Mary and the Witch's Flower (2017) Poster

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Don't be misled by the negative reviews here for this movie
Chickengirl00119 January 2018
Just came back from the one time only screening of this movie in Austin TX. I'm a bit confused by the super-negative reviews of this film. I guess people were expecting a film on par with past Studio Ghibli movies? Lets be real here, as sad as it is, the age of Studio Ghibli is over, unless Hayao Miyazaki decides to return to the directors seat and make another full-length feature film. Which at this point seems unlikely. The fact that we have a studio like Ponoc to carry on the torch of 2D animated projects in the style of Gibli should be celebrated I think.

I went into this movie not expecting it to be on par with any of Studio Ghibli's past works, yes it's no Howl's Moving Castle or Spirited Away. I did enjoy Mary and the Witch's Flower more so than Miyazaki's last two films, The Wind Rises and Ponyo. The only other Hiromasa Yonebayashi films I've seen was Arriety, never saw When Marine Was There. I do think this film is better than Arriety was.

Mary and the Witches Flower looks like a Studio Ghibli film, the character animation is really great, the backgrounds, while reminiscent of past Ghibli works are nice, but not on the same level of detail, which was fine to me. The characters and the story is good, again, not as solid as past Ghibli works, but I enjoyed it overall. The biggest thing lacking to be was a musical score from Joe Hisaishi, but he has never done music for a Hiromasa Yonebayashi film. The last film he composed music for was The Princess Kaguya, which was a big deal.

I'm getting off-track here, but the last I will say is that is if you are a fan of Studio Ghibli, and are yearning to see a full-length feature film in traditional 2D animation, go see this film if you are able to, just don't go in expecting it to be as good as one of the Studio Ghibli classics.
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A nice first offering from the relatively new animation studio and features some truly beautiful animation
MrDHWong3 May 2018
Mary and The Witch's Flower is the debut anime film from Studio Ponoc and directed by former Studio Ghibli animator Hiromasa Yonebayashi (The Secret World of Arrietty, When Marnie Was There). Based on the novel "The Little Broomstick" by Mary Stewart, it is a nice first offering from the relatively new animation studio and features some truly beautiful animation.

On her Great Aunt's estate, young Mary Smith (voiced by Ruby Barnhill) lives a bored existence as she tries to pass the time before her parents join her. One day, while venturing out in the nearby woods, Mary stumbles upon a mysterious blue flower, believed to have been used by witches for their magical powers.

Naturally, the film has taken some strong influences from its Ghibli roots, particularly that of Howl's Moving Castle and Kiki's Delivery Service, but also from the The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, with its overall magical tone and setting. The story does unfortunately play it safe one too many times, especially during the final act, and this does affect the overall enjoyment at times, whether this is how things are in the original novel I am unsure. Needless to say though, the animation is simply gorgeous and is up there with some of Studio Ghibli's best films. The attention-to-detail on every frame is exquisite and the use of colour makes the film great to look at. The performances of the English dub cast is solid, particularly that of newcomer Ruby Barnhill (Disney's The BFG) as the title character. However, as likeable a protagonist Mary is, her character seemed somewhat generic from a storytelling perspective and most of the supporting cast felt underdeveloped and one-dimensional. I have yet to see the original Japanese dub but I plan to do so in the not-too-distant future.

I rate it 7.5/10
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Not perfect, but gorgeous, enjoyable and delightful nonetheless
themadmovieman8 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a nice film. With a fun and imaginative story surrounding pleasant characters, all set to the backdrop of yet more incredibly beautiful animation, Mary And The Witch's Flower is the perfect film to get you smiling within an hour and a half. It's not perfect, occasionally struggling with pacing issues and a lack of character depth, but on the whole, it's a wonderfully enjoyable and uplifting watch from start to finish.

What's most important to note about this film is that it's not a Ghibli movie. Although directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, who made Arrietty and When Marnie Was There, as well as bearing huge resemblances to Ghibli in animation style and genre, there are some key differences that set it apart from just being another Studio Ghibli movie.

