MythBusters: The Search (TV Series 2017) Poster

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It's the Same Narrator...
sentientsight9 January 2017
I'm a fan of the original, however this is a Reality Elimination Show and isn't my thing. Would've worked better without the host and just the Narrator keeping the viewer up to speed.

Contestants compete with each other as they build cool contraptions and blow stuff up similar to MythBusters. Just don't expect any real MythBusting from this series, it's not what it's about.

I hope that the writers/researchers are able to provide the winners with enough content and that the team will have their own unique persona's and not be imitations of the original MythBusters.

If you like Reality Elimination Shows, or want to "get to know" the new MythBusters team before they start, watch it, I doubt it's worse than any other show of it's genre.
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What were they thinking?
finkelman28 January 2017
So the show is game/reality show on replacing the original MythBusters duo. What made Adam and Jamie so great was their personalities and how they played off each other. The key word here is PERSONALITY.

This ridiculous game/reality show doesn't let the viewer see the contestants personalities. The rehash old myths and do builds. I couldn't tell you the name of any contestant if my life depended on it.

We don't care if they can build. We care if they are engaging.

Hell, the host has a great personality which shows on his Because Science YouTube channel, but you don't see that at all. He just comes off looking like some random guy.
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Huge fan of the original..... the lamenting cry of Star Wars fans...
danielstala9 January 2017
Yes, you read that right... I am a huge fan of the original and I was foaming at the mouth to hear a new era of Mythbusters was going to dawn upon this terrible world.... and instead we got a mutant; of what we once loved and what the lowest rung in society loves.

I watched Mythbusters because it was unlike so many of the mind-numbing shows out there, oh like the elimination shows with their idiotic "safe rose" (now wrench) or what ever, and malignant ceremony of kicking off the easy target. You know who should have been first to be kicked off; Kyle Hill, the walking human versions of a cringe moment of a host.

Okay, it's the first show, dump Kyle Hill, so I am willing to stick it through , dump Kyle Hill, a little longer and also why I gave it, dump Kyle Hill, five stars.... who am I kidding as long as they dump Kyle Hill after the awkward and annoying selection process I'll watch.

"Stupid Flanders"
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gspencley6 February 2017
I am a huge fan of the original Mythbusters: I've seen every episode, I took my family to see Adam and Jamie live during their "Behind the Myths Tour", I have bought Mythbusters merchandise / collectibles that sit proudly in my living room. If any Discovery Channel executives read this review, if a BluRay box set of the entire original Mythbusters TV show with specials and extras were to come out I would pre-order it without thinking twice.

I gave "The Search" an honest chance. I went into the first episode with an open mind and tried to have as few expectations as possible.

I came out realizing that Discovery has no idea who the Mythbusters demographic is. This is a show that was made for someone who is not me.

What made Mythbusters special was that it was a science show wrapped in an entertaining package. Jamie and Adam formed hypotheses by using common myths and urban legends, and found creative ways to falsify those hypotheses in entertaining ways.

The Search seems to think that it can reach it's demographic with the following:

1) Nostalgia: rather than present new myths to the teams, they borrow premises from past episodes and think that we will somehow care about watching competing teams reinvent the wheel. What we miss is the people: Adam, Jamie, Kari, Grant, Tori ... the myths themselves are not something we're really all that interested in seeing busted again. Give us something new.

2) The Reality TV Trend: most Mythbusters fans that I know, myself included, do not like reality television at all. We are not the same people that watch Dancing with the Stars or The Voice. We are people who grew up on Bill Nye The Science Guy and Beakman's World. We don't want to see teams of people compete. We're not "people" people. Reality shows are about interpersonal conflict and drama. We are the type of people who stay home and read books about history and science fiction... we avoid interpersonal drama like the plague.

3) Kyle Hill: I can't understand for the life of me why this guy is the host of anything science-related. He claims he has a science background and I don't want to challenge that, he probably does, but I don't get that impression from watching or listening to him. As an on-air personality he comes across like he should have been cast to play Thor. Too much "surfer dude" and "super model", too little of anything else. In my opinion he brings nothing to the show. I think Discovery figured that by casting a male super-model they can market the show to a broader demographic. Again, a demographic that does not include fans of Mythbusters.

