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Pumpkin (2002)
God bless Christina Ricci
30 November 2002
She's one of the best young actresses, always searching for projects she's interested in and not stuff designed to make her a star. Pumpkin is one of the most unusual films around...similar to "Heathers" in many ways....but still remains its own movie. Christina Ricci is fabulous in the role of a sorority girl who finds her humanity after falling in love with a mentally challenged boy. It's part satire, part black comedy, part romance...and it has received criticism for this. But I admire a film that explores different genres...and when they are as entertaining as Pumpkin that makes it all worthwhile.
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Just a Bond film, no more, no less
30 November 2002
Hey! Ever see one of those James Bond movies? Well this one is no different. Everything you have come to expect from a Bond film is in here...far-fetched action, beautiful women, crazy villains. If you like Bond I'm sure you'll enjoy this...it was better than the last one which was awful. But to me, Bond has become plain boring. 5/10
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Dark Spielberg
22 June 2002
Steven Spielberg continues to channel the late Stanley Kubrick in his latest film, "Minority Report." He also throws in a little Terry Gilliam, Ridley Scott and Paul Verhoeven along with some Hitchcock and John Huston and the soul of Philip K. Dick to create something utterly unique. Minority Report dazzles with it's visuals, great action scenes, urgent story-line, and topical issues. To say any more would give too much away. This is unlike any Spielberg film to date. Not to be missed.
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A worthy Star Wars movie.
17 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Excuse for a minute the sometimes laugh-out dialogue. Excuse for one-second the convoluted plot. With great pleasure I must report that "Attack of the Clones" for the most part captures the spirit of the original trilogy, while creating a new feeling for the new ones. Listen, Star Wars has always had comic book dialogue, this one is no different. The love story is a little weak, but it is a small part of this movie. For Star Wars fans, the thrill of seeing the relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin, the creation of the Clone-troopers, and the breathtaking action is enough to make everyone forget the dissapointing Episode 1. And there is one scene that everyone should go in knowing absolutely nothing about, but alas, most reviewers seem compelled to spill the beans on what is one of the most thrilling sequences in Star Wars history. I knew of this scene before going in, and wished I hadn't. Spoiler free for Episode 3 is my motto now. So Star Wars fans, our series is alive and well and 3 years from now it all comes to and end. Episode 2 is a great set-up for the final chapter, and last piece to the legendary Star Wars saga.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man the movie? Average.
7 May 2002
This is not the best comic book movie ever. That honor still belongs to the first Superman. I enjoyed the Peter Parker scenes, but felt let down by the action, and Danny Elfman's terrible score. I didn't hate the film, there were moments that were quite good. Like when Peter is first discovering his Spidey abilities. But it didn't have that same mythic quality that the first Superman had. The actors did there best with the script. J.J Jameson was real good, but the story felt pedestrian. The rivalry between the Goblin and Spider-Man wasn't developed enough. I give the film a 7 because it was better than most of the summer blockbusters last year. (Planet of the Apes anyone?) But it was missing certain qualities that would have elevated it to classic status. Go see it and decide for yourself though.
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Resident Evil (2002)
Save us George A. Romero!!!
27 March 2002
I had heard good things about this movie. That it was a video game movie that worked, that it was actually scary. It is with great disappointment, then, that I must report that Resident Evil was none of those things. There are so many problems with this film. The main one being that all the characters and performances are excruciatingly one-note. The worst of the bunch is Michelle Rodriguez who never strays from that horrible scowl she has on her face the entire film. Milla Jovovich, while nice to look at, gives a dull and lifeless performance. The rest of the cast is simply forgettable. This movie ends with a set-up for a sequel which LOOKS to be more promising than this one, but if Paul Anderson is in charge forget it. This doesn't measure up in any aspect to the classic George A. Romero zombie trilogy. This movie takes the genre that Romero practically invented, (and which the video games admirably payed homage too) and destroys it. Please Mr. Romero make a new zombie film to erase the awful memory of this sorry excuse for a movie about the walking dead! Either that or I'll just have to watch Dawn of the Dead again and again and again and again.....
