
31 Reviews
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3 November 2003
Being a kid of the 80s I loved Star Wars. I watched the 3 original movies over and over again, and I never got tired of them. Well, tonight I watched Attack of the Clones and it has to be one of the worst films I've seen in a long time.

The acting is really bad. I've seen better acting in Skinemax soft-core porn movies. Natalie Portman and Hayden Christiansen are down right terrible. It's painful to watch them try to act. And Samuel L. Jackson isn't much better, and that's sad because he is a fine actor. Honestly, Christopher Lee, R2D2, and C3PO steal the show. At the end of the movie I was hoping that Christopher Lee would just kill everyone and end Star Wars forever.

The script is bad. I think that's mainly why actors like Samuel L. Jackson and Ewan MacGregor seemed like cardboard cut-outs. The script is held together by amazing special effects, but at times I think the special effects were overdone.

Also there's no depth in any character. No character in the film makes you want to like them accept for Christopher Lee. Like I said...I just wanted Lee to kill them all and end this miserable film.

Natalie Portman looked good in the tight and skimpy white outfit at the end of the movie. Lots of computer generated images and Natalie Portman in skimpy clothing. That's all you need to sell a big Hollywood piece of trash.
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Menacing Experience
3 November 2003

Where shall I begin?

Bad acting.

No plot.

Bad script.

Jar Jar Binks....

I grew up with Star Wars. I loved the original trilogy. This movie makes me want to puke. The entire movie is just a miss-match of junk. There's no coherency in this film what so ever. It's hard to follow and it's boring. And why have we been subjected to Jar Jar? Spare me, please. The light sabre battle at the end of the film was probably the best part of the film, but that's not saying much.
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Armageddon (1998)
Thank God for Hollywood
3 November 2003
What would movie goers do without Hollywood? Films like Armageddon make the movie experience for the viewer to be enjoyable and entertaining. Lots of loud noises, special effects, machine guns, American flags, rednecks, hot girls, and beer. That's what makes a good Hollywood film. Every movie should be just like Armageddon. It's the perfect film. There's really nothing to understand in the film. All you have to do is sit back and watch the mindnumbing trash on the screen. That's all. The script is totally pointless so that's why we have TONS of special effects and really loud explosions and big machine guns. Who cares about what the "characters" have to say. Just have lots and lots of explosions.

In other words this is one of the worst "films" ever made. It's a piece of trash that should be strapped to a rocket and sent to an asteroid in the middle of space.

This "film" has nothing. It has no "characters". It has no "dialoge". It has no "plot". I think if all the actors were replaced with apes it would have been just as effective.
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Bad, Boring, and BLAH!
26 October 2003
I really had high hopes for this one. UFA produced this one, and most ufa films I've seem have been great. And with Emil Jannings I expected much more. But what I got was a bore. I did a crossword puzzle while I watched it. The acting was bad. The story was boring. And the whole movie was just blah. And where was the mummy? I can't believe this movie is considered horror.
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9 September 2003
I have watched this movie so many times it's not funny. One of the best things about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is the marathon of A Christmas Story. Between the two days I will atleast watch it 5 times.

I remember my sister and my mom taking me to the theater to see this back in 83. I loved it then and I love it now. A lot of movies I liked as a child I cannot stand now, but this movie is still a favorite. It's a great little movie. And it wouldn't be Christmas with out it.
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"What have I done?"
9 September 2003
I watched this movie a couple of weeks ago on TCM. When I sat down to watch it I had no idea what to expect. The openings scene with the troops marching and whistling was confusing at first but then everything fell into place. I have noticed that many people seemed to think the film was too long. But for some reason I don't think the film would have worked if it was chopped in half. For about an hour of the movie it is just British troops toiling in a Japanese prison camp, while Alec Guinness is caged in a box. That hour of the film set everything else up and everything fell into place.

I doubt a movie like The Bridge on the River Kwai could ever be made again. If viewers don't see sex and explosions in the first 45 minutes people get bored. If this movie was released in 2003 it would be a major box office blunder. This movie really shows how cinema has changed in 40some years. Too bad movies like this can't be made today.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
This film should be at the bottom of Pearl Harbor
8 July 2003
Wow. Where to begin? When I sat down to watch this movie I didn't know what to expect. I thought it would be halfway decent at best. Well, I was wrong. Way wrong. The movie is so long and drawn out it's terrible. You just sit there and think to yourself, "why am I watching this and why should I care about what's going on?" There is NO plot that's worth while and NO depth to the characters. It's just a bunch of Hollywood garbage. The love story and the war were not tied together enough. Actually, they weren't tied together at all. It was like there were two stories going on at once that have nothing to do with each other. The movie is called Pearl Harbor, but it wasn't about Pearl Harbor, it was about a romance that has no depth. Blah. Boring. The only decent scene is when the ships are being blown apart. Wonderful. And I love how Hollywood film makers add in garbage to spice things up. Like the dog fight with the American planes and the Zero's. That never happened. Atleast make something that's SOMEWHAT historically accurate. No history No story. No depth. No plot. Gotta love the special effects, though! BOOM! BANG! POW! Watch everything explode.

