Nightmare Shark (TV Movie 2018) Poster

(2018 TV Movie)

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Could have been so much more
bacondar-5896518 August 2018
I was initially excited when I first saw the image released from this that was an homage to Nightmare on Elm Street. I was even more excited when the movie began and realized they pulled actors and their characters from 2 previous Syfy Shark Movies, Trailer Park Shark and Atomic Shark. That was at first a stroke of genius in my opinion. But that's where it ended. The description of this says it's people who survived shark attacks who are hunted by a nightmare manifestation. Except the characters never discuss their previous experiences in the other movies and all allude to the fact that they have suffered nightmares for years that are preventing them from living their lives. I think it would have worked better had they talked about surviving an atomic shark attack and a trailer park shark attack. Then it does get weird in the realm of is it all a dream is it real etc. It was an ok movie but I feel that it could have been so much more.
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Not a nightmare
TheLittleSongbird4 September 2018
Have made no secret in the past of intensely disliking, and even outright hating a lot, a vast majority of SyFy's (near-universally maligned for good reason) output, though there is curiosity as to whether they are capable of making something good and compulsive about their output's badness. Admittedly, SyFy do have a small group of watchable films and the occasional (big emphasis on that word) above average one, unfortunately outweighed by the lacklustre at best and often dreadful films they churn out.

To my surprise, 'Nightmare Shark' was actually better than expected. It's not great, or even particularly good, but of the killer shark films seen recently it's easily one of the better ones and one of SyFy's more watchable efforts (both their killer shark films and overall). It did have an interesting idea, slightly daft but quite unique, and while the potential is not quite lived up to it's hardly completely wasted.

'Nightmare Shark' does have some creepiness and there is some suspense because the idea is more original than most shark films and it is not as goofy as others. Doing it while not taking things too seriously that it becomes dreary. It does have fun parts too that aren't as silly as one would think and more respectful of its audience than many SyFy efforts.

Effort was made in 'Nightmare Shark' and it does show in some more professional and more atmospheric photography and at times better standard of acting, showing enthusiasm but surprisingly not going overboard. Some eerie sound, the pace isn't dull and the shark has both menace and personality.

Granted, 'Nightmare Shark' does have a number of faults, many of which are evident in a lot of SyFy's efforts. The story is muddled often, structurally it's a bit jumpy and confused due to too many things left vague, unfinished or underexplored. The execution of the overall concept lacked clarity and if the pace slowed down and with a little longer more clarity and logic and less head-scratching confusion and weirdness would have been apparent.

SyFy has always failed in the writing even in their best films, that's still the case, still a lot of awkward sounding dialogue that is hard to take at face value. Would have liked more developed characters and ones that were easier to get behind, for all the actors' best valiant efforts the face-palming decisions and behaviours remain. The special effects are less than special and generally actually pretty laughable, and the film is not without some sloppy editing, some ridiculousness and moments of melodrama.

Overall, watchable compared to most killer shark films seen recently and SyFy's work in general but problematic. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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Curse of the Dream Witch
CardiffLadyinIfield24 November 2019
Surprising this has two titles, one must have been edited for the British audience as there is not a single shark, or shark related images within it. Even watching the trailer on imbd shows sharks but those clips are within the movie excluding the sharks. The title of Nightmare Shark and Curse of the Dream Witch both relate to the same movie. The editing department has determined the storyline appropriate to each title.
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Interesting but confusing
blackrose135617 August 2018
It skips so much between dream and reality that, at the end, you don't know if the whole thing was a dream or not.
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What's up with the decent ratings
Tina_jeppesen17 August 2019
Lol this totally sucked I mean was it suppose to be scary? NOT. Like at all. So dumb. However I gave it 2 stars instead of one cuz yes we went to rent a comedy and they didn't have any and this is definitely an unintentional comedy at least....
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Perhaps the Script was Dropped and Thus Jumbled Up Just Prior to Filming?
By-TorX-123 November 2018
Which would explain why this film makes so little sense. I saw this under the title of 'Curse of the Dream Witch', and there is at least a witch-like wraith lurking here and there, but the 'Nightmare Shark' moniker is beyond confusing as there is no trace of a shark in the film (unless there is an alternative version that includes a sharky presence somewhere out there? The IMDB plot summary sure does not resemble the film that I saw). At one level, the Dream Witch creature is not a bad concept (with obvious nods to A Nightmare on Elm Street, but clearly nowhere near as striking or effective), but the entity is never really fully realized or developed as it is usually just shown as a flickery and weirdly screaming women or as an indistinct black 'swarm' (should they have called it 'Nightmare Flies'?). However, for all of the Dream Witch's murky visuals, at no point whatsoever does the fiend ever resemble a shark! So, some decent ideas and visuals are present, but this film sure won't give anyone any sleepless nights.
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pinkylee21315 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many editing errors in this film that all I could do was laugh. Did they not even pre screen before the final cut?

