
16 Reviews
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Action,Humor,Flynnlike Fun!
6 August 2009
I saw this when it came out. I was a kid,but somethings you never forget. Lee Horsley pulled off a nice job, and sells the English accent quite well for a Texas born guy. Talon: Born leader,born loner. A mercenary that proves chivalry is not quite dead. I have been waiting for the sequel to this for almost 30 years. I can't say this about a lot of films, but I think this will be worth the wait! It totally felt like Errol Flynn passed his sword down to a worthy offspring. The smile,the physical grace, it's all there.When the new sequel hits the theaters my children will be thrilled to see it. They have never had to wait a generation to see a sequel to anything.Enjoy the Sword & the Sorcerer,& remember all sequels to good films don't come out the day after part 1 is on DVD!
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Crime School (1938)
Crime School: Carbon Copy, But Good.
3 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Mayor of Hell blows this 1 out of the water in a lot of ways: 1) Cagney had criminal ties in "HELL", Bogart is a straight guy from the streets in "Crime School",but he has clearly been educated. The 2 films stand the test of time. Leo Gorcey is once again the "Maverick" of the group, just like in "Dead End" & "Angels with Dirty Faces",2 more classics. This film has an excellent drama and acting level. It shows the way politics can literally screw a class of people. I'll take the Dead End kids in any film before I can sit through any Andy Hardy/Rooney yarn. Enjoy this 1. It's a lot of fun. Sadly Bogie does not have a sidekick in this 1 like Cagney did in "Hell". But you won't be let down.
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Legs is a good Flick!!
6 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Good film. Warren Oates does well, and the photography is superb. A Scorsese caliber picture, before the Don of Urbana surfaced!! A well worth watching movie. It has the truth without the shine. It never slows or gets dull. Amazing for a movie with guys that were unknowns @ the time. Although it's a true story,it is depicted like a newsreel from the 30's. You feel like Legs himself.He has a contagious ambition, and he is naive to what new powers exist. He is heartless but always ambitious. His coldness towards others that are on his side amazes anyone. He wants to get ahead sooo bad, and he does. The story never gets dull, and ends with prophecy/look back.
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Frank Nitti: The Enforcer (1988 TV Movie)
Surprisingly Well Done
27 March 2007
I say surprisingly well done because it came to the tube in less than a year after DePalma's Untouchables, which took liberties, but is still a classic. This film is risky for the time it hit television in 1988. It told Nitti's life truthfully. It's a great film...and I recommend it to anyone who likes LaPaglia or the genre!! It has a self destructive character quality: Loyalty was Nitti's downfall. The way he died possibly saved a few lives, starting with his families. Everyone knows Nitti died, but to see how, see the film.It's directed well, but the Capone character comes off like a cartoon. The actor playing Al seems WAY too dependent on Nitti. Well acted by all. Nobody can watch this and be let down.
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A Vintage "Must See"
28 February 2006
I am now 40. I saw this film when I was 12 in Detroit,on a fuzzy channel, and it had yet to be digitally remastered... But I never forgot it. When TCM showed it I made it a point to tape it. I watched while taping, and 28 years later still I was still glued to the screen. It's films like this 1 that Martin Scorsese wants preserved, and with good reason. Top notch acting and directing, a wonderfully dramatic musical score, and fine photography. Muni and Rains click like Astaire's tap shoes in this. There is a great chemistry between the 2. Also the supporting cast does a splendid job holding the background down.I recommend it to anyone who loves the old classics!!
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Carlito's Way (1993)
The Way
20 November 2005
This film is priceless. Possibly because Pacino had an Oscar under his belt before it's release. It contains passionate acting,brilliant writing,and a "Scarface" tongue in cheek from director Brian DePalma...There are 4 people involved with "Scarface" that are involved with THIS film;maybe more. I was totally stunned by my Wife's comment in the theatre after the film when we saw it on it's release week while she was crying and reading the credits at the same time: "Who did Sean Penn play?"

That's how good this film is. A must see for any Pacino/DePalma/Penn/Crime Drama fan. Get the DVD. The "did you know why" clips are priceless.
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Too Much Alcohol
11 November 2004
I have to admit I drink my share of beer. But this short subject is done beautifully. If you drink you will understand this film, if you have friends that drink, they will understand it too. If I didn't know better I would think Rod Serling wrote this gem.

