Hover (2018) Poster


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Good B-movie concept, but poor execution
bruxabrvxa9 July 2018
The first thirty minutes of this movie really promised something nice. The acting was decent, the sound track great, and the visuals were on point. However, the story starts to slow down to a crawl and the "action" scenes are just BAD. The main character was engaging and active in the beginning but it also falls apart, becoming a whiny little thing.

The cast is diverse and mostly convincing. But the actors couldnt fight against bad writing.

I wish this had a better execution. Even for a b movie it fell flat.
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A pointless, very amateurish film that stretches its very manageable plot to over eighty minutes
Markus_Beer3 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The main problem is the script, because apparently Ms Coleman lacks the experience to write three-dimensional characters and embed them into a working story.

Spoilers: A duo (he is old, she is young) help old and sick farmers to die - because of overpopulation or something. Both talk a lot of expository text, then a drone catches the old man at his house and kills him. Shocked, the young woman (played by Ms Coleman) questions her work.

The movie never really makes it clear what it wants to be about. Are drones evil? Or the AI? Or the people behind it? And how can any tension arise when the audience sees in the first minute of the film that a drone toasts the head of a poor innocent farmer? That would only be possible if our heroine were to come to the conclusion relatively quickly that something was wrong here.

But here we are back to the horrible script: after twenty minutes of filming her partner dies, then our heroine needs an endless series of completely obvious clues. By the time she finally understands (finally!), we are already two thirds done with the film. So far we have learned, among other things, that she is expecting a child from her boss with whom she has no chemistry at all and who cries like a child over the death of her old colleague. This emotional outburst is particularly surprising, because the general performance follows the pattern of "looking concerned and whispering sadly". That was genuinely funny. The atmosphere of the movie should probably be reminiscent of Blade Runner, with its calmness, synth music (plus a probably stolen song from a well-known cracktro from the 1990s. What the...) and its countless, irony-free drone shots. There is just a difference between a protagonist standing in front of spectacular future architecture and thinking about the definition of existence and life itself or a protagonist standing in front of a crop field and thinking about the possibility of the use of drones for murder.

In the end, of course, it's a clear culprit: the evil, evil management. Because "the bad guys up there" is always a wise solution when you have to come up with antagonists, right? So the ending is a classic ending of a conventional B-movie. And Sci-Fi? There is no discussion of the actual science fiction topics. Here they are little more than buzzwords for the following non-action.

So: A film without tension or focus but with a lot of padding, a messed up script with a very limited imagination, flat characters, monotonous acting (except the cry surprise), unremarkable direction, laughable special effects. If at least everything would be proper terrible, it could get cult status, but that's just not the case. And what's not terrible is just okay. That's why I had to write down my thoughts about the movie quickly, because in 48 hours I'll have already forgotten it completely.
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Nice B-movie
carlos-pires5 July 2018
Don't expect this to be a blockbuster, shock-full of top-notch CGI. But overall, it's a nice job for an indie/B-movie. The plot isn't that original, but the story makes sense. (though I confess I am so fed up with the current trend of braindead scriptwriting trying to make a buck on malevolent AI, that anything else is a breath of fresh air). Seems to me Cleopatra presented an overall good performance, though in some places it shows that she still needs some acting lessons and some solid direction. And if she really wrote the script, then more power to her. As usual with low budget debuts, the ending is kinda of an hasty wrap-up. Anyway, I give it 5/10 for the effort. Though I don't plan on watching it again, I don't consider it a waste of time.
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Find something else to do Cleopatra!
Australian14 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The story is, well, so-so. It could have been written a lot better as an idea with drones, and the acting could have been a lot better! I felt like yelling "Cut!" in so many scenes. But I think there were enough cuts to make it not work! Where did Tanya disappear to at the motel? She was in the car with Claudia, then Claudia leaves the motel without Tanya! Continuity is not there, like some parts were cut out or something. Claudia has the "Remote control" and when faced with a drone runs away whimpering like some puppy instead of using what she had in her hand, after she had dropped it! I was starting to fall asleep when we had the second "Transition"... Nah, I won't say judge for yourself, I'll say don't waste your time!
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Extremely stupid typical SyFy fare
Snootz4 July 2018
After this movie I have learned a lesson: anything that bears the SyFy label needs to be rejected as "let's find something better to do".