The male character is walking down with the bike and has a HUGE gash on his head before the actual scene where he's attacked and gets that wound. The female sleeping in the bed has her logo flip flop from one view to the next.

There are so many others but good grief was this movie garbage. I don't believe any of the 10 star ratings for this. Ummm did we watch the same movie? Flat characters with no real story so I just wanted them to die. The plot was so all over the map it made it hard to watch all the way through. Oh and they totally ripped off a scene from Minority Report where the Precog yells RUUUUUUUUUUN to Tom Cruise right before the cops come crashing in. This was portrayed by the Dad in the sand dunes. Big thumbs down all around. Well, I did have a good laugh, so there's that.
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Not Worth Your Time
uturnfilms16 August 2022
A lot of shark movies can be 'so bad it's good' fun. This is not one of those, just bad and boring all around. With a 'Nightmare on Elm Street' premise, it had potential, but ultimately isn't worth your time.
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C movie nightmare on elm st with a shark
brittanywalk-6991515 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
From the 30-45 second black scenes for commercial breaks to the plot holes and extremely lacking character development, I wouldn't recommend this for you to even let your pet listen to for company while you aren't home. They'll even watch it in confusion wondering what happened to the two characters that just randomly disappear. Not to mention the shark in the movie looks NOTHING like the shark on the cover of the movie when you buy it on dvd. The only reason I didn't turn the movie off was because I tortured myself long enough to make it half way though; I thought "it can't get any worse, right? Might as well finish it." Oh good lord I should have shut it off. Any one want my copy? Cause I sure don't.
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It was pretty bad but still fun.
middyeleanor3 May 2019
The story made only the vaguest of sense. It was strong at the beginning of the movie, and I had such high hopes for it, but by the end the movie had lost what little plot it had. The story plots were highly predictable and the shark model was more entertaining than scary.

That being said this is a great bad movie to watch with your friends who also enjoy terrible shark movies. While a terrible movie it was great entertainment.
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A shark movie without much of any bite...
paul_haakonsen5 June 2023
Granted, I have to admit that I wasn't exactly harboring much of any expectations to this 2018 movie titled "Nightmare Shark", given the movie's title and the fact that most shark movies are laughable attempts at movie making at best.

However, with "Nightmare Shark" being a movie that I hadn't already seen, nor actually ever heard about, and given my fascination with shark movies, then of course I had to sit down and watch it.

And I made it just a bit more than halfway through the ordeal that is "Nightmare Shark" from writer Griff Furst. Talk about a ridiculous storyline. There was nothing in the storyline that appealed to me, and it was soul-breaking to sit through and witness such ludacrous writing would actually make a transition from script to screen.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, though actor Bobby Campo seemed very familiar somehow. I have to say that the actresses and actors in the movie literally had nothing to work with in terms of script, character gallery and dialogue, and it was restricting their performances.

Visually then you're not in for anything grand. The special effects in "Nightmare Shark" were exactly that; special. The CGI effects in the movie looked like something regurgitated from a 1990s computer game.

If you enjoy shark movies, like I do, do yourself a favor and stay clear of this one. It just simply isn't worth the time, money or effort.

My rating of directors Griff Furst and Nathan Furst's 2018 TV movie "Nightmare Shark" lands on a generous two out of ten stars, and that is solely because of the production value of the movie.
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The Avengers of B shark movies
jonjethro10 March 2021
This movie brought together the best shark slayers from the B shark movie genre. two characters were from trailer park shark. Two characters were from atomic shark and I forget the rest.
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Best B-Shark movie idea since "Sharknado"
MyFriendsCallMeDirt25 August 2018
SyFy Shark Week meets Nightmare On Elm Street? Yep! Characters from past SyFy shark movie efforts? Yep!

The idea here is great, and to anyone who thinks "preposterous" ... really, it's not any goofier having a shape-shifting burnt man invading dreams than it is to have a shark doing it, when you really think about it.

"Nightmare Shark" clears the low-expectation, high-reward hurdles easily and is one of the more memorable Sy-Fyish shark films. While it falls flat in a few spots, it recovers very well, and even manages a few genuinely suspenseful and unsettling scenes. While this one could have run on the idea alone, there seems to have been some effort and thought invested into it anyway. Really, it's almost a vulgar display of clever for the Sy Fy Network, who were able to make low-brow considerably less low-brow than ... well, everyone kind of expects.