This show is making Mythbusters fans worried. We get it, it's not meant to "be" Mythbusters. It's a competition to find the hosts of a new show. But this show is evidence that Discovery either a) does not understand the demographic that Mythbusters appealed to or b) they don't care and they intend to use the brand to market to a demographic that does not include fans of the original show.
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Cast is trying to hard
vern-729-14973215 January 2017
I too had high hopes when I first heard about this but even the PREVIEWS and commercials were so annoying my hopes slowly were dashed. Finally when the show started I could see it was never ever ever, even in it's wildest dreams, going to be remotely, fractionally close to the original.

The main problem with this concept is WHY Mythbusters was a hit for such a long time.

t was not the concept looking for casting. It was not the "pitch" of the show to a producer or network that made it a hit.

The reason Mythbusters was a smash hit, successful and an inspiration to so many people was because of the two hosts period. Without that chemistry, without that GENUINE surprise, joy, enthusiasm to what they were trying to do it wouldn't have worked.

This new show starts of right away with one of the worst elements (in my humble opinion) of "reality" shows. The COMPETITION and kicking someone out.

I despise "vote someone off" TV shows with a passion. They come up with this "forced" work together for a goal with an undercurrent of "working together but secretly against each other". You can't separate that no matter how hard you try.

The original Mythbusters was the TOTAL OPPOSITE of that horrible reality show concept. Tthe joy of the original Mythbusters was the camaraderie, the working together to figure stuff out. Yes, yes, I know that Adam and Jamie had "competitions" but they were simply fun and no potential careers were on the line. Neither of them was going to "lose their job" if they lost. (I actually think I heard once that Jamie didn't enjoy the competitions but I may be wrong.) Personally I never liked those competitions.

Another problem with this "search" concept is that all of the cast are TRYING TOO HARD!!!!!! Good grief STOP TRYING SO HARD. It's ANNOYING when some of the cast simply gush and act like morons, doing really really REALLY bad impressions of Adam (or Jamie to some degree). I guarantee the end result of this show will be two "clones" of Adam and Jamie which is a HUGE mistake. I agree they need a new idea.

Adam Savage's silly, childish personality was 100% real based on who he is and it was clear and believable. The behavior of most of THIS cast is as fake and unbelievable as a 3 dollar bill. It reminds of me of little kids shows when the hosts are completely over the top baby talking happy and over the top enthusiastic because the audience is tiny children.

I find the majority of the cast unremarkable and unwatchable for more than a few minutes before I start to gag or have to avert my eyes and cover my ears. Those that don't annoy me are simply unremarkable. They have zero personality or their personality is so fake I don't see it lasting very long before they crack under the pressure.

This show will fail is my prediction. Any resulting "Mythbusters Reboot" will also fail... but I am thinking maybe... this is NOT about finding new Mythbusters hosts but ONLY about another "Survivor" show.

What a shame if the Mythbusters reboot is just a new show about pretending to try and find someone as interesting as the original cast.
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Short but honest word/words abt this series
idontcq7 March 2017
I can summarize this series with one word: NO!

Its simple: This will not even come close to the original series. Let Mythbusters rest in peace without trying to milk a lot of money out of the brand and destroy it in the process. Start a NEW series instead, with a new name and logo.
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Not worth the watch!
gideon-5475415 January 2017
Look, I understand that this isn't the next Mythbusters season and is just the search for the next group. However, this is just pitiful to watch and just can't cope with the reputation of the original Mythbusters in the current form it is in.

I'm all for giving people a chance, as people can surprise you, but the people they got for this series just does not seem to fit the part. In the original Mythbusters, the groups all seemed balanced out with each other, they fit and appeared to work well even if that were TV magic or not. In this search for the next Mythbusters, nobody seems to have a connection towards each other. Every excessive laugh or even a single laugh, every joke, every plan seems forced and pre-determined. It's as if they're trying so hard to be appealing to the viewer and to each other, and from my point of view, it is definitely not working. Even with the thought that maybe they just need to grow on each other it just does not seem like it was meant to be or even decent. They're just trying so hard to fit in and be funny that it's just weird and actually annoying.

The host as well does not seem like he knows much of what he's doing, even if he does, he does not portray that.

