
163 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
A very funny and faithful reboot
4 May 2024
I thought it was gonna be cheesy, I thought wrong, this is a very good reboot of a great television series from the 1980's, Ryan gosling takes over the role originated by Lee majors (who has a cameo by the way), as down on his luck action star who wants to make a comeback in the movie business when mayhem and action ensues, despite some flaws in the plot, this is faithful reboot of a television series, the performances are very good, the screenplay is nice and the editing is great as well, I saw this at a Maryland movie screens and they were cheering 100% for this, although despite some flaws in the plot, i'm giving this a thumbs up for me, a whole lot better than the truly dreadful good times reboot that came out last month.
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This is a great reboot of a classic
28 April 2024
This is one of the best reboots of a great television series and one of the best live action films since who framed Roger rabbit (even Roger rabbit made a cameo appearance), the film definitely is way better than any of the dreadful space jam films, the performances are wonderful, the screenplay is great, even the animation is worthy of it's time, this is a perfect example of films used to be made and this is that example, this is a great film and i'm glad it ended up on my list of the one of the best films of 2022, great masterpiece and it will be on my resume to the makers of the space jam films, are you listening?
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The sound of masterpiece
10 July 2023
If you think last year's the whale starring brendan fraser was terriffic, this one is even better, it start with a man rescuing kids from pedophiles and smugglers from a jungle in south america.

Jim Caviezel in what could be candidate for an oscar nomination is great in the role as the man who saved kids, mira sorvino in her best work in a long as well, the screenplay is wonderful, the characters are wonderful and easy to follow and the writing and performances are all tops, this is not only a well made, i remember when films used to be about substance and honesty and made it that way and this film proves it, this is one of the year's very best films and i hope to see this one again very soon.

My highest rating A+
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We Got It Made (1983–1988)
we got it made, this show does not got it made, it's crap
7 July 2023
This rotten three's company rip-off has none of the real laughs, just unfunny and blatant throughout, it's time siblings living together with mayhem ensues or whatever in search of a different story, the performances are horrible, what in the hell was stephanie kramer thinking and other cast thinking as well, thank god kramer went on to do better things such as hunter, (thank goodness fred dryer didn't see this show) tom villard is unfunny in this, he's no john ritter and everything else about this series is truly painful, the plot is nonexistent, the characters are boring and the teleplay is worthless, this is a brainlessly bad sitcom that deserves to be one of the worst television ever and it shows.
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The series has ran it's course
6 July 2023
Despite a great cast and once again harrison ford pulled off on it's own as indiana jones, this is a very tired and useless attempt to revive the classic series, the cgi is good, but it's not enough, as indie tried to save the world from itself in 1962 battling villians and others and what else, the chase scenes are over the top, the screenplay is out of touch and the editing is just ok, but it's tired, this is now old tired franchise that has been popular since the 1980's with the wonderful raiders of the lost ark back in 1981 and i agree with imdb member jeff lewis, this is truly depressing and dull and just like the jurassic park franchise last year with the awful dominion and 26 years earlier Jaws the revenge (which is even worse than both of these combined), the series has ran out of gas.

Stick to the first three indiana jones movies instead and maybe a fourth

i give this film a c-
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A truly worthless talk show
12 June 2023
The magic hour is truly no magic with this completely horrendous and has zero merit whatsover, the teleplay is a joke, the writing is pitiful, magic's hosting is just painful, now i love his great basketball career, i think he is one of the greatest basketball players in the history of basketball, but him as a talk show host? Forget, at least the vibe talk show had style, this one is just worthless, i mean they tried to recapture the success of the arsenio hall show and failed miserably.

