wright since his first film Shaun Of The Dead. It's one of the funniest films I've ever seen and it's one of my favorite films of all time. I always love watching this movie.

Hot Fuzz came out in 2007 and for some reason despite how much I loved Shaun Of The Dead I never saw either in theaters. I saw a huge poster for Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World a couple weeks ago after coming out of seeing Inception. I personally like Michael Cera and decided to look at it for a sec. I noticed that Edgar Wright's name was in the "Directed By" spot and that was that. I was seeing this film day one if I could. Well I just got back from a midnight showing. How's that for not missing out?

I saw a trailer for this the first time this afternoon oddly enough (August 12). The trailer looked awesome and I HAD to see it tonight.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is the ultimate boss of all nerd movies. There is no beating this one. Edgar Wright once again brought fantastic comedy writing to his newest film that his first two had. If you didn't like the comedy of those films, you probably won't here either. But then again you're an idiot go watch Epic Movie.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is about the titular character finding a complete hottie named Ramona Flowers played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead. He wants her and goes for it. Unfortunately for him she has 7 evil ex's who are in an Evil Ex's League. Scott has to fight and defeat them all if he wants to win and keep the heart of his lovely Ramona.

This film is insane. The nerdgasms come at you along with the laughs one after another. There's no stopping them. If you have played videos games or have any type of understanding of them in almost any form, then this movie shouldn't be too hard to follow. Characters fight in crazy game like fashion and get points and level up throughout the movie.

Cera is usually known as "that awkward kid" in pretty much everything he's in. That's still here in the beginning however once he finds his purpose as the film goes on that really fades away. The action scenes always show Pilgrim VS someone else in typical fighting game fashion. There's Zelda music played throughout people have hearts and lifebars and seeing as how this film originated from a comic there are a lot of sound effects shown on screen similarly to how they used to do on the old Batman show...but not lame.

This movie is wonderful. Everyone gives a terrific performance and all the villains Pilgrim has to face give over the top awesomeness every second they're in the film. This movie is joy from beginning to end and really entertains front to back.


Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World gets **** stars out of four. Exactly what it deserves. You won't learn anything after watching this, but you'll still love yourself for it either way. I will say that after seeing this, while walking back to my car I realized this film is a reminder as to why I want to even direct movies in the first place. GO SEE IT NOW.
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Pulse (I) (2006)
One of the WORST remakes I've ever seen. :(
4 February 2009
SHOJ!!!!!! Watch the special features and you'll get it. Man this movie is retarded. The ENTIRE FILM with only ONE exception (the scene where the girl talks to the dude outside next to his car) is filmed in some stupid colored lighting. Shows that the DP and director have no real vision for this film and that they just wanted things to look dramatic rather than trying to light it in a way that might highlight the point of the scenes or show any kind of progression for the characters during the film.

And dude...all the hands???? Do we REALLY need a GIGANTIC FACE MADE OF HANDS AND ARMS!?!??!!? What is the freaking point? It's retarded. My friends and I watched this as a B-movie. It was hilarious. There's no way I can take this movie seriously. Sure Ms. Bell is a super hottie and all (:D), but a cute girl does not a good movie make! In fact this film has almost nothing to do with the original Japanese film. Yeah the plot is similar and all but the pacing is made super though an American audience can't sit still and watch the movie or something. The writing on this film is awful (thank you very much Wes Craven), as the characters freak out way more than they need to in order to get the point across. The ending is similar but the original is better in every single way.

Let's look at the part where the person jumps from the tower as the main character turns around to see. In the Japanese version the person is climbing up the tower, everything's normal. It's also a STILL single shot. When they finally jump you look over and HOLY CRAP, they just leaped out. In the American version we have to FOCUS on the death rather than the main character. The camera is MUCH MUCH CLOSER to the person and PANS DOWN watching the person as they fall. This focuses more on the dead person rather than the horrifying circumstance of the death as witnessed by the main character. In the Japanese version we watch the person die as someone seeing it on the street by chance. In the American version they FORCE you to focus on the person dying.....which is pointless, and retarded.

This is just a SINGLE SCENE where this kind of stupid "remaking attitude" comes into play. The entire film is filled with scenes that are similar to the original but much sillier after being redone. Plus, people seem to not only miss the POINT of these original films but also miss the pacing, the actual way that the drama is handled between the characters and the focus (like I mentioned in the last paragraph) is ALWAYS in the wrong place and always for the wrong reasons. There's even a part near the end of the film where the main guy and girl go into a room where this guy taped everything over with red. Well in the original Japanese version of the film they didn't have to cover the ENTIRE ROOM and light everything to look blood red...because they probably thought it'd be stupid...which it is. Anyway, so there's this guy in there who is freaking out. In the original film there's a similar scene (I think, it's been a while since I've seen it) but in that scene he's upset. He's not certifiable. The guy in this version is CRAZY. He goes on and on and EXPLAINS EVERYTHING having to do with though the audience didn't realize what was happening and for some reason ALSO lacked the mental capacity to put ANYTHING they've seen throughout the rest of the film together. The entire scene is pointless from a writing standpoint. There's no reason to explain every single thing in a horror film. In fact the mystery is often what keeps the film scary, not like this movie had either of those qualities in the first place. We once again turn to Wes Craven. HOW oh HOW can you fall so far Wes? The original Hills Have Eyes from the 70's is a GREAT movie, and now you're churning out this fecal surprise? Did you have some contractual obligation to work on this for some reason? Man, get some talent back dude, cuz you've lost it all.

