
13 Reviews
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Peter Gunn (1989 TV Movie)
Watch something else
4 March 2006
The best thing about this is the theme music if nothing else it lets you know the film has finally ended. The film looks to me like they are trying (to hard) to be funny and cool. The ex-cop, nightclub owner and gumshoe all rolled into one theme is badly represented here. Complete with mafia bosses sending the "muscle" to say lines like "Come on, let's take a ride".

This genre is great if it's done well - Philip Marlowe or Sam Spade for example - but here it's like pulling teeth. And at the same time listening to the poor jokes (if you can call them that) all the way through. This cost me 97p on DVD, it's the only reason I watched it all the way through, I want my 97p back, I'll pay the postage you can this for free.
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Oh no, not again.
22 October 2004
I am not a fan of putting Shakespeare's language into a modern setting. I didn't like the modern Romeo&J, however, I did like Kurosawa's version of King Lear because he didn't use the olde language. I have been watching this version for over an hour now and I have been moderately interested in it but mostly bored. I have no knowledge of the play itself, this film has just made me think that I would like to see the play in it's original form, for this version is too confusing and boring. I like the way Hindi has been spliced into the dialogue. The film does not hold itself up. Not knowing the original story is a problem because this version does make it all confusing. If you are the same then don't start with this one. I would say this version is for those arty people who know what they are talking about and are able to judge scene by scene how this director has managed to interpret the original play.
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AS IF you need (or read) all these comments.
23 April 2004
This film is to be viewed with tolerance - grumpy or those people who think all samurai films are serious: NEED not apply.

KNOW that it is a humorous film.

KNOW that there are quirky musical/dance sections.

KNOW that when you think "ah this might be a flashback scene" IT IS NOT. The flashback scenes are very obviously introduced by for example a character telling a story of their past..or staring into the distance in deep thought about their past.

KNOW that the translating in the subtitles is not accurate at times, which will not spoil your enjoyment of the film it will just mean that you don't laugh when you should, and you do laugh when you shouldn't AND most importantly You will be confused (or have the wrong interpretation) of the ending.

Everyone is different, my vote 7/10
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been there done that
15 April 2004
I don't really know why this film was made. It says nothing that hasn't already been done before. Yes the blood and gore is there and I'm not aware of a previous film on this subject that had as much blood as this one. But the plot is nothing new. People shouting from the roof tops that this film is brilliant or that this film should be banned for anti-semitism, both groups of people need to calm down.

The story told is one of two or three versions of the story of Christ, the big question is who WAS responsible for Jesus' arrest and death? Well I'm no religious scholar but I've always thought that it was either the Romans, OR it was the Jews, OR it was Jesus himself. The truth of it is that it was probably a combination of all three. But to my knowledge no-one really knows the truth. The version given in the film is a combination of all three, however, the Jews are given the largest slice of the "responsibility cake".

There have been good films on this subject allready released, one of my favourites is "The last temptation of christ". People only seem to think 'Passion' is brilliant because there is loads of blood so that somehow makes the film brilliant.

The Language of the film was good, but, the western european/ACtors that were used were not good, I didn't realise Jesus was white/european appearance, blue eyed had perfect white teeth that any american dentist would be proud of. What is the point of trying to be realistic in language but not in looks? The cast of 'Passion' are all italians (fine for the romans) or Romanian/Bulgarian.

You know what I saw in the cinema last night? Watching this film, all around me was a packed cinema, and at least half of those people were sitting there watching this film eating popcorn and drinking Pepsi. So that is what we have come to? 2004 years after this event took place and we still view it as entertainment, just like the crowds of people who cheered and laughed in the film - as Jesus was flailed carrying his cross. my score 6/10 nothing new.
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28 Days Later (2002)
Never know what to write here
18 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Most people are giving this one 8/10, and for good reason too, I also gave it 8/10. What you have to realise that although there are small plot holes, and it has been done on a low budget, and it is a bit cheesy in places, sort of B-movie type stuff, you have to appreciate that it is a well told story, it is fairly original, and it uses unorthodox camera techniques, it is funny in places and most importantly it is british.

I found it a little bloody, but not too too much. If you are prone to jumping, this one will make you jump, I don't jump and this one nearly got me to jump.

All in all a good film.

Plot holes ** possible spoiler ahead **

I found that the idea of a rage virus was a great idea but why wouldn't the infected just fight each other to death? There are numerous scenes where the infected just seem to be concerned about uninfected people, and they congregate in groups. Also in the beginning, they 'walk' around London surely it would be far far safer to travel by car. It was a pity Mark had to die so soon, but this I suppose was to make it clear that there was to be no mercy and you only have a few seconds to kill a newly infected.
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11 April 2002
Hollywood rubbish at it's best. Unless you yourself are a braindead zombie don't bother with this one. You have to wonder what sort of sicko's write and make this stuff, then what sort of sicko's watch this stuff, then what sort of sicko's are being influenced into becoming sicko's by watching this stuff. I was amazed to see a mother and child (12year old boy) coming out of this film. She was one of our countries less intellegent breed of people, the sort which should't be allowed to have children.

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very bad film
3 April 2002
I am not one for writing reviews, But I do when a film is particularly bad or good imho.

This one was particularly bad, it is a "gung ho" "america rules the world" "america saves the world" type of film. It does not address the true causes of the Vietnam war: The western world ignoring president Diem's brutal facshist dictatorship and most importantly the US support of the dictator. Leading to the South Viet Cong formation and fight for freedom against a brutal government. The US supplying forces to help the Dictator, Diem. Then the Coup of 1963, leading to the assassination of Diem. By now the US government run by Kennedy began to sit up and take notice, Kennedy knew these people were oppressed and as a result of the coup he was going to pull all his troops out of Vietnam and let them get on with it. But the US generals who wanted a war decided then to assassinate Kennedy on the day before Kennedy's announcement to the nation that he was going to withdraw from Vietnam. He was replaced by Johnson who declared to the nation the exact opposite that he would be sending more troops to South Vietnam.