Using the idea of an elimination reality show also seems like a completely odd idea for finding the next Mythbusters. This doesn't make much sense and also drastically increases the factor of chance or luck as being one of the main components to being the next Mythbusters. The original Mythbusters, which pertained to the idea of elimination of mistakes or possible problems with experiments, seems completely opposite of an elimination by challenge type of search.

Honestly, they still are striving to bust myths so I suppose I can't say that they shouldn't call the show Mythbusters and just switch it to something else. However, if the groups are to continue as they are, I believe the real purpose of Mythbusters, which wasn't just to test myths, but was also to entertain the audience in being able to show the world things that you probably wouldn't have ever tested or even thought of before and give these people a passion for science, then one of the main components of this purpose would be lost. The entertainment. The joy in watching Mythbusters not only came from the results of the myths, but seeing them put it together with their ideas, thinking processes, and bad puns or jokes. As with most cases, with the lost of fun and entertainment, the loss of interest is quick to follow. This involves the show and science in itself. In watching the groups in this series work, the only part of the show I wanted to watch was the results. The groups themselves seem like a slightly-boring filler trying too hard to pass off as amazing content.

Hopefully they develop into something that will prove this entire review wrong once the next official Mythbusters have been chosen.
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The Bar Has Been Lowered Yet Again
ranseglorome29 January 2017
Anybody familiar with the original MythBusters is likely familiar with its gradual decline. The first 5 or 6 season were the "golden age" and then they started tweaking the formula for ratings / to reach a wider audience (i.e. less and less substance, and more and more "wow factor"). The last few seasons had devolved into a sort of "witches brew" of scripted reality TV, and a race to blow something up / create a spectacle, magnificently void of logic / reasoning.

"MythBusters: The Search" has once again lowered the bar. The show is now formatted as a competition, yet they attempt to shoehorn the elements of the original into the new format as if nothing has changed (e.g. classifying a myth as confirmed, plausible, or busted, when the new format provides virtually no rigorous, empirical justification for doing so).

To present this uncontrolled, "fly by the seat of your pants" science (if you can even call it that) which takes place under the new competition format, as any sort of definitive, reproducible result is downright idiotic.

Their mistake was using the "MythBusters" name for the show, as it creates a certain expectation, which goes magnificently unfulfilled.
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Show full of communication majors wanting to be scientists. Their physics are often wrong.
rxhuang-2679024 August 2017
Kyle Hill doesn't even know elementary physics. There are so many misconceptions of physics equations and concepts on his nerdist youtube channel. Also, this guy's acting is freaking cringey as hell. This show is going to get canceled. It sucks so bad. The original myth busters had REAL scientists and engineers. This show is just a bunch of communication majors wanna be scientists. Horrible show.
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Interesing concept
fagermo15 January 2017
I'm not as biased as many of the other reviewers here. Both Adam, and Jamie have said that they are done with the show. And Kari, Tori, and Grant might not have gotten the big exit the fans wanted, but they are also still done with the show. But even though the hosts are done, we are not done with myths. I can understand this concept and it is a refreshing take on the reality genre. We get to revisit some of the classic myths and we get to see a team of new hosts form. But I would say that in the first episodes it's hard to see some of the ones who is eliminated, which is maybe why they are eliminated in the first place. What I do like is that it still has a some what Mythbusters feel to it by revisiting old locations and that the premise is still to bust or confirm myths. But considering the number of contestants, it gets pretty hectic at first. I'm excited to see who will win in the end and if the winners will have a dynamic that will work for both themselves and the fans.
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Simply Terrible!
mr-roboto-kilroy8 January 2017
The only reason why I tried to watch this TV show to begin with is because I thought that it might be cool like the original Myth Busters was or at least come close. I was sadly mistaken! This TV Series is so bad that I couldn't even get through the first episode. The host is an idiot and the show is poorly directed and written. How in the hell did they get the rights to use the "Myth Buster" name? What a major and disappointment and failure! I can't see this lasting too long, but that's what I said about Honey Boo Boo too! If you want my advice, don't bother wasting your time. Or you can, just to see if you agree with me or not. It's like they intentionally tried to make it a flop so that they'd have a good tax write off!
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Do not expect Mythbusters.. rather expect Junkyard Wars and you'll like it more
mngjones-880-4615654 March 2017
As a huge Mythbusters fan I was expecting a continuation... and was disappointed.. but then I started watching with an open mind.. and realised that I have been missing shows like Junkyard wars, Scrapheap challenge & Monster garage... this show resembles hose far more than the original Mythbusters and there is a niche for that format.. but call it Mythbusters Challenge.. do not drag us along into believing that this will somehow morph into Mythbusters II... it wont. In my opinion, an entertaining show, with a market, but badly marketed.
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Unbelievable bad and not in a good way
dmraci18 February 2017
I agree with another posted review, these people are trying too hard, the fake enthusiasm, trying to mimic the old cast is just hard to stomach. Rewatching the same old myths is boring and judging them like Survivor with your vote, voting them off for some silly judgmental reason just doesn't cut it.

