
25 Reviews
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I don't know what to say
24 December 2002
I always liked Bruce Willis, so when i saw this at the video store, it interested me enough to get it out. I don't know what to say, this film is a classic, it is so funny and crap that it defies belief and yet i watched it, twice!!! It wasn't the sex, even though Jane March is hot, it wasn't the plot, (anyone who says that this has no plot is deluded), it wasn't the acting, it is just funny, the situations, the twists, the characters. I'm going to give away the major twist now, this may shock you but.....Jane March plays three different characters!!!!!!! And those clever make up people have made it so that we don't know she is two of the three characters, only, they're not clever, they're stupid. Did these people seriously think that no one would be able to tell that these two mysterious characters were her. When i first watched it, i did a double take. it was like, 'hang on thats Jane March dressed like a boy', i couldn't believe they had tried to put that one past me and from that point on, the movie was just so funny. I think a lot of people put to much thought in to films, it's entertainment, sometimes you don't need to analyze everything, just kick back with a beer and have a good time, this film definitely falls in to that category. 10/10 p.s - I have since purchased the film and find time to laugh at it at least a couple of times a year
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
Everybody Loves Raymond. I don't, I hate Raymond.
30 July 2002
This show is the biggest load of crap on television, i can't believe anyone thinks it is funny, every week, it's the same thing. his parents argue, his wife gets mad at him, his bother resents him. It is so badly written that i can't believe it stays on t.v week after week, i hate this show with a vengeance. Watch Friends or Seinfeld repeats. Overall 1/10
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Insomnia (2002)
25 July 2002
I just came out of this film and i thought it was absolutely brilliant. I won't even try to compare it to Memento because they are such different films. This is a slow moving, claustraphobic film, with great performances by all involved, Al Pacino is one of the best actors in the world and can always be relied for a fantastic performance, Robin Williams also gives a great performance, a lot of people have said that he was scary/crazy enough, but for me the character was played perfectly, as someone who really didn't believe he was a killer but was really just a lunatic waiting to boil over, Hillary Swank was good in a smaller roll. The direction from Christopher Nolan was excellent, i loved the little flashes of light and the use of sound as a distraction for Will Dormer who hadn't slept in six days and couldn't concentrate on anything, little things like that are so often overlooked. Overall, great film, brilliant performances, a little bit slow 8/10
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Depressing but Good
23 July 2002
I sat in movies watching this wandering why i was putting myself through this, it is one of the most depressing films i have ever sat thorugh, things just got worse and worse. Great performances, great story, well directed, great script, depressing experience. Halle Berry deserved her oscar and the other cast were also amazing. Overall, good film, 8/10
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Spy Game (2001)
A decent film
23 July 2002
Spy Game is not my type of film, i don't generally like political movies, the only reason i went to see this was for Brad Pitt and Robert Redford. I wasn't disappointed, i love Brad Pitts work, i think he is one of the finest actors in the world today and if you can get past the fact that he is a very good looking person, you will probably be able to appreciate this, while i am not Robert Redfords biggest fan, i like a majority of his work and i think he is one the best actors of his generation. But for a film to impress me, it has to have more than two good actors, there has to be a decent plot in there somewhere, something to keep me interested, i think the reason i liked this so much is because while it does focus on politics, it focuses a lot more on Nathan and Toms relationship, which is the strong point of the film , whenever the two of them interact in the film, it comes to life, they have a great on screen chemistry with each other and they are helped by a good script. Overall, Good political film, great performances 8/10
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Baise-moi (2000)
Whats the point of this?
23 July 2002
I went in to Baise-Moi thinking i would be seeing a very arty movie that some politician didn't want me to see.

I was wrong.

