
44 Reviews
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Flora and Son (2023)
Too crude and profane - but enjoyable
27 May 2024
The film has all the hallmarks you'd expect of a John Carney production - humour, music, human connection etc.

What was unexpected, and completely unnecessary, was the lewdness and profane language.

The 'C' word was used on more than one occasion and there was a very graphic conversation about oral sex.

I'm no prude - there's a place for all that depending on what you're watching - but i felt it completely detracted from the movie itself.

I can't think why Carney decided it was a good idea to include this - particularly as all his other work has nowhere near that level of profanity.

I would normally recommend his films to family or friends - but not this one - just because of what i've already stated.

I'd have happily given this movie an 8 or 9 - but it's a 7 today.
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11 March 2023
I love a charming British feel-good film - but this misses the mark. It's beautiful to watch - the locations and the period settings are wonderful, but the story, script and dialogue just don't do the film justice.

It appears to lose its way quite a bit and the main character started to become a bit of an irritant if I'm honest.

There's been quite a bit of money spent on this movie - and I genuinely ask myself 'do these people not read the scripts' ?

It almost seems like they've set out to make a 'charming' British movie and attempted to build a story round that rather than the other way about.

It's an inoffensive watch but i was left wondering what the point of it all was.
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Ondine (2009)
Better than Banshees
14 January 2023
I checked this out after watching Banshees of Inisheren and I wasn't disappointed. Although Farrell's acting in Banshees is superb, the storyline lets it down with its eventual ridiculousness whereas Neil Jordan presents us with a wonderful script, scenery and gets the best out of all the cast.

Farrell, once again, plays another pitiful character - a fisherman and recovering alcoholic who finds a 'selkie' in his net one day.

I've a particular fondness and connection to this kind of mythology. Being Scottish, being brought up with these tales and passing them on to my young daughter in her bedtime stories was wonderful. So, it was great to have a selkie story told to me in the form of this movie.

There is no pretense with this movie. It's fantastically shot and our selkie is presented as the stunning and beautiful actress Alicja Bachleda- who I'd never seen before or since.

Im genuinely confused by anyone would vote this movie less than 7. Although if you were brought up on a diet of Marvel Universe characters then, yes, it's likely not for you.

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Jerry Maguire (1996)
Bridget Jones before she was Bridget
6 November 2022
I don't know whether I liked this movie for what it was , or because of Renee Zellweger's character reminding me so much of the part she played in Bridget Jones's Diary.

The only difference is that she plays this part with an American accent- other than that she's the same goofy, funny, hopeless but delightful Bridget that captured our hearts in the early 2000's.

There is no doubt in my mind that the creators of BJD must have saw this movie and said - 'that's our Bridget Jones right there'

The movie itself is a fun romp- it moves really fast and there are parts that I didn't fully get - mainly because I don't know anything about sports promotion - but you certainly won't be bored as the dialogue is slick and fast.

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Pleasant watch with an important message
6 November 2022
The premise of this film is great, and it's a very inoffensive and sweet film to watch.

I do feel it's let down by the script in that the dialogue between characters can be quite flat -there's just not enough chemistry or laughs to give it a stronger score.

I didn't get 'carried along' with the movie in the way I should have and disengaged more than a few times.

In saying that, the theme and message of the movie made it worth watching and it did have an ending worth waiting for.

I'm never for remakes in the modern era- but it's a movie with a story that's crying out to be told in a way it deserves. An over haul of the script, updated characters this could be great material to work with.

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One by One (2014)
Only if you're down the rabbit hole
25 July 2022
You can view this movie on BrandNewTube as I did.

Ok, the bad stuff first. It's equivalent to a film student movie. Everything let's it down and if it wasn't for its core message it'd get a 1 star Review.

The good stuff is that the theme was scarily prescient for 2014.

If you were one of the few who experienced a full awakening in the spring of 2020 then you will, as I did, appreciate what the writer and director was attempting to convey.

Rick Mayall's appearance doesn't make it any better - he must of done this as a favour i reckon as it could not have been a paying gig; however, the fact he died soon after making it has brought some attention to a film that would likely have never been released at all.

For all the big budget Hollywood conspiracy movies out there - none come as close to this for holding a mirror up to the present moment.
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The Force is not strong in this one
27 May 2022
Mandelorian was great, Book of Bobba - garbage and so is this tbh.

Ewan McGregor hasn't done anything credible in years and he's happy settling for B-movie status.