Find someone who is reluctant to be in front of the camera, experience in the special effects business and a sidekick wing man with some TV experience, like the old cast and just go with it, instead of this faux talent show.

What was it that SpencerTracy said to a young actor when he asked him what he did, the guy replied I'm an actor ", Tracy said "Well, don't let anyone catch you at it".

That's the problem here. You catch them constantly acting.
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Try Something Original not Reimagining
lastdomino15 January 2017
Don't try to replace Adam and Jamie. They are true originals. Try something new with a new name. This is worse than awful. It is sweet that they are educated and definite fans of the Originals but it doesn't need to be done. What was original about the show will be gone. New ideas to try is still not something original.

I love the idea of a Reality search for something; just not a new Mythbusters. Why not just a new show. Same folks who loved Mythbusters but name it something new with new intentions, new ideas, more original. This group really deserves to do something original; yet more of a spin-off from the Mythbusters. New Name. New People. New Show. New concept.
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not worth it
rbertelsen-551-8967528 January 2017
Just don't waste your time. Loved the original. This show is so contrived; so well, vote on. The original show had premises that were tested. This show simply says - here is what you need to do so go do it. Side-ways ejection seat - WHY. Flattus football - WHY. Nothing is set up - it is just thrown at you.

I truly hope the mythbuster show lives on. This show is not the way to do it.

I want to see the original where something with substance is presented then the busters take it apart and show where things agree or don't ... not this voted off the island show.
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Incredibly Bad: Only to be watched as humiliation porn
specr18 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Only watch for the morbid fascination seeing a corpse decompose.

This week's elimination was unknown only because the losing team had the following different people: someone who was struggling with using an angle grinder; someone who didn't know how to open the hood of a car; someone who seemed to be making last minutes changes to the control of a system (that eventually fired prematurely); and a group lead who seemed to be fine with over-pressuring a pneumatic system (that eventually fired prematurely). What drama.

And the losing team wasn't even the one that looked most incompetent during the build!

Eventually they went with a choice they were signaling throughout the show. Why they chose this person to be on the show at all is baffling. Presumably just for the humiliation potential.

The host is entirely without any kind of scientific or engineering authority. The final set of new Mythbusters will have earned the respect of an editor at some tech website. I would pity the children while watching him evaluate the work of a junior high school shop class. Watching him comment on some of the more experienced workers while they nod and cheer actually reduces my respect for them.

The people who are selected by this process may or may not be technically/scientifically savvy and have the charisma to host a TV show. I don't know. But they will certainly be able to denigrate themselves.

I could go on and it was only an hour long show.

Terrible. Just terrible.
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So you cancel Mythbusters to give us THIS?
JazzGott8 July 2017
This will be a short review.

Discovery thought, that they simply can't have a show on air, that is watchable for the "Old Discovery" fans. In the reality discovery era everything has to be a forced play on fake emotions, casting out etc.

Mythbusters are a part of me, of who I grew up to be. Reality TV is not. Hackers, builders, nerds, geeks, people passionate about science, projects, building stuff are too intelligent for reality TV. We simply won't buy it.

All in all Mythbusters The Search is pretty much like the new Top Gear. Cringeworthy attempt to squeeze some money of a brand, without understanding, that the success of the brand was not its logo, but the chemistry between the hosts and then the actual content.