This is not art, it is porn, and not even good porn at that, i'm not against hardcore porn at all, lest we forget i am a man and i was once a teenager with access to the internet, i have seen my fair share of dirty films, but this just has no point, the plot is two girls have bad things happen to them and go on a rampage of sex and violence, only the sex has no point to it and the violence doesn't fit in either. The acting is bad, but not even porn star bad, it was 'i am a manequin that has been brought to life' bad. I can't warn you enough about this film, and not for the reasons that everyone else does. Overall, bad filmmaking all around 3/10
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Great cast in a great movie
23 July 2002
This film is one of the reasons why i love films so much, sometimes a film can come together like this that exceeds all your expectations. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, what a cast all directed perfectly by steven soderbergh. Goerge Clooney is the charasmatic leader of the bunch, who, with the help of a very cool Brad Pitt, puts together one of best robberies ever, three casinos in Las vegas. The film is great, the cast is top notch, a real achievement. Overall, 9/10
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The Mexican (2001)
Okay movie
23 July 2002
This was an okay film, but i had a few complaints. The fact that Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt have hardly any screen time together is a good thing as they have no chemistry whatsoever and give better performances when they are seperated. All in all, i would have to say i liked Jerry's storyline better than Sams, it was a lot more fun and served the film a lot better, i felt myself getting bored by sams side of the story which wasn't good because i am a fan of Julia Roberts. Overall, good performances, okay story 7/10
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Memento (2000)
23 July 2002
I saw this film when it first opened and it jumped straight in to my top five list, all i can say about this is that it is absolutely brilliant. The premise is fantastically original, a man with no short term memory trying to find his wifes killer with the help of someone he doesn't know at all, or at least thats what he thinks. I think the film going in reverse while inter-cutting in forwards action is a brilliant idea and it works fantastically in this film. Guy Pearce deserves a lot of credit for pulling off the role of Leonard Shelby, he is amazing, as is the supporting cast. Like Fight Club, this film was severly overlooked at the oscars, adding to my opinion that the oscars mean nothing whatsoever. Overall, brilliant, everything is great in this movie 10/10
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23 July 2002
I would have to say that this is one my favorite movies this year, i absolutely loved it. I have a few complaints but the positive stuff definately outweighs the negative. I think that the reason i love it so much is because unlike other science fiction movie, the future is a pretty realistic vision, theres no flying cars, cities in the sky and not everybody walks around in a silver jump suit with anti gravity boots on. The acting is amazing, Tom Cruise is at his best as John Anderton, and even though i have never been a huge fan of Steven Spielberg, this was a very well directed movie by someone showing us he is more than just a grown up kid. The plot is one of the best ideas ever, what if we could catch criminals before they commit crimes, is it right to arrest someone for something they haven't done yet, definately a moral dilemma. My only disappointment is the last 15 minutes of the movie, with the 'every ends up working out for the best' ending, i think it could have been done a lot better. Overall, great film, great performances, 9/10
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Funny film
23 July 2002
Okay, so the plot leaves a bit to be desired but i didn't go to see this for an air tight plot, i went to see it cause i wanted to laugh, in that sense this film definately serves it's purpose. I think that this is one of Martin Lawrences funniest to date, and Tim Robbins is a fantastic actor who has the sharpest sense of humour ever. There were a few scenes that were laugh out loud funny for me, especially the fire dance scene and the mother cracked me up. Overall, very funny movie, recommend it highly 8/10
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Great Film
23 July 2002
Let me start this review by saying i hate vampire films, i think they are all crap and have no point to exist at all, but like with everything, there is one exception to this rule, and it's this movie. Maybe it was the fantastic cast that did it for me, i think Tom Cruise was prefectly cast as was Brad Pitt, the acting is great and the story was interesting enough to keep me watching. Overall, great film, great acting 9/10
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A fantastic Puzzle
22 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*****SPOILERS***** O.k, so Betty is really Diane and shes having a dream about something that happened to her except she changes everything in the dream to suit herself, i.e she came to hollywood to become an actress, in reality the part went to Camilla and in her dream she makes it so that the director was forced to choose Camilla when he really wanted her, meanwhile she has already landed herself a part in a different movie, notice that the director mentions that the girl who auditioned before her had brown hair, a reference to rita/camilla, they say her performance was forced, this is her way of making herself a better actress than camilla, at least thats what i think is going on, you can never be too sure. That is the beauty of this film, after my first viewing, all i could say was... What the??? Only on the second viewing did i pick up little things and come to those conclusions about the dream. I love films that make me think and especially ones that confuse me as i am not easily fooled with movies, Memento did to a certain extent last year and this definately did it to me this year. I can't fault this film at all, music, cinamatography and acting are all done perfectly, the only thing i do have a problem with is the significance of one scene, the scene being the one with the hitman killing his friend over a black book, it is never really explained and i don't know what the black book was for, maybe it was tied in to why rita was getting shot in the beginning but i really can't figure it out, oh well, i guess i will just have to watch it again. Fantastic, surreal, beautiful, perfect, i love this film. 10/10.