It,in all essence,is a shocker. The photography is simple and adds a great realism. You have to see it from the very beginning. If you don't,you'll think that you are watching a dream sequence from "The Sopranos".Spicy language and Gandolfini's remorse will keep you riveted for the whole 18 minutes. We should have more "wake up" films like "A Whole New Day". It's an inspiration to any young ambitious directors-to-be.
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Cody was Crazy,but Ralph Cotter is Sadistic,understandably
14 May 2002
The killer in this film is the treachery of the supporting actors. I'm not one to endorse crooked cops or domestic violence, but when you see these birds in action, you understand why Cagney rules his roost the way he does.VERY underrated,very fast and colorful. Post "White Heat" and Jimmy STILL has a fresh arsenal 1 year later. A must see with a great death scene.
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Like a crystal Ball.
7 March 2002
To see this movie on the Big Screen(like my Father,his uncles, and my Grandfathers did)would have been a treat. Well,not in my Dad's instance,because when my Dad saw the film on the Screen, it was shortly after Bogart's death and Cagney was already a long since established star.But still a treat nonetheless. Anyway for the Old oldtimers,they had to have the attitude:"This Cagney guy is gonna be around. Can't wait to see him again." Cagney always made his surroundings crackle with anticipation and uncertainty. You never really knew what was gonna happen. Doorway to Hell took risks. Real life gangsters dared Hollywood to make this movie because it hit close to home, for them. It's an interesting film to watch because of the miscasting. A thing William Wellman took note of during the filming of "Public Enemy", and had Cagney and the Lew Ayres clone "switch roles"...because "this Cagney guy has that gutter quality that this story needs to become effective". A must see movie.Especially for the buffs.
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The Truth is always better than fiction.
9 February 2002
It's the kind of movie that could only be this good if you know it's based on a true story. The desparation that is stirred within a patriot,a brother and a son, is bone chilling. Muni is excellent as the man without an answer as to why guilt can be determined by so little proof.Warner Bros. specialized in this type of social awakening, and as brutal and dismal as the story gets,it's a good film and should be viewed.
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Hannibal (2001)
Brutality with acting above board
20 February 2001
Should I feel guilty for possibly feeling sorry for Dr. Lechter?He is portrayed by one of my favorite actors,but he(the Dr.)pulls off some pretty brutal things in this one.He's as evasive and elusive as ever,but this time in a more visible and believable fashion. The updated Starling remains true to her job as an FBI agent, and she fears the Dr. as always if not more. Great cinematography. You have to see this one on the big screen to feel chills.The action sequences are stunning!!
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Take Note!!
19 December 2000
Humphrey Bogart was particularly vicious in this film.Take note of his face when he kills a kid in the trenches,and says in another scene "1 day I'm gonna catch that ape without those stripes on and I'm gonna kick his teeth out"!! Wonderful music,excellent montages(that Francis Coppolla's late son studied for "Cotton Club"'s montages)and a historic correctness that should be included in all Docu-dramas.It's my favorite Cagney/Bogart film.See it and imagine Edward G. playing Nick Brown. My wedding anniversary is 12-31; and I traditionally watch it every year,only on that day!
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19 December 2000
Cagney was tired of playing mugs by this point in his career, but he played this one comically.(Humor is a Cagney trait in any of his roles.) He intentionally had the studio barber put bottle scars on his head just to annoy Hal B. Wallis!!! Ya gotta love that. His attitude towards Warner's was getting worse,understand? He could play a thug like DaVinci could draw a dame named Mona. But in spite of his frustrations with the studio,I personally view this as one of his most memorable performances of the 30s!!
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Karloff and Lugosi: Great Combination!!!!
18 December 2000
Boris and Bela do well together in this film,whether they are against each other, or paddling the same boat.I saw this one in 1972, and just purchased it from Borders this year. This time watching it with my children,I took note of 2 things: It held the attention of a 3, 4 and 5 year old; and I caught a few things I hadn't when I first watched it.Very swift story with an unpredictable end. A must for movie buffs!!!
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A great early talkie choice: CLAUDE RAINS!!
18 December 2000
I understand that egotist Bela Lugosi had first shot at this role,but turned it down because he didn't want to become invisible until the end of the story.Claude Rains delivers the chemist that's doomed to transparency with a rare depth and distinguished voice.You really wanna see the guy make it, even in his mentally altered state caused by the drug monocain. It's a top notch performance by Rains,who is supported by a VERY young Gloria Stuart.

When the talkies were young, the actor's voice sold the story.Don't miss this one!!
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X-Men (2000)
Bryan Singer and the cast stay true to a very original idea!
12 December 2000
Of course there will be a sequel. This is better than any of the "Batman" films, and has a style that isn't too old.A style and message that most people should be in touch with.It says "teamwork". And this gem of a film will be looked back upon for those 2 of many qualities.Take it from a loner with friends and good taste. You CANNOT miss this film.
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