Above all, the type of story that we see unfold in this film differs somewhat from what we've been used to from Studio Ghibli. While Ghibli dealt more often than not used fantasy stories to deal with some very deep themes and create intimate and engrossing watches, Studio Ponoc, the company that makes this film, has gone for something a lot more pure and family-friendly, in a similar vein to the likes of My Neighbour Totoro or Kiki's Delivery Service. In that, it's a little more similar to Disney's storytelling style, although thanks to the beautiful animation here, Ponoc stands out well as its own.

And if there's one thing that is so brilliant about Mary And The Witch's Flower, it's undoubtedly the animation. Not only does it bring back the mad and imaginative worlds that Studio Ghibli have transported us to so vividly before, but it shows another step in this style of anime that adds significantly to the visual beauty throughout. So, while we still have the gorgeous hand-painted scenery backdrops portraying the lush English countryside, there are some scenes that venture closer towards the photo-realistic style of animation that many other anime films have taken on board in recent years, yet has never been a choice of Studio Ghibli's.

As a result, you get the warm and delightful feel of a Studio Ghibli movie, but there's still even more eye-popping visuals throughout to make it seem all the more impressive, and with its fantastically colourful palette that brings the fantastic world to life, it's a vivid and visually gorgeous watch from start to finish.

Moving on from the visuals, Mary And The Witch's Flower also succeeds in delivering a properly entertaining story from start to finish. It's not a repeat of Kiki's Delivery Service as some have suggested, but rather based on a famous English story called The Little Broomstick, and it's a hugely enjoyable watch throughout.

There are times when the wizarding world it dives into strays a little too far into Harry Potter territory, occasionally getting a little bogged down in magic jargon, but on the whole, it's a story about a young girl finding her confidence in the most extraordinary of ways, and given that we have such a likable protagonist in young Mary, it's a delight to follow her along on this magical journey of a lifetime.

In general, the film works really well to give you a fun and pleasant watch from start to finish, although it's not completely perfect, given that it really struggles to build a beautifully calm and intimate opening act with something a little more Disney in the middle and early third portion, frustrated by a jarring change in pace on a couple of occasions.

With all that said, however, I had a wonderful time with Mary And The Witch's Flower. It's a visually beautiful movie that you'll be marvelling at from start to finish, thanks to the incredible animation from Studio Ponoc that steps up Ghibli's legacy by another notch. Its fantastical and storybook-style atmosphere makes for a lovely watch throughout, featuring a delightful protagonist and various mystical worlds that will undoubtedly have you smiling right to the finish.
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Sort of like "Kiki's Delivery Service". "Frankenstein" and "Harry Potter" merged into one.
planktonrules6 August 2018
One of Studio Ghibli's most wonderful films was "Kiki's Delivery Service"---an anime movie about a young witch who goes into the world to find herself. In many ways, "Mary and the Witch's Flower" is like taking Kiki from that classic movie and sending her to Hogwarts! Seriously.

When the story begins, Mary seems to be a pretty ordinary young girl. However, when she meets a black cat in the forest and finds a broom, something very strange happens....a weird slime pours from a flower onto her hands and instantly she can fly using the broom. She has no idea what she's doing but soon she and the cat are in a far away magical land with talking animals as well as a witch's school....Endor! But things aren't all happy and laughter there....and after a while she isn't sure who to trust. What's next? Well, it's a bit like "Frankenstein"...but you'll have to see for yourself.

This film is based on Mary Stewart's 1971 story "The Little Broomstick"....which came out long before Kiki or Harry although similar to the other stories, it is an original as well. I have never read this book nor had I heard of it before seeing the movie.

So it is any good? Well, the animation quality is excellent and although it looks just like a Studio Ghibli movie, it's instead made by a different Japanese studio. I liked the film quite a bit. I only really have one quibble...the resolution to the story was very fast and not especially satisfying.
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Animation meets Ghibli-level expectations, story.. not so much.
firebolt2-915-14455322 January 2018
Studio Ponoc, heir apparent to Studio Ghibli, makes a decent start with Mary & the Witch's Flower.