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Stickmen (2001)
Well worth a look
4 March 2002
This was definatley not what i was expecting, there are of course simalarities between lock, stock and two smoking barrels but i found these easy to overlook. The premise, Three friends get roped in to an underground pool tournament run by a fairly mean guy called daddy who doesn't want them to win, they of course do win, (as impossible as the winning shot is) and everyone is happy, very enjoyable movie, the kiwis sure know how to make quality films.
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Ali (2001)
4 March 2002
What an amazing film this is. I walked out of the cinema in awe of what i had just seen. Will Smith truly did one of the most amazing transformations in the history of film, he is Muhammad Ali, he walks the walk and talks the talk perfectly. The supporting cast also were incredible, my only dispointment comes from the fact that for the director could have used the length of the film to cover more of the champs life rather than just focusing on those years, but i can't complain to much, he did a wonderful job with what he did. Fantastic film, 10/10
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Oh Dear God, The Pain
14 November 2000
Why, oh why? If you are intending to see this film, think twice, if all the comments on this board haven't convinced you yet, then i hope this will. Now i am no film critic, but i do know what a good/bad movie is, and this isn't worthy of being called bad, it sullens the good name of bad, it is absolute garbage. The first one was half decent, this is so stupid it defies belief, half the original cast disapeared, (i wonder why), and the two that remained must be on a suicide mission to destroy their careers. The plot.....wait a minute, what plot, this didn't have one, they may have mentioned something about the world ending in six days, but i wasn't really paying attention, the special effects were so bad that they weren't even worth laughing at, i noticed that someone on here said that they didn't want to give away the ending, why not, because somebody might not actually predict it in the first half, rayden dies, and the good guy and the bad guy turn in to CGI dragons and have a fight, good guy wins, rayden is brought back life and everybody lives happily ever after, except the viewer, that is. All i can do is plead with you to avoid this film like the plague. 0/10, (i could've gone in to the minus's, but whats the point)
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Snatch (2000)
17 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers

Despite what others say about this just being a copy of lock stock, it has a lot more class and style and has a much better plot and cast, it goes along the same lines, but shows ritchie has matured in to a better director since his last film. The plot revolves around a stolen diamond that everyone is after and bareknuckle boxing fights that are supposed to be rigged, but keep getting ruined by a pikey, (irish gypsy), who keeps knocking his opponents out. The story is very interesting and moves along at a fast pace making sure you don't get to caught up in the plot, some parts are funny, others brutal, and others just fantastic to watch, (the final fight with micky, and a car accident involving three different sets of main characters, shown from three different angles, brilliant). The main characters are interesting and likeable, (all apart from, brick top, who i thought was a bit nasty when he could of been a bit funnier), turkish is a good lead, and brad pitt puts in a fantastic performance making you wish he was on the screen more often. Great film, and will probably have american appeal because of the varied cast with names americans will recognise.

