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Poor Things (2023)
Amazing Acting. A Bit Overwhelming
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The pros: the acting is top notch in this film. The physicality of Emma Stone's character is believable and not cartoonish. Mark Ruffalo shows his range, bouncing back and forth between a deliciously basic buffoon and a vulnerable man, who even he, has his limits. The dialogue is crisp and gets to the point and the actors are in full command of the language. You buy every word.

The cons: less is more. The movie did not need to be this long. They could have easily trimmed down the beginning- it felt a little slow and it took about 20 minutes before I could fully get on board. And the prostitute scenes felt gratuitous. We get it- leave something for the imagination.
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Expecting Amy (2020)
Mad Respect For Amy Schumer
19 December 2022
Wow! Talk about "the show must go on!". I watched this docu-series last night and am still processing it. Amy Schumer works so hard at what she does AND she's pregnant and super sick at the same time? I confess I don't watch alot of her stand-up (don't think I'm her target audience), but her work ethic is off the charts. She is so brutally honest and vulnerable throughout this series which makes it captivating and refreshing to watch. And yes, she's funny, but most importantly, she's real. 9/10 - only because in the third chapter, once the tour ends, the pace slows down a little bit. I originally started watching this because I will watch anything Kevin Kane is in, but Amy won me over.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
Good Acting, Weak Story.
15 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was already warned that the book is self indulgent and whiny and perhaps that is why I wasn't as "disappointed" as other viewers.

I thought there were very good isolated performances by Billy Cudrup, James Franco, Richard Jenkins and Javier Bardem (for the most part), but as a whole story, this movie did not work.

Because Julia Robert's character, Liz, doesn't stay in one place too long, we don't really have enough time to invest in the characters that she meets in her path. Just when we are getting to know them, she "moves on".

One of the most sympathetic characters in this story is right in the beginning. Billy Cudrup plays Julia Robert's soon to be ex husband who has every right to be upset with her when she decides she wants a divorce. I found myself rooting for him, which is not a good sign for our supposed protagonist- Liz.

So from then on, I didn't like her very much. She rebounds immediately into relationship with an actor friend played by James Franco, who is super charming. But he is not good enough for her and she becomes too needy and leaves him.

She hops on a plane to Italy and eats a lot of food and buys bigger jeans. I found that part endearing, but not compelling. Then she goes to India and tries to find peace and runs into "Richard From Texas", played by Richard Jenkins, who is a great actor and does the best he can with the script he has been given. During one of his moving monologues, I just kept thinking, "I like this as an isolated performance, but it doesn't fit the pace of the movie."

Then she saunters off to Bali and eventually meets Javier Bardem and at first I really liked him. But it doesn't take long until he starts emotionally dumping on her as well and sheds a tear.

I kept waiting for one of these characters to slap Liz in the face and tell her to go home and grow up, but there seemed to be no voice of reason. Only emotion. I think Richard from Texas attempted to be this voice in her life, but his advice feels empty.

My favorite part of the movie is when Liz finally tells Bardem's character that she "doesn't need to love him first before she can love herself." I thought, "yes, she is starting to get it!" But then what does she do? She takes off on a boat with him in the end. WHY? Her character had just said earlier in the movie that she has "been in relationships since she was 15 years old and has never really been alone". Well, honey, now is your chance and you still ended up with a man.

Liberating? Enlightening? Amazing? Not at all.

At least the acting was good.
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Step Up 3D (2010)
So Bad It's Good!
10 August 2010
Okay, first of all, remember folks, that dancers aren't actors. And apparently no one was a writer either because the script sounded like it was written in about 10 minutes, BUT, this movie was thoroughly entertaining anyway.

Me and my hip hoppers saw this movie after dance class and we were NOT disappointed! When we weren't watching the mesmerizing dance routines, we were laughing out loud at the horribly cheesy dialogue and plot.

The best part of the movie,(besides the dancing), is the character Moose. He is our main protagonist and is the most believable in regards to acting and character development. He and his BFF have a more convincing romantic storyline than their two older beautiful people counterparts.

If you can kick back, relax, and enjoy the dancing and not take this movie too seriously, you will love it! Especially if you are a dancer.
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18 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Okay- throw me a bone here. I know I am not a sleuth or anything, but the average movie goer needs some help filling in the blanks from time to time.