Animation is lush and gorgeous to look at, and is very reminiscent of the work we're used to from Studio Ghibli - and as anyone who's familiar with Ghibli's work can tell you, that is a pretty high bar to meet. I saw the English dubbed version, and the voice acting was excellent as well - especially Ruby Barnhill as Mary. Background score was quite good too.

Story, however, was a bit disappointing. Not saying that it was bad, it just felt a bit devoid of heart and there were quite a few plot holes which were hard to overlook. Character motivations were hard to explain, and the wizarding world Mary stumbles into feels empty, though it is supposed to be a thriving world. Then again, I complain because I was expecting something of Ghibli standards.

It was a fun movie to experience, and I'm glad Studio Ponoc exists - not only because I expect bigger and better things from them in the future, but also because something as beautiful as the tradition of Ghibli animated movies needs be kept alive.

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An Alright Introduction into Studio Ponoc
wkallao24 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This debut film by the newly formed Studio Ponoc delivers most of the magic and excitement of films from Studio Ghibli, but the film has several shortcomings that are impossible to look away from.

The central conflict of the film is not introduced until a good portion through the film. The films opening has lots of excitement and chaos, but once that brief five minutes is up, we are quickly shifted to a more mundane and uneventful first act. We're introduced to many characters in Mary's life who get little to no characterization, and are barely relevant. Mary is the only character who has a personality, so it's hard to connect with any of the other characters in the real world.

The antagonists of the film come across as run of the mill bad guys, with no special motivations to set them apart in any way. They essentially operate as one unit, despite being two different characters. Their "evil plan" (for lack of a better term), doesn't hold much weight to it, and doesn't seem to really end up being a horrible threat.

The story's first act concerns Mary and her everso boring life. And I mean boring! Nothing happens in the first act. It's hardly engaging, and the only real event is her finding the Witch's Flower. A good part of the second act is spent with Mary touring a magical college, which doesn't build up to anything. The final act has moments of intensity here and there, but the threat doesn't seem to be as imminent. This is likely due to the shallow characters not holding enough promise, or that the story was dragged out for so long, it became unenjoyable. Mary is also pitted against a task that has no real effect on her. The story isn't about her, and it isn't personal or emotionally effective. While her friend, Peter, is involved in the conflict, he is so unlikeable and bullies Mary in the first part of the film, so there is no reason to care about him!

However, the film has beautiful scenery and animation. It's a spectacle to look out and has some of the most wonderful sound design and music. Being a debut film, the shortcomings are alright, but I hope the studio improves as time goes on.
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Cute But A Little Shallow
jsscdoolittle26 November 2018
It's not bad as far as children's movies go. It's very cute and charming and the world looks very interesting. The story seems a bit flat as they don't go into character motivation, dip too deep into world building or even tell the rules of how their magic works. I enjoyed it but was a little bummed they didn't show more of the school life.
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Charming flower
TheLittleSongbird8 July 2022
There were a few reasons for wanting to see 'Mary and the Witch's Flower'. Personally am a big lifelong animation and anime fan. The story certainly sounded very charming. It was directed by the same director responsible for 'When Marnie Was There' and 'Arietty', both excellent films (especially the latter). Anything that has Kate Winslet or Jim Broadbent involved with it in any way is also a guaranteed viewing, every bit as much when both are in the same film.

'Mary and the Witch's Flower' is on the whole a good nicely done film with a number of great aspects. Have seen superior animes, and between this, 'When Marnie Was There' and 'Arietty' this is the weakest by quite some margin. While enjoying 'Mary and the Witch's Flower', it did have potential to be great but the uneven storytelling stops that from happening somewhat. Recommendable still, but part of me was a little disappointed.