This is one of the worst movies ever filmed. It's one example that Hollywood would do anything to the public in order to sucker them in to make a buck. This is Hollywood garbage at it's finest.
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Great "Movie"
2 June 2003
The first mistake viewers make when they watch this movie is they treat it like a "movie". The Blair Witch Project is a movie but it wasn't filmed as a movie. It was filmed as live footage. It's a mocumentary.

Everytime this movie comes up in conversation people say the acting was bad, it was in black and white, the cinematography was non existant, you never saw the witch, and so on and so on. If any of those elements were different the movie wouldn't have been what it was supposed to be about. It would have ruined the entire production. The actors weren't actors. The shakey filming made the film seen more amateur. And you never saw the witch because how could you? The students filming the documentary had no idea what was after them. How could you know more than they knew? You watched the film through their eyes. There was no second or third party in this film. You only saw what they saw and that's it.

If there was a script, you saw the witch, and the film looked professional it would have been completely pointless.

This is a great little film. But no one watches it the way it was intended.
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Visually Stunning
1 June 2003
2001 and is not about dialogue and that's why many people say it's boring. There is enough dialogue to hold the story together and that's it. But the story line of 2001 is told through visual effects and scores by classical composers.

This film also contains some of the greatest moments in cinematic history. when the ape-man learns to use the bone as a tool, and when ape-man tosses the bone into the air and when it comes tumbling down it turns into a space station. But there are other scenes within the film that are absolutely amazing, too.

The characters in the film lack complexity except for HAL. The computer is the only character that you can actually develop feelings for. All of the other characters are one dimentional, which they are supposed to be.

It took Kubric 5 years to make this movie and you can tell. It's a masterpiece.
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Good stuff
25 May 2003
The Gold Diggers of 1933 is a great pre-code film with Joan Blondell, Dick Powell, and Ginger Rogers. The plot of the film is predictable and cliche, but the cast, director, and music scores add new life to an old theme. Aline MacMahon and Joan Blondell add great witty comic flare to the film. It's always interesting to watch pre-code films and the roles women played in them.
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Three's Company (1976–1984)
TV at it's finest
12 May 2003
Three's Company is one of the few shows out there that always had the same plot but it always worked. No matter what happens there's always a big misunderstanding and everything gets screwed up, but in the end everything works out.

What made the show work was it's excellent cast. Each and every character played a unique role that added to the mess which they have gotten themselves into. Jack, Janet, Chrissy, or Terri and Cindy always got themselves into something, and then the Ropers, Furley, Larry, or Lana always managed to make things worse by trying to make things better.

Three's Company was a ridiculous show with great underlying humor. This show is a true classic. One of the best sitcoms to ever air on television.
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Charles in Charge (1984–1990)
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!!!
10 March 2003
I am a child of the 80s and I grew up watching Charles in Charge. I never really liked it then but for some reason I watched it. I guess I watched it to drool over Jami Powell. So right now it's 4:30 am and I am watching it on Nick @ Nite. Thank god it's only on at 4:30.

Charles in Charge is soooooo moronic, predictable, and stupid. I think the script was written by 5th grade special ed students. And Buddy Lembeck has to be one of the most irritating characters to ever be on television.

If you can't sleep just turn on Nick @ Nite watch Charles in Charge. It will bore you to death.
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The Golden Girls (1985–1992)
Saturday Night Special
9 February 2003
Growing up in the 80s the Golden Girls was one my favorite shows. I loved it then and I love watching it on Lifetime now. The Golden Girls was such a great show. Four older women living and coming to grips with the 80s and 90s. This show covered different social problems such as teen pregnancy, aids, and divorce. It was a classic show that defined an era. The show also made each character individual. You got to know Rose, Dorothy, Blanche, and Sofia. You wanted to hear about St. Olaf and Sicily, stories of Sofia and Sal in Brooklyn. You even enjoyed Stan coming over and pestering everyone. And what about Dr Harry Weston and Dreyfuss? They really don't make them like this anymore. The Golden Girls is a true classic sitcom. Probably one of the best.
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Family Ties (1982–1989)
31 January 2003
Family Ties is a true sitcom classic. Someone else mentioned that Family Ties was the All in the Family of the 80s. Family Ties was the reverse of All in the Family as far as character roles go. The children were the conservatives and the parents were the liberals. The only time Alex changed his conservative Republican views was to impress a girl (womens rights, art, and acting). Family Ties was a well balanced show, and each character, no matter if it was Alex or Skippy, all "tied" the show together. There are a lot of shows out there that might give you more laughs, but Family Ties is a show that I will hold close to my heart forever. Family Ties was about more than just the laughs. And it was the only show that brought tears so my eyes on the series finale.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Great Stuff
20 January 2003
I started watching this show a couple of years ago. I loved it when I first watched it and I love it now. And it seems when you watch reruns the show just gets funnier. Larry David is an absolute mess. He is painful to watch. Sometimes I have to cover my eyes he is so painful, but he is a riot! This is the funniest show on tv by far. It's kind of sad that you have to lump CYE with other comedies that are on tv now because they are trash.