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Björk: Volumen (1999 Video)
17 March 2002
Musical genius and innovator Bjork has always been at the fore-front of the music video art form, and Volumen is an excellent showcase of her groundbreaking videos. Bjork always chooses the most interesting people to work with, and her videos are no different. The most notable in this collection being Spike Jonze who directed her most famous video, "It's Oh So Quiet," which was reportedly the inspiration for Bjork's feature film "Dancer in the Dark". Spike Jonze is probably the best music video director of all time and "It's Oh So Quiet" ranks with his best. But every other video in "Volumen" is also fantastic. From the black and white kookines of "Big Time Sensuality" to the lush computer generated landscapes of "Joga" to the eerie "Hunter" where Bjork morphs into a bear...the inventiveness of Bjork's videos never stops. Any Bjork fan, even fans of film, should own this collection!
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The Evil Dead (1981)
The Cult of Video.
17 March 2002
I recently purchased the new limited edition Evil Dead DVD and was struck by how little I new of the evolution of the popularity of this great little horror film. Contained in the DVD is a documentary focusing on the 2 guys who distributed the film, and to my surprise I discovered that they released Evil Dead simultaneously in theaters and on video. Evil Dead soon became one of the top selling videos of that year and it's cult status grew and grew. It can be said that Evil Dead began the video revolution whereby films gain popularity on video. It was soon discovered that releasing a movie theatrically was not the only way to get your film seen. Evil Dead established itself as one of the very first video cult movies.
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20 February 2002
There is only one reason to see this movie, based on a Brothers Grimm tale, to see a young, beautiful Bjork in her first movie. It's Icelandic, it's somber, and it has Bjork. If you're like me and can't get enough of the Icelandic musical genius this is an important movie to see. Movie itself gets a 5, but with Bjork it gets a 10!
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Pure cinema, a masterpiece of indie filmmaking.
17 February 2002
George Washington is the kind of film I instantly respond to for the simple reason that it is pure, perfect cinema. This is what FILM can do when free of the constraints of popular movie-making. When it ended it made me think of that old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words." Well what happens when that picture moves? You get George Washington. I don't want to spoil the film for anyone reading this by needless plot exposition that I find so annoying in most professional reviews. But the film does center around a small American town, and a group of poor children during the long, hot summer months. This film has absolutely wonderful cinematography, better than most big budget Hollywood films, and the mood it sets is alternately playful, melancholy, surreal, and poignant. Many times I was reminded of my own childhood; scenes play out in a very organic way and the actors, mostly children, are all wonderful. Before I saw this film I had heard that one of the director's influences was Terrence Malick, a filmmaker I love dearly, and George Washington reminded me a lot of Malick's "Days of Heaven." He uses voiceover in much the same way Malick did in that film...alternating between narration, random thoughts, and character exposition. The voiceover use in this film, as in Days of Heaven, is spoken the way someone might hear their own thoughts. Watch the movie and you'll see what I mean. Although the movie is about children, it's not really "for" kids, but I would venture to say that any kid from about age 12 and up would be all the richer for seeing this movie. However in this age of short attention spans, and video game editing I don't hold out much hope that many kids would appreciate a film like this. But for adults, especially lovers of the cinema, this should be required viewing. It's up to us support these kinds of movies so we can see more of them in the future. I saw this for free on the independent film channel, but I plan on buying the DVD anyway...George Washington is a film I will be proud to add to my collection. I loved it.
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11 January 2002
This film, like most of Kubrick's work, is not for everyone. This one, however, was written and directed by Steven Spielberg and as such was met with Spielberg type expectations as a blockbuster hit. What audiences got in the summer of 2001 was a frustrating, beautiful, odd, and challenging piece of cinema that was a head-on collision of two legendary director's sensibilities. The biggest point of contention has to be the last 20 minutes of the film, where Spielberg's sentiment and Kubrick's calculation conspire to create on of the most unusual endings in recent memory. For the film to work, one must take the film as a deconstruction of the fairy-tale, and even as a deconstruction of Spielberg's own films. Keep this in mind as you watch it and you may find a very different film unfold before you.