Its best aspect is the animation, which is gorgeous and never less than that. The attention to detail and lavish colours are a feast, the characters look expressive in a nuanced way and movements and transitions are so seamless. The music also works a lot, very atmospheric and beautifully orchestrated with a nice mix of the understated, the whimsical and the more stirring.

Did find the characters appealing, even if they are not deep. The main character was rootable enough though the supporting characters were more colourful in personality. There is plenty of charm and heart, and the film works best in the simpler, quieter moments. The script is neither too simplistic or too convoluted while the voice cast is top notch, notably Winslet.

However, the story can be too slight and predictable and the final act is on the rushed side.

Also do wish that character motivations were delved into deeper, too many of them were either not clear or basically there with not enough under the surface.

Overall though, worth watching while not being a must see. 7/10.
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Refreshing story, entertaining from start to finish
hugofanning11 January 2018
These reviews here lead me to believe the movie was going to be boring or something. It's entertaining the entire way through. Best movie I've seen in the cinema in over a year.

Sure it's not as good as Spirited Away, but that was rated as the best animated film of the 2000s so of course it's going to be hard to beat.

The soundtrack in this film is great, lots of recurring themes in the right times. The animation is lush and looks like it came from Ghibli. I really don't see why anyone wouldn't like this movie, it was really good.

Go see it for yourself, don't listen to the reviews. The story was good, the animation was good, the sound was good.
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Alright but mostly derivative
dwankan10 April 2020
This is certainly a flashback to the heyday of Studio Ghibli. Unfortunately, it comes across as more a rehash than a new production. The film mashes together some of the best of Ghibli (and Miyazaki in particular), Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, but it does little more than pay homage to its great predecessors. There is very little remarkable, and not much entertaining about this film. The story is predictable, cliche, and point to point unsurprising. It channels more of the last Ghibli films, which tended toward the gimmicky kid junk, than the greatest of the studio and the genre. I had high hopes for this movie because the previews reminded me of all that I had loved about the Ghibli and the Miyazaki catalog, but it was mostly a disappointment.
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The Spirit of Studio Ghibli Lives On In This Delightful Fantasy Adventure
nbfcblog29 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the 1971 children's novel The Little Broomstick by Mary Stewart, this anime fantasy adventure is a satisfying debut from Studio Ponoc that manages to carry on the glorious legacy of Studio Ghibli.

Founded back in 2015 by producer Yoshiaki Nishimura in the aftermath of Isao Takahata (Grave of the Fireflies, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya) and Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle) announcing retirement and Ghibli moving away from feature film animation; MATWF crew members consists of the director behind The Secret World of Arriety and the wonderful When Marnie Was There Hiromasa Yonebayashi along with several ex-Studio Ghibli animators.

So if you saw the trailer and wondered to yourself "This looks really Ghibli-ish?", that is because MATWF is essentially another Studio Ghibli release in all but name.

Everything that was great about Ghibli is still present from the colorful crisp animation, to the gorgeous spacious shots of countryside landscape, the magical castle serenely floating in the sky, it's well-developed and relatable young female protagonist and technology vs. environmentalism themes, although this time magic is used as a metaphorical substitute for technology.

One criticism that could be leveled at this film is that it almost echoes Ghibli too much. Longtime fans will easily be able to spot elements from Kiki's Delivery Service (focus on magic and witchcrafts, Mary's black cat), Castle in the Sky, Howl's Moving Castle (Madame Mumblechook office) and Spirited Away along with other films such as Harry Potter (magic school setting) and even Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Although given this is Ponoc's first movie and thus their initial flagship title (their logo consists of an image of the title character), I can understand why the filmmakers felt compelled to play things close to the chest this time. Hopefully for the their next set of feature films we will start to see more experimentation in the vein of Only Yesterday, My Neighbor the Yamata's, Whisper of the Heart, and The Tale of the Princess Kaguya.

In the meantime, MATWF is a fantasy action adventure of the highest order that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages.