I think Soderbergh was just a little too close to his own project.

The first act took waaaay too long. The pace was just off. I needed to see the main characters jumping ship from their current living situations within the first 10 minutes. I don't think I needed to see Benedict visiting every thief in the beginning. We already know they are caught. The beginning could have been more creative.

The story took too long to introduce the night fox. Pacing off.

But what really killed me was the reuniting of Zeta Jones and her father. PUKE. Why did he have to pretend to be dead? That was a bit much.

Someone explain to me again what happened with Damon's MOM? I missed the "clue" beforehand.

Brad Pitt...just not doing it for me. For whatever reason, I just don't believe him.

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Well, It Ain't Shakespeare....
18 August 2004
But it's entirely them.

I know nothing about the band Metallica, but I found this documentary very honest and entertaining as it filmed the frustrations of the recording process.

Kudos to the cameramen and the editors in capturing alot of humorous and transparent moments.

One suspects that maybe some of the band members have taken too many mind altering substances in the past as they churned out rated R nursery rhymes in the writing process.

But Metallica ain't supposed to be Shakespeare. As long as they are painfully honest and go for it 100 percent everytime, they will always have a following and a career.

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Decent Movie - But the Book is BETTER!
27 February 2004
After the hype over this movie began to die down, I finally saw it tonight.

It's pretty good. I had been going over the four gospels again, to make sure they were fresh in my memory. After seeing this movie, it makes me want to read my bible more. And that's a good thing.

This is not a perfect movie. There are some discrepancies (that I will address in a minute). But I think the point Mel Gibson was trying to do was to get audiences to engage in dialogue about spiritual things- and he has succeeded.

This movie will plant a seed in some people and create a spiritual fervor and spark. But it will not answer all your questions. But it may encourage you to read the Bible, and the Bible will satisfy alot more than this movie.

And now for my questions:

Mary Magdalene- Um, where in the bible does it say that she was the woman who was caught in adultery? It says she was a woman "out of whom had come seven demons" (Luke 8:2) Where as the woman who was caught in adultery in the movie flashback (although this is not obvious to people who don't know the scriptures) is not named in the Bible.(John 8:3-11)

Where is Pilate's wife in the Bible? Someone told me she is in there, but I am still looking.

Mary & John took Jesus down off the cross in the movie, but in the bible it says:

"When Jesus therefore saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, "Woman behold your son!" Then He said to the disciple "Behold your mother!" And from that hour THAT DISCIPLE TOOK HER TO HIS OWN HOME. (John 19:26-27)

THEN Jesus said "I thirst" and THEN He gave up His Spirit. Later on Joseph of Arimathea took away Jesus' body. (John 19:28-38)

One last thing:

Someone said that the gospels were in Greek only, but my bible says in John 19:19-20 "Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS"

"Then many of the Jews read this title, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in HEBREW, GREEK AND LATIN." ----- okay enough of that.

Good movie, but the BOOK IS BETTER! 8/10
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Elf (2003)
"Big" meets "The Jerk" - Corny, but funny for the kiddies
24 November 2003
I saw this movie at a matinee and that's about right.

Will Ferrell is great with physical comedy and this movie is well cast. Some things are predictable if you have seen movies like "Big" and "The Jerk".

But the details is what makes this movie stand out and I will not spoil them for you. I loved some of the over-the-top ridiculous make believe dramatics that took place, especially in the "north pole".

This is definitely for the kiddies and those with imagination- who really really "want to believe."

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Gives Young People Credit.....
11 October 2003
I knew I would love this movie because I love Jack Black and I love music. What I didn't know is that I would love this movie because it showcases that young kids ARE SMART - much more than we give them credit for.

At an age where one assumes that a child cannot handle certain responsibilities or isn't ready for "the real world" - this movie challenges that aspect.

Granted, it is a MOVIE hence, some FANTASY - but I was inspired at how Jack Black's character, for the most part, doesn't "talk down" to these young talented kids. He treats them as if "of COURSE they can handle things and BE IN CHARGE of certain activities" -even at the age of 10 and this pleases me.