Starting off as an interesting concept (Transition, a company that helps people ease into death), this oh-so-slow movie drags on, and on, and on. Then near the end it turns into typical SyFy craptastic with excessive violence, ridiculous plot line, predictable and vapid ending.

There are no redeeming qualities to this flick. The plot is cliche and over-done, the story line drops into a sink hole, and any semblance of logic, purpose or meaning is lost to lazy-writing and final-ten-minutes typical SyFy slop.

Save yourself some brain cells and watch... well, just about anything else.
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A pretty face doesn't make you an actress...
ncminus4 July 2018
As a fan of The Last Man on Earth which recently got cancelled because the networks suck I was looking forward to seeing Cleopatra Coleman do something new.Well,the whole movie was just awful and that's all there is to say except a pretty face doesn't make you an actress...
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IMDb need second thoughts to add "0"
domani-833177 July 2018
Unfortunately i choose 1 because it is the lowest allowed rate in this application.

No need for philosophical criticism it's just Awful they just want to make a Sci-fi movie with a message "How technology going to be bad on us / This is the technology / don't do technology / Technology cause death / Drones are harm" , there is no food hunger or crisis has been seen at all ;o everything must be fully technology but they did it by there way for example ; Range Rover with black paint rims like 40's cars ;o.

That's why oscar's made to differentiate from Shi*ty things like this.

PS: this is not a movie this is something else.
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Complete waste of time
milad-0763217 July 2018
There is no upside to watching this movie don't waste your time do something better with your time -_-

P.S: I found an upside to watching it it made me appreciate other movies that I considered boring and awful
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Flight of fear
TheLittleSongbird2 October 2018
Was really quite intrigued by 'Hover' when it appeared in my recommended for you section, with a creepy poster/cover, a fine premise and as someone with a general appreciation for the genre it fits under. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there (though there are decent to good ones as well), made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws present in those films are here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Hover' is really quite awful, with so many huge flaws and doesn't do anything with any potential it had. There is net to nothing good here in 'Hover', a vast majority of it amateurish.

Only good things are a fairly promising start and a reasonably atmospheric soundtrack on occasions. That's it for the praise.

Going on to the negatives, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it comes over as vague and under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less unsettled and never gaining momentum. All the characters are too sketchy and with cardboard thin and colourless personalities and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates. The chemistry is bland and unfocused.

The sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions), the effects are shoddy and uniformly the acting is lacking severely, that's actually an understatement as the worst of it is horrendous. There is no sense of horror or engagement with the awful predicament they're in, and no connecting with the character, it just reeks of indifference and complete blankness which makes the viewer not care less too.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace and film drags on forever, after a promising start and doesn't ever recover. The ending has no build-up and just ends ridiculously. Found too many of the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Thrills are none, thanks to stodginess and excessive over-familiarity, and found myself never invested in the drama, which tended to be indifferently acted, interminably paced and statically directed.

A lot of 'Hover' has really dull and going nowhere plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you shocked are far from creative or unsettling. It all feels rather tame while the threat completely lacks menace and looks terrible.

Nothing freaky or interesting, no development and too derivative, while everything is unimaginative and are more odd than scary, completely failing to show any sense of dread. There is nothing interesting or illuminating with what the film was trying to do and the drama is overwrought with no momentum and a lot of weirdness. The direction is barely there and disorganised. 'Hover' is very amateurish visually, too drearily lit and shows no care in the way it's shot.