Why would they need to be something good to be just bad, magic is a legend, but this talk show is absolutely not good for the soul at all, just worthless.
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The Brooke Ellison Story (2004 TV Movie)
A brilliantly done film about disabilities
19 May 2023
This film is just magnificent from beginning to end, the cast deliver great performances throughout, it's a story about a girl who was hit by a car becomes quadriplegic and on a ventilator for life and focuses on the acceptance and the challenges of life as a c1 quadriplegic girl then grows up as a college student and many more, i thought the teleplay was wonderfully done, the writing was crisp and the editing was sharp, it's a shame that the tv movie didn't win any emmy's and was not nominated for it, because this tv movie ranks right up there with the burning bed, roots and other films as an all time classic, thiss movie was directed by the late christopher reeve who starred in the superman movies (the 4th we most likely to forget) is brilliant as well, this is a well made tv movie and it really got me involved.
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The Whale (2022)
A well written masterpiece, absolute gold indeed
19 March 2023
In the tradition of such wonderful films such as terms of endearment, million dollar baby, the shawshank redemption and many others, this masterpiece deserves to be in the honor, brendan frasier who many you remember from that dreadful encino man, delivers a wonderfully first rate performance as an overweight man who challenges the world in his way, the girl also delivers a great performance as the daughter, i remember i watch my 600 pound life and it was very sad that people are refusing to lose weight or they die, this movie is the big example of that, the screenplay is brilliantly done and everything is just gold.

This is a great masterpiece and it really got me involved.
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Velma (2023– )
jinkies, this show is a big time mess
29 January 2023
This piece of truly dreadful garbage and truly miserably unpleasant version based on the scooby doo franchise is not only the worst of the franchises, it is also the worst television of 2023 to date, failing to extend the perimeters of a psychological mystery, the tv series is a big time absolute single failure to be precise, the animation is worthless and nonexistent, the performances are horrible throughout, the writing is completely ridiculous, the teleplay is a mess and the editing is a disaster, this piece of junk is not only a bad television series, but a pathetically tasteless animated series as well, this is total junk.

Hanna barbera, ruby spears and the rest of them are rolling in their graves as we speak.

This is trash and a pure absolute dead zone

Velma: no stars.
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I'll Fly Away (1991–1993)
a masterpiece of all proportions
21 January 2023
I saw the show i'll fly away back on nbc a long time ago and it is so wonderfully well written and greatly well acted, it's a charmer, this show set in the late 1950's and is about a southern lawyer who gets involved in civil rights cases and so forth and many more, the editing is crisp, there's something like anything you see, the performances are wonderful, the teleplay is extraordinary and the characters are top knotch, i remember watching this tv show and it's still better than most of the crap out there in the last several decades, i really wish writers don't reboot this and turn it into garbage like other shows do, this is the masterpiece never to be missed

big thumbs up for me on i'll fly away.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
That 90's show is just too much and too predicable
21 January 2023
That 90's show has some good things going for it, yes it's a continuation of the very funny that 70's show and the terrible that 80's show and the cast is interesting, especially the original cast, but i agree with that person, otherwise is a hit or miss, being a fan of the original myself was funny and amazing, but this tired old retread of that 70's show has none of the charm, the situations aren't there, thw writing is not that great, it has some laughs, but not enough, this is tired, very tired old formula that has been done before in other much better reboots like dallas and battlestar galatica and despite some of the cast being together againn, this is a really tired and dull retread of the original

thumbs down for me on that 90's show.
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Night Court (2023– )
night court should have been case dismissed
20 January 2023
Now i love the original 1984-92 night court, it was funny, hilarious and had a lot of style, this one however despite the comeback of john larroquette is truly banal and all over the map, melissa raunch who was hilarious in the big bang theory is wasted here is abby stone, the daughter of judge harry t stone and the rest of the cast is lost too, there's no brent spiner, no marsha warfield, no richard moll, none of that, the teleplay is real boring, the dialogue is ridiculous and what is a laugh track doing in this predicable mess, i know there a few good moments here and there, but this is just a bore, this is a very poor and boring intimidation of the original, rent the original night court instead.