He's clearly happy to take the pay cheque from Disney and put up with a nonsense script such as this rather than regain any respect by being selective.

Im not going to waste your time explaining how ill conceived and scripted this series is - but it's worth watching just to see some of the worst ham acting you're likely to see.

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Time for a change
24 April 2022
It tries too hard to smart and funny.

This is my least favourite Spidey move - by a big margin.

I re-watched the original Spider-Man with Toby McGuire and everything just clicks with that movie.

I genuinely don't think there's anywhere to go with this MCU incarnation of Spidey - and Holland, although a good actor, can't compete with McGuire's dorkiness.

Time for change.
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Leadbelly (1976)
The ultimate Chain Gang movie
23 January 2022
I love Leadbelly's music; however, this movie not only tries to portray his life but also gives us a glimpse into life for the black community in early 1900,s Deep South I don't think I've seen a movie that captures or evokes so much of the feeling of this particular time. It's breathtaking at times.

Also, if you like movies like Oh Brother and Cool Hand Luke - you're in for a treat. This is the best portrayal of chain gang life I've seen on any film. It's extremely authentic.

Overall the music is superb and the performances are good, maybe sometimes a bit frigid - but that adds to the authenticity somehow.

Highly recommended.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
It wanted to be great
27 December 2021
And it wasn't.

Over the top unsubtle attempt at political satire.

Some relatable moments but ultimately fails.

Shadows of 'The thick of it' if you are a UK viewer, but not in the same league.

The only thing they got right was that those in power are utterly psychotic and self-serving.

But we know that anyway.
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Series 2 goes the same way as all modern productions have.
26 December 2021
Loved the first series. It told some wonderful, heart warming stories in a manner that was true to the period.

The characters and the period setting were wonderful to watch and I applauded this as the makers didn't seem to want to pursue the same tedious agenda that makes all modern tv and advertising a strain to watch.

Now, Season 2 has become unwatchable. That's it - that's all I'm going to say on the matter.
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Moonstruck (1987)
Nice surprise
31 October 2021
Really enjoyed this movie- and I could have watched another hour quite easily.

There's various storylines running through it as well as the main, predictable, one ; however the chat, the pattoire, the banter between all involved is just great to absorb yourself in.

Think. If Scorsese had to do a romcom - this would be it. That and a good dose of Woody Allen thrown in and you'd have Moonstruck.

Loved that mid 80s grubby New York feel too. Probably completely unintentional- but added to the real-ness of the story.
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Cruella (2021)
A whole lotta fun
22 August 2021
Completely unexpected- a journey into the fashion world of London in the 1970s. It's just a blaze of technicolour, haute couture and adventure.

Unbelievable and over the top of course- but if you can let go of that it's a fantastic ride.

Great contemporary soundtrack also.

I genuinely don't understand the neg reviews- it's just a bit of fun for crying out loud!
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Killing Bono (2011)
Great story - good attempt at telling it
18 July 2021
I really enjoyed this movie. I read that the director decided to take more of a comedic approach to telling this story - and there is some humour in there, but I overall it's definitely a drama - and a pretty good one.

The only reason I can think of for the negative reviews is that some people thought it'd be more like the commitments and judges it on that.
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Watchable- but not great
4 July 2021
Guardians 1 had a great blend of humour, music, action and a solid plot.

In this, The humour is fairly flat, the music isn't as good and the plot lacked focus and direction.

There was very little drive in the entire movie- even though there's plenty of action - most of the action scenes didn't have me on the edge of my seat rooting for the good guys.

When I think about it- even the acting was below par - some of the lines delivered appeared amateurish at best.

I didn't think this added any value to the series and I'll be hesitant about watching volume 3 when it arives.
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Soul (2020)
Not a work of genius
16 May 2021
Entirely watcheable, but also forgettable. The animation is, of course, top class but the story presents us with an over complicated after/before life that adds unnecessary confusion to any purpose or meaning of life.

The movie's first 10 minutes is the best - after that the humour and originality begins to dry up.

I was not left with any sort of fulfillment at the entirely predictable and flat ending.
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Catastrophe (2015–2019)
Solid - but no masterpiece
24 April 2021
My wife and I are late to the party with this one- but we've just binged season one and enjoyed it thoroughly.

There are some drawbacks, in particular the unnecessary inclusion of crudeness. Believe me- I'm no prude, and can indulge in obscene vulgarity if required 😀 but it just doesn't add anything to the script here.