Summing up, very, very bad despite starting reasonably well. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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A very bad and amateur movie
siavashveysari9 July 2018
Repeat ; a very bad and amateur movie.The song is very childish. A movie full of cut-outs. The story is elementary and superficial. A machine gun that was always destroyed with a beam would be slaughtered at the right time, with an arrow
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A lot better than most of the big budget sci-fi I've seen lately.
SciFiandScary30 June 2018
Disclaimer: I received a free screener of this movie from the publicity company. This does not affect my review.

Hover is one of the best sci-fi films I've seen in a good while. Done in the style of 1984 and Fahrenheit 451, the near-future realness of it sinks under your skin. Cleopatra Coleman both writes and stars in the film, and she did a great job on both accounts. Her acting was solid in basically every scene. I got the feeling she could handle whatever was throw at her.

The subject matter isn't precisely anything new. Drones are becoming more of a presence than ever, and it definitely twigs even the non-conspiracy theorists to imagine what they can track. Even without taking drones into account, Big Brother already strongly exists in a few forms. It's been acknowledged for some years that the situation we're heading toward is not sustainable. Maybe that's why Hover works well, because it only goes a little bit further than where we currently are.

Hover left me extremely uneasy, but it was a pleasure to watch on all points. The acting was solid and the cast wasn't made up of all white people with a token POC. The soundtrack was actually mostly enjoyable (coming from me that's saying something). It wasn't filled with unnecessary explosions and melodramatic dialogue that makes one's ears want to bleed.

A truly enjoyable movie that even managed to tear me away from my books, Hover is worth the watch.
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Don't watch this, you'll get a hang(hover)
prince_vlad9 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First minutes of the film takes to a futurustic society/movie where somehow, extrasenzorial , you feel you could have a chance to see a decent SF. But that feeling ends quickly. The plot is idiot in itself. So let's see, a company builds drones adevrtising them for agricutural missions, but what do you know ?, the real purpose of the company is to get people sick with all kindda cancer branches in order to make a contract with a company who offers euthanasia house calls services. Who sane in his head and having a business, would do such a crazy non-sensical thing ? I know what you thinking, this guy didn't understnad the subject of the movie. Alright , you know what, go and see it for yourself, but remember!, you've been warned. Aaa almost forgot, that leading role chick has some big. scarry lips, which make her mouth look huge compared with her head. If I would see that person at night I sure as hell would be scarred.
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20 minutes in and insufferably bored
boydpeters4 November 2018
And I watch rubbish films too. Really crap ones. What is happening? It is so boring? Who are these characters and why do I care about them? Hang on, they're killing someone, maybe it will get interesting. Nope. Zzzzz. Shame, promise was good.
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Excellent opening sequence, then movie went SOUTH real fast!
lhmorrison139 November 2018
I commend the people responsible for the opening sequence with the credits and film information -- excellent use of font graphics and overhead / aerial shots from drones. Promising beginning, but ....

After that, the movie quickly became a mess of poor acting (especially Ms. Cleopatra), poor direction, and poor story development. The special effects and drone CGI were good, but they were overshadowed by the unconvincing acting and dull story. Better luck next time!
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Missed her mark!
watnc119 June 2020
The main actress Cleopatra Coleman could be the poster child for cosmetic lip enlargement injectables. Angelina Jolie Has met her match!
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Don't trust what flies
michaelRokeefe11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not too far in the future, the world is right on the edge of ruin as global drought has caused agricultural failure and starvation. Drones are put to use in farming and a lot of faith is put in the advanced technology that just may save mankind. However the drones prove to have a mind of their own.
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stevedownsrph19 January 2020
More like a student effort, if that student wanted to get a C-, worst acting in a very long time.
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Ten minutes. Two pukes...
athies15 March 2021
I prefer to investigate things with pants on.

The new partner is suspicious.

I could not do this job.

She is a terrible spy.

Just so they can spell it out for you real well... They are the good guys.

They're really drawing out the explanation.