I gave this 6.5/10, and I sincerely hope that this one gets franchised by the network. Also, I hope they throw a "Nightmare Shark" franchise down the same silly holes as the original "Nightmare" series eventually went through.

Overall, "Nightmare Shark" exceeded expectations, with the B-shark idea since "Sharknado".
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The Nightmare was watching this movie
aurorazayas6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know who edited this movie but his editing sucked big time. Plus at the end you don't know if all of it was a dream...😒
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you prefer sharks or witches?
giga_berto4 August 2021
I saw this movie and came to rate it. To my surprise I discovered this movie was originally a shark movie?!? I saw it with a Dream-dwealing Water-witch as a vilan... Can't say the movie is exactly the same, doubtfully, but some inconsistencies now start to make sense. It's scary and insulting to the crew that they decided "we'll transform this shark movie into a witch movie for Europe!". It makes me wonder how they sold it in Japan, an Octopus Hentai movie? Anyway, it's very weak, actors did try tho.
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Freddie the Shark
nogodnomasters7 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood has run the gauntlet on shark films. We've had overgrown sharks, prehistoric sharks, zombie sharks, ghost sharks, land sharks sharknados, mechanical sharks, Frankenstein sharks, and three-headed sharks when two-headed shark would no longer suffice. I am sure I missed a few.

Ava (Caroline Cole) wakes up every night screaming from shark dreams that she has had since she was a teen. It seems if you die in the dream, you die in real life, although there doesn't appear to be any continuity in that. Dr. Novak (Tony Amendola) operates a special remote clinic to deal with shark dreams. Ava, her boyfriend, and four others go there to see if they can get cured. The four extras were in previous shark films. Two were in "Trailer Park Shark" and two others were in "Saltwater" which has an atomic shark. Kudos on the casting, unfortunately, it didn't help.

The opening dream showed promise, but the plot got stale especially at the end when they revealed what was going on.

Guide: Made for TV. No nudity or swearing. One sex scene.
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Among the channel's best efforts in the style
kannibalcorpsegrinder18 August 2018
After emerging from a shipwreck, a group of survivors finds themselves drawn to a remote compound in the wilderness to take part in a project to deal with their dreams only to learn that the supernatural shark stalking them is the least of their worries and must try to get away alive.

This was an incredibly enjoyable effort with a lot to really like here. One of the best aspects of this one is the fact that there's such a unique and clever setup that gives the sharks something new to do in a movie. The concept of a shark terrorizing a group of people in a dream, manipulating the environment around it or even bringing in other strangers to interact with it in the dream itself causing this one to end up with some truly inventive nightmarish scenarios in a shark movie. That setup manifests itself in some absolutely stellar nightmare sequences that serve as the film's best aspect. From the opening of the shark chasing the victim through the street appearing from holes underneath while trying to use the other participants of the dream to help stalk her, the fantastic ambush on the tired driver leaving the facility or the standout sequence of the attack on the knocked-out victim who is chased around the various stages of the compound being stalked by the shark before finally getting the big outcome, this one really manages to take the concept of a shark able to interact with others in their dreams to a terrifying resolution. The other big attacks, from the desert-based hallucinations to the final attack in the bottom of the compound which is quite creepy and enjoyable. The other really enjoyable aspect here is the unique storyline for the human drama which is exceptionally well-done. Not only does this feature a great storyline for the shark, but the idea of crafting this plotline involving the use of an experimental drug-trial that's looking to set the reasoning behind their dreams only to instead be the source behind the unleashing of a mythical shark god that's preying on them gives this a strong setup which is given quite a bit of nice build-up in their early discoveries that hint at something else going on. The twist involving that actual revelation gives the film a nice overall air to this one, giving the film a lot to really like alongside the graphic-looking shark design. The CGI doesn't look the greatest here but it's a minor quibble with the rest of the film's positives.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Language, Brief Nudity and a mild sex scene.
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Syfy sharknado week!
belacrendrag17 August 2018
If you are looking for a serious shark movie clearly you don't understand the purpose of Syfy's sharknado week. With that out of the way. This was easily one of syfy original's best shark pieces. It gives great fan service to those who have watched "Atomic Shark" and "Trailer Park Shark". Without divulging any spoilers just know going in you are in for a nightmare on elm street experience with Sharknado level CGI, and a still image of the same shark hunting the main characters.
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