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Bond, Dull Bond
26 November 1999
Call me crazy but I wasn't that impressed with this latest installment in the James Bond series. I thought the plot was pedestrian, the action scenes dull, and the 2 Bond women delivered completely inept performances. Well Sophie Marceau was o.k but Denise Richards was really bad. The only thing worth watching when she was on screen was when she was in a tank-top or wet t-shirt. The villain played by Robert Carlyle was underused and one of the only things that managed to save it was John Cleese, for the brief time he was on the screen. I know a lot of people who think this is the best Bond ever but everyone says that about something that is new. If I were you I'd wait for the video because there are so many other good films to see before going to this one. Here's hoping the Bond franchise dies. But this one is making a bundle so tough luck for that hope!
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Classic Scorcese
23 October 1999
Bringing Out the Dead is kind of like Taxi Driver for the 1990's. It is also one of Scorcese's most frenetic films, and contains classic Scorcese editing and cinematography techniques. The "look" of New York's Hell's Kitchen is accomplished brilliantly, and there is excellent use of classic rock music to accentuate the many scenes. This is a movie that you will be thinking about in your dreams. It's power is not immediate but I found myself haunted by the many images contained within this darkly funny, haunting movie. Nicholas Cage gives a refreshingly strained performance as the emergency response officer who is haunted by the ghosts of a patient he could not save. The supporting actors are all basically one-note but that is the films design, and they all do a wonderful job, particularly Ving Rhames. If you are a Scorcese fan you will like this film. It's not his best, but it is a very good movie all the same!
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The one true Spielberg masterpiece
27 September 1999
What a movie. This captures the spirit of Steven Spielberg like no other movie he has made. Sure some people thought it was boring, some people didn't "get" it. But this should be regarded as Spielberg's 2001. The people who didn't "get" it are probably those people who only looked at the surface of the film which is a story about human's first encounter with extra-terrestrials. The deeper meaning of the movie and one which elevates this film to greatness is the struggle of man's search for meaning, wonder, magic, and ultimately God. It is no accident that the aliens in this film have an angelic glow to them. Richard Dreyfuss' character goes on a spiritual journey where he is trying to escape his mundane life. He is searching for meaning in his life. One of the main elements in the movie is the idea that one must be as a child before God. The little boy in the movie is completely receptive to the aliens....he sees them as toys. The adults in the film, some are frightened, some curious, others trying to be practical about it, finally let go of their adult inhibitions and become "open" as well. Spielberg adds some wonderful touches. John Williams music is as usual magnificent, and the addition of legendary French New Wave director Francois Truffaut in an important role is great. He is known for his films about children (Small Change, The Four Hundred Blows) and his presence adds to the childlike qualities of Spielberg's film. It has one of the most spectacular and beautiful endings ever committed to film and it is a movie that everyone who has a little magic in their hearts should see.
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Above average
20 September 1999
This film will provide nothing else than a decent time at the movies. If you are looking for a few decent scares, a good performance from Kevin Bacon, and a creepy film, then this is a good bet. It is a little predictable, but it holds promise for better things to come from screenwriter(Jurassic Park) turned director David Koepp.
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Kingsgate (1989)
20 September 1999
I saw this film as part of the curriculum at a Film School I was attending. It was horrible. It concerns a couple who spend a weekend at the house of a writer named Daniel Kingsgate. While the actors did their best, it was the script and the direction that destroyed this film. I am not an easy person to bore, and I usually don't like to call anything "boring" but it is the only word I can use here. The plot was simple enough, but I simply didn't care about it. It was an attempt at artiness I guess. Not once did I ever feel engaged in the film. Not the cinematography, the editing, the acting, or the plot had any redeeming factors. You couldn't help but get the sense that all involved WANTED to make a good movie, but really just didn't know how. Christopher Plummer is in this and he is the best thing in the movie. If you like his work......
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20 September 1999
I give this film a 1 on the good film scale, but 10 on the so bad its good scale. You want melodrama? This is your film. Every aspect of this film is over-done, and if you are not in the mood for something like this avoid it. BUT if you watch it with a group of people, all with a sense of humor, you will find it great fun. My personal fave line in the film? "I'm not drunk...I'm merely traveling incognito!"