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The Haunting (1999)
I just wasted £2.50
24 April 2000
What a load of crap, the plot was so stupid, the acting was wooden, the special effects were so-so. Why has anyone given this film a good review, half the time i didn't even know what was happening, and the other half i was too bored to even care. 1/10
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U-571 (2000)
24 April 2000
If good films are measured by how much money they make, then the shawshank redemption, (which bombed at the box office), is a bad film. Now we all know that isn't true, but going by what the idiot who posted a comment on here said, it must be. Just because a film makes so much money at the movies doesn't mean it is a good film, it means that there is a total lack of good films for people to see. This is an o.k film, but not the best i've ever seen, it's loud and it has lots of action, and sometimes that isn't bad. I am English and i studied history and i know that the Americans had almost nothing to do with the capture of the enigma machine, but to all you brits who are complaining, Get a life, it's a movie, they ignored the facts probably because when the british did get the enigma machine, it was so god damn boring that it couldn't be made in to the movie, i know a lot of english people who hassle the yanks for being so patriotic, take your own advice and let it go, if it's entertaining, then thats all that matters.
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Lost in Space (1998)
What a load of crap
21 April 2000
But i don't mean that in a bad way. For me there are certain films that i will take seriously and there are some that i just like to relax with. This is the latter, It is definitely a no-brainer, a film to just sit back and watch and laugh at. As far as the perfromances go, Gary Oldman-Great, Matt LeBlanc-Good, (opting to make a big switch from his character on friends, which he sought of pulls of), the rest of the cast were o.k. People should stop taking films so seriously, a film like Taxi Driver or The Godfather, they require actual thought and analysis, this doesn't. 7/10
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Great Film
21 April 2000
I was watching t.v one night and while flipping through the channels i came across a film that was just beginning, i decided to watch it because basically, t.v over here is crap and there wasn't anything else on. One word, Amazing, i was completely engrossed throughout the entire film, the subject matter was brutal but realistic, and done in the right way, it didn't hide anything. The performances were brilliant, Jake was fabulous as was Beth and the young daughter Grace. I went out and brought it on video and also brought a copy of the book the movie was based on, which, by the way, is just as enthralling. We need more films like this, it is a definite winner, 10/10
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Friends (1994–2004)
Could this show be any better
21 April 2000
Friends is my all time favourite show, I watched from the beginning of the second series and now own every video up to series six. I don't compare the show to seinfeld because to me, seinfeld was stupid, it was sometimes funny but failed to capture my attention, Friends on the other hand is a show i can relate to, i think everyone our age has a bit of all of the characters in them. I am a definate Friend. 10/10
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7 April 2000
I expected alot less from this film, i left the theatre very happy, George lucas said that he released the middle three first because they were the most exciting, so basically this was just to fill in the gaps. The only problems i had with it were, the kid who played annakin, and Darth maul, the kid becasue he was such a bad actor that he was making me uncomfortable, and darth maul because he was criminally underused, other than that, great film 10/10
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Half Baked (1998)
You don't have to be stoned to enjoy it
7 April 2000
My friend, (a known pothead), lent me this film and said it was funny, i was sceptical, a. becasue he is always stoned and once had a laughing fit at a commercial, b. because he thinks WWF wrestling is the best thing on t.v, but i watched it anyway, i'm glad i did, it was hilarious, i'd highly recommend this film to anyone, unless they are specifically looking for a good plot or if they are dead against drugs, i've read some of the comments on here and they haven't been that good, maybe you have to know someone like the people in this movie to get it. 8/10
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Fight Club (1999)
Great Film
12 February 2000
Fight Club was one of the best films of 1999, Brad Pitt is excellent as Tyler Durden, Ed Norton is equally as good as the narrator. From the Visually stunning opening sequence to the credits, fight club had me glued to the screen, it was not at all hard to follow, and the violence wasn't as bad as i'd expected it to be. Alot of people over-analyse films like Fight Club saying that they will trigger copycat violence, i think these people should stop looking to the movies for excuses to explain why such tragic things happen in our society. Anyway, great film. 9/10
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