Also, the acting - in particular the main female lead, is very good - but it's kind of irritating at the same time, in that every single nuance is calculated and honed to the point that her role is almost overacted. Its hard to describe but It's like she's so desperate to demonstrate how good she is that the viewer ends up watching her every move playing the role rather than just sitting back and enjoying the show for what it is.

I'm maybe being too critical, but other than that it's a fine show which I'll likely watch to it's conclusion.
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Better than the reviews read
18 April 2021
I think this film deserves more credit. The music production and sumptuous set design are wonderful.

Yes, if you are a purist you are entitled to question the judgement of casting, in particular, Gerard Butler in a singing role.

He definitely can't reach the level of a professional that you would hear on stage - however he's not unconvincing either.

If you think of it a bit like casting Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge you'll be fine.

A great nights entertainment for me anyway and I'm glad I watched it.
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Life Is Sweet (1990)
Overacting to a tee
18 April 2021
I genuinely don't understand the amount of positive reviews.

I am familiar with most of these actors but after 40 minutes I had to turn off.

The ridiculous amount of forced acting is cringeworthy- especially from Spall and Horrocks.

None of this feels natural and it is a major turn off.
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Starter for 10 gets 10
11 April 2021
A wonderful nostalgic movie. Set in 1985 - when I was 15 I found this very relatable.

Not an outright comedy as such, but a wonderful film with both a heart and a soul.

The soundtrack is amazing also - especially for any Cure fans out there.

It is also a riot seeing some very familiar faces on the cusp of their success- James Corden, McCavoy, cumberbatch and the chap who plays Preacher.

The current 6.7 rating nearly had me overlooking it- but I'm so glad I watched it. I cannot understand how this isn't a lot higher. My guess is that if you're not British you may not 'get' a lot of the humour and social commentary- which is bang on btw - and it does it without being patronising to any working class person ( like me).

I will certainly revisit this feel good gem and advise you to also.
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Motherland (I) (2016–2022)
Not as funny as it thinks it is
5 April 2021
Just finished the first season. It passed the time and there were some humorous moments, but not enough to inspire me to watch a second season.

It's also extremely repetitive, and I know that's the life of a busy mum - but all it's doing is padding out a relatively weak script.

I will say that the person playing the main character is a terrific actor and probably the main reason I stuck with it.

I read someone's review as this having filled their Peep Show hole. This show, although not the worst, could not hold a candle to Peep Show and bears no similarity that I can see.
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Still stands up
4 April 2021
Hadn't seen it in the 30 years (can't believe I'm typing this) since it's release.

This film is still fantastic entertainment. Even though directed by Alan Parker, who was already an accomplished filmmaker, I genuinely love how much of it feels unpolished and unscripted- because that's what gives this movie its charm and appeal.

The soundtrack, of course, is fantastic and the musical performances exceptional.

A great feel good movie that is sure to get you rocking in your seat.
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The Dig (2021)
Great poignant movie but....
28 March 2021
Beautifully acted with pathos, intellect and emotion.

I do feel there was one major flaw- the beauty of the horde is never really fully shown to the viewer.

I've seen it at the British Museum several times- but most viewers won't have, and the impact of this find may be lost on them. The Sutton Hoo helmet is one of the most iconic finds in the history of archeology- and it doesn't feature.

It's like making a movie about Howard Carter and not showing the golden burial mask of Tutankhamen - crazy.

Some may argue this movie is entirely about the characters - fine, but I desperately wanted to feel the moment when these beautiful artifacts were held and seen for the first time and it didn't truly deliver on that point.
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This is not Spidey
27 March 2021
I'm a traditionalist when it comes to Spidey - and this Spider-Man does not speak for me.

'Nuff said.
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Still Worth watching in 2021
21 March 2021
I was 14 in 1984 and this film didn't really grab me back then; however, as an adult now I decided to revisit it and thoroughly enjoyed it. First off - it's not a comedy. There some humorous moments that work and some that definitely don't work. Where the film really hits the mark is when we begin to see the background from which these 5 kids come. Initially we are presented with them as being poles apart in terms of their academic achievements, physical abilities or artistic talents but as the movie progresses each character reveals a bit more about their relationship with their parents - and how they themselves are affected by either their parents expectations of them or their parents maltreatment of them. The film really comes together when they begin to realise that they all share this common theme.

Looking at it through a 21st century lens, and given the characters are schoolchildren- some of the script can be uncomfortable to listen to and watch, and would certainly not even be considered if it were made now, but If you understand that it was 1984- and we thought quite differently then, you will definitely come away with a very positive experience from having watched this.
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