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Kingsgate (1989)
18 September 1999
I saw Kingsgate about a year ago as part of the curriculum in the film school I was attending. The assistant director is an instructor at the school, and even the director filled in to teach a few courses. I can't really remember the plot in great detail but it centers around a couple's stay at the country home of a writer named Daniel Kingsgate, and the tension that arises in their relationship. Christopher Plummer gives the best performance in the film in a brief role as the father of the woman. But the film is dull, painful, and not very artistic, although it thinks it is. It was the butt of jokes for the rest of the year in my film class. "Why are they showing us this dreck?" we thought. The story was pointless. Well maybe it had a point but it really didn't get you thinking about it. Instead it just made me think that I had chosen the wrong school to go to to pursue my film education. Oh well. It is a film that I think very few people will like. If I didn't know the people behind this mess I would be a lot tougher on it, but mercifully I am a nice guy. What the heck...the movie was positively dreadful, and I am one who usually keeps an open mind about movies since I love them so dearly. Avoid this at all costs. (sorry guys)
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The Exorcist (1973)
A classic film but lets take a look at the sub-text
18 September 1999
The Exorcist is a frightening film about the demonic posession of a little girl right? Well, yes. But if you analyze the film very carefully you will find an interesting sub-text to the movie. You know how some people think that certain films have hidden stories? The Exorcist is one of those. Its hidden story is about a girl changing into a woman. It is the story of a little girl going through puberty and the adults in her life struggling to deal with her journey to womanhood. What's this?? This guy must be crazy you say? It's true. Watch the film again to see what I mean. Keep this thought in mind and you might see a completely different movie. That said this film is probably the scariest movie I have ever seen.
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A testament to no-budget film-making
12 September 1999
This film has maybe been one of the most hated 100 million dollar grosses in history. Before seeing this movie one should know absolutely nothing about it. Not even what the critics have said. It is a very creepy film. I for one loved it. I love the fact that it had virtually no-budget and it has made tons of money. It deserves it. It provides more atmosphere and creepiness than any horror film released this decade. The way it is presented, as the footage taken by 3 missing film-makers, is so simple yet pure genius. I've heard people complain that anyone with a video camera could have made this. This is true, but those people didn't and these people did. They had the idea and those who criticize it are just displaying their jealousy that they didn't think of it first. An instant classic whether you like it or not.
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A truly remarkable assault on the senses.
12 September 1999
"The Thin Red Line," is a stunning film which enriches the viewer through its remarkable assault on the eyes, ears, and mind. Filled with breathtaking cinematography and powerful music, this film forgoes traditional "plot" in favor of lyricism. Essentially this is poetry that is not written but seen and heard.

Malick is known for his two previous films, "Badlands" and "Days of Heaven." This is his first film in 20 years. It takes place in World War 2 in Guadalcanal, but its focus and its point is not on the mechanics of war, but of man's place in nature, and his struggle to find meaning on earth. The film is filled with voice-overs of soldiers struggling with thier innermost thoughts and the dialogue is filled with philosophical musings. It is a movie that, if you have any poetic bone in your body, will stick with you long after you see it. Those expecting an action-packed traditional war film should steer clear of it. This is a difficult, unique, powerful, poetic and brilliant motion picture. That enough adjectives for you? Turn all the lights off, turn the sound up, rent the widescreen version if you can, and watch it with a good sound system. Sit back and let this film envelop you. And if possible, see this film in the theater, because if any film was meant to be seen on the silver screen and not the boob-tube then is it!!! 10 out of 10.
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27 July 1999
Eyes Wide Shut is a stunning work of cinematic art that true fans of Kubrick, and of cimema drool over. There are so many things to discuss within this film. You can talk about Kubrick's use of color and light, the deliberatly paced dialogue, the musical score, art direction....all of these things were carefully constructed for the purposes of art. This is not a film an average moviegoer who checks his brain at the door will enjoy! It is a psychological drama in which everything in the movie is meant to reflect the inner turmoil of the characters, Cruise and Kidman, onscreen. A stunning work that will haunt you for days as it essentially explores the bond of marriage. Mainstream audiences expecting "Basic Instinct" will be disappointed. This is ART, not garbage. Go see it, twice.

The ending is one of the best I've seen in recent years!!
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