Tory, Grant and Kari did a show called "White Rabbit Project". I'm starting to watch it right as I type these words. It's not Mythbusters, but I reckon it's OK to watch. Don't bother watching if you are a fan of the Mythbusters.
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Nowhere close
adayso30 December 2017
I would rather watch reruns of the original Mythbusters then 15 minutes of the new cast Mythbusters. Being an engineer with over 4 years experience in the Aerospace industry, the new MythBusters pair are lacking in many facets. They're trying to to replicate the magic that Jamie and Adam had, with extremely poor results. Some things can never be repeated or improved upon. The Science Channel would have better results showing past episodes of The MythBusters original series.
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I Have Hope...
colinmjerista16 March 2017
The show itself... okay... They basically casted Thor as a host, and made it a reality show which I did not like. but, they did revisit some old myths with modern technology, and made super cool gadgets... I have hope for the new hosts though. I just can't deny anything myth busters, and I doubt anyone else really can.
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pauld-234903 January 2018
They should have let the show die with the ICON cast. the new show is garbage and the new cast is boring !
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It's more fun to match socks
neverhere-439018 January 2017
Yet another elimination show populated with good looking young people and hipsters. I watched the show thinking Adam and Jamie may make an appearance and offer advice or humorous commentary but instead I watched these entirely unlikable people complete in a challenge that was more about them then the science. I foresee a lot of drama and competition treachery in the next several weeks. Trying to get a room full of engineers to agree on anything Is difficult. Try adding the element of a promise to be in a TV show and you might as well herd cats. I have a myth for you Discovery, place ten or so people that no one will like in a show and see if it survives. Myth busted. If that one doesn't work try this one, replace two established audience favorites with a gaggle of people who are smarter than you and wouldn't hesitate to tell you and make it work. Myth busted.
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It's lost
traveltothesun1 November 2017
All I can say is, I won't be watching it. I think when the advertisers see the ratings it will die a quick death. It and the new wheeler dealers are on the same path. Trying to take something that had a good format and put in new people just doesn't work. Some one tries a new spin and it stops. Some times death before dishonor works.
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A waste of my time.
nordevil1 November 2017
Greed wins over common sense yet again. When will they learn ? Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage was and still is " Mythbusters " and NO ONE can ever take their place. The chemistry between these 2 men kept me glued in front of my TV. Learning fun things was great but it was Jamie and Adam is what me addicted to the show. Greedy people need to learn that fans can not be bought. Top Gear is done for. NCIS is next to go but they do not care. I will NEVER watch any new version of Mythbusters, Top Gear or 6 and half men.
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The contestants are well qualified by the production is bad
douneisou-4177328 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I understand that this is a completely different show from the original series so I will not make the comparison at all. Anyway it is a bad idea to combine "science" with "reality show". Reality show focuses on the social relationship between people, like how they work together or provoke each other. However science should never have subjective and emotional biases in it. Of course the audiences will complain that they are not seeing what they expected to see.

Also, people who have enough talents to be the next myth busters are usually nerds that they devote much of their lives in learning and inventing cool stuffs rather than dealing with people, so most of the contestants do not have the TV personalities that qualify a good reality show. Allen is an exception because he's a YouTuber and is good at appealing himself to the audience. Hackett is another very interesting guy, as I observed from his previous TV series named "Stuck With Hackett". It's such a waste that they put him in a low key position, covering all his funny and creative sides. So far as I see, "The Search" fails miserably at presenting any interesting personality from the contestants to make it a good reality show.

Meanwhile, the experimental designs for the individual competition are just way off science. It's a good idea to test their physical and mental capacity, just like in a normal real reality show, but taking samples from such a small number of amateurs to draw a "scientific" conclusion is just ridiculous. For me personally, I want to learn some real engineering stuff rather than knowing somebody in the team is slacking off or is abandoned by his teammates. Therefore, they also fail at making this a good science show.

However, I am giving it 5 out of 10 is because I like the hard works so far done by the contestants. They are talented people, and I like seeing the process of problem solving. And it's totally OK for me to choose the next generation of myth busters from them. I hope that will make the Myth Busters series fun in a different way.
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hydnalger11 August 2017
I cannot believe this, they think that they can get us to watch a show that has basically stolen the title of a show that has already ended truly and properly, this is the most DISRESPECTFUL thing I have ever seen, You can't take the name of a show, try to replicate it, (and do it very poorly) and expect to get money off of it, CANCEL THIS SHOW, TAKE IT DOWN, IT DOES NOT DESERVE TO HAVE THE NAME "Mythbusters"
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