This certainly has the feel of a terrible SyFy channel movie.

How did that little take an hour and twenty six minutes?

That was a quick year or so.
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Contradicting itself.
My 1st #review.

Film: 1/10. The casts needs to up their game. Very poor. The least they could do is tally with the plot. I give compliment for their creativity in some high tech future gadgets though. However, their storyline and casts does not match with their futuristic gadgets. Not worth your time in my view. You can trust me on this you bet.
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Solid indie sci fi
mixta-4353215 July 2018
Smart solid indépendant sci-fi. If you are a fan of genre, independant or b movies you'll enjoy this.
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It's a B, but not a zero
danielgraves8 August 2020
It's definitely a B grade film but not as bad as the ones and two ratings I've seen here
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Interesting for the budget
surge_slipknot8 February 2020
I'm a fan of independent movies because of the effort put into these small budget movies. First 25min are a bit slow trying to figure out what's going on but then it gets pretty cool and some action. Everyone else saying its typical and blah blah blah should just stick to mainstream movies. This is great!
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A look at our near future...
tm-4168729 September 2019
My rating for this movie is based on the substance, which seems to take place in the near future, and is a frightening glimpse of where we could be headed soon. It has an eerie feel to it, sort of Blade Runner-esque, but only on the first steps down the path to dystopia rather than at the full-blown end. Self-driving cars are now available, a huge poison corporation has an even tighter grip on the food supply, 'agricultural' drones have become weaponized and autonomous (AI).

There is a horrible chemical/ag company (much like Monsanto in our world) which has branched out into drones that can dispense poison autonomously (just what we need...) and even use high-powered RF radiation to blast 'pests.' A bunch of farmers have come down with mysterious cases of cancer and birth defects, and there is a dawning realization in the main characters of what is going on.

The acting is very fitting for this- just normal people trying to get by in an even bleaker world than we have currently (due to huge droughts worldwide causing famines) as they piece together the seemingly unrelated murders, sicknesses, and other things and confront monstrous corporate villains (especially the woman, who is especially evil).

Sure, there are some things they did not explore, such as the hackability of the self-driving cars. But they picked a manageable collection of things (ag poisons, drones, AI, RF as a weapon, loneliness and disconnectedness, corporate malfeasance and profit-mongering) and wove them together into an eerie, slow-burn thriller with alarming elements of current-day truth. Honestly, I hope Monsanto/Bayer do not see this movie because they might get some ideas...
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Not bad for an Indie film - good story...
contactmaz19 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I read the reviews before watching the film and thought "What the hell!" - ignore the 1's and go for it. Well, I was pleasantly surprised and actually enjoyed it. The story was good and it enfolded gradually with each piece of the plot being revealed in its own good time. The acting was pretty good I thought, the filming was good, the graphics weren't too over and blended in well with the film and the plot was also pretty good. About the 'technology' that has been mentioned in other reviews, well I thought that it worked pretty well. It's not in the too-distant future clearly, and it's believable to have old technology with new and fancy gadgets added on. The only criticism is that it ended in too short a time after the great build-up. But really, I would recommend this, and it is far better than the other sci-fi films out there that rely on too much CGI and a crappy plot. This reminded me on Monsanto, that nasty company that poisons and kills people! That's my only spoiler by the way! ;) Just been thinking about my criticism - strike that! No complaints about the way it ended ;)
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Must-Watch Warning: Spoilers
Great movie alerting people to the dangers of globalism and technology.

Everything in it is, unfortunately, at risk of happening to the world (source: I am a scientist).

This movie is a good guide that lets us, citizens, know things to look out for, avoid, and even boycott (for example, if you are a farmer, do not fall for the trap of using drones).

General conclusion: new isn't always better; prize what's been time-tested; value tradition.

(Performance, etc.: OK. The main thing about this movie is the take-home message, and that makes it one of the best movies out there to watch, similar to "2022" etc.)
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