It was as usual the USA who caused this war, the vietnamese were fighting for freedom in their own country. So when I hear lines in this film like "Lord forgive our enemies heathen prayers and let us blow them all to hell" and "the spread of communism must be wiped out" I just get annoyed that people watching this film are not being told the truth about why this all happened in the first place. And just exactly what is wrong with being Buddhist?

Also on top of that the film is NOT entertaining (because it is a graphic/explicit film about a brutal battle). It is NOT educational (because it based on a lie and deception). It serves very little purpose (it does touch on the futility of war but not enough) It is very badly scripted, with some really corny lines. It is very boring for a lot of the time. The "stepford wives" of the soldiers are also so pathetic.

This film is definately "walk out" material, but I don't walk out of films cos I want to see the whole tragic thing so I can offer other people my views on it. If you go to see this one and you feel like walking out, trust me you will not miss anything important you will only miss more of the same.

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Romance (1999)
3 March 2002
I rarely write a comment for a film, I usually just put a vote in, but there are a few films which I feel people need to be told about, this is one of those films.

This film is boring beyond belief, it is worse even than what I term "a typical french film" (atff). Atff is one where nothing really happens, e.g. family go on holiday to their summer house, everyone has lunch, father is divorced or a widower and has new girlfriend not much older than daughter, daughter has to get used to it, end of film, FIN.

Atff is at least interesting to watch, as a "slice of life", however, Romance is worse it is totally devoid of reality. the characters are cardboard cutouts from a cornflakes box. There is no story except girl is bored sexually, girl finds sex elsewhere.

The scenes of the couple in bed in their white room are painfully slow, (as with the rest of the film) boyfriend has a tiny dick that she tries (not very hard) to get into her mouth with no success. Then there is Rocco's donkey dick and a ten minute boring lecture about how most men can't get it up. Well faced with this boring girl most men would find it difficult. Then we have the silly bondage scenes which drag on and on and on, with the fumbling headmaster with his rope and handcuffs.

If you want porn buy a porno, the porn here is boring and silly.

A film has to be able to give you something to warrant a score of 2/10 this film gives you nothing except an uncomfortable seat. If there was a score of zero this film would have it, but, the lowest score available is 1/10 so that will have to do.

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I never Know what to put here??
31 October 2001
I have read the last ten reviews of this film and I think there is one or two that said it was good and/or worth watching. I can agree with what basically everyone else is saying. It starts off well, but quickly enters the "laughing at the film" genre rather than the "laughing with the film and being genuinely scared" genre...leaves a lot to be desired.

A couple of niggles to give you an idea. The truck hits the back of the car ( serious damage you might think) - cut to the camera shot showing the car from behind swerving all over the road - Look! the car is un damaged and repeat three times...( I mean the film then shows exactly the same footage of truck hitting rear of car and then rear of car swerving - undamaged ) car subsequently smashes through a farm fence and into a field, resultant damage to car, is one broken headlamp lense.

Then from the field they decide to go back to the church. The sun is starting to set in the sky... they arrive at the church five minutes later in the middle of the afternoon with the sun high in the sky!

As for a lot of people saying it has a good ending, well I'm sorry I must have missed it, for me it was quite predictable and hardly inspiring. What's this about it being the scariest movie in ten years?(on the trailer) and the name dropping of Francis Ford Coppola, he was only an executive producer - which means he got paid a lot of money just so they could put his name in the titles and use his name in the trailer.

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Enigma (2001)
10 October 2001
And this Movie is definitely worth seeing. It's so nice to go to these cinema factories and be treated with a good film, rather than the tripe which always comes out of Hollywood.

Enigma is a quirky, happy go lucky film about codebreakers during the war, with a bit of espionage and a bit of romance, in just the right proportions. Go and see it, it is not too taxing on the brain really as someone else here said, it is certainly not mind numbingly boring Hollywood fodder.
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Art attack
19 September 2001
This movie if seen by most movie goers will be thought of as awful, boring, with a few funny bits. If seen by People who like surreal art movies, will be thought of as Funny, and well done.

If "men were weeping" it probably was because they had to sit through it. I never walk out on a film but this film was "walk out" material.

For those of you who have seen it compared with "Crouching Tiger..." I can assure you there is no similarity whatsoever except that it has subtitles. Don't go expecting another "crouching Tiger.." you will be doubly disappointed.
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Hollywood strikes again
19 September 2001
This was so poor, not a scratch on the original. I have really come to expect this from Hollywood, they have so much money but they can hardly ever make a decent film. The script was pathetic, but what can we expect from these "America saves the world" type films.
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A few brief words:
4 February 2001
I came upon this film by accident, I looked for it on video, someone offered me a second generation copy for US$80! No thanks, then by magic it came up on digital TV in the UK, 3 months after I had started to look for it!

I saw the widescreen/subtitled 177 mins version, although it is 3 hours long it is not boring, it keeps your attention throughout. The fight sequences I did not find particularly thrilling except for the monks (they were exceptional). The film is a little too dark, not enough sunshine. The photography is excellent especially given the film was made in '69. You can see the similarity with the modern day "crouching tiger hidden dragon" Ang Lee has said he was inspired by this film. If you ever get a chance to see this make sure you do.
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