From the opening sequence alone portraying a young witch making a high-flying escape from an exploding castle in the sky while dodging shape-shifting henchman, the movie does a really good job of hooking the audience in with awe-inspiring spectacle and unique visuals. Admittedly the film does slow down a bit during the first twenty minutes when it's introducing Mary and her ordinary country-side living; but once she discovers her flying broom and is transported to Cloud City Hogwarts, it's a delightful adventure that features unique interpretations of old Ghibli themes.

The pacing is gentle but brisk and there is a great sense of danger amidst the wonderment, which is further enhanced by some splendid comedy gags such as the mishaps pertaining to Mary's magic powers and a certain running joke involving a monkey.

Takatsugu Muramatsu returns from Yonebayashi's previous film When Marnie was There to provide another fantastic melodic score. It complements the graceful visuals like bread on butter and has a great neoclassical European vibe with it's use of string instruments and flutes that perfectly goes along with the film's more adventure movie tone.

It's certainly far from the level of Ghibli's masterpieces (Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away), I personally did wish for more world building and Peter, Mary's male companion, sadly goes under-developed with the "sick mother" plot point never having a payoff.

However, as a longtime admire of the work done by Ghibli and it's crew, seeing this movie for it's one-night only showing at my local Marcus Cinema was a great experience, especially when seeing it in a theater packed with moviegoers both young and old.

I look forward to what Studio Ponoc will release next!
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Ignore the studio Ghibli comparisons.
mhorg201815 March 2020
Nothing compares to studio Ghibli. Disney, Pixar. Nothing. They still did classic animation and did it beautifully. Let this wonderful little film stand on its own merits. Yes, it's obviously influenced by Ghibli. So what? It's fun and fast and deserves to be seen.
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Beautiful animation, so-and-so story
Vartiainen1 December 2018
Mary and the Witch's Flower is the first feature film made by Studio Ponoc and the third film directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, who previously worked for Studio Ghibli. In it a young girl, Mary Smith, has moved to the countryside and is out exploring one day when she stumbles upon a mystical flower, which has the power to grant her magical abilities. She manages to bewitch a broom, which takes her to the Endor College for witches.

Studio Ponoc was founded by former Studio Ghibli employees and a lot of its animators worked for Ghibli as well. And this is reflected in the quality of animation. This is some of the most beautiful, vibrant, lush, detailed and gorgeous animation I've ever seen. The character and set designs are amazing to look at, everything moves with graze and effortless fluidity, and there isn't a hair out of place, figuratively speaking.

The musical score is also nice, the voice actors are extremely talented and the whole film has this warm, inviting, fairytale-esque feeling to it.

Which is why, it's my sad duty to inform you that the script is rather awful. I have not read the original novel, The Little Broomstick, but I'm somewhat familiar with Mary Stewart, the author. Studio Ponoc has essentially taken a quintessentially British children's novel and turned its mood, its atmosphere on its head, adding in a lot of unneeded anime tropes and visuals. Studio Ghibli had this same problem with Tales from Earthsea. It was an okay film on its own, but it felt like a huge betrayal for all fans of the original Earthsea books.

I also don't enjoy the fact that Mary does not learn a thing throughout the course of the film. By the end she's essentially the same character she was in the beginning. And that's a big no-no in stories aimed at children.

Mary and the Witch's Flower is not the worst anime film I've ever seen, but it is certainly lacking in depth, heart and message. Technically superb, but empty on the inside.
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Beautiful outside, empty inside.
njko5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to judge this animation knowing that it's made by people who were previously working at Studio Ghibli whose work is greatly inspiring and lovable. They formed a new team under the name Studio Ponoc. The movie is trying to keep the beautiful magic of its predecessors but fails to develop its characters that throughout the movie keep explaining things but don't tell that much about themselves. The animation is great as well as attention to detail, but somehow it felt flat, incomplete and rushed.