I'm giving it a c-

thumbs down for me on the new version of night court.
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Thunder in paradise should be last in paradise
17 January 2023
Thunder in paradise has a few things going for it, a stylish crime fighting boat, hulk hogan and stylish look, sadly those are the only things that's good about this pointless uninspired mess, featuring ridiculously poor dialogue. Silly teleplay, bad acting throughout and many ridiculous episodes, yes 1994 was a great year for television, er for example, but this useless tv show is just too pointless to even conceived, it's a shame, because it's beautiful and stylish to look at, but embarrassing to watch, this is an ultimately empty tv show that doesn't work on any level except for the beautiful boat.

This is a very dull show.
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House Party (I) (2023)
The new house party isn't good enough
13 January 2023
House party the 2023 remake of the very funny 1990 original does have an interesting premise, a high school student and his friend are having a house party at his home while his parents are away, but what it doesn't have in the remake is one thing, the charm, the script and the performances, because the acting is not very good, the screenplay is just useless d.c. Young fly is embarrassing in the role and everything else is just pointless to the t, this is a useless and ill conceived remake of a very good classic, the two actors are no kid and play and don't have chemistry, they are unfunny and have zero to work with, this is a pointless film and is heading on my list of one of the worst movies of the year

stick to the original house party from 1990 and dump this one.
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Mr. T and Tina (1976– )
welcome back kotter's spin off should have been dumped in the trash
21 December 2022
This piece of trash sitcom is not only the worst sitcom and show of the 1970's, but one of the very worst sitcoms of all time, poor pat morita got written out of the role of arnold from happy days to waste his absolute talent as a man and his family move from japan to chicago in search of a better life, this wastefully unfunny and massive mess featuring dreary lines, poor dialogue and very poor acting, what was hollywood and television executives thinking when they put this b.s. On the air, do they think it's good enough, even chino and the man was way better than this tripe, luckily after 9 miserable episode, this show bit the dust and cancelled, which it should be and thankfully pat morita went on to do bigger and better things, like the wonderful masterpiece the karate kid, thank goodness ralph macchino didn't star in this junk.
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This thorn birds version is deadly dull
20 December 2022
This is a truly terribly disappointing sequel to the wonderful 1983 masterpiece starring richard chamberlain reprising his role as Ralph de Bricassart as they continue his love for the woman and everything, this tv movie has absolutely nothing to do with the book, the performances are bland, richard chamberlain is totally wasted in this thing, the teleplay is worthless as well, even the editing is pointless, the only reason to see this so-called tearjerker mess was the beautiful scenary, that's the only thing good about this piece of crap, otherwise this was a boring sequel and a major disappointment from richard chamberlain and the people who made this one, see the original instead.

This one is a crushing bore.
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I Married Dora (1987–1988)
I don't marry this mess of a show
7 December 2022
This is a truly, truly worthless piece of junk starring daniel hugh kelly as a man who has to marry an illegal alien to keep her from being deported and all mayhem, this silly idiotic plot has no laughs, only a chuckle or two and the only reason this piece of trash is lower on my list of the very worst tv shows of all time is the finale itself, the finale is far more hilarious then ths piece of trashy junk, it's hard to believe that reeves entertainment the successor to the alan landsberg productions is the same company that did great stuff like bill, adam, gimme a break and kate and allie, reduced to garbage filth like this saddens me and the audience and daniel hugh kelly who was great in hardcastle and mccormick is wasted here, luckily brian keith was smart not to appear in this shlock, this is a real failure and a big disappointment for those involved and what are two days of our lives stars (peggy mcckay and allison sweeney) doing in this mess saddens me?

This is junk.
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The Burning Bed (1984 TV Movie)
The burning bed is masterpiece at it's finest
29 November 2022
This classic 1984 tv movie based on a best selling book is a masterpiece of all terms, it's a story about a woman who married a man who turned out to be a wife beater and gone throw abuse and abuse, until she said no more, she said the house and the bed on fire killing the man in self defense and later she was found not guilty of the crime by temporarily insanity, this film directed by robert greenwald who 11 years later directed another masterpiece a woman of independent means, represents classic tv movies, the performances are excellent, especially farrah fawcett (who shed her charlie's angels image) and paul le mat as the abusive husband, the teleplay is well done, in the tradition of roots, the thorn birds and others, this is a masterpiece and a powerful one, the burning bed is a treasure and a message of survival.
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The Mommies (1993–1995)
The mommies should have been grounded
27 November 2022
The Mommies * star

This low brow lame brained married verision rip-off is kate and allie is not only so bad, it hurts, the teleplay is ridiculous convoluted with an idiotic plot, unfunny scripts, poor dialogue, terrible writing and boring characters the only reason to see this junk is the scenary, otherwise this show is unfunny, no jokes whatsoever and the editing is a mess too, what in the hell did this show came on the air saddens me?