"Mommy, Mommy! The bald man is in the bathroom and there's something hard in his pants!"
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Landspeed: CKY (1999 Video)
29 December 2002
I never knew the Acme parking lot could be so much fun. Getting in a shopping cart and having it pushed into a curb while you fly into the bushes. I saw this movie last night and really couldn't believe what I was watching. Some of it was really stupid and some of it was hilarious.
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Perfect Strangers (1986–1993)
21 December 2002
This was a pretty good show. I used to watch it every friday night. It wasn't a great show but it was fun and amusing. It was something that I always looked forward to watching. Nick at Nite or Tvland should play this show on a regular basis. The only dislike I have about Perfect Strangers is what spunoff from it: Family Matters. That was such a terrible show. Harriet Winslow should have stayed on Perfect Strangers.
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Square Pegs (1982–1983)
21 December 2002
I never watched this show when it was on and I had never seen a rerun of it, but I had always heard stuff about it. Well, tonight TvLand has been running a marathon of christmas shows and they finally played an episode of Square Pegs. I always thought the show would be absolutely horrible but it really wasn't that bad. I enjoyed it. Tvland should show it more often. I'd love to watch it again.
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People don't know what they are missing.
16 December 2002
I couldn't get anyone to go to the theater with my to watch this movie. A friend told me it was good, but when I asked other people to see they heard so many people say it was horrible and they wouldn't go. Well, I went by myself, and I sat through that movie and was truly amazed. This movie had a wonderful story line, the cinematography was amazing, it reminded me of old kung fu movies but 100 times better. Most people don't want to accept and they don't want to use their imagination. This movie requires you to do both. Most people want a movie served to them on a plate and you see what you get. Probably the people that dislike this movie think Pearl Harbor was a masterpiece.
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Archie Bunker's Place (1979–1983)
Not All in the Family
16 December 2002
This show never measured up to All in the Family. I was too young to really remember this show, but I have been watching it in TVland. It' not bad, but you can really see the Archie's jokes coming a mile away. I think this show lacked the emotion that All in the Family had. Archie's Place became your basic sitcom and it didn't have anything that really set it off from anything else. It had it's moments, though. But I think Murray Klein (Martin Balsam) was the best character on the show.
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The Red Green Show (1991–2006)
Canadian humor???
9 December 2002
I have watched this show off and on for a good while now and to be quite honest I forgot about it until lastnight. My friend and I attempted to watch it but we couldn't. This show is really bad. It's one of the worst I have ever seen in my life. There is nothing funny about it. It's just really stupid and moronic and it isn't funny. PBS airs it late on saturday night and they have been for years. I can't figure out who watches it. I have never met a single person that thinks it's funny. I am just glad it's on at like 2 am so no one has to watch it. It gives Canada a bad name. I like a lot of Canadian shows but this is just trash.
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Bad Movie
15 August 2002
I am watching this movie right now. It's terrible. The script is ridiculous. Oliver Platt is pathetic. Platt's character kills men and then says, "I love my job"...or something like that. I graduated with a degree in history and I took a class on Richelieu....Richelieu wasn't the greatest guy in the world but this movie puts him in the same ranks as Hitler. Bad movie! Don't waste your time!
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The greatest Western ever!
20 January 2002
I have been watching this movie ever since I can remember. I grew up watching Clint Eastwood Westerns on local UHF channels back in the early 80s. This movie, though, is a masterpiece. All of the characters are great, the music is outstanding, and the cinematography is great. The showdown at the end of the movie was great. And when Tuco is running around the cemetery looking for Arch Stanton's grave. Three ruthless characters in race to find a buried treasure. Buy this movie and buy the sound track! I managed to find the sound track at a local record store and it's on vinyl!!
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
12 January 2002
I am watching the movie right now. The second part just came on. Top Gun/Titanic/The Return of Martin Guerre that turned out worse than Titanic. The special effects are great but that's about the only positive thing about this movie. It's a 3 hour waste of time. The love story is long, dull, and pointless. The historical facts are all wrong, too. I have watched better movies on Lifetime.
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
Everybody Hates Raymond
10 January 2002
Ray Romano is terrible. He never smiles and tends to screw everything up, sort of like Bob Newhart but only bad. The show is rarely funny. Peter Boyle is probably the best character. This show was ok for the first few seasons, but the newer episodes over shadow the old ones. I hope CBS does us all a favor and cancels this show.
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