What makes it feel that way was, for example, the introduction to the Endor College, where the protagonist - a clumsy girl and accidental witch - only spent a day there. The scenes were beautiful and you could expect that you will see more of it, but the story kept moving to other parts and left you hanging with questions rather than answers.

What about characters - they felt flat and at times confusing. The kind-looking, but somewhat unpleasant gardener that looks like he's dead inside, or the mouse-fox-hybrid-robin-hood, as well as others, felt flat. I actually didn't relate to any character in the movie and didn't feel anything but confusion. The problem was actually in a lot of things: the problem of those characters wasn't in their "behavior", rather it was the relationship between them and the protagonist (the way they communicated and acted in response to each other's questions/answers) - no emotions that would make us feel something, and no musical support. Some things felt cliché, some things made you find plot holes.

I don't find it easy to tell what makes Ghibli's characters and the world so nice but it surely isn't just their visuals - rather the way they introduce to the characters and general attention to details: there's a lot of magic, but there's also a regular life of characters who play their role well and whose actions make sense and at the same time add up to the plot and general atmosphere.

I think it might not be fair to compare this movie with the works of Studio Ghibli or expect that it's going to be as great. But we as Ghibli fans were waiting for the same amazing experience that we got from Miyazaki's works and from the beginning we would have higher expectations, that on the outcome played badly on our reception.

I feel that for those who are not familiar with the works of Studio Ghibli might find this movie interesting and entertaining, especially kids. Of course, kids won't question things, but I think they might also feel that something's missing. I felt that way when I was a kid watching some cartoons. It's still a good animation to watch.

Overall, that's relatively a not bad start for Studio Ponoc as their first animation feature and I am waiting for their future works, hoping they are going to be at least slightly better. And I wish they knew that animation of Studio Ghibli is great, yes, but we won't like other animations that copy their style just in sake of looking alike. Plot still matters. Director's work still matters. Music still matters. And everything else also matters. First, find a story to tell and don't rush. Then tell.

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Pretty but a bit flat
jamesrupert201412 December 2018
Once again, Hiromasa Yonebayashi has taken a British children's story ('The Little Broom' by Mary Stewart) and given it the anime treatment (previously he directed 'When Marnie was There' by Joan G. Robinson and 'The Secret World of Arrietty', based on 'The Borrowers' by Mary Norton). Unlike the first two adaptations, in which the characters were beautifully rendered, the main human characters in 'Mary and the Witch's Flower' have a typical 'TV-anime' look, so much so that I found their English accents incongruous. I didn't really like the steam-punk/high fantasy/organo-tech look of the laboratory scenes but the natural backgrounds were excellent, often as lush and detailed as those in Studio Ghibli films. While it may be intended as a homage, I found "MWF" to be quite derivative of films from Yonebayashi's famous alma mater, which is unfortunate, as it suffers in comparison with Ghibli's best work, lacking the depth of classics such as "Spirited Away" (2001) or "Princess Mononoke" (1997) or the striking visual imagination of "Howl's Moving Castle" (2004), and 'the little witch and her black cat' characters were much more engaging in "Kiki's Delivery Service" (1989). All that said, the film remains an entertaining family film, with a simple story, some colourful and fun imagery, and an enjoyable musical score.
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A little shallow
elizawallace21 January 2019
This film is beautifully animated but leaves something to be desired.

The characters and creatures are beautifully designed, as expected. The story provides some tension, but overall the fantastical world fell a little flat for me. The school environment was ripe for ideas and imagination but I felt there was very little offered.

The score was wonderful.