It's hard to believe that NBC of all networks gave us classic shows such as the cosby show and homicide life on the street reduce themselves low this garbage, the performances are dreadful and everything else is just as mess and this show deserves to be on my list of one of the worst tv shows of all time and it shows glad this show was cancelled in 1995.

This show is a complete disaster and a turgid mess.
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are you hot?, are you stupid to like this mess.
24 November 2022
It's hard to believe that lorenzo lamas who was so good on falcon crest and renegade is a host of this turgid mess about men and women who are hot and sexy and see who's better, the story is brainless, the contestants have no honesty whatsoever, the editing is pointless and the rest of a dreadful excuse to be sexy, this is a truly silly mess of a reality show, if you want to see a much better take, watch the defunct wami's 10's, now that's a much better show, much better than this truly, pointless, lousy piece of television history that makes all of the other shows look tame in my opinion, junk.
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A disturbingly powerful tv movie and brillant told.
13 November 2022
Nancy Mckeon has grown up from her days as jo from the facts of life to deliver a great performance as tracy thurman a woman who was abuse by husband and almost killed and she sues the police department and other cast members are wonderful as well, this is no doubt the most powerful and a disturbing tv movie and one of the great ones, truly powerful.

I remember this one and it's still as horrifying brillant as it comes, i wish tv movies and others were more like this, domestic violence is no joke. Believe me after this one, never abuse your wife period and believe me and never will, just sad.
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A totally lifeless ending to a classic
10 June 2022
This is a lifeless and boring final sequel to one of the most popular franchises in the history of Hollywood, the actors and the cgi are not to bad, but they totally wasted by a boring lifeless and idiotic script, poor dialogue and dull action sequences, there's not one single good thing about this one, I agree with critics and audiences, the series has ran its course and its a mess, and a big disappointment in every single way

I gave the film a D.
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Crime Story (1986–1988)
Crime story is remarkable and gripping
28 April 2022
This is a brilliant and wonderful crime drama series from the creator of Miami vice, set in the 50's, Chicago, the home of organized crime, the late Dennis farina plays a police detective searching for mobsters and others, thr rest of the cast is Terrific as well, the music is straight classic, the teleplay is marvelous and everything else is good as gold, this is a masterpiece.
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Sanford Arms (1977)
a truly miserable mess.
23 October 2021
I totally agree with john daniels, this has got be to be one of the most predicable boring idiotic spinoffs i have ever seen, what in the hell was lawanda page (she is totally wasted here)and the rest of the cast thinking off replacing the late redd foxx an demond wilson, this version is truly idiotic and godawful, the jokes are not there, the teleplay is stupid and the characters are just plain boring, this is just an idiotic tired old vehicle.

One of the worst tv shows ever made.

Verdict: a big failure.
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She's the Sheriff (1987–1989)
This show deserves to be one of the worst shows of all time, she's the sheriff should throw up
27 September 2021
How do a sexy beautiful legendary actress like suzanne somers who was sexy and good in three's company reduced to junk like this, she's plays a deputy who's become a sheriff after the person dies and shenanigans and stupidity ensues, the performances are truly horrible, the writing is worthless, the teleplay is non existent and the dialogue is absolutely, positively wooden and worthless, what the hell is the show is all about, this has got to be the worst tv show of not only somers comeback career (thankfully she went on to make her real comeback in step by step), not only the worst show of 1987, but one of the worst shows ever made, this is junk 100%, glad this show is cancelled after 2 dreadful seasons

I Gave it a big fat F.
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