
5 Reviews
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What's so scary about "The Exorcist"? If this movie sucks?
26 November 1998
I have heard so much destruction wreaked on this movie. I want to say I totally DISAGREE. Amityville II is not only a quality horror flick, but is THE BEST in the ENTIRE SERIES! "The Amityville Horror" was alright, but not enough action in it. Just small, mischievous poltergeist activity. Parts 3-the rest were all garbage. Amityville II tells the REAL STORY of the Amityville murders in 1974. But, does use a different time frame, different names, and a highly exaggerated plot. BUT! That's what makes it a good horror film. My only change is that I would've ended the movie at the scene where the priest is going by the house and looks into the doorway to see the "ghost" of Patricia Montelli and the old lady comes up to the priest and says "I've heard some strange things about that house..." BAM! THE END. But, it didn't end. Too bad. The last part got really ridiculous and drawn-out but, it was a fairly good climax. The best scene, however, was the "heart-pounding, cold sweat" stalking scene, where Sonny kills the entire family. This is a hauntingly tragic scene. Enough to bring fear and sympathy. This movie is a good movie regardless what others have said. I also think that this movie, AT TIMES, was scarier then "The Exorcist" SO THERE. No offense to Freidkin.
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26 November 1998
This is the most suffocating, claustrophobic movie ever. You don't just watch TCM. You survive it. It is a knock-out punch to the senses and tight noose squeezing the life out of you. You run with Marilyn Burns, you suffer with her. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is brutal assault on the mind and even the insanities of the "family" may appear silly and laced with black humor at times, it is not really funny. It is psychologically one of the sickest flicks ever, and contrary to popular belief shows NO GORE ! It's all an emotional roller coaster. This is one the best horror movies ever and a classic (including all genre).
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A Hidden Treasure
26 November 1998
Many people have never seen or heard of this movie. The sad thing is that most young people now wouldn't appreciate its method of madness. The Wicker Man is almost like Psycho in the sense that it plays with the audiences' minds as well as the central character of the film. Its portrayal of the "pagan" religion is very impressive. Not some outrageous Hollywood devil-demon-blood-cult. The Wicker Man is a powerful, disturbing film and is one of the greatest films of the modern era. Christopher Lee is superb as well as Edward Woodward and the beautiful Britt Ekland. This movie is a true classic.
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The Exorcist (1973)
The Scariest Movie Ever Made??
26 November 1998
As, an Entertainment Editor, I ran a poll at a local video store this year before Halloween. The Poll was "The Scariest Movie Ever". There were several listed but, it was closer between # 2 and LAST PLACE than between #1 and #2. The #1 movie was "THE EXORCIST" which recieved almost triple the votes of the second place movie. I, personally, don't see how. I have seen more "heart-pounding" movies. I have seen creepier movies. The Exorcist was a good horror movie but, not the best. It was not really a great action thriller and no "cold blooded" murder or stalking or eerie poltergeist activity. No killers on the loose, no blood thirsty zombies, nada. Lots of snot, puke, weird spinning effects, deep, scratchy voices, excessive cursing and outrageous blasphemies and sacrilige.
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Psycho (1960)
The Greatest Movie of All Time!
26 November 1998
I viewed this movie at the age of 9 years old. It has been my favorite movie ever since. Almost 20 years. The two movies that affected me most as a child were: "The Amityville Horror" (I've had more dreams about that house than any other thing..ever!) and "Psycho". After watching "Psycho", I never viewed ANYTHING as being 100% safe. No castles, no zombies, no monsters. Normal people in risky situations exposed before all. Everyone has skeletons in their closets. Even those who seem to be as harmless as a fly. (Such as Norman Bates). This movie not only changed the course of movie history, by killing off the apparent heroine 1/3 of the way through the film (making history) but, proved that their was absolutely NOWHERE to be totally safe. It revealed inner demons of the two main characters which reflect on the entire world and maybe the truest description of how the world really is. Deep down we all have these bad thoughts, but unlike Norman Bates, most of us can bottle them up inside and carry them to the grave.After all, "we all go a little mad...sometimes".
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