It's a mixed bag and a plesent casual viewing experience.
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A wannabe-Ghibli which misses the most important ingredient
weller7924 December 2018
The creators of "Mary and the Witch's Flower" try hard to make a Ghibli-style movie, but they end doing something generic and ultimately annoying, even if visually beautiful. What they miss are real characters, as the protagonist is bland and anonymous, and the other characters are basically totally empty, with no personalities nor motivations. So the movie is all about action, with pointless dialogues, no poetry, no emotions and no soul. A missed opportunity.
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Not Ghibli, but not far off
cliftonofun1 August 2018
This movie may not be Studio Ghibli, but it manages a pretty convincing impersonation. And honestly? That was sufficient. The story cooked right away, the twists and turns were fun, and the film felt a little bizarre in the best of ways. When your kid finds this little gem on Netflix, it is that rare moment when you get a treat, as well.
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What a great anime! Studio Ponoc rocks.
fleecemas9 March 2018
What a stunning debut from Studio Ponoc! The animation is gorgeous and multi-layered, and the music is stunning. The themes, while familiar, are done in unique and meaningful ways. I felt small influences of other great animes like Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, and even the great Akira. Some ideas and homages to Legend, The Dark Crystal, and Harry Potter. The plot involves a young girl who finds a magical flower that enables her to be a witch. She finds the Endor College for Witches and embarks upon her training. This was a visual feast, and I cannot wait to see it again. This is the best anime that I have seen in years, and Studio Ponoc is one to watch for the future.
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Cute story.
invisibleunicornninja15 December 2018
This is a beautifully animated story. While there isn't a lot of depth, its very entertaining and cute. I would definetly recommend it.
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Not an anime fan, but I enjoyed this movie!
RachelCop15 August 2018
Now before people assume I hate all anime, I don't. I just hate that most of the anime is either sexual or violence, which is why I usually don't give anime a chance. Slowly I've been giving it a chance, if it's appropriate and have some kind of adventure to it.

But anyways, Mary and the witch's flower is an amazing movie! The animation is gorgeous, I love all the details and backgrounds. I even like Mary as a character, at times she can even be relatable. I think the only nitpick I have is the way they introduced Peter, yes I know he's teasing and all but he seemed a bit of a jerk to Mary at first. Other than that the movie is pretty enjoyable, we do get a bit of a plot twist with one of the characters and I thought it was a nice touch to it.
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I wish I could attend a magical university.
MK_Movie_Reviews5 December 2021
Because this movie has a red-haired witch and a black cat, it is often compared to the latest Studio Ghibli film, Earwig and the Witch. Mary Smith is a lovely, active girl with red hair. This movie is also a bit similar to "The Kiki's Delivery Service". It's Russia castle and a witch college where witches are trained. It is an adventure action movie that can be enjoyed by both children and adults.
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Negative reviews don't lie
callsomeoneyoulove10 September 2021
It's full of meaningless dialogues that break the beautiful silence.

Let this be an example of how not to do it.
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Give it a chance
iben_frederiksen17 January 2021
The movie is insanely beautifully animated through its' entirety. But it lacks a little in story and its' characters. The first half of the movie works really well in setting up the story - I especially enjoyed the first third of it immensely. But the last half feels rushed and a little chaotic. We don't really know much about Mary, but we certainly know more about her than Peter, who barely gets any personality at all.

It's hard not to compare it to Studio Ghibli, especially since a lot of the animators from Ghibli created Studio Ponoc after Miyazaki's "retirement". And in that regard it feels very much like it's trying to capture the spirit of a Ghibli movie, which honestly feels a little forced. I mean it is almost entirely made up of elements from Kiki's delivery Service, Laputa and Totoro.

The artwork however is truly magnificent, and on par with Ghibli's greatest.
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If you love Studio Ghibli...
twentystcenturychristian11 August 2021
Studio Ponoc's thoroughly enjoyable first feature film could have come straight out of Studio Ghibli, with the same loving attention to artistic expression combined with solid story telling. Ghibli fans will feel completely at home watching it, however, it easily stands up in its own right and indeed is a more entertaining story than some of the slower-paced Ghibli films.

The magical (in every sense) story is a kind of cross between Harry Potter and Kiki's Delivery Service. It is well told, carrying the story swiftly along without any sense of being rushed.

The English dub has been well cast and scripted.

As a Ghibli fan I'm looking forward to seeing what side Studio Ponic will produce.
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