This movie will be much funnier to you if you like rock music and are familiar with the AC/DC references. I loved it.

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27 July 2003
Every time I see that this movie is on TV again, I get SUCKED IN every time and have to watch it to the end!

It does such a great job communicating about a culture that I know so little about. I feel like I was invited in-it is so painfully real.

The writing, the acting and the directing is so well done. It also feels like a play.

It's honest. 9/10
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Cute, but uneven - *Spoiler*
4 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has so much going on and such a great cast, but it's just too much all at once. I was either laughing out loud hysterically, or rolling my eyes. The pacing was wierd and bit slow and confusing at times. The dialogue went back and forth from being very clever and smart, to being very cliche and predictable.

Less is more. I wish the screenplay would have narrowed it down to fewer characters and focused on them, rather than trying to squeeze in as many comedic character actors as possible.

The biggest laugh in the theatre was when the Pilates for Puppies receptionist told Elle and the other guy that their dogs were gay. That lady was very very funny.

Rent it.
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Entertaining, funny and refreshing.....
7 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Especially after watching THE MATRIX RELOADED!! *SPOILERS*

After seeing the Matrix with all it's ridiculous fantasy make-believe-robotic characters with their super powers, it was refreshing to see an action movie with real people in situations that involved actual risk! I cared about these people, and even though some of the stunts seemed a bit much, it still left me feeling like "it's possible" verses "what a stupid video game" (like the Matrix)

This movie isn't brain surgery, it's very straight forward. Some things are predictable- like knowing that someone is going to be a back-stabber and that someone early on is going to die. Pretty obvious, but SO WHAT? The first 15 minutes sets up our reason, our motive, our main objective.

I like that Theron and Walhberg didn't have any make-out scenes. I am glad that they didn't go there. They kept it about funny dialogue ESPECIALLY SETH GREENE. That guy IS FUNNY!

This is a movie that I would buy when it comes out on DVD. It's fun, fast and entertaining. The only thing (and I guess it's a big thing) is that we are really - rooting for the bad guys. This group of protaganists are already on the wrong side of the law. Not a good message for the kiddies - parents, please explain this to them.
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If you like VIDEO GAMES.....
27 May 2003'll LOVE -THE MATRIX RELOADED!! Wait, but I don't love video

games. *SPOILAGE* I would like to spill spoilage....

Anyhoo....let's see....about 15 minutes into this film I thought i was

watching the world's longest video game. I know I should appreciate

special affects and stunts more....but what can I say....I like a decent


Yes, it's very entertaining, I give it that. I just don't know,

overall, if I cared about any of these characters. It seemed so over

the top in that every other line they were saying was always alluding

to...."the worst" or "matter of life or death" .....ALL THE TIME!!

Okay, I get it....your town is gonna be destroyed. It's a war. That's

fine. Oh, I wonder who will win?

These characters seem to have little to no vulnerability cuz of the

whole robot thing. Except for that cute keymaker! HE WAS MY FAVORITE

CHARACTER! Probably, cuz I could actually see his heart.

I am just not into this kind of flick I guess. When one or two

characters play a terminator type character, that's one thing....BUT

WHEN 90 percent of the characters are droning on in that tough

-monotonous tone - SAVE THE WORLD...SAVE THE WORLD...

BOMB ZION ALREADY!! I don't even care anymore.

Oh yeah- when Neo fixed Trinity's heart....that just clinched it for me.

ARE THESE CHARACTERS REALLY IN DANGER? I don't think so. They will all

survive, because Hollywood loves movies that continue to make money.

They wouldn't dare kill the protaganist
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I loved this movie! Ewan McGregor is perfect!
17 May 2003
Ewan McGregor rocks my world! I know they said that this was supposed to

be a Rock Hudson thing, but I kept thinking FRANK SINATRA! McGregor had

that swinger vibe down!! HE WAS PERFECT!

Renee Z. was perfect as the Doris Day character and I was pleasantly

surprised at Sarah Paulson who played Vicki. I thought She would be too

young for this role, but she was great in it. I had no idea Paulson had

such range.

I loved the feel of this movie. I welcome movies like this, because we

have gotten away from just having fun at the cinema. Everything is so

intense and/or realistic. This movie is silly, but I loved that!

