
7 Reviews
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Hollywood gets it wrong again
26 September 2003
This movie was thoroughly unwholesome, unsettling and unsatisfying. Apart from a few nice shots of Italy, there's nothing to recommend this movie. As usual, Hollywood draws the wrong conclusion from a fractured existence--the _next_ guy you meet, whom you sleep with after knowing for a few hours, _he_ must be Mr. Right. As for humor, there is some in the movie, but I can't see how anyone could possibly label this a romantic _comedy_ since about three-quarters of the movie is totally depressing! My recommendation? Skip it in the theaters, wait till it comes out on DVD, then skip it there also. I want someone to give me back the two hours I wasted watching this dreck, drivel, dross.
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Extremedays (2001)
Very funny
10 April 2003
The plot of this one _is_ a little bit thin...but who cares?! It has some very funny scenes (playing spoons) and some great shots of extreme sports. The plot is basically just a way to get all of the sports in and the funny scenes are put in along the way. I watched this with a bunch of friends and we all laughed quite a bit. It is a good clean movie with only one slightly embarrassing scene that has a great punchline. ;)
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Don't Be....
19 February 2001
My dad has been telling me how good the books are for almost a year now. After watching this movie...I NEED to read the first one. I thought it was great. Of course, you're going to get preached at a little, but I thought it was done very tastefully, and if you really don't want to hear Christian things, you probably shouldn't see this movie. That is the point of both the books and the movie--to teach people about what will happen. Yes, they're entertaining, but there's actually a higher purpose. Anyway, the movie didn't over-emphasize the message, so I don't want to either. If you like action, intrigue, and good acting, and don't mind not being sworn at for 2 hours, you will like this film.
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Too much cheese, not enough ham...
28 December 2000
Sorry for this: I expected Moore... ;)

I actually was expecting an action movie when I saw Roger Moore, but it was easy to tell in the first few minutes that this was not a pure action flick. There's plenty of action, but most of it seems like they just let a bunch of (albeit) good skiers, kayakers, parasailers, etc. go nuts while they filmed.

The plot was a bit weak for allowing this kind of action to go on.

The biggest disappointment though was the comedy. In places it was way too much and other places seemed to not go far enough.

Anyway, it's worth a watch if you're an extreme athlete or like some cool stunts, but definitely not a keeper in my movie collection.
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Not Jackie's Best
19 June 2000
This was a decent outing for Jackie. It had plenty of his typical humor and good fight scenes. It did seem a bit chaotic at times, but managed to come off as a decent Jackie-flick. It's comparable to Twin Dragons but not nearly as good as First Strike or Rush Hour. And, as always, you can look forward to seeing some funny/painful outtakes at the end.
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As You Wish...
23 April 1999
This movie is definitely my favorite movie. I have long sections of it committed to memory (including sound effects!).

If you enjoy multiple genre works, you should be interested in this delightfully blends romance, comedy and action. Along with memorable characters (Fezzik, Miracle Max), it has witty dialog ("You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."), a great chain of events leading to the climax (sword fight, wrestling match, battle of wits, etc.), and a satisfying ending in both the fantasy world of Wesley and Buttercup and the real world of the sick boy and his grandfather.

If you like the movie, you may also like the book (by William Goldman...still in print), although not for the same reasons. The book uses narrative to amuse where the movie uses surprise or quirky characters. And the "abridger's" description of the "original" text is quite amusing, as is the 18 page (I think) foreward describing the ordeal to acquire an original" manuscript.
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Pleasantville (1998)
Wolf in sheep's clothing...
22 April 1999
I wanted to see Pleasantville because it looked like a movie that had some neat visual effects and poked some harmless fun at a more docile time from America's past.

What I saw was a movie which went from subtle hints that morality stinks to blatant signs that any moral person has absolutely no right to live.

I'm not going to go into all the issues addressed (way too many in one movie...), but basically, if you had/have morals, you were/are a boring person with a closed mind. To truly see things as they were/are, you had/have to throw away everything you believed/believe in and just do something outrageous and/or against the norm.

The insidious thing was that by the end of the movie, the 'moral' people were the ones behaving the way immoral people act in real life, and vice versa. I know 'moral' can be subjective, but this movie is just one more example of making 'good' people look like freaks by adjusting the norm to fit Hollywood's ideals.
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