
10 Reviews
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Sebastian (2017)
Looks does not match reality
31 March 2021
The actor who played Alex is NOT good-looking enough to be able to get a guy like Sebastian or Nelson. They should have switched the actors who played Alex and Nelson.

That alone just ruins this movie.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Why couldn't the Russian Mafia just shoot the lesbian couple in the head?
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
God, those "Russian Mafia" are so incompetent. It was so easy to kill them off, but they didn't. Why?! What's the point?

And that incompetent judge? Why keep him alive as well?

Why is everyone in this movie so incompetent, except the lesbian couple?
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Alone (V) (2020)
Crazy Family-Man Republican stalks Widowed Democrat
31 January 2021
Crazy Family-Man kidnaps widowed urban-dwelling Democrat in tense thriller of survival. Will the urban dweller survive the gun-toting and knife-wielding deplorable? Watch to find out!
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The Vanished (2020)
Deplorable white trash couple on a murderous rampage
19 January 2021
This movie showcases a deplorable couple who kills everyone on their path to find their daughter. The couple, especially the fake lesbian known as Ann Heche, is so deplorable that the movie is unwatchable.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Season 7
20 June 2019
Homeland Season 7 is a terrific show that depicts the disturbing reality of the Alt-Right and how they should be exterminated. These deplorables have no place in modern-day America.
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Slasher (2016–2023)
Horrible, unlikable characters
31 May 2019
I've just started watching Season 3 (which I thought was Season 1) and there are just so many unlikable characters in this show. Basically trashy people that I find myself rooting to get killed.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Satisfying ending
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have never been so happy to see a white family get slaughtered in a movie. Great movie!
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Crash (I) (2004)
Great acting ensemble but the movie left a bad taste in my mouth
7 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
THE GOOD: The acting were great especially Terrence Howard and Thandie Newton. Terrence Howard should have been nominated for Best Supporting Actor instead of Matt Dillon.

THE BAD: I'm a visible minority (non-white) and I have experienced some form of racism in my life. BUT despite my life experiences and the movie's subject matter, I would definitely NOT say that this movie is the best of the year, in fact, it's FAR from it. I have problems with this movie both from a moviegoer's perspective and from a visible minority's perspective. Some of my problems with this movie are:

(1) Poor character development (or none at all). Just because we saw extremes in a character, for example, Matt Dillon being a racist cop and being a good caregiver to his ailing father, that does not mean in any way that the character is well-developed. Yes, I admit that in a big cast ensemble like in this movie, it is quite difficult for every character to be well-developed, BUT that does not mean that at none of the characters should be like that.

(2) The dialogue seems really contrived to the point that I'm really surprised this movie won for Best Original Screenplay. They should show this movie in a screenplay writing class NOT because it's good but to show students and future screenplay writers what NOT to do. I just felt like I've been hit by the head over and over again how bad racism is. I get it.

(3) The plot seems so coincidental, it is laughable. What are the chances of a black car robber running over an Asian guy who also happens to be a human trafficker while entering his van, and that same black car robber ended up carjacking that Asian guy's van several hours later after he brought him the hospital, only to find out that the several Asians being trafficked inside the van just to show you that the black car robber has a good side after all? Or, what about that scene where a prejudiced upper-class white woman who fell down the stairs and all her prejudice and hatred vanished into thin air? If it was THAT simple, why don't we throw every racist in America down the stairs so they will have a change of heart?

(4) I think my biggest misgivings about this movie is the unrealistic view of racism. As someone who has experienced racism in my life, the realistic view of racism is that it is hidden rather than in your face. I've been refused to enter a supermarket because I'm not white. Did the store owner said because I was not white? No, he said the store was closing even though there were a lot of people shopping inside. Did he yell racial slurs? No. Racism in America is more hidden. Some cab drivers probably won't stop to pick you up because you're non-white but that does not mean that they will try to run you over or get out and say racial slurs. If a Chinese woman rear-ended me, I won't be saying "blake! blake! Learn some English bitch!". On the other hand, if I was a Chinese woman and I accidentally rear-ended a Mexican woman, I won't say "Mexicans are bad drivers" in front of her face. That's not how things work. Instead, I would give out my insurance info, say sorry, and go home and tell my fellow Chinese friends and family that Mexicans are poor drivers and make fun of them behind their backs. That is the real racism. It's hidden and not in your face.

Anyway, Crash is not original unlike what some people may say. The interlocking and interweaving story lines, plots, and characters have been done before. "Magnolia" is a movie that does this much better than Crash did and yet, it was never nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. It had a stellar cast -- Julianne Moore, William H. Macy, Phillip Seymour Hoffman (who won best Actor recently), Tom Cruise, etc. It really boggles my mind how Crash was even nominated for Best Picture.
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Get Real (1998)
As real as it gets
2 June 2003
Despite having a hard time understanding the accents during first few minutes of the movie, I really liked this film. It gives you a glimpse of what is like growing up gay, going to school being bullied, and having to hide your relationship. Every scene in the movie is perfect. The scene during the dance where Carter's and Dixon's eyes meet gives me goosebumps, and the scene where Dixon was beating the crap out of Carter to prove he wasn't gay was just disheartening.

Overall, I like this film.
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lovely film
2 June 2003
I really liked this film, not because I love ABBA, but because of the poignant story about an overweight woman in her journey to self-acceptance.

As a gay man, I can somewhat relate to Muriel. Her struggle to "fit in" despite being different and to gain respect from her verbally abusive dad reminds me of myself.

For those currently undertaking a journey of self-acceptance, this film will move you.
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