Someone else commented on Zelleweggers monologue that had no

take.....AMAZING!! She just keeps getting better and better.

If you are looking for a movie that will change the world - this one

won't. But if you are looking for light hearted fun......THIS IS YOUR
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Chicago (2002)
Should have been Christopher Walken instead of R. Gere....
13 March 2003
I would have given this movie a 10, if it wasn't for the miscasting of

Richard Gere as the lawyer. Gere is a good actor, but not great in this

role and his lack of dancing and stage training really show up in this

movie. Walken would have not only nailed the dancing, but he would have

taken more risks with this role and made not so obvious choices.

The direction stood out to me the most. I hope R. Marshall wins an

oscar. I was not bored at all watching this musical and that is a

miracle. God bless the director.

Zellewegger and Zeta-Jones were perfectly cast. Zellewegger nails the

kind of vulnerability that she needed for this character and Zeta-Jones

is ideal for the supporting role of the typical cabaret st
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Old School (2003)
2 March 2003
This movie was Will Ferrel's show. He was very funny in this. Even though the movie felt a little slow at times, and then , all of a sudden - too fast- Will Ferrel was consistently funny.

I wish the opening 10 minutes were faster, allowing the first act to develop more. It felt a bit choppy and at one point, I couldn't remember which character was dating/married to which woman.

But the actors were perfectly cast, (except for Jeremy Piven-who I normally love). Jeremy Piven, was either A) too young for his role as the dean or B) just not nerdy enough. He was too cool and likeable to play the antagonist. I kept expected him to surrender and join the fraternity.

Lots of random laughs. See it for Will Ferrel's sake.

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The Most Degrading Thing
22 February 2003
Wow. I can't believe Selma Blair. Who talked her into this? Fire them.

There are funny moments in this movie, like the drive up north to the wedding. The road trip between Diaz and Applegate have alot of truths to it. Truths that guys don't want to know about women! Ha Ha!

But, it's just too gross. I suspect it was trying to cash in on "Sex and the City" fame, but even that show got cancelled.

Sex sells. But only for a little while. Then it leaves you with a rotting feeling in the pit of your stomach.

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The Good Girl (2002)
Scaringly Realistic
24 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Talk about realism. This movie will make you think twice about having an affair. I was totally enthralled in this movie. Temptation, contemplation, resignation, sin. Sin=death. It was pretty heavy and painfully real. Although, I can't speak from experience, this portrayal of infidelity will shake you up if being unfaithful had crossed your mind. Think twice. Every actor does a great job. Especially, the young actor opposite Anniston. Wow. What a great dramatic actor. Jennifer A. stretches her wings and takes risks. You see a vulnerability in her that you only see traces of on FRIENDS. I hope she seeks out more roles that allow her to grow. She has more to her than just a sharp wit.

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Hugh Grant had all the good lines!
6 January 2003
This is the best I have ever seen Hugh Grant. Granted, I did not see About a Boy, but I was pleasantly pleased with his performance in this movie.

Even though the unfortunate time lapse of "1 Year Later" cuts into both characters' bonding time, the movie, overall still works. It would have worked better if the audience could have witnessed more character development in the first act, then the second act wouldn't have seemed so rushed and awkward in the beginning.

But what this film lacks in possible overediting, it makes up for in clever dialogue. Especially the one-liners given to Hugh Grant. I have never seen him be this consistently focused and funny. It was like, he actually had something more to do than just fumble and be self-deprecating.

I saw Maid In ManHattan the day before, and liked it okay. But I think the writing in TWO WEEKS NOTICE was slightly superior, thus giving Hugh Grant one of the best comedic performances of his career, worthy of a Golden Globe nomination.

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Am I The Only One Who Read The Book First?
26 December 2002
Frank Abnigale Jr. appeared on the TV show PEOPLE ARE TALKING in the early 90's I believe. My mother and I were in awe of this man's true story and bought and read his book. I kept waiting for a movie to be made, but it never happened.....until now.

This is a GOOD MOVIE, but 2 hours is just not long enough to tell all the juicy details of this man's story. This movie is entertaining, but lacks the depth of the whole story. But heck, it's just a movie.