Sadly it's not just THIS remake that does "get it" either. Too many (pretty much ALL of them from the past few years) miss the point, drop the ball, and go left on Awful Avenue straight into Suck City. There's nothing good I can say about this film except that it's REALLY GOOD..........for a laugh...many laughs actually. And that Kristin Bell is a super hottie. Other than that, it's just too funny.

I give this film ZERO stars out of FOUR. And on a B-Movie scale I give this film....oh THREE out of FOUR I guess. It's really quite funny with your buddies, just don't expect anything of quality from it. Why am I still typing anything about this terrible movie? What is wrong with me? Why are you still reading!? Either go watch it, and have a laugh or stay away and don't have a good laugh session.
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Epic Movie (2007)
I hated hated hated hated hated this movie...
3 October 2007
My friends and I watch bad movies all the time. Usually they end up being pretty funny B-movies and are pretty silly. For SOME INSANE reason my friend wanted to see this movie in the theaters. Well after seeing that I vowed to NEVER watch that movie again.

I was at another friend's house one day and they had RENTED this for some reason (I must have some retarded friends or they at least have TERRIBLE tastes in film I least some of the time). One of them wanted to watch it. I ended up having to sit through a majority of it a second time. Well it turns out the second time was the "unrated" version (it just had different takes of the same shots where they said the F-word instead of what they said in the theatrical version of the film). It was no longer. Thank God. It sucks that it wasn't made shorter though because this film is TORTURE to sit though even ONCE.

Up until seeing Epic Movie, the "worst film I had ever seen" title went to a movie my friend showed me one time called "Malibu Beach Vampires". I have seen parts of "Malibu Beach Vampires" since watching Epic Movie and "Malibu Beach Vampires" doesn't look like such a bad movie anymore.

I'm serious, I have NEVER EVER seen a movie that I just absolutely HATED the entire time I was watching it, but THIS is the first. I have disliked movies, I have not been able to stand some movies, but there has NEVER EVER been a film I just completely hated before I saw this film. They try to make everything so wacky and it's just SO BADLY GRASPING for laughs that (when I saw it in theaters) no one was laughing! They think that the more retarded hip hop musical sequences and midgets there are in this movie, the funnier it'll be. Well I'll say it was more and more cliché, stupid, and annoying the more it went on.

The film relies more on parodies than it does a cohesive story or any jokes that are actually supposed to be funny. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer I cannot stand you two. I hate to say it but you two SUCK. Your previous films have been "parody" comedies (if you can even call them comical in ANY WAY) and just recycle previously used jokes. A joke is funny when it's the real thing, not when it's a rip off, generic version of the same joke that was previously told in a better fashion.

Jason and Aaron, I hope that you two never make another film again (even though sadly they ARE making another film) because your movies are unoriginal, generic, filled with horrid acting, reused jokes, and just abominations in the eyes of God and all of his people (which includes the entire human race). I'll say it again, before seeing this movie, I have never EVER just outright HATED a film but Jason and Aaron, your movie SUCKS! I intend to be a filmmaker myself and I can say that the few shorts I've made will entertain people more than this piece of trash.

DO NOT see Epic Movie if you want to keep your soul in one piece. After watching this trash, I feel that a part of me has died and I want my money back for having supported this horrifying abomination. If Jason and Aaron expect me to see their NEXT film, they will have to pay ME because Epic movie was one of the WORST things I've ever witnessed in my life and will be one of those things I will shield my kids away from seeing some day. I hate this film.
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Samuel L Jackson is one bad mofo...
18 August 2006
I went into this film EXPECTING to see a complete B-Grade horror flick and as it turns out, it IS in some respects. The real fact is that the filmmakers KNOW it's corny as a horror film and so they play with it. The funny B-Grade bits are hilarious and the more serious parts are well acted, giving the film the bit of seriousness it needed to make the audience enjoy the film. I HIGHLY enjoyed this film and I hope that you will too. Anyone who gives this movie LESS than a 10 is insane. It was great and if you go into it with an open mind, you'll love it too. :) It was certainly a better film than Snakes on a Train...even if that movie was hilarious too. :P
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One of the first TRULY good video game based films ever!
19 May 2006
OK, I have watched this movie a few times now and each time I cannot help but be just amazed. The incredible fight scenes are over the top, but considering that this is an animated movie....why not? Before I go any further I think I should admit that I have never played through the game and therefore I didn't know anything going into this. I couldn't exactly understand what was going on (which doesn't help, since there's not LOADS of plot in the first place) but if you buy the DVD there is a half hour long feature which goes through all of the events in the game. I also read part of a plot analysis from I only read the history and up to the beginning of the story. This helped out tremendously. Just knowing the past of this world REALLY helps you to understand the story of the film.

Before I had ever seen this film, I had been coming up with my own film that I would really like to direct myself someday. One was an intense action film. Of course everything in FFVII:AC was the EXACT kind of crazy action I was looking for. I had these images in my head and FFVII:AC brought this kind of style to life. The fighting is extremely well choreographed. The fights are fun to watch and the action is very interesting. If you like video games AT ALL, or if you are, well.....a guy you will love the crazy action sequences in this film! The film is lighthearted even though the fate of the world rests on the characters shoulders. It's really a TRULY great action film if nothing else. But on it's best level it's really a moving film which I will be watching for MANY years to come!! :D
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