I, for one, wouldn't have minded seeing this movie play longer, but I am sure the studios didn't want to release a 3 hour movie. A two part mini-series might still give the story justice. Frank Abnigale Jr. did so much more than what was put into this movie. It was still fun though.

Left out, were quite a bit of the details about how he LEARNED fraudulent technique. I wonder if Spielberg thought the audience would be bored by such detail, but in fact, I would have been riveted. The movie feels like it's in a hurry (hardy har har) and is afraid of boring its audience.

Too fluffy for oscar buzz with the exception of Christopher Walken. Hey - maybe they will turn it into a series on cable.....8/10

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21 December 2002
What other romantic comedy did I miss?

But ya know what....I enjoyed it anyway. I am now officially in love with Ralph Fiennes. It is pronounced RAFE FINES, if I ever see him on the street someday. That man could have chemistry with a mailbox, he is so charming. He is my new favorite actor. I know, I know, "THE ENGLISH PATIENT"...yeah yeah yeah.

Oh, yeah and J. Lo is in it.

Let's see....nothing new here, but I still had fun. I am sucker for this stuff though. Chick Flick, Date Flick, etc.,

I do wish the second act played out a bit longer, a little more conflict, so that the "confrontation" scene wouldn't have felt so anti-climatic.

Cheesy music, cheesy dialogue....BUT I LOOOVED NATASHA RICHARDSON. SHE ROCKS!!

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The Hot Chick (2002)
Great Idea, but previews have the best gags
15 December 2002
it's cliche, but, "if you've seen the previews, you've seen the movie!"

Seriously, almost all the great gags, that were genuinely funny, were used in the previews. So there wasn't many surprises left. My favorite scene would have to be the cheerleading competition. Cuz they hadn't shown THAT during the previews.

Kudos to Rachel McAdams, who played Jessica. She did a great job "switching over" and I actually wanted to see MORE OF HER playing Rob Schneider, than the other way around. She was interesting. Probably cuz she wasn't in all the previews!!

Such a great idea, just needs more surprising jokes. 6/10

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Pretty Cliche, and the kids get all the good scenes
29 November 2002
I predicted too many things in this movie and the only thing that kept my interest were the two young actors playing teenagers. They seemed to have the stronger and by far, more interesting scenes. They definitely seemed to have more to do than our star, Sandra Bullock.

Bullock always plays this independent character that lives alone and has predictable "back story" issues. I would like to see her do something a little more challenging.

Not bad, just not great. 6/10
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Not Bad, Berry miscast....
27 November 2002
I don't have much to say about this film, except I wish I had worn a jacket. Looking at all that snow and ice had me shivering in the theatre.

It was cool to look at, Brosnan is fine, the stunts and special effects are fun. However, I think Halle Berry was miscast or maybe I had the wrong idea in mind about her character. I assumed she was supposed to have some amount of sophistication, but against Brosnan, I thought her performance was rather flat. His voice is so commanding and yet hers is so.....unconvincing. I don't get what happened. She seemed so "street", which doesn't have to be a bad thing, but it didn't blend well in my opinion. Not alot of chemistry. Kudos for the up and coming British actress (name escapes me-but not for long, I am sure) who played alongside Brosnan as well. She will be a major star.

Flawed, but fun. 7/10
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Great Cast, Weak Script....
5 October 2002
And what was also so unusual about this film is that it was slow in the BEGINNING, but then picks up steam HALFWAY THROUGH the movie.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Josh Lucas and Ethan Embry! What hotties! Although the movie is a bit uneven with predictable DETAILS and DIALOGUE at least we get to watch these two charmers. Girls, see it just for these two men!

It's too bad. This movie is such a great concept, but it was missing the Southern charm that is so apparent in such great movies as STEEL MAGNOLIAS and DOC HOLLYWOOD. Those characters in those movies were more "fleshed out" in detail. The Sweet Alabama script doesn't give enough material for its talented cast to work with.

One can't help but feel like this movie was written by someone who merely "visited" the south for a few weeks as "homework" for their movie script, rather than it being written by someone who actually grew up in the south.

Weak